Your EdVenture into Robotics
You’re a Controller
Barcode - Clap controlled driving

Introduction ............................................................................................ 3
Getting started ........................................................................................ 4
EdVenture 1 – Clap controlled driving .................................................... 6
EdVenture 2 – Avoid obstacles .............................................................. 7
EdVenture 3 – Follow torch .................................................................... 8
EdVenture 4 – Line tracking ................................................................... 9
EdVenture 5 – Bounce in borders ........................................................ 11
EdVenture 6 – Sumo wrestle ................................................................ 12
EdVenture 7 – Remote control driving .................................................. 13
Calibrate obstacle detection ................................................................. 15
What’s next? ........................................................................................ 16

Edison is your new robot buddy who will teach you about electronics, programing and
robotics in a fun and engaging way.
He’s equipped with all the sensors, outputs and motors needed to introduce you to the
amazing world of robotics.
That’s great, but what is robotics? Well
that’s not an easy question to answer.
Edison’s creator, Brenton O’Brien says “a
robot is a machine that can behave
autonomously” . This means that a robot
can think or make decisions on its own
and act on those decisions. Many other
people have different definitions, but we
like this one as it’s nice, simple and
applies to what you’re about to learn.
Robotics wouldn’t be possible without electronics, so Edison has his own electronics and
you can see it all through his transparent top. There are resistors, capacitors, transistors,
motors and more, but the most important electronic part is Edison’s microcontroller.
The microcontroller is like Edison’s brain. It’s where all
his ‘thinking’ happens. Edison’s microcontroller is very
similar to the processor chip inside a computer, only
much smaller. And just like a processor chip in a
computer, Edison’s microcontroller has programs. The
programs allow Edison to make decisions and ‘think’ for
Edison comes with pre-loaded programs that are activated by driving over special
barcodes. Here is a sample barcode that activates Edison’s line tracking program.
Edison the LEGO compatible robot
A barcode that activates Edison’s line tracking program

Getting started
Let’s get Edison ready to go!
Open the battery compartment and
remove the programming cable. Now
insert 4 ‘AAA’ batteries. Refer to the
image to ensure that the batteries are
the correct way around and clip the
battery cover on.
If you haven’t already done so, stretch
the tyres over the wheels.
Turn Edison on by sliding the power
switch to the on position. Edison’s
red LED lights will now start
Edison is ready to go!
Ensure the batteries are the right way
Push the switch towards the on symbol

Get to know Edison
To use Edison you’re going to need to know where all his sensors are and what his three
buttons do. Have a look at the images below. You may need to come back and have
another look as we go through the EdVentures.
Play button – Start program
Stop button – Press to stop a program
Record button – 1 press = download program, 3 presses = read barcode
Edison’s line tracking sensor is made up
of two parts a red LED light and a light
sensor. The red LED shines light on the
ground, if the ground is white and
therefore, reflects light then the light
sensor will get a high light reading. If the
ground is black and therefore, does not
reflect light then the light sensor gets a
low light reading.
The EdComm cable is used to download
programs to Edison. It connects into the
headphone socket on your computer or tablet.
Get to know Edison’s sensors and buttons
Edison’s power switch and line tracking sensor