Edimax Technology Co 9577221202 User Manual

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Chapter I: Product Information ........................................................................................ 3
1-1 Introduction and safety information ................................................................................. 3
1-2 Safety Information .............................................................................................................. 4
1-3 System Requirements ....................................................................................................... 5
1-4 Package Contents .............................................................................................................. 5
1-5 Familiar with your new wireless network card ............................................................... 6
CHAPTER II: Driver Installation and Configuration ................................................ 7
2-1 Network Card Installation .................................................................................................. 7
2-2 Connect to Wireless Access Point ................................................................................. 13
2-2-1 Using Edimax Utility .............................................................................................. 14
2-3 Connection Profile Management .................................................................................... 19
2-3-1 Add a new entry .................................................................................................... 19
2-3-2 Remove an existing profile .................................................................................. 23
2-3-3 Edit an existing profile .......................................................................................... 24
2-3-4 Import / Export profile ........................................................................................... 25
2-3-5 WPS Profile Setup ................................................................................................ 27
2-4 View Link Status ............................................................................................................... 32
2-5 Advanced Settings ............................................................................................................ 35
2-5-1 ‘Advanced’ menu ................................................................................................... 35
CHAPTER III: Soft-AP Function ..................................................................................... 36
3-1 Switch to AP Mode and Station Mode ........................................................................... 36
3-2 Configure AP ..................................................................................................................... 37
3-3 Advanced Functionality .................................................................................................... 41
3-4 Access Control .................................................................................................................. 42
3-5 Associate List .................................................................................................................... 44
3-6 About .................................................................................................................................. 45
CHAPTER IV: Appendix ................................................................................................ 46
4-1 Hardware Specification .................................................................................................... 46
4-2 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................ 47
4-3 Glossary ............................................................................................................................. 49
Federal Communication Commission ............................................................................. 52
Chapter I: Product Information
1-1 Introduction and safety information
Thank you for purchasing this high-speed wireless dual band network card! This network card can operate in 2.4GHz or 5GHz wireless network. Excepting common wireless standards 802.11a/b/g, this wireless network card is also able to access 802.11n wireless networks - data transfer rate is 300Mbps, and that’s six times faster than 802.11g wireless network!
Main Features
Complies with 2.4GHz/5GHz wireless 802.11a/b/g/n standards with data rate up to
 Includes multi-language EZmax setup wizard  Supports PCI-E interface  Supports hardware & software WPS configuration function  Supports WMM, WMM-PS (IEEE 802.11e QoS standard)  Supports 64/128-bit WEP, WPA (TKIP with IEEE 802.1x),WPA2 (AES with IEEE
802.1x) for high security level
Supports operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7
* Maximum performance may vary depending on network conditions and environmental factors.
1-2 Safety Information
In order to keep the safety of users and your properties, please follow the following safety instructions:
1. This wireless network card is designed for indoor use only. DO NOT expose this network card to direct sun light, rain, or snow.
2. DO NOT put this network card at or near hot or humid places, like kitchen or bathroom. Also, do not left this wireless network card in the car in summer.
3. This network card is small enough to put in a child’s mouth, and it could cause serious injury or could be fatal. If they throw the network card, the card will be damaged. PLEASE KEEP THIS NETWORK CARD OUT THE REA CH OF CHILDREN!
4. This network card will become hot when being used for long time (This is normal and is not a malfunction). DO NOT put the network card on a paper, cloth, or other flammable objects after the network card has been used for a long time.
5. There’s no user-serviceable part inside the network card. If you found that the network card is not working properly, please contact your dealer of purchase and ask for help. DO NOT disassemble the network card by yourself, warranty will be void.
7. If you smell something strange or even see some smoke coming out from the network card, switch the computer off immediately, and call dealer of purchase for help.
1-3 System Requirements
One CD-ROM drive  Hard Disk : At least 100MB available space  One available PCI Express slot  Operation System : Windows XP/Vista/7
1-4 Package Contents
Wireless Dual-Band PCI-E Adapter x 1  3dBi antenna x 2  Quick Installation Guide x 1  CD (EZmax Wizard, User Manual & Multi-language QIG) x 1  Low-Profile Bracket x 1
1-5 Familiar with your new wireless network card
1. Antenna
2. WPSButton
3. LinkandTx/RxLEDDefinitions
LEDName LightStatus Description
On Linktoawirelessaccesspoint
Off Notlinkedtoanywirelessaccesspoint
On WirelessWPSfunctionisactivated.The
networkcardwillwaitfor2minutesto establishWPSconnection.
Blinking Wirelessnetworkcardisnormallyinstalled
/Linkedtoawirelessaccesspoint/ Transferringorreceivingdata.
