Edimax Technology Co 9578331604 Users Manual

Quick Installation Guide
05-2016 / v1.0
I. Product Information .............................................................................. 1
II. Installation ............................................................................................ 3
III. Windows ............................................................................................... 4
IV. Mac OS ................................................................................................. 9
V. Disabling Network Adapters ................................................................. 15
VI. Using The Adapter ................................................................................ 18
MMuullttii--LLaanngguuaaggee QQuuiicckk IInnssttaallllaattiioonn GGuuiiddee ((QQIIGG)) oonn tthhee CCDD
Čeeššttiinnaa: Českého průvodce rychlou instalací naleznete na přiloženém CD s ovladači
з інструкцією на CD
: Finden Sie bitte das deutsche S.A.L. beiliegend in der Treiber CD
l: Incluido en el CD el G.R.I. en Español.
: Veuillez trouver l’français G.I.R ci-joint dans le CD
: Incluso nel CD il Q.I.G. in Italiano.
A magyar telepítési útmutató megtalálható a mellékelt CD-n
s: De nederlandse Q.I.G. treft u aan op de bijgesloten CD
i: Skrócona instrukcja instalacji w języku polskim znajduje się na załączonej płycie
s: Incluído no CD o G.I.R. em Portugues
Найдите Q.I.G. на pусскoм языке на приложеном CD
: Ü rün ile beraber gelen CD içinde Türkçe Hızlı Kurulum Kılavuzu'nu bulabilirsiniz
: Для швидкого налаштування Вашого пристрою, будь ласка, ознайомтесь
I. Product Information
LED Status
Wireless activity: transmitting or receiving data.
No wireless activity.
I-1. Package Contents
I-2. LED Status
I-3. System Requirements
- Windows 7/8/8.1~, Mac OS X 10.7~, Linux
- Minimum USB 2.0 Port (USB 3.0 recommended)
- Hard Disk: 100MB
- CD-ROM Drive
I-4. Safety
In order to ensure the safe operation of the device and its users, please read and act in accordance with the following safety instructions.
1. The wireless adapter is designed for indoor use only; do not place the
wireless adapter outdoors.
2. Do not place the wireless adapter in or near hot/humid places, such as a
kitchen or bathroom.
3. The wireless adapter contains small parts which are a danger to small
children under 3 years old. Please keep the wireless adapter out of reach of children.
4. There are no user-serviceable parts inside the wireless adapter. If you
experience problems with the wireless adapter, please contact your dealer of purchase and ask for help.
5. The wireless adapter is an electrical device and as such, if it becomes wet
for any reason, stop using it immediately. Contact an experienced electrical technician for further help.
II. Installation
1. Switch on your computer and insert the USB adapter into an available USB
port of your computer.
Never use force to insert the USB adapter.
2. Insert the included CD-ROM into the CD drive of your computer.
The setup wizard is also available for download from the Edimax website.
3. For Windows users the setup wizard will open. For Mac users the CD’s
“Mac” folder will open.
If the CD doesn’t auto-run or if you downloaded the setup wizard, please browse to the “Autorun” or “Mac” folder of the CD for
Windows or Mac users respectively.
4. Please follow the instructions in the appropriate chapter for your
operating system.
III. Windows
III-1. Driver Installation
If the CD didn’t auto-run, please open the “Autorun.exe” file to start the setup
1. Click the EW-7833UAC wireless USB adapter to continue.
2. Click “Install Driver” to continue.
3. Select your language and click “Next”.
4. Click “Next” to continue.
5. Please wait while the driver is installing.
6. You need to restart your computer before using the wireless adapter.
Choose whether to restart your computer now or later, and click “Finish”.
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