The information, figures, and specifications in this manual are proprietary and are issued in strict
confidence on condition that they not be copied, reprinted, or disclosed to a third party, either wholly or
in part, without the prior, written consent of EdgeTech. Any reproduction of EdgeTech supplied software
or file sharing is strictly prohibited.
All personnel involved with the installation, operation, or maintenance of the equipment described in this
manual should read and understand the warnings and cautions provided below.
This equipment contains devices that are extremely sensitive to static
electricity. Therefore, extreme care should be taken when handling them.
Normal handling precautions involve the use of anti-static protection
materials and grounding straps for personnel.
High Voltage may be present in all parts of the system. Therefore, use
caution when the electronics are removed from their containers for
Warnings, Cautions, and Notes
Where applicable, warnings, cautions, and notes are provided in this manual as follows:
Identifies a potential hazard that could cause injury or death.
Identifies a potential hazard that could damage equipment or data.
NOTE:Recommendations or general information that is particular to the
material being presented.
The 8242XS Release contains both standard and proprietary hardware. At times, EdgeTech may change
the standard components due to their availability or performance improvements. Although the
component manufacturers—along with their models and styles—may change from unit to unit,
replacement parts will generally be interchangeable.
EdgeTech will make every effort to see that replacement components are interchangeable and use the
same software drivers (if applicable). At times, however, direct replacements may not exist. When this
happens, EdgeTech will provide the necessary drivers with the replacement part, if applicable.
EdgeTech may also change certain hardware per customer requirements. Therefore, portions of this
manual, such as parts lists and test features, are subject to change. These sections should be used for
reference only. When changes are made that affect system operation, they will be explicitly noted. Also,
some options and features may not be active in the customer’s unit at time of delivery. Upgrades will be
made available when these features are implemented.
Contact E
DGETECH CUSTOMER SERVICE with any questions relating to compatibility.
8242XS Release0004815_REV_G
Release to Production
RM B Updates
RM C Updates
RM D Corrected to Historical Rev
Change Release Load Spec
Update Format & Pictures
RM G Updates to Content, Drawings,
We, the employees at EdgeTech, would like to thank you for purchasing the 8242XS Release. At EdgeTech,
it is our policy to provide high-quality, cost-effective products and support services that meet or exceed
your requirements. We also strive to deliver them on-time, and to continuously look for ways to improve
them. We take pride in the products we manufacture, and want you to be entirely satisfied with your
Purpose of this Manual
The purpose of this manual is to provide the user with information on the setup and use of EdgeTech’s
8242XS Release. Although this manual encompasses the latest operational features of the 8242XS, some
features may be periodically upgraded. Therefore, the information in this manual is subject to change and
should be used for reference only.
EdgeTech has made every effort to document the 8242XS Release in this manual accurately and
completely. However, EdgeTech assumes no liability for errors or for any damages that result from the
use of this manual or the equipment it documents. EdgeTech reserves the right to upgrade features of
this equipment, and to make changes to this manual, without notice at any time.
Revision History
All equipment manufactured by EdgeTech is warranted against defective components and workmanship
for a period of one year after shipment. Warranty repair will be done by EdgeTech free of charge.
Shipping costs are to be borne by the customer. Malfunction due to improper use is not covered in the
warranty, and EdgeTech disclaims any liability for consequential damage resulting from defects in the
performance of the equipment. No product is warranted as being fit for a particular purpose, and there is
no warranty of merchantability. This warranty applies only if:
i.The items are used solely under the operating conditions and in the manner recommended in
Seller's instruction manual, specifications, or other literature.
ii.The items have not been misused or abused in any manner, nor have repairs been attempted
thereon without the approval of EdgeTech Customer Service.
iii.Written notice of the failure within the warranty period is forwarded to Seller and the directions
received for properly identifying items returned under warranty are followed.
iv.The return notice authorizes Seller to examine and disassemble returned products to the extent
Seller deems necessary to ascertain the cause for failure.
The warranties expressed herein are exclusive. There are no other warranties, either expressed or implied,
beyond those set forth herein, and Seller does not assume any other obligation or liability in connection
with the sale or use of said products. Any product or service repaired under this warranty shall be
warranted for the remaining portion of the original warranty period only.
Equipment not manufactured by EdgeTech is supported only to the extent of the original manufacturer's
8242XS Release0004815_REV_G
Prior to returning any equipment to EdgeTech, a Returned Material Authorization (RMA) number must be
obtained. The RMA will help identify returned equipment when it arrives at our receiving dock and enables
tracking of the equipment while at our facility. The material should be shipped to EdgeTech, 4 Little Brook Road, West Wareham, MA 02576. Refer to the RMA number on all documents and correspondences.
