This e quipment has b een tested and found to c omp ly with t he lim its for a Cla s s B digit al
device, pur s uant to Par t 15 of F CC Rules. These li m its ar e designed to provide
reason able prot ec tion again st harmful inter ference in a re sid ential installation. This
equi pment generat es, use s, and can radiate r adio fr equency energy and, if not installed
and used in ac c ordanc e with the instr uc tions, m ay cause harmful inter fere nc e to radi o
comm unications. However, there is no guara ntee that interfer ence will not occur in a
part ic ular installation. If t his equi pment doe s cause harmful interfer ence t o r adio or
televisi on r ec eption, whic h c an be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the
user is encouraged to t r y to corr ec t the int er ference by one or mor e of the f ollowing
1. Reorient or r elocate t he r ec eiving antenna.
2. Inc r ease t he separation between the equip m ent and receiv er .
3. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connect ed.
4. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio technician for help.
FC C Caut ion
This e quipment mu st be installe d and operat ed in accor dance with provided inst r uc tions
and a min imum 20 cm spacing mu st be prov ided between c omputer m ounted antenna and
person ’s body (excluding extr em ities of hand s, wr ist and feet) dur ing wireles s mod es of
This d evice complie s with P ar t 15 of t he FCC Rules. Operation is su bjec t to t he following
two c onditions: ( 1) this device may not c ause h armful int er fer enc e, and (2) t his dev ic e
must ac c ept any interference rec eived, including i nt er ference t hat may cause undesired
Any c hanges or m odific ations n ot ex pr es sly approved by the party respo nsible for
compliance could void the aut horit y to operate equipm ent.
Federal Communication Commission ( FCC) Radiation Exp osure Statement
This e quipment complies w ith FCC radiation exposure set forth for an uncontr olled
environ ment. In order to av oid the pos si bility of exceeding t he FCC radi o freque nc y
exposure limits, huma n pr oximity to t he antenna sh all not be less than 20cm (8 inche s)
during nor ma l operation.
The antenna(s) used for this transmitt er must not be co-l oc ated or op er ating in c onjunct ion
with any other antenna or tran s mitter.
R&TTE Compliance Statement
This e quipment complies w ith all the requirements of DIRECTIV E 1999/5/EC OF T HE
EURO P EA N PA RLIAMENT A ND THE COUNCIL of March 9, 1999 on radio e quip ment
and telecom mun ic ation terminal Equi pment and the m utual recognition of t heir c onfor m ity
The R& TTE Dir ec tiv e r epeals and repl ac es in t he directiv e 98/13/EE C
(T elec ommunic ations T ermin al E quip me nt and Satellite E ar th Station Equ ipme nt) As of
April 8, 2000.
This e quipment is de s igned with the utmost c ar e for the saf ety of t hose w ho install and use
it. Howev er , special att ention m ust be paid to the danger s of electr ic s hoc k and st atic
elect r ic ity when wor king with electr ical equipment . A ll guideline s of this and of the
computer man ufactur e must therefore be all owed at all t imes to ensure t he saf e use of the
EU Countries Intended for U se
The E TSI v er sion of this device i s intende d for ho me an d office us e in Austr ia, Bel gium,
Denmark, Finland, Franc e, Germany, G r eec e, Ireland, It aly, Luxembourg, the Netherlands,
Portugal, Spain, S weden, and the United Ki ngdom.
The E TSI v er sion of this device i s al s o author ized for use i n E FTA me mber states: Iceland,
Liecht enstein, Norway , and Switzerland.
EU Coun t ries Not in t end ed for use
This company makes no repre sentations or war ranties, eit her expresse d or implied, wit h
respec t to t he c ontents hereof and specifically discl aims any war r anties, merc hantability or
fitness f or any partic ular purpo se. Any software de scribed i n this ma nual i s sold or
licensed "as is". S hould the pr ogr ams pr ove defectiv e following their purcha se, the buy er
(and not this comp any, it s di str ibutor, or its dea ler ) assum es t he entire cost of all
necessary servicing, repair , and any incide ntal or con s equential damages resulting fr om
any defect in the soft war e. Further, this compa ny reserves t he r ight to revise this
publ ic ation and to make chang es f r om time t o time in the c ont ent s h ereof without
obli gation to notif y any person of such revisi on or c hange s.
