This company makes no representations or warranties, either expressed or implied,
with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any warranties,
merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Any software described in this
manual is sold or licensed "as is". Should the programs prove defective following
their purchase, the buyer (and not this company, its distributor, or its dealer) assumes
the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair, and any incidental or consequential
damages resulting from any defect in the software. Further, this company reserves the
right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to time in the contents
thereof without obligation to notify any person of such revision or changes.
Federal Communication Commission
Interference Statement
FCC Part 15
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,
the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the
following measures:
1. Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
2. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
3. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to
which the receiver is connected.
4. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio technician for help.
FCC Caution
This equipment must be installed and operated in accordance with provided
instructions and a minimum 20 cm spacing must be provided between computer
mounted antenna and person’s body (excluding extremities of hands, wrist and feet)
during wireless modes of operation.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)
this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.
Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the authority to operate equipment.
This device is restricted to indoor use when operated in the 5.15 to 5.25 GHz
frequency range.
Federal Communication Commission (FCC) Radiation Expos ure
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure set forth for an uncontrolled
environment. In order to avoid the possibility of exceeding the FCC radio frequency
exposure limits, human proximity to the antenna shall not be less than 20cm (8 inches)
during normal operation.
The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must not be co-located or operating in
conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
The equipment version marketed in US is restricted to usage of the channels 1-11
R&TTE Compliance Statement
This equipment complies with all the requirements of DIRECTIVE 1999/5/EC OF
equipment and telecommunication terminal Equipment and the mutual recognition of
their conformity (R&TTE).
The R&TTE Directive repeals and replaces in the directive 98/13/EEC
(Telecommunications Terminal Equipment and Satellite Earth Station Equipment) As
of April 8, 2000.
This equipment is designed with the utmost care for the safety of those who install
and use it. However, special attention must be paid to the dangers of electric shock
and static electricity when working with electrical equipment. All guidelines of this
and of the computer manufacture must therefore be allowed at all times to ensure the
safe use of the equipment.
EU Countries Intended for Use
The ETSI version of this device is intended for home and office use in Austria,
Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg,
the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.
The ETSI version of this device is also authorized for use in EFTA member states:
Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland.
EU Countries Not intended for use
Chapter I: Product Information ..................................................................................... 9
1-1 Introduction and safety information ................................................................ 9
1-2 Safety Information ......................................................................................... 11
1-3 System Requirements .................................................................................... 13
Thank you fo r purchasing this wireless concurrent dual band router! This
cost-effective router is the best choice for Small office / Ho me office
users, all computers and network devices can share a single xDSL / cable
modem internet connectio n at high speed. Easy install procedures allows
any computer users to setup a network environment in very short time within minutes, even inexperienced. When the number of your computers
and network-enabled devices grow, you can also expand the number of
network slo t by simple attach a hub or switch, to extend the scope of your
With built-in both 2.4GHz and 5GHz radios, this router suppor ts both of
the IEEE 802.11b/g/n and 802.11a/n wir ele ss network capabilities
simultaneously, all com puters and wireless-e na bl ed ne tw or k dev ice s
(including PDA, cellular phone, game console, and more!) can conne ct to
this wireless router without additional cabling. New N wireless capa bil ity
also gives you the highest spe ed of wireless experience ever! With a
compatible wireless card installed in your P C, you can transfer file for up
to 300Mbps+300Mbps (transf er data rate)! The radio coverage is also
doubled, so don’t worry if your office or house is really big!
Other features of this router includin g:
• Supports 2.4GHz and 5GHz wireless devices simultaneously.
• High Internet Access throughput.
• Allow multiple users to share a single Internet line.
• Share a single Cable or xDSL internet connection.
• Access private LAN servers from the internet.
• Four wired LAN ports (10/100/1000M) and
one WAN port (10/100/1000M).
• Provides IEEE 802.11a/b/g/nwireless LAN capability.
• Support DHCP (Server/Client) for easy IP-address setup.
• Support multiple wireless modes like: AP, Station-Infrastructure,
Wireless Bridge and Universal Repeater.
• Advanced netw ork and security features like: Speci al Applicati ons, QoS,
DMZ, Virtual Servers, Access Control, Firewall.
• Allow you to monitor the router’s status like: DHCP Client Log, System
Log, Security Log and Device/Connection Status.