All returned materials must be shipped prepaid. Freight collect shipments will not be accepted. EdgeTech
will pay freight charges on materials going back to the customer after they have been evaluated and/or
repaired. If the equipment is the property of EdgeTech, please insure for full value.
All shipments must be accompanied by three copies of your proforma invoice, with the value of the
material, and the reason for return. If the reason is for repair, it must be clearly stated in order to move
through customs quickly and without duties being charged. Whenever possible, please send copies of
original export shipping documents with the consignment. Fax one invoice, packing list, and a copy of the
airway bill to EdgeTech upon shipment to EdgeTech’s Main Office Fax: 1-508-291-2491.
If there is more than one item per consignment, a packing list must accompany the shipment, which can
be combined with the proforma invoice and packing list if the contents of each carton are clearly
numbered and identified on the invoice.
If your product is a portable topside, never attempt to ship it in its Storm
CaseTM alone. Although rugged, these cases are not intended to be used
as shipping containers, and the delicate internal components could be
damaged if used in this manner.
Note: All shipping charges shall be the responsibility of the customer, and
the return shipment will be sent on the customer’s account.
Foreign and Domestic Shipping Return Instructions
1. The items must be sent prepaid to our door – using a reputable company. Freight collect
shipments will not be accepted. Small items can be shipped prepaid directly to EdgeTech via
FedEx, DHL, UPS, Airborne, etc.
2. For your protection, the items should be fully insured. EdgeTech will not assume any responsibility
for damage to the shipment while in transit inbound or outbound.
3. Items within the warranty period must be sent prepaid to our door – using a reputable company.
EdgeTech will only pay for return shipping charges, if damage was not caused by misuse.
International Shipping Return Instructions
The following steps only apply to material being returned from outside the Continental United States, and
must be followed carefully to prevent delays and additional costs:
1. The waybill and all shipment documentation associated with the shipment must clearly state that
the Country of Origin/Manufacturer is USA.
2. The waybill and all associated shipment documents must state the following to eliminate
taxes levied: United States goods returned to manufacturer for repair purposes only.
3. The waybill and all documents associated with the shipment must state the following for
4. If using a freight forwarder, ensure they understand that the goods are duty & tax free United
States goods returned to manufacturer for repair only. Additionally, please instruct the freight
forwarder that the shipment is FREE DOMICILE and must be delivered to our door.
5. Please send all shipping documents in advance of the shipment by email to
. Providing EdgeTech with the shipping documents will enable us to
follow up with the carrier on our end.
Also include EdgeTech’s broker information below on the commercial invoice:
Attn: Brenda Richards | Terri DiOrio
TransGroup BOS INTL, 140 Eastern Ave, Chelsea MA 02150
Office: 617-889-5089 TF: 877-839-3353 Fax: 617-889-5189 |
NOTE: For International Shipments, If the value of the equipment is over
$1000, the following Shipper's oath must be sent with the invoice. This
oath can be typed on the invoice or on a separate letterhead:
"I, ______________________________, declare that the articles herein specified are the growth,
produce, or manufacture of the United States; that they were exported from the
United States from the port of _____________________, on or about _______________; that they
are returned without having been advanced in value or improved in condition by any
process of manufacture or any other means; and that no drawback, or allowance has
been paid or admitted hereof."
Signed ______________________________
8242XS Release0004815_REV_G
Customer service personnel at EdgeTech are always eager to hear from users of our products. Your
feedback is welcome, and is a valuable source of information which we use to continually improve these
products. Therefore, we encourage you to contact EdgeTech Customer Service to offer any suggestions
or to request technical support:
NOTE: Please have your system Serial Number available when contacting
Customer Service.
Mail: 4 Little Brook Road
West Wareham, MA 02576
Telephone: (508) 291-0057
Facsimile: (508) 291-2491
24-Hour Emergency
Technical Support Line: (508) 942-8043
For more information please go to
EdgeTech (formerly EG&G Marine Instruments) traces its history in underwater data acquisition and
processing back to 1966. EdgeTech has designed, developed, and manufactured products, instruments,
and systems—for the acquisition of underwater data, including marine, estuarine, and coastal
applications—for over 50 years.
The company has responded to the needs of the scientific, Naval, and offshore communities by providing
equipment—such as sub-bottom profilers, side scan sonar, acoustic releases, USBL positioning systems,
and bathymetric systems—that have become standards in the industry.