10. WINDOWS XP SP2 SETUP..................................................78
1. Product Introduction
1.1 Product Introduction
Thank you for purchasing and using our print server. This
print ser ver allows your pri nter to become a s hared device
on the ne t wo rk . It offe r s prin ting f le xib ility and
manageabilit y o n your Local Area Netwo rk at an extremel y
low cos t a nd with an absol ute minimum setup a nd
mainte nance req uired.
This print serve r provides IEEE 802.11g/b wireless LAN ( up
to 54Mbps data t ransfer rate), a n E the r net network port
(10/100Mbps Et her net) a nd one print port fo r pri nter .
This print server supports IPX/SPX, NetBEUI, TCP/IP and
AppleTalk protocols. It i s the best network printing
solutions for various commo n netwo rk operating sys tems
such as Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/X P/2003, NetWare,
Unix/Lin u x and MAC OS, etc .
With t he help of Insta lla tion Wizard , you can easil y a nd
i nstant l y co mple te t he settings fo r the pr i n ting en vi ronmen t,
and start e njoyi ng t he fa ntasti c features pro vided by the
print ser ver.
In the following chapters, we will introd uce in detai l the
printing features, i ns tallati on methods, and system
config uration for dif fere nt ne twork e nvironme nts.
If you wo uld like to set up a nd install prin t server quickly,
please refer to t he Q uick Ins tallati on G uide t ha t comes
along with t his print server.
1.2 Prod uct Package
This package contains t he following components :
z One Print Server
z One Antenna
z One P ower Adapt er
z O n e Quick In st alla tio n Guide
z One CD-ROM (Inc luding all the software utilities, dr ivers and User’ s Manual)
1.3 Network Prin t ing Architecture
This section illus trates how print serve r func tions and
operates o n the netwo rk. Before you i nstall a nd use pri nt
server, it is st rongl y recommended t hat yo u read this
section comp letely, and select o nly the c hap ters you need
according to your network operating system b y “Contents of
the User ’s M anual ” in next sectio n.
This section will first introduce the role every compone nt
plays i n t he network-printing environment.
Print Server
Client User
Netwo rk Server (optio nal)
Network Printing Environment
Print Serv er
Client User
UnixPr in t Serv er
Windows 2000
Wind ows 98Wind ows NT
Print Server Ne twork Fun ctions
Print Server
Network Server
NetWare Server
Wind ows NT Server
UnixPrint Server
Wind ows 2 00 0
Windows 98Windows NT
N etWare Server
Windows NT Server
Because print se r ver supports IP X/SPX, NetBEUI, TCP/IP
and A ppleTalk network pro tocols , any networked comp uter
can di rectly print to t he print server f rom any of its i nstalled
Network Printing Functions for Clients
Client Use r
UnixPrint Server
Wind ows 2 00 0
Windows 98Windows NT
N etWare Server
Windows NT Server
Common opera ting s ystems for clients are c lassified as
fo llowing:
Windows 95 /98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003
Our pri nt ser ver s ystem pro vides PTPP (Peer- to-Peer
Printing ) driver and utilities for Wi ndows
95/98/Me/NT/2000/X P/2003 users. PTPP (Peer-to-Peer
Printing) s upports TCP/ IP protocol.
In the client i nstalla tion procedure , a fter PTPP (Peer- toPeer Printing Driver) is i nsta lled into Windows, the s ys tem
will automatically (ma nual co nfiguration i s also al lowed)
search a ll the print serve rs o n t he network, a nd the n add
their printing po rts i nto Windows’ printing port (see be low).