• Easy to use Web-based GUI for network configuration and
management purposes.
• Remote management function allows configurat ion and upgrades from
a remote computer (over the Internet).
•Auto MDI / MDI-X function for all wired Ethernet ports.
1-2 Safety Information
In order to keep the safety of users and your pr operties, please fol low the
following safety instructions:
1. This router is de si gne d for in d oo r use only; DO NOT place this router
2. DO NOT put this router at o r near hot or hum id places, like ki tchen or
bathroom. Also, do not left this r outer in the car in summer.
3. DO NOT pull any connected cable with force; disconnect it from the
router first.
4. If you want to place this router at high places or hang on the wall,
please make sure the router is firmly secured. Falling from high places
would damage the router and its accessories, and war ranty will be void.
5. Accessories of this router, like antenna and power supply, are danger to
small children under 3 years old. They may put the small pa rts in their
nose or month and it could cause serious dam age to them. KEEP THIS
6. The router will become hot when being used for long time (This is normal and is not a malf un c tion ). DO NOT put this router on paper,
cloth, or ot her flammable materials.
7. There’s no user-serviceable part inside the router. If you found that the
router is not working proper ly, please contact your dealer of purchase and
ask for help. DO NOT disassemble the route r, warranty will be void.
8. If the router falls into water when it’s powered, DO NOT use your
hand to pick it up. Switc h the electrical power off before you do anything,
or contact an experienced technician for help.
9. If you smell something str ange, or even see some smoke coming out
from the router or power supply, remove the p ower supply or switch the
electrica l power off immediately, and call dealer of purchase for help.
1-3 System Requirements
Internet connection, provided by xDSL or cable modem with a RJ-45
Ethernet port.
Computer or network devices with wired or wireless network interface
Web browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or above, Netscape
Navigator 4.7 or above, Opera web browser, or Safari web browser).
An available AC power socket (100 – 240V, 50/60Hz)
1-4 Package Contents
Before starting to use this router, please check if there’s anything missi ng
in the packa ge, and contact your dealer of purchase to claim for missing
□ Broadband Gigabit Router (main body, 1 pcs)…………………… 1
□ Quick Installation Guide (1 pcs) ………………………………… 2
□ User Manual CD ROM (1 pcs) ………………………………….. 3
□ A/C Power Adapter (1 pcs) ……………………………………..... 4
1-5 Familiar with your new wi r e le s s broadband router
Front Panel
LED Name Light Status Description
PWR On Router is switched on and correctly powere d.
On 2.4GHz Wireless W PS funct ion is e na ble d.
LAN 1-4
LAN 1-4
Off 2.4GHz Wireless network is switched off.
Flashing 2.4GHz Wireless LAN activity (transferring
or receiving data).
On 5GHz Wireless WP S functi on is enabled.
Off 5GHz Wireless netw or k is swi tc he d off.
Flashing 5GHz W ireless LAN activity (tr ansferring or
receiving data).
On LAN port is c onnected.
Off LAN port is not conne cte d.
Flashing LAN activity (transferri ng or receiving data).
On WAN port is connected.
Off WAN port is not connected.
Flashing WAN activity (transferring or receiving data).
On LAN port is linked in 1000M bp s spee d.
Off LAN port is linked in 10/10 0M bp s spee d.
On WAN port is linked in 1000Mb ps sp ee d.
Off WAN port is linked in 10/100 Mb p s spee d.
Back Panel
Antenna A Antenna B
Item Name Description
Antenna A/B External dual band dipole antenna.
Radio ON/OFF Switch the button to activate or deactivate the wireless function.
Reset / WPS Reset the router to factory default settings (clear all settings) or
start WPS function. Press this button and hold for 10 seconds to
restore all settings to factory defaults; press this button for less
than 5 seconds once to start 2.4GHz wireless WPS function, and
press this button for less than 5 seconds twice to start 5GHz
wireless WPS function.
WAN Wide Area Network (WAN / Internet) port.
1 – 4 Local Area Network (LAN) ports 1 to 4.
Power Power connector, connects to A/C power adapter.
Antenna Angle
Please adjust antenna angle to 45 degree as same as appearance of the
graphic below in order to get the better wireless range.
The front of wireless router will be the stronge st signal of wire less, try to
adjust front direction of this wireless router to face to t he ot he r w ire le ss
network products.
