Edison TX-928-H Operating Manual

The m anual i s subje ct to cha nge wit hout no tice Vers ion :V1-2
Operating Manual
Product Introduction 2
Product Features 2
Technical Datas 3
LCD Display and Functions 4
Dimensions 5
Advanced Setting
Wiring Diagrams 
Installation Diagrams
Trouble Shooting
Product Features
TX-9 28-H ser ies are availa ble for boi ler,
mani fold a nd und erflo or hea tin g s ystem
with 7-day, 6-per i o d t i m e p r o g r a m
cont rol. M ode ls are with NTC sen sor to
dete ct ambi ent and floor tempera ture
and do the c ont rol by co mpare d with th e
sett ing one. Manual , time pro gram and temp orary mod e can b e sw itche d an y time by pressi ng the rel evant
keys . De-frost p rot ection fun ction will be act ive w hen amb ien t temp erature below 5, prev ent wat er p ipe fro m freez ing and
burn ing.
17-da y, 6-per iod time pro gra m
2Touch scr een LCD with b lue b ackli ght
3De-f rost prote cti on5
4Key- lock funct ion
5Memo ry functio n (ca n not mem ori zed on/ off cond ition)
6Adva nced setti ng
7Doub le sensors t o con trol an d lim it the temp.
8Ingr ess Protec tio n:IP2 0
9Flam e retardan t PC
Product Introduction
LCD display
LCD display and FunctionsTechnical Datas
Cons umption:<2W
Powe r supply: ~240VAC 50/60Hz
Outp ut switch: Ac tive conta ct (NO) and pa ssi ve cont act ( NO)
Max. C urrent
On/ Off di ff ere ntial temp .: 1~5
Tra nspor t and s torage tem p. : -20~60
Rela tive humid ity: 10%~9 0% (N o condensa tion)
Sett ing temp.: 5 ~35/0.5 per s tep
Accu racy: 1
Temp. lim itation: 3 0~60(exte rna l sensor)
Wiring por t: 󰾡2.5 mm²
Work ing temp.: 0 ~50
1. Man ual contro l mod e
LCD displa ys “ ” , the contro ller i s unde r m anu al set ting. In the
“ON” state, press “ ” to swich t he manua l con tro l mod e or tim e
prog ram contro l mod e.
2. Time c ontrol mod e
LCD displays “ ”, adjust temp erature of pe rio ds au tomatica lly
agai nst time program settin g. In the “ON” s tate, press “ ” to
swit ch the time pr ogr am cont rol m ode or manua l control mo de.
3. Temporar y con trol mo de
LCD displays “ ” and “ ”, c urrent period is manual cont rol
mode , but ne xt period r esu me to th e t ime prog ram cont rol mode.
In t he time pro gram con trol mod e, press “ ” or “ ” to en ter into
temp orary cont rol mode.
Day Displa y
Manual Con tr ol
Tim e Co nt ro l
Clock/ Setting Temp er at ur e/ OFF
Tim e Pr og ra m
Temp er at ure Valu e
Temp er at ure
20 Amp Max
at least
+ 4 hidden pages