Window s 98
Print Server
Print Server
UNIX / Li nux
UNIX (include HP/UX, SCO Unix, SunOS, So laris, Unixware
DEC Uni x, IB M AIX a nd others ) a nd Li nux use t he s ystemstandard LP R to pri nt through print server.
MAC OS can use the system -standard AppleTalk network to
print throug h print server.
Network Printing Functions for Ne twork Se rver
Netw ork Server
UnixPrin t Server
Wind ows 2 00 0
Windows 98Windows NT
N etWare Server
Windows NT Server
Common network ser vers are c lassified as fo llo wing :
Windows NT/2000/2003
Our pri nt ser ver s ystem pro vides PTPP (Peer- to-Peer
Printing) dri ver a nd uti lities fo r Windows N T/2000/2003.
After P TPP i s installed, the ser ver can directly print t hrough
print ser ver. Addi ng t his printing f unction into Windows
NT/2000/2003 Ser ver allo ws p rint queue , user a uthorit y
manageme nt, a nd ma ny other ad vanced feat ures to be
NetWare 3. x/4. x/5.x
In NetWa r e envi ronment, print s e rver offe r s vari ous p rinting
modes li ke pri nt queue, remote pri nter , e tc.
1.4 Network Prin t ing Environment
Common network envi ronment are classified as followi ng:
Windows Peer-to-Peer Network
The c lient’s PTP P driver will use TCP/IP pro tocol to print
through print se r ver.
Windows NT/2000/2003 Network
Netwo rk printi ng func tion will become available a fter P TPP
driver is insta lled i nto Windows NT/2000/2003. A dding t his
printing function i nto Windows NT/2000/2003 Server allo ws
print queue, user aut horit y manageme nt, and ma ny o t her
advanced fea tures to be used.
NetWare Network (see be low)
1.5 Con tent s of the User’s M anual
Chapter 2 explai ns print ser ver’s hardwa re installati on and
config uration. It is strong ly recomme nded for yo u to read.
The follo wing c hapters i ntroduce:
Chapter 3 . Windows Peer-to-Peer Netwo rk
Chapter 4 . Windows NT/2000/2003 Server-Based Network
Chapter 5 . Ne tWare Network
Chapter 6 . U NIX System Network
You may select the appropriate chapters and sectio ns to
read depending on your network printing’s requi re ment.
Chapter 7 and chapter 8 i ntroduce p rint server’s
manageme nt and confi guratio n uti lities on Wi ndo ws a nd
Web Browser’s enviro nme nt respecti vely. You ma y select
the appropriate ma nageme nt uti lity according to t he
admini strator’s co mp uter platform.
Chapter 9 i ntrod uces Print Server’s IPP Printing f uncti on
and set up proced ure. The IPP P rinting pro vides a
convenient wa y to print doc ume nts across t he Internet by
the IPP protocol.
Chapter 10 i ntrod uces how to deal with the problem t ha t if
you can’t find any print ser ver listed o n t he “Available
Ports” i n “Network Ports Quick Setup” in Wi ndows XP SP2.
1.6 Firmware & Print ing Function
The pri nt ser ver provides a comple te network printing
solution. The feature se t is listed below:
PTP P (P e e r-to-Pe e r-P rinting)
IPP Pri nting
NetWare Bi ndery Pri nti ng
SMB Printing
2. Hardware Installation
Unpack t he p rint server package and veri f y that all the
items listed in t he sectio n 1 .2 are pro vided.
Connec t the print se r ver to the printer you wa nt to share o n
the netwo rk .
C o nnect the pr i n t s erver to your network by atta ched the
net work cab le to the U TP port of the print serve r.
Connec t the power adapter to t he pri nt server. The print
se rver will p e rfo rm the P o we r-On-S e lf-Test ( P OST) afte r it
is powered o n. Duri ng the P OST, t he Status and Ready
LEDs will be on. W he n t he LEDs are unlighted, the print
server i s read y.
