2/4 ports USB KVM Switches
If you use Windows 95/98/SE and has not yet installed a USB
mouse on your computer, there might be an error message
telling you that mouse is not detected and prompting you to
decide whether to ignore the same message in the future,
and yet you found there is no mouse movement to disable
this message….So it is suggested that you should installed
your USB mouse on your computer first, before connecting it
to this KVM Switch.
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KVM Switching Client Software for Windows
Independent/Simultaneous Audio & PC Switching
User-definable Hotkeys
Auto scan Delay Time Programmable
The EK-UAK2 / EK-UAK4 is a 2 / 4 ports Slim Palmtop
USB KVM Switch with optional audio and microphone
switching function. It allows you to access, control, boot
and reboot multiple USB-enabled computers. The
independent audio/mic switching function allows an
uninterrupted audio experience on a same connected
computer even when you switch to another computer.
Out-of-the-box Installation
Step 1. Insert the companion CD ROM into your CD drive,
and the installer program will be run, click the “USB Series
Utility Setup” then click “Click To Setup Utility” the
programs will be start… (or you can find it with the Explorer
and double-click its software icon to start installation).
Complete the software installation on each of the
computers to be connected to the KVM Switch.
After the installation is completed, you will see a KVM
Switcher icon on the system tray of your window desktop.
Just right click to evoke the operation menu and doubleclick to evoke configuration box. For operation details of the
KVM Switcher software, please refer to the “Operation
Quick Reference.
: No live connection detected
: Current active PC channel is on port 1
: Current active PC channel is on port 2
The KVM Switcher Software supports only the Windows
operating system on PC platforms. For other OS platforms such as
Linux , you can still use the keyboard hotkey - ScrLk + ScrLK - to
switch PC. However, this switching hotkey is not available on nonPC platform such as MacOS. When connected to a Mac machine,
use the face-panel button to switch port.
Step 2. Connect the shared USB keyboard, mouse,
monitor, speaker/headphone and microphone each to its
port on your KVM Switch.
Step 3. Connect each KVM PC port to a computer, using
the slim 3-in-1 KVM combo cable and the audio/mic cable.
After you have connected the KVM and computers properly,
Now you can operate the KVM Switch immediately.
Some older computers with USB interface might need to
manually enable the USB option in the BIOS settings before
you can use any USB devices. If your USB interface does not
work, please check the USB option status in the BIOS.
EK-UAK4 Configuration Diagram
Easy Operation
There are two methods to control your KVM Switch for PC
switching: using the face-panel push buttons or a hotkey
sequence. For audio/mic switching, use the hotkey
Face-panel buttons
The face-panel buttons allows you a direct control over PC
port switching. Simply press the button to switch PC port.
By default, PC port switching and Audio/Mic port switching
are unbound (either will be switched independently).
Keyboard hotkey
A keyboard hotkey sequence consists of at least three
specific keystrokes:
Hotkey = Ctrl+ Alt + [Command key]*
Universal hotkey = ScrLK + ScrLk
* The command key is user-definable via the configuration dialog box
See Quick Reference Sheet
See Quick Reference Sheet
Each keystroke within a hotkey sequence should be pressed
within 2 seconds. Otherwise, the hotkey sequence will not be

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There are three methods to control your KVM
Switch for PC and Audio/Mic channel selection:
using (1) the face-panel push button, (2) a hotkey
sequence or (3) the KVM Switcher Software.
Face-panel button
The face-panel button allows you a direct control over
KVM switching operation. Simply press the button to
switch to the corresponding PC port (and audio/mic
channel, if binding is enabled). By default, PC port
switching and audio/mic port switching are bound
You can use the face-panel button to switch to an empty
port that is not connected with any computer. Normally, if you
use keyboard hotkeys or the KVM Switcher software, you will not
be able to switch to an empty port.
Keyboard hotkeys
User-definable hotkeys for PC selection:
Hotkey sequence = Ctrl + Alt + [command key]*
* Please refer to next section for keys that are qualified to
be used as a command key
Universal hotkey for PC toggle-switching:
Both the universal hotkey, ScrLk + ScrLk and the
user-definable hotkey, Ctrl + Alt + [command key] WILL
NOT allow you to switch to an empty port that is not
connected with any computer. To force your KVM to
switch to an empty port, just press the face-panel button
to switch.
Universal Hotkey sequence = ScrLk + ScrLk
* For other operating systems on PC such as Linux, you
can still use this special hotkey to facilitate PC switching.
This special hotkey is not available for Mac. HOWEVER,
you can press button to switch in any case.
Each keystroke within a hotkey sequence should be
pressed within 2 seconds. Otherwise, the hotkey sequence will
not be validated.
After perform port switching, you have to wait till the KVM
Switch icon shows forth the target port before you can perform
next switching again. The KVM Switcher icon could be found on
the system tray of your Windows desktop after its installation.
All the hotkeys are only functional after your PCs are
booting into the OS. If you want to switch PC in the
BIOS/preboot stage, press the face-panel button to switch.
KVM Switcher Software (only for Windows platform)
In addition to PC switching, the KVM Switcher Software
also allows you more advanced functions such as
described in the next section….
KVM Switcher Operation Reference
Switch to PC x by Operation Menu
Right-click the KVM Switcher icon to evoke the operation
menu, then select whichever PC that is available for
switching. Once you select a PC channel, it will
immediately switch to that PC. Note that the unconnected
port(s) or the active port will be grayed-out and nonselectable.
KVM SWITCHER Operation Menu KVM SWITCHER Configuration
Dialog Box
Switch to PC x by Keyboard Hotkeys
Hit the hotkey according to your current hotkey definition:
Hotkey sequence = Ctrl + Alt + [command key]*
* The factory default hotkey setting is Ctrl + Alt + 1/2/3/4 for PC
1/2/3/4. You can also use ScrLk + ScrLk to switch PC.
Start Auto-scan
Right-click the KVM Switcher icon to evoke the operation
menu, then select Start Auto-Scan to activate autoscanning.
Stop Auto-scan
(While auto-scanning) right-click the KVM Switcher icon
to evoke the operation menu, then select Stop Auto-Scan
to de-activate auto-scanning. Or you can press any
button on the face-panel to stop Auto-scan.
KVM Switcher configuration
Right-click the KVM Switcher icon and select Settings or
double-click the icon to bring up the configuration dialog
Define Hotkey commands
You can specify the command key as you like by typing it
in. For example, you can specify the hotkey for switching
to PC 1 as CTRL + ALT + A by typing an A (not casesensitive) in the editable field.
Hotkey Sequence = CTRL + ALT + [command key]*
* The command key is user-definable via the configuration
dialog box
Except those control keys such as Alt, Ctrl, Shift, CAPS,
Tab, Esc and those functions keys and edit keys, all other keys
on the keyboard, including those number keys on the number
pad are all qualified to be used as hotkey command key. In
addition to the software KVM Switching by the operation menu
and the user-defined hotkeys, you can always use the universal
hotkey for PC switching – ScrLk + ScrLk
Turn On Buzzer (optional feature, not available on this
This is feature is not available on this model. [Check this
option to turn on the buzzer sound]
Fix Audio Port at PC x
Check this option and then select the PC to fix the
audio/mic channel to the selected PC. Once this option is
checked, the audio/mic channel will be fixed and become
Auto Scan Period
Select the Auto-scan period from 10 ~ 60 seconds with
an increment of 5 seconds. The Auto-scan period is the
time your KVM Switch will wait to switch to next PC.