EdgeTech has also consistently anticipated and responded to future needs through an active research and
development program. Current efforts are focused on the application of cutting-edge CHIRP and acoustic
8242XS Release0004815_REV_G
ATTENTION – READ THIS FIRST! ......................................................................................................... iii
Warnings, Cautions, and Notes ................................................................................................................ iii
HARDWARE VARIATIONS AND COMPATIBILITY .................................................................................. iv
ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT .................................................................................................................... v
Purpose of this Manual ............................................................................................................................. v
Liability ...................................................................................................................................................... v
Revision History ........................................................................................................................................ v
WARRANTY STATEMENT ................................................................................................................... vi
RETURNED MATERIAL AUTHORIZATION ........................................................................................... vii
Foreign and Domestic Shipping Return Instructions ............................................................................... vii
International Shipping Return Instructions ............................................................................................ viii
CUSTOMER SERVICE .......................................................................................................................... ix
COMPANY BACKGROUND .................................................................................................................. x
TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................................................... xi
LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................................................. xiv
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................................... xvi
B.0 TANDEM RELEASE OPTION ....................................................................................................... B-1
B.1 Parts List ........................................................................................................................................ B-1
Table B-1: 8242XS Tandem Parts List – 0006657 ....................................................................................... B-1
8242XS Release0004815_REV_G
This manual describes the 8242XS, a field-proven, reliable, and versatile mooring instrument, functioning
as both an Acoustic Release and Transponder. The 8242XS can also be used for specialized applications,
such as the opening/closing of underwater valves and in Emergency Recovery Systems. The 8242XS has
been designed for use as an instrument location and recovery system on oceanographic moorings and
platforms. Additionally, the precision, high-output power transponder feature makes this instrument ideal
for use in Long Baseline (LBL) Positioning and Navigation Systems. Constructed entirely of a NickelAluminum-Bronze alloy, the 8242XS is rugged and durable, even in the harshest marine environments.
The 8242XS uses a version of the EdgeTech’s field-proven, Binary Acoustic Command System (BACS) code
structure and is compatible with the 8011M and PACS EdgeTech Deck Units, shown below. The BACS
coding structure provides 12,000 possible command codes. The release has an enable/disable command
for controlling the transponder function as a standard feature. When disabled, the transponder will not
reply when interrogated. The RELEASE command causes the 8242XS to manually disconnect from its
mooring. The RELEASE command can be sent and will cause a release whether the system is enabled or
disabled. The ENABLE and DISABLE function only controls the transponder section.
Figure 1-1: An 8242XS Release in the Arctic Sea
Basic Functionality
The transponder function can be turned ON or OFF with the ENABLE and DISABLE commands, respectively.
When disabled the transponder will not reply when interrogated, which ensures the Unit will not interfere
with nearby instruments and that no battery energy will be wasted replying to spurious noise sources
during the deployment. The ENABLE and DISABLE commands has no effect on the RELEASE command.
Release mechanism
Spring-driven, rotary type with advantage hook
Recommended max static load rating (working)
5,500 kg (12,000 lbs) central axis loading
Depth rating (working)
6,000 meters (19,700 ft)
94.6 cm (38.00 in) (standard unit)
Housing O.D.
13 cm (5.12 in)
Housing I.D.
10 cm (4.0 in)
Weight in air
36 kg (79 lbs) (standard unit)
Weight in water
28 kg (62 lbs) (standard unit)
Acetal (washers, etc.)
Transducer Connector
Battery Connector
Auxiliary I/O
Motor Connection
System Sense Lines
Mechanical & Physical Specifications
The 8242XS is not intended for overhead lifting. Exercise extreme caution
to prevent serious personal injury.
Mechanical specifications for the 8242XS Release are as follows:
Exposed materials
NiAlBz (housing, end caps, and mechanism)
Buna –N (O-Rings)
Table 2-1: Mechanical & Physical Specifications
Printed Circuit Board (PCB)
The PCB connectors on the 8242XS board are shown below:
Figure 2-1: PCB Connectors
Transmit source level
192 dB re 1 µPascal-meter
Command codes
BACS commands
Transponder sensitivity
-80 dB re 1 µPascal
> or = 44 dB re root Hz for jitter < +/- 0.5 milliseconds (3 σT).