NOTE1: MUST use the power adapter sh ipped with the print server, do
NOT u se any other power adapter from any sour ces.
NOTE2: To prevent t he compatibility problem between pr int server an d
a few printer, it is recommended that you power on the print server
befo re the p ri nt er.
3. Windows Peer-to-Peer Ne twork
3.1 System Architecture
Print se r ver s upports Wi ndows P eer -to-Peer network
printing mode, whic h is suitable for mos t medium a nd small
ne twork en vironmen t s. Through quick and simple
installatio n procedure , users can i mmediately enjoy t he
convenience of network printing.
Ins tallation proced ure is separa ted into followi ng two parts:
1. Administrator Ins tallati on and Setup (refer to section 2
for more d e tailed i nforma ti on).
System administrators m ust:
Install adminis trator’s utilities into his/her computer.
Configure print se r ver from administrator’s configuration
2. C lient Installation and Configuration (refer to sec tion 3
for more d e tailed i nforma ti on).
Client users m us t ins tall Windows P TPP dri ver (Peer-to-
Pee r P rinti ng) fo r ne twork pri nting .
In addition, after PTPP is insta lled, the system will
automa tically search for all pri nt se r vers on t he network,
and add the printi ng port of t he p rint servers i nto Wi ndows’
printing port ( refer to Network Printing Arc hitecture in
section 1.4 fo r mo re detailed i nfor mation).
3.2 Administrator Installation and Setup
The Administrator Ins tallati on can be per formed on
Windows 95 /98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003 wit h the same user
interface. Before the i nstalla tion, please verif y t hat your
net work protocol i s installed on your PC ( TCP/IP, IPX
and/or NetBEU I) .
Inse rt t he CD s hipped along wit h the print server into yo ur
CD -ROM drive. The A utorun.exe program sho uld be
executed a utomatically. If not, run Autorun.exe ma nua lly
from CD-ROM drive’ s root directory.
The “Installation Manager” will be displayed on t he screen
as following. Click “Admin Utili ty” t he n click “English
V e rs i o n” .
The “Utilities Setup” wi ndow will be displayed. Click “Ne xt”.
Click “Next” to install the utilities i n the default folder or
click “Browse” to speci fy the destination folde r where you
would like to i nsta ll the utilities.
Select the components you wa nt to insta ll. It i s highly
recommended to i nstall all p rovi ded compo ne nts. Click
“Next ” to conti n ue.
Specify t he program folder w here the program icons will be
added to, click “Ne xt”
The s ystem will start to i nstall t he utilities automati call y.
You have comp leted the installati on phase and prepare to
configure t he Print Server . T he “Choose Pri nt Server” will
list all Pri nt Ser vers within the network. Select t he Print
Server you would like to co nfigure and click “Ne xt”.
NOTE 1: If this is the first time you configure the Print Server, the “Print Server
Name” is the last 6-digit of MAC ID with prefix “PS”. Please check
th e MAC ID on th e p rin t server.
NOTE 2: The l ist can on l y display t he d evices f rom th e same m a nufa ctu rer.
Specify a recognizable name for the Print Ser ver and click
“Ne xt ”.
Specify t he IP Address for t he Print S er ve r manually or
click “Ne xt” to keep de fault IP Address, i.e. 192.168.2 .2.
The co nfig uration summary is displayed i n t he wi ndow. No w,
you have comp lete d t he “Pri n t S e rver Se tup ”. Cli c k “F i ni sh”
and your s ystem will add netwo rk port of t he Print Ser ver to
yo ur PC a utomatic a lly.
The Administrator Ins tallati on procedure is totally
completed. Click “Finis h” .
The Administrator Ins tallati on Program have exec uted the
installatio n proced ure t hat performs t he fo llowing tasks:
Ins tall all uti lities and drivers to t he administrator’s PC .
Configure the print serve r (including the print serve r name
and network protocol)
A d d the network p o rt o f t he p r i n t s e rver to the
admini strator’s PC .