Chapter II: System and Network Setup
2-1 Build network connection
Please follow the fo llow i ng in str uc t ion to bu il d the ne tw or k con nection
between your new WIRELESS router and your computers, network
1. Connect your xDS L / cable modem to the WAN port of router by
Ethernet cable.
2. Connect all your computers, network devices (network-enabled
consumer devices other than computers, like game console, or switch /
hub) to the LAN port of the router.
3. Connect the A/C power adapter to the wall socket, and the n connect it
to the ‘Power’ socket of the router.
4. Please check all LEDs on the front panel. ‘PWR’ LED should be
steadily on, WAN and LAN LEDs should be on if the computer /
network device connected t o the respective port of the router is
powered on and corr e ctly connected. If PWD LED is not on, or any
LED you expe cted is not on, please recheck the cabling, or jump to
‘4-2 Troublesho otin g’ for possible reasons and solution.
2-2 Connecting to w i re le s s broadband router by web
After the network connection is bui lt, the ne xt ste p y ou sh ould do is
setup the router with proper network param eters, so it can wor k properly
in your network environment.
Before you can connect to the router and start configuration
procedures, your computer must be able to get a n IP address
automatically (use dynamic IP ad dress). If it’s set to use static IP address,
or you’re unsure, please follow the following instructions to configure
your computer to u se dynamic IP ad dre s s:
If the opera ting system of your computer is….
Windows 95/98/Me - please go to secti on 2-2-1
Windows 2000 - please go to section 2-2-2 Windows XP - please go to section 2-2-3
Windows Vista/Windows 7 - please go to section 2-2-4
2-2-1 Windows 95/98/Me IP address setup:
1. Click ‘Start’ button (it shou ld be located at lower-left corner of your
computer), then click control panel. Double-click Network icon, and
Network window will appear. Select ‘TCP/IP’, then click ‘Properties’.
2. Select ‘Obtain an IP address from a DHCP server’ and then click ‘OK’.
2-2-2Windows 2000 IP address setup:
1. Click ‘Start’ button (it should be located at lowe r-left corner of your
computer), then click control panel. Double-click Network and Dial-up
Connections icon; click Local Area Connection, and Local A re a
Connection Properties window will appear. Select ‘Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP)’ and then click ‘Properties’
2. Select ‘Obtain an IP address automatically’ and ‘Obtain DNS server
address aut omatically’, then click ‘OK’.
2-2-3Windows XP IP address setup:
1. Click ‘Start’ button (it should be located at lower-left corne r of your
computer), then click control panel. Double-click Network and Int ernet
Connections icon, click Network Connections, then double-click Local
Area Connection, Local Ar ea Connection Status window will appear,
and then click ‘Properties’
2. Select ‘Obtain an IP address automatically’ and ‘Obtain DNS server
address aut omatically’, then click ‘OK’.
2-2-4Windows Vista/Windows 7 IP address setup:
1. Click ‘Start’ button (it should be located at lowe r-left corner of your
computer), then click control panel. Click N etwork and Sharing Center,
and then click Chan g e ada pte r se tt in gs. Right-click L ocal A rea Connection, th en sel ect ‘Properties’. Local Area Connection Properties
window will appear, select ‘Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP / IPv4), and
then click ‘Properties’
2. Select ‘Obtain an IP address automatically’ and ‘Obtain DNS server
address aut omatically’, then click ‘OK’.
2-2-5 Router IP address lookup
After the IP address setup is complete, please clic k ‘start’ -> ‘run’ at the
bottom-lower corner of your desktop:
Input ‘cm d’, then click ‘OK’
Input ‘ipconfig’, then pres s ‘Enter’ key. Please chec k the IP address
followed by ‘Default Gateway’ (In this example, the IP addre ss of router
is, please note that this value may be differe nt.)
NOTE: If the IP address of Gateway is not displayed, or the address followed
by ‘IP Address’ begins with ‘169’, please recheck network connection
between your computer and router, and / or go to the beginning of this
chapter, to recheck every step of network setup procedure.
3. Connect the router’s management interfac e by web browser
After your compute r ob ta in ed an IP address from router, please start your
web browser, and i nput the IP address of router in address bar. The
following message should be shown:
Please inpu t user name and password in the field respectively, default
user name is ‘admin’, and default password is ‘1234’, then press ‘OK’
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