Off Nowirelessactivity
CHAPTER II: Driver Installation and Configuration
2-1 Network Card Installation
1. SWITCHTHECOMPUTEROFF,removethecoverandinsertthewirelessnetwork
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2. Installtheantennaonthewirelessnetworkcard,andmakesuretheantennais
3. SoftwareInstallation,ThiswizardcanberuninWindowsXP/Vista/7.The
followingproceduresareoperatedinWindowsXP.YoucaninstalltheWireless AdapterbyEZMAXSetupWizardintheCDROMincludinginthepackage.The wizardisaneasyandquickconfigurationtoolforinternetconnectionwithseries process.
WhenyoustartEZMAXSetupWizard,youwillgetthefollowingwelcomescreen. Pleasechoosethelanguagetostarttheconfiguration.Thewizardwillguideyou tofinishyournetworkconnection.Wewillnotprovideanyinstructionforthe EZMAXSetupWizardhere.
If you lose the CD ROM or you prefer the traditional setup procedure, please follow the instruction as following step.
1. Execute ‘Setup.exe’ program inside the CD then the programs will appear. Please read the end user license agreement and click ‘I accept the terms of the license agreement’ then click ‘Next’ button, to accept license agreement.
2. It is recommend installing driver and utility if the network card is installing the first time. If you want to update the driver only, choose ’Install driver only’. Click ‘Next’ to continue.
3. You can choose the configuration tool used to configure the wireless network card here. It’s recommended to select ‘Edimax Configuration Tool’, which provides fully access to all functions of this wireless network card. If you prefer to use the wireless configuration tool provided by Windows XP or Vista, please select ‘Microsoft Zero Configuration Tool’ then click ‘Next’.
4. Now you’ll see the following message, please click ‘Install’ to start utility installation. If
you see ‘Found New Hardware’ message again, please ignor e it and wait.
5. Please wait while the install procedure is running. When you see this message, please click ‘Finish’ to complete the driver installation process.
6. After installation is complete, wireless configuration utility will be shown in the desktop of your computer automatically. You will also see an icon at the lower-right corner of your windows system. If you put the mouse cursor on the icon, the status of wireless card will be displayed as a popup balloon.
7. When you want to configure your wireless connection, please right click on this icon, and a popup menu will appear. You can click ‘Launch Config Utility’ to start configuration program. If you want to close the configuration utility, ple ase click ‘Exit’.
8. Please note that if you stopped config utility by ‘Exit’ function, you’ll not be able to maintain the wireless link to the access point you wish to use. In this case, you can start config utility again by clicking ‘Edimax Wireless Utility’ icon from ‘Start’ -> ‘All Programs’
-> ‘Edimax Wireless’, as shown below.
2-2 Connect to Wireless Access Point
After the driver is correctly installed, it will try to connect to any unencrypted wireless access point automatically. If you want to connect to a specific wireless access point, or the access point you wish to connect uses encryption, you have to configure the wireless network card and input required parameters, to get connected to the wireless access point you wish to connect.
The current status of wireless connection will be displayed by Edimax configuration utility icon:
Wireless connection is established, good signal reception.
Wireless connection is established, normal signal reception.
Wireless connection is established, weak signal reception.
Connection is not established yet.
Wireless network card is not detected.
There are two ways you can configure your wireless network card to connect to wireless access point: using the Edimax configuration utility and using built-in windows zero configuration utility.
2-2-1 Using Edimax Utility
Please follow the following instructions to use Ralink configuration utility to connect to wireless access point.
1. Left-click the Ralink configuration utility icon located at lower-right corner of computer desktop, and configuration menu will appear:
2. Wireless utility will appear.
Click ‘Site Survey’ button to open the list of available wireless networks (and their status).
There are 6 fields in ‘Site Survey’ list:
Field# Description 1 (SSID) The Service-Set IDentifier of network device
(The name of network device)
2 (Type) The type of network device
Infrastructure (Access Point)
3 (Channel) The channel number of this network device 4 (Wireless mode)
Available wireless mode.
802.11a wireless capability
802.11b wireless capability
802.11g wireless capability
802.11n wireless capability
5 (Security) Security mode. When nothi ng is displayed
here, means this network device does not require security and anyone can connect to it.
6 (Signal Strength)
Shows the wireless signal strength in percentage. Higher percentage means better signal quality.
3. To connect to a wireless access point, double click on it:
4. If the wireless access point you wish to connect does not appear here, you can click ‘Refresh’
button to scan for wireless access points again; if
the wireless access point you’re looking for still not appear, try to move the computer closer.
5. You’ll be prompted with wireless access point’s encryption method (if any):
Click right arrow to continue. Generally you don’t have to change encryption method, it will be detected automatically. If you selected a wrong encryption method, connection will not be able to establish.
6. Please input encryption key (or passphrase, depends on encryption method) here, then click right arrow.
7. Network card will attempt to connect to access point now, this may require few seconds to minutes, please be patient. When you see there’s a check shown beside the access point you wish to connect, your computer is connected to access point you selected. The connection status will be displayed in configuration utility also.
(see example picture below).
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