If you want to p ri n t from t hi s a d mini s tra to r’s P C to the pr i n t
server, all yo u need to do is to perform Windows’ s tandard
“Add Printer” procedure (please refer to S ection 3.6).
3.3 Admi ni strat or Utilities
After Administrator Ins tallati on i s completed, t here will be
four utilities in print server’s p rogram folder.
3.4 Client Installat ion and Setup
The Client Insta lla tion ca n be performed on Wi ndows
95/98/Me/NT/2000/X P/2003 wit h t he sa me user interface.
Before the i nstalla tion p rocedure , p lease confirm t hat your
PC has connected to the netwo rk a nd installed at least o ne
net work protocol.
Inse rt t he CD s hipped along wit h the print server into yo ur
CD -ROM drive. The A utorun.exe program sho uld be
executed a utomatically. If not, run Autorun.exe ma nua lly
from CD-ROM drive’ s root directory.
The " Insta lla tion Ma nager" will be displa yed o n the scree n
as follows . Click “Client Utility” then click “English Version”.
The “Utilities Setup” wi ndow will be displayed. Click “Ne xt”.
Click “Next” to install the utilities i n the default folder or
click “Browse” to speci fy the destination folde r where you
would like to i nsta ll the utilities.
Specify t he program folder w here the program icons will be
added to, click “Ne xt”.
The s ystem will start to i nstall t he utilities automati call y.
Now, t he i nstalla tion procedure is comp leted, you are read y
to set up t he client’s comp uter. All network ports of the
Print Servers detec ted on the netwo rk will be added to your
PC auto maticall y, click “Continue”.
The Client Insta lla tion p rocedure i s comple ted. Click
After t he ins tallati o n, yo u have comp le ted the fo llo wi ng
Ins tall a ll utilities and dri vers to the client’s PC.
Add all the pri nt server’s network ports of t he network to
the c lient’s PC.
You ca n t hen perfo rm t he Windows’ standard “Add Printer”
procedure to add network printers to yo ur PC. Please refer
to Section 3.6.
3.5 Client Utilities
After Client Insta llation is completed, t here will be three
tools in pri nt ser ver’s Progra m folder.
z Net w ork Ports Quick Setu p
z Remote Ports
z U nin s tal l Net wor k Driver
3.5.1 Network Ports Quick Se tup
Network P orts Q uick Set up Utilit y offe rs a ver y simple
method to add or remo ve pri nt ser ver’s pri nter por t from t he
client’ s co mputer.
During t he c lient’s ins tallati on procedure, the s ys tem will
automa tically search for all pri nt se r vers on t he network,
and add them into t he pri nte r ports of t he client’s comp uter
If you have j us t i nstal led a nother new print se r ver i n the
net work, yo u must r un thi s prog ram first. T his program wil l
search for new p rint servers and al low you to add the new
net work printer por t i nto client’s computer co nvenient ly.
Perform t he standard Add P rinter procedure , t hen yo u can
print di rectly to the printer t hrough t he ne wly installed print
server .
Please be aware t hat Ne twork P orts Q uick Set up Utility can
onl y detect a nd confi gure a ll print servers o n t he same
net work, it cannot search a nd configure print se r vers on
other s ubnets across network seg ments. You m ust use
Remote Por ts Utilit y described in the next section to
manage remote (across network segme nts) pri nt servers.
3.5.2 Re mote Port s ( Utility)
Remo te Po rts Utility o ffe rs a c o n veni ent way fo r you to
manage a nd add printer port of the remo te pri nt ser ver.
From the assista nt of this utility, you can pri nt to ot her p rint
servers outside the subne t across netwo rk segment.
However, please note that t his functio n o nl y s upports
TCP/ IP network p rotocol.
Please fol low the procedures described belo w:
Step1. Run Remote Ports Utilit y. Clicks “Add” to add a
remote print port.
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