Edison EdPack1 Setup Manual

Getting started with Edison
Guide to setting up for success
The Getting Started with Edison Guide by Microbric Pty Ltd is licensed under
Welcome! ................................................................................................................... 3
Setting up Edison ....................................................................................................... 3
Get Edison ready .................................................................................................... 3
Get your programming devices ready ..................................................................... 4
Setting up Windows computers ........................................................................... 4
Setting up Mac computers .................................................................................. 5
Setting up tablets ................................................................................................ 5
Meet Edison ............................................................................................................... 7
Edison’s sensors, buttons and switches ................................................................. 7
Connecting Edison to a computer or tablet ............................................................. 8
Programming Edison .................................................................................................. 9
Barcodes .............................................................................................................. 10
EdBlocks ............................................................................................................... 11
EdWare ................................................................................................................. 12
EdPy ..................................................................................................................... 13
Teaching with Edison ............................................................................................... 14
What to teach first ................................................................................................. 14
Teaching the programming languages ................................................................. 14
Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................... 15
Where to start ....................................................................................................... 15
Line tracking ......................................................................................................... 15
Obstacle detection ................................................................................................ 15
Where to get help ................................................................................................. 16
Looking for more ideas? ........................................................................................... 16
Checklist: setting up for success with your Edison robot .......................................... 17
You are now the proud owner of an Edison robot. Edison is the perfect tool to help teach you about electronics, programming and robotics in a fun and engaging way.
This guide will help you to get the most out of Edison, including all of the robot’s built-in sensors, outputs and motors. Remember, Edison is a tool designed to introduce you to the amazing world of robotics. Proper care and maintenance are important to help keep your Edison in the best shape possible.
Setting up Edison
Each Edison robot arrives in a small orange box. Open the box and remove Edison by unrolling the interior cardboard. You will then need to complete some quick set up on both Edison and the computing device you are planning to use to program Edison.
Get Edison ready
To get Edison ready for use, you need to:
1. Open the battery compartment at the back of Edison and remove the EdComm programming cable. The EdComm cable is used to download programs to Edison. It connects into the headphone socket on your computer or tablet. Please remove this from the battery compartment but keep it somewhere safe!
2. Insert 4 ‘AAA’ batteries. Please refer to the picture to ensure that the batteries are inserted correctly. Be sure to reclose the battery case by clipping the battery cover back on.
Ensure the batteries are in the right way.
Special noteEdison and batteries:
Low or flat batteries can cause issues with Edison. For this reason, please be sure to use fresh, fully charged batteries.
Only use regular disposable alkaline batteries or nickel metal hydride (NiMH) rechargeable batteries. Never use super heavy duty or heavy-duty batteries.
Be sure that the batteries are inserted correctly to avoid damaging Edison.
3. To turn Edison on, flip the robot over. Slide the power switch to the ‘on’ position, as shown in the picture. This will turn Edison on, and the red LED lights will start flashing.
Please note: While Edison will turn off automatically if not used after five minutes, we recommend you turn the robot off manually when not in use.
Get your programming devices ready
Edison can be programmed using a range of different computers and tablets. Different computing devices require slightly different initial setup. Please find your device type listed below.
Setting up Windows computers
Step 1: disable sound enhancements
The most critical set-up item with Windows machines is disabling any sound enhancements. Sound enhancements, sometimes called ‘audio enhancements’ are
audio enhancement software packages designed to improve how your computer’s
specific hardware sounds. Windows machines often have these sound enhancements automatically enabled, which can cause problems when using Edison. You will find step-by-step video guides showing you how to disable sound
enhancements for standard Window’s sound enhancements as well as the most
common third-party software programs on our website at
If your school or organisation uses an image to control the network computers’
settings, we recommend you speak to your network administrator about having sound enhancements disabled on the image.
Push the switch towards the ‘on’ symbol.
Special notemanaged networks:
If you are using computing devices on a network with a managed firewall, common at schools, please ensure that the URL of the programming application you are using has been added to your proxy white-list (e.g.
www.edblocksapp.com for the EdBlocks app). Contact your network
administrator for assistance in this instance.
Step 2: check the volume
Many devices have built-in safety settings that reduce the volume when an audio device is connected using the headphone jack. Please check that your volume is turned all the way up to 100% after plugging in the EdComm programming cable to your device.
Some devices, especially in Europe, have a hard lock on volume whenever an audio device is detected. This means that the device is ‘locked’ to only deliver a maximum volume of approximately 75% of the device max volume when an audio device is
detected. To correct this, go into the device’s settings and disable the hard lock, to
enable the device to emit true full volume, even with an audio device plugged in.
Step 3: check your browser
Ensure you have a compatible web browser installed. We recommend running all of the programming applications using Chrome for best results.
Setting up Mac computers
Step 1: check the volume
Some Macs experience audio clipping errors when attempting to program Edison. If you experience these issues, please try dropping your volume from 100% to between 50% and 90% instead.
Many devices have built-in safety settings that reduce the volume when an audio device is connected using the headphone jack. Please check that your volume is set to the correct volume level after plugging in the EdComm programming cable to your device.
Step 2: check your browser
Ensure you have a compatible web browser installed. We recommend running all of the programming applications using Chrome for best results.
Setting up tablets
Step 1: check the volume
Many devices have built-in safety settings that reduce the volume when an audio device is connected using the headphone jack. Please check that your volume is turned all the way up to 100% after plugging in the EdComm programming cable to your device.
Some devices, especially in Europe, have a hard lock on volume whenever an audio device is detected. This means that the device is ‘locked’ to only deliver a maximum
volume of approximately 75% of the device max volume when an audio device is
detected. To correct this, go into the device’s settings and disable the hard lock, to
enable the device to emit true full volume, even with an audio device plugged in.
Step 2: check your browser
Ensure you have a compatible web browser installed. We recommend running all of the programming applications using Chrome for best results.
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