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Silhouette is a trademark of e.Digital Corporation.
Microsoft Windows and Windows Media are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.
WOW technology is incorporated under license from SRS Labs, Inc.
All contents of the music CD included with this product are used
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All other products, services, and company names are the property of
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Welcome to the world of personal music players
and the digital lifestyle. Using the latest technological advances in both hardware and software, the
Silhouette can play Audio CDs or CDs containing
MP3 or WMA files you download from the Internet
or rip from your personal audio CDs.
Organizing your music is made simple with the
Silhouette. It supports and reads up to 650 files or
folders. This means every CD you burn can be
organized by category, genre, album, etc.
This document includes detailed information about
how to use your Silhouette. Listed below is a summary of the required steps.
1. RIP•Use your favorite CD ripping software to create
digital files from your audio CDs.
•Or, download music files from the Internet.
2. BURN•Use your favorite CD burning software to cre-
ate CDs used in the Silhouette.
3. PLAY•Install and charge provided batteries.
•Insert a regular audio CD or custom burned
music CD.
•Play tracks
•Create bookmarks
This document uses conventions and terminology
described below.
A note symbol indicates a useful tip.
A caution symbol indicates important information
to prevent damage to your player or avoid inconvenient situations.
BoldA word or phrase in bold indicates a menu or but-
ton selection on the player. For example: Click the
OK button.
ItalicsA phrase in italics typically indicates a cross-refer-
ence to a section in the User’s Guide. In the PDF
version of the documentation you can click on the
phrase to jump to the content.
>This character is used to describe menu /submenu
selections. For example, select the System > Backlight menu.
PressInstructions that say “press” the button, signify you
Press &
Some of the Silhouette buttons perform different
functions depending on how long the button is
pressed before it is released. These buttons are
labeled with two phrases separated by a slash, for
example, the WOW / EQ button.
This document makes this distinction by using the
following phrases:
press and immediately release the button; it is a
short press.
Instructions that say “press and hold” the button
signify that you press and momentarily hold the
button before releasing it; it is a long press for
about one second.
The Silhouette has ports and jacks on the sides of
the player to connect to external power, earphones, remote control and external speakers. The
open switch at the bottom of the player opens the
lid so you can insert your CD or get access to the
internal battery compartment.
Open Switch
Line Out
Earphone /
Control Jack
Hold Switch on back of
player (not illustrated)
You can use the Hold Switch on the back of the
player to protect against accidental button pushes.
Buttons on the Control Panel used to operate the
Silhouette are illustrated on the next page and
described in sections that follow.
Chapter 2: Player Overview7
Buttons on the Control Panel perform a variety of
functions. Buttons labeled with two phrases separated by a slash indicate the button performs one
of two functions depending on how long you hold
the button.
Power Off or
WOW or
Volume Up
Volume Down
A-B or
Change LCD
Menu or
Change Mode
Power On or
Play or
Repeat or
Select or
The first phrase is activated when you press and
hold the button for about one second before you
release it; this is a long press. The second phrase is
activated when you press and immediately release
the button; this is a short press.
This functionality is described in more detail in step
by step instructions for each feature.
The two stick-type batteries included with your Silhouette will last for up to 10 hours of play. However, when you first receive your player, you must
insert the batteries and charge them.
1. Slide the open switch and lift the cover.
2. If a CD or the cardboard shipping insert is in the
player, remove it.
3. Lift the battery cover.
Always use the two stick-type 1400 mAh, NiMH
1.2V rechargeable batteries to prevent damage
to the unit.
4. Insert the batteries with the + and - ends as ill-
strated and close the battery cover.
5. Connect the Power Adaptor to the player and a
power source.
As the batteries charge, the adaptor icon on the
LCD blinks until fully charged. It takes approximately 4 hours to fully recharge when the player is
not in use. It takes longer to recharge if the player is
in use.
Chapter 2: Player Overview11
When the player is not in use for an extended
period of time, remove the batteries from the
The stick-type batteries fit snugly in the battery
compartment inside the player. To remove the batteries:
1. Press the nega-
tive end of the
lower battery.
2. The other end of
the battery will
pop up; grasp it
and remove it.
3. Reach beneath
the remaining
battery and
remove it.
When the rechargeable battery power is depleted
and a wall outlet is not available for recharging,
you can use an optional, external battery pack to
supply power to the Silhouette.