Jitter =+/- 0.1 milliseconds for noise-free field
Interrogate frequency
11 kHz (standard unit)
Post filter bandwidth
330 Hz
Minimum interrogate pulse width
5 milliseconds
Reply frequency
Default 12 kHz
Transmit/Reply source level
192 dB re 1 µPascal-meter
Reply pulse width
10 milliseconds (standard unit)
Turnaround time delay
12.5 milliseconds (standard unit)
Lockout time
1.0 seconds
Receiver sensitivity
-100 dB re 1 µPascal-meter
Receiver SNR
> or = 36 dB re root Hz
Receiver type
Hard-limited (2000 Hz / 330 Hz bandwidths)
General to 8000 series – Binary FSK
Allowed tone pairs
Six (see TABLE 2-4) for full breakdown of pairs
Two successive 8 bit words with a 5 sec. interval between them.
Pulse width
22 milliseconds
250 milliseconds
Total command time
9 seconds
Total lockout time
14 seconds re beginning
Total command
capacity per tone pair
Standard functions
Release, Disable Transponder, Enable Transponder
Acoustic Specifications
The acoustic specifications for the 8242XS unit are described in the following sub-sections.
Transponder SNR
Table 2-2: Acoustic Specifications
BACS Command Structure
The BACS’ command structure consists of two 8-bit words separated by a 5-sec interval. Each word is
comprised of 8 bits from a 16-bit command. The 16-bit command is a 15 bit, 11 block cyclic code with an
overall parity bit appended to the end to form a 16-bit code with a minimum Hamming distance of 4 bits.
Two transitions are required within each word, and no repetitions of words are allowed in a command.
Each word comprised of 8 bits from a 16 bit command. The 16 bit command is a 15,
11 block cyclic code with an overall parity bit appended to the end to form a 16, 11
code with a minimum Hamming distance of 4 bits.
Additionally, two transitions are required within each word, and no repetitions of
words are allowed in a command.
2,000 or 12,000 commands for six tone pairs
Table 2-3: BACS Command Structure Specifications
“0” (VALUE IN kHz)
“1” (VALUE IN kHz)
Activate mechanical release
2 years & 100,000 replies
4 years & 200,000 replies
BACS Command Coding
BACS command coding is described in the following table:
1 9.5 9.9
Table 2-4: Allowed BACS Tone Pair Breakdown
Standard Command Functions
Functions for the three standard commands are given in the table below:
Mechanical Drawings for the 8242XS are shown below:
Figure 2-2: ICD 8272-XS Short – 0010816
Figure 2-3: ICD 8242XS Long – 0011329
This section contains the information relative to the basic set up and operation of the Model 8242XS
acoustic release. Refer to the specific information sheet that shipped with the unit, for details of its specific
equipment. This sheet includes the 8242XS’s commands, and transponder frequencies.
Efforts should be made to ensure that there is a clear acoustic path between the 8242XS Transducer and
the source (typically a dunking Transducer from a deck unit). Structural elements of a mooring system
which have significantly different acoustic impedance than that of seawater will cause absorption or
reflection of acoustic signals, which will degrade the operation of the unit. Floatation, including glass
spheres, syntactic foam and plastic floats are particularly problematic. Floats placed physically close to
the Transducer can create a blind area in the Transducers beam pattern.
The Release Load is held through the Lifting Support, and Release Hook. There are isolation shoulder
washers on the top pad eye to prevent electrical contact with the mooring. In some installations (such as
a trawl resistant Benthic Landers) the unit needs to be secured to the structure. It is important to verify
that the Release Hook is not obstructed in its motion, which could prevent it from disengaging.
The release mechanism is designed for in-line loads; side loading will severely degrade performance.
Generally, the Release Link is treated as a disposable item. It is used to electrically isolate the release from
the rest of the mooring.
Status Reply
Upon receiving a valid command, the instrument will return a series of pings which are an indication of
the status of the tilt and release sense switches.
The 8242XS is equipped with sensors that monitor the tilted or not tilted orientation of the system. This
information allows the unit to send a coded status reply, based on the instruments orientation and release
state. The tilt status is useful for ascertaining whether the mooring or platform that has been deployed
has landed as planned. At the end of a deployment, the information is useful in determining whether
forces such as strong currents or trawl activity have affected the mooring or platform.
The tilt sensor is a 45° mechanical switch that is mounted on the Release Circuit Board assembly. In the
standard instrument configuration, with the release mechanism down, the unit is defined as “not tilted”.
For applications requiring a narrower maximum allowable angle of tilt optional tilt switches are
available. The switch can also be installed at different angles to change the standard orientation.
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