I. Product Information ................................................................................................ 1
I-1. Package Contents ............................................................................................ 1
I-2. Front Panel ..................................................................................................... 1
I-3. LED Status ....................................................................................................... 2
I-4. Switch Status Button ....................................................................................... 2
I-5. Product Label .................................................................................................. 3
I-6. Reset ............................................................................................................... 3
II. Hardware Installation .............................................................................................. 4
III. Smart Plug Setup ..................................................................................................... 5
III-1. iOS .................................................................................................................. 6
III-1-1. Change Smart Plug Name & Password ............................................................. 8
III-1-2. Add an Existing Smart Plug to the Main Screen ............................................... 9
III-1-3. Power Meter: Main Screen ............................................................................ 10
III-1-4. Settings .......................................................................................................... 11
III-2. Android ......................................................................................................... 12
III-2-1. Change Smart Plug Name & Password ........................................................... 14
III-2-2. Add an Existing Smart Plug to the Main Screen ............................................. 15
III-2-3. Power Meter: Main Screen ............................................................................ 16
III-2-4. Settings .......................................................................................................... 17

Switch Status Button & LED
CD with Quick
Installation Guide
I. Product Information
I-1. Package Contents
I-2. Front Panel

Smart plug output power socket is on.
Smart plug output power socket is
Smart plug is powered on.
Smart plug is starting up or restarting.
Slow Flashing (1
x per second)
Smart plug is in installation mode and
ready for setup.
Smart plug is connected to wireless
network and cloud.
Slow Flashing (1
x per second)
Smart plug is connected to wireless
network but not cloud.
Alert: Budget/power quota exceeded.
I-3. LED Status
After setup, the network LED must display on and green in order
for the EdiPlug app to function remotely i.e. from a different
Internet connection to your smart plug.
I-4. Switch Status Button
The switch status button, located on the front of your smart plug (see I-2.),
switches on/off your smart plug’s output power socket. You can switch any
device connected to your smart plug on or off with this button. The button
will light up green to indicate on (see I-3).

I-5. Product Label
The product label, which is located on the back of the smart plug switch,
displays the input/output power and the default password of your smart plug.
The password should be changed when you have finished the installation
process for security purposes. The password is required to access the smart
plug switch remotely.
I-6. Reset
If you experience problems with your smart plug,
you can reset the plug back to its factory default
settings. This resets all settings, including the
smart plug’s password, back to default.
1. Press and hold the reset button found on the
front of the plug for at least 10 seconds
2. Release the button when the network LED is
flashing quickly red.
3. Wait for the smart plug to restart. The plug is
ready when the network LED is flashing slowly
red to indicate installation mode.

II. Hardware Installation
Follow the instructions below to ensure your smart plug is properly connected
and ready for setup.
If you have multiple smart plugs to set up, please only plug in and
set up one smart plug at a time.
1. Plug the smart plug into a power socket.
2. Wait a few moments for the smart plug to start up. The smart plug is ready
for setup when the network LED is flashing slowly red to indicate
installation mode.
If your smart plug’s network LED does not indicate installation
mode, try resetting the smart plug (see I-6).
3. When you see the smart plug’s network LED indicate installation mode,
please continue to III. Smart Plug Setup to set up your smart plug using
the free EdiPlug smartphone app.

III. Smart Plug Setup
To set up your smart plug with the free EdiPlug smartphone app, please
download the EdiPlug app and then follow the setup instructions for iOS or
Android. After setup, you can use the EdiPlug app to switch your smart plug
switch on/off remotely from any smartphone with an Internet connection, as
well as set up automated schedule and email notifications.
1. Search the Apple App Store or Google Play for “EdiPlug”.
2. Download and install the app.
3. Follow the appropriate instructions below for iOS or Android.

III-1. iOS
Follow the instructions below to add a new smart plug to the EdiPlug app on
You must be within Wi-Fi range of the smart plug. If you have
multiple smart plugs, please only plug in and set up one plug at a
1. Search for a Wi-Fi network named “EdiPlug.Setup” and connect to it, as
shown below:
2. Open the EdiPlug app and select your Wi-Fi network from the list, as
shown below: