Edge-Core AS6700-32X, AS5700-54X Cli Reference Manual

10G/40G Top-of-Rack Switches
AS5700-54X AS6700-32X
Software Release v1.1.166.154
CLI Reference Guide
CLI Reference Guide


54-Port 10G Ethernet Switch with 48 10GBASE SFP+ Ports, 6 40GBASE QSFP Ports, 2 Power Supply Units, and 4 Fan Trays (4 Fans – F2B and B2F Airflow)


32-Port 40G Data Center Switch with 20 40G QSFP+ Ports, 2 40G Expansion Slots, 2 Power Supply Units, and 5 Fan Trays (5 Fans – F2B or B2F Airflow)
E032016/ST-R02 149100000198A

How to Use This Guide

This guide includes detailed information on the switch software, including how to operate and use the management functions of the switch. To deploy this switch effectively and ensure trouble-free operation, you should first read the relevant sections in this guide so that you are familiar with all of its software features.
Who Should Read This
How This Guide is
This guide is for network administrators who are responsible for operating and maintaining network equipment. The guide assumes a basic working knowledge of LANs (Local Area Networks), the Internet Protocol (IP), and Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
This guide describes the switch’s command line interface (CLI). For more detailed information on the switch’s key features refer to the Administrator’s Guide.
The guide includes these sections:
Section I “Getting Started” — Includes information on connecting to the switch
and basic configuration procedures.
Section II “Command Line Interface” — Includes all management options
available through the CLI.
Section III “App en di ce s” — Includes information on troubleshooting switch
management access.
This guide focuses on switch software configuration through the CLI.
For information on how to manage the switch through the Web management interface, see the following guide:
Web Management Guide
For a general description of switch features, refer to “Introduction” in the
Web Management Guide.
For information on how to install the switch, see the following guide:
Installation Guide
– 3 –
How to Use This Guide
Conventions The following conventions are used throughout this guide to show information:
For all safety information and regulatory statements, see the following documents:
Quick Start Guide Safety and Regulatory Information
Emphasizes important information or calls your attention to related features
or instructions.
Alerts you to a potential hazard that could cause loss of data, or damage
the system or equipment.
Alerts you to a potential hazard that could cause personal injury.
Revision History This section summarizes the changes in each revision of this guide.
March 2016 Revision
This is the second version of this guide. This guide is valid for software release v1.1.166.154. It contains the following changes:
Table 1: Revision History
Description of Changes
October 2015 Revision
This is the first version of this guide. This guide is valid for software release v1.1.0.152.
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How to Use This Guide 3
Contents 5
Figures 43
Tables 45
Section I Getting Started 53
1 Initial Switch Configuration 55
Connecting to the Switch 55
Configuration Options 55
Connecting to the Console Port 56
Selecting Legacy or Hybrid Operation Mode 57
Logging Onto the Command Line Interface 57
Setting Passwords 58
Remote Connections (Network Interface or Craft Port) 58
Obtaining and Installing a License for the Network Ports 59
Configuring the Switch for Remote Management 61
Using the Service Port or Network Interface 61
Setting an IP Address 62
Enabling SNMP Management Access 67
Managing System Files 69
Upgrading the Operation Code 70
Saving or Restoring Configuration Settings 71
Configuring Automatic Installation of Operation Code and Configuration Settings 72
Downloading Operation Code from a File Server 72
Specifying a DHCP Client Identifier 75
Downloading a Configuration File Referenced by a DHCP Server 75
– 5 –
Setting the System Clock 77
Setting the Time Manually 78
Configuring SNTP 78
Configuring NTP 79
Section II Command Line Interface 81
2 Using the Command Line Interface 83
Accessing the CLI 83
Console Connection 83
Telnet Connection 83
Entering Commands 85
Keywords and Arguments 85
Minimum Abbreviation 85
Command Completion 85
Getting Help on Commands 86
Partial Keyword Lookup 87
Negating the Effect of Commands 88
Using Command History 88
Understanding Command Modes 88
Exec Commands 88
Configuration Commands 89
Command Line Processing 92
CLI Command Groups 93
3 General Commands 95
prompt 95
reload (Global Configuration) 96
enable 97
quit 98
show history 98
configure 99
disable 100
reload (Privileged Exec) 100
show reload 101
– 6 –
end 101
exit 101
4 System Management Commands 103
Device Designation 103
hostname 104
Banner Information 104
banner configure 105
banner configure company 106
banner configure dc-power-info 107
banner configure department 108
banner configure equipment-info 108
banner configure equipment-location 109
banner configure ip-lan 110
banner configure lp-number 110
banner configure manager-info 111
banner configure mux 112
banner configure note 112
show banner 113
System Status 113
location-led 114
show access-list tcam-utilization 115
show license file 116
show location-led status 117
show memory 117
show process cpu 117
show running-config 118
show startup-config 120
show system 120
show tech-support 122
show users 123
show version 123
show watchdog 124
watchdog software 124
Fan Control 125
– 7 –
fan-speed force-full 125
Frame Size 125
jumbo frame 126
File Management 126
General Commands 128
boot system 128
copy 129
delete 132
dir 133
onie 134
umount usbdisk 136
whichboot 136
Automatic Code Upgrade Commands 137
upgrade opcode auto 137
upgrade opcode path 138
upgrade opcode reload 139
show upgrade 140
TFTP Configuration Commands 140
ip tftp retry 140
ip tftp timeout 141
show ip tftp 141
Line 142
line 142
databits 143
exec-timeout 144
login 144
parity 145
password 146
password-thresh 147
silent-time 148
speed 148
stopbits 149
timeout login response 149
disconnect 150
terminal 151
– 8 –
show line 152
Event Logging 153
logging facility 153
logging history 154
logging host 155
logging on 155
logging trap 156
clear log 157
show log 157
show logging 158
SMTP Alerts 159
logging sendmail 160
logging sendmail host 160
logging sendmail level 161
logging sendmail destination-email 162
logging sendmail source-email 162
show logging sendmail 163
Time 163
SNTP Commands 164
sntp client 164
sntp poll 165
sntp server 166
show sntp 166
NTP Commands 167
ntp authenticate 167
ntp authentication-key 168
ntp client 169
ntp server 169
show ntp 170
Manual Configuration Commands 171
clock summer-time date 171
clock summer-time predefined 172
clock summer-time recurring 173
clock timezone 175
clock timezone-predefined 175
– 9 –
calendar set 176
show calendar 177
Time Range 177
time-range 178
absolute 178
periodic 179
show time-range 180
5 SNMP Commands 181
General SNMP Commands 182
snmp-server 182
snmp-server community 183
snmp-server contact 184
snmp-server location 184
show snmp 185
SNMP Target Host Commands 186
snmp-server enable traps 186
snmp-server host 187
snmp-server enable port-traps mac-notification 189
show snmp-server enable port-traps 190
SNMPv3 Commands 190
snmp-server engine-id 190
snmp-server group 191
snmp-server user 193
snmp-server view 194
show snmp engine-id 195
show snmp group 196
show snmp user 197
show snmp view 198
Notification Log Commands 199
nlm 199
snmp-server notify-filter 199
show nlm oper-status 201
show snmp notify-filter 201
– 10 –
Additional Trap Commands 201
memory 201
process cpu 202
6 Remote Monitoring Commands 203
rmon alarm 204
rmon event 205
rmon collection history 206
rmon collection rmon1 207
show rmon alarms 208
show rmon events 208
show rmon history 209
show rmon statistics 209
7 Authentication Commands 211
User Accounts 212
enable password 212
username 213
Authentication Sequence 214
authentication enable 214
authentication login 215
RADIUS Client 216
radius-server acct-port 217
radius-server auth-port 217
radius-server host 218
radius-server key 219
radius-server retransmit 219
radius-server timeout 220
show radius-server 220
TACACS+ Client 221
tacacs-server host 221
tacacs-server key 222
tacacs-server port 222
tacacs-server retransmit 223
tacacs-server timeout 223
show tacacs-server 224
– 11 –
Web Server 224
ip http port 225
ip http server 225
ip http secure-port 226
ip http secure-server 226
Telnet Server 228
ip telnet max-sessions 228
ip telnet port 229
ip telnet server 229
show ip telnet 229
Secure Shell 230
ip ssh authentication-retries 233
ip ssh server 233
ip ssh server-key size 234
ip ssh timeout 235
delete public-key 235
ip ssh crypto host-key generate 236
ip ssh crypto zeroize 237
ip ssh save host-key 237
show ip ssh 238
show public-key 238
show ssh 239
802.1X Port Authentication 240
General Commands 241
dot1x default 241
dot1x eapol-pass-through 241
dot1x system-auth-control 242
Authenticator Commands 243
dot1x intrusion-action 243
dot1x max-reauth-req 243
dot1x max-req 244
dot1x operation-mode 244
dot1x port-control 245
dot1x re-authentication 246
dot1x timeout quiet-period 246
– 12 –
dot1x timeout re-authperiod 247
dot1x timeout supp-timeout 247
dot1x timeout tx-period 248
dot1x re-authenticate 249
Information Display Commands 249
show dot1x 249
Management IP Filter 252
management 252
show management 253
8 General Security Measures 255
Port Security 256
mac-learning 256
port security 257
show port security 259
Network Access (MAC Address Authentication) 261
network-access aging 262
network-access mac-filter 263
mac-authentication reauth-time 263
network-access dynamic-qos 264
network-access dynamic-vlan 265
network-access guest-vlan 266
network-access link-detection 267
network-access link-detection link-down 267
network-access link-detection link-up 268
network-access link-detection link-up-down 268
network-access max-mac-count 269
network-access mode mac-authentication 269
network-access port-mac-filter 270
mac-authentication intrusion-action 271
mac-authentication max-mac-count 271
clear network-access 272
show network-access 272
show network-access mac-address-table 273
show network-access mac-filter 274
– 13 –
Web Authentication 274
web-auth login-attempts 275
web-auth quiet-period 276
web-auth session-timeout 276
web-auth system-auth-control 277
web-auth 277
web-auth re-authenticate (Port) 278
web-auth re-authenticate (IP) 278
show web-auth 279
show web-auth interface 279
show web-auth summary 280
DHCPv4 Snooping 280
ip dhcp snooping 281
ip dhcp snooping information option 283
ip dhcp snooping information option encode no-subtype 284
ip dhcp snooping information option remote-id 285
ip dhcp snooping information policy 286
ip dhcp snooping limit rate 286
ip dhcp snooping verify mac-address 287
ip dhcp snooping vlan 288
ip dhcp snooping information option circuit-id 288
ip dhcp snooping trust 290
clear ip dhcp snooping binding 291
clear ip dhcp snooping database flash 291
ip dhcp snooping database flash 291
show ip dhcp snooping 292
show ip dhcp snooping binding 292
DHCPv6 Snooping 293
ipv6 dhcp snooping 293
ipv6 dhcp snooping option remote-id 296
ipv6 dhcp snooping option remote-id policy 297
ipv6 dhcp snooping vlan 298
ipv6 dhcp snooping max-binding 299
ipv6 dhcp snooping trust 299
clear ipv6 dhcp snooping binding 300
– 14 –
clear ipv6 dhcp snooping statistics 301
show ipv6 dhcp snooping 301
show ipv6 dhcp snooping binding 301
show ipv6 dhcp snooping statistics 302
IPv4 Source Guard 302
ip source-guard binding 303
ip source-guard 305
ip source-guard max-binding 306
ip source-guard mode 307
clear ip source-guard binding blocked 308
show ip source-guard 308
show ip source-guard binding 309
IPv6 Source Guard 310
ipv6 source-guard binding 310
ipv6 source-guard 312
ipv6 source-guard max-binding 313
show ipv6 source-guard 314
show ipv6 source-guard binding 315
IPv6 Source Guard 315
ipv6 source-guard binding 316
ipv6 source-guard 317
ipv6 source-guard max-binding 319
show ipv6 source-guard 320
show ipv6 source-guard binding 320
ARP Inspection 321
ip arp inspection 322
ip arp inspection filter 323
ip arp inspection log-buffer logs 324
ip arp inspection validate 325
ip arp inspection vlan 325
ip arp inspection limit 326
ip arp inspection trust 327
show ip arp inspection configuration 328
show ip arp inspection interface 328
show ip arp inspection log 329
– 15 –
show ip arp inspection statistics 329
show ip arp inspection vlan 329
Port-based Traffic Segmentation 330
traffic-segmentation 330
traffic-segmentation session 332
traffic-segmentation uplink/downlink 332
traffic-segmentation uplink-to-uplink 333
show traffic-segmentation 334
9 Access Control Lists 335
IPv4 ACLs 335
access-list ip 336
permit, deny (Standard IP ACL) 337
permit, deny (Extended IPv4 ACL) 338
ip access-group 340
show ip access-group 341
show ip access-list 341
IPv6 ACLs 342
access-list ipv6 342
permit, deny (Standard IPv6 ACL) 343
permit, deny (Extended IPv6 ACL) 344
ipv6 access-group 345
show ipv6 access-group 346
show ipv6 access-list 346
MAC ACLs 347
access-list mac 347
permit, deny (MAC ACL) 348
mac access-group 350
show mac access-group 351
show mac access-list 351
ARP ACLs 352
access-list arp 352
permit, deny (ARP ACL) 353
show access-list arp 354
show arp access-list 354
– 16 –
ACL Information 355
clear access-list hardware counters 355
show access-group 356
show access-list 356
10 Interface Commands 359
Interface Configuration 360
interface 360
alias 361
description 362
flowcontrol 362
history 363
media-type 364
shutdown 364
switchport mtu 365
clear counters 366
hardware profile portmode 367
show hardware profile portmode 368
show interfaces brief 369
show interfaces counters 369
show interfaces history 373
show interfaces status 376
show interfaces switchport 377
Transceiver Threshold Configuration 378
transceiver-threshold-auto 378
transceiver-monitor 379
transceiver-threshold current 379
transceiver-threshold rx-power 380
transceiver-threshold temperature 381
transceiver-threshold tx-power 382
transceiver-threshold voltage 383
show interfaces transceiver 384
show interfaces transceiver-threshold 386
Cable Diagnostics 387
test loop internal 387
– 17 –
show loop internal 387
11 Link Aggregation Commands 389
Manual Configuration Commands 391
port channel load-balance 391
channel-group 392
Dynamic Configuration Commands 393
lacp 393
lacp admin-key (Ethernet Interface) 394
lacp port-priority 395
lacp system-priority 396
lacp admin-key (Port Channel) 397
lacp timeout 398
Trunk Status Display Commands 399
show lacp 399
show port-channel load-balance 403
MLAG Commands 403
mlag 404
mlag peer-link 405
mlag group member 405
show mlag 407
show mlag domain 407
12 Port Mirroring Commands 409
Local Port Mirroring Commands 409
port monitor 409
show port monitor 410
RSPAN Mirroring Commands 411
rspan source 413
rspan destination 414
rspan remote vlan 415
no rspan session 416
show rspan 416
13 Congestion Control Commands 419
Rate Limit Commands 419
– 18 –
rate-limit 420
Storm Control Commands 421
switchport packet-rate 421
14 Loopback Detection Commands 423
loopback-detection 424
loopback-detection action 424
loopback-detection recover-time 425
loopback-detection transmit-interval 426
loopback detection trap 426
loopback-detection release 427
show loopback-detection 428
15 UniDirectional Link Detection Commands 429
udld detection-interval 429
udld message-interval 430
udld recovery 431
udld recovery-interval 431
udld aggressive 432
udld port 433
show udld 434
16 Address Table Commands 437
mac-address-table aging-time 437
mac-address-table static 438
clear mac-address-table dynamic 439
show mac-address-table 439
show mac-address-table aging-time 440
show mac-address-table count 441
17 Spanning Tree Commands 443
spanning-tree 444
spanning-tree forward-time 445
spanning-tree hello-time 445
spanning-tree max-age 446
spanning-tree mode 447
spanning-tree pathcost method 448
– 19 –
spanning-tree priority 449
spanning-tree mst configuration 449
spanning-tree system-bpdu-flooding 450
spanning-tree transmission-limit 450
max-hops 451
mst priority 451
mst vlan 452
name 453
revision 454
spanning-tree bpdu-filter 454
spanning-tree bpdu-guard 455
spanning-tree cost 456
spanning-tree edge-port 457
spanning-tree link-type 458
spanning-tree mst cost 459
spanning-tree mst port-priority 460
spanning-tree port-priority 461
spanning-tree root-guard 461
spanning-tree spanning-disabled 462
spanning-tree tc-prop-stop 463
spanning-tree protocol-migration 463
show spanning-tree 464
show spanning-tree mst configuration 466
18 VLAN Commands 467
GVRP and Bridge Extension Commands 468
bridge-ext gvrp 468
garp timer 469
switchport gvrp 470
show garp timer 470
show gvrp configuration 471
Editing VLAN Groups 472
vlan database 472
vlan 473
Configuring VLAN Interfaces 474
– 20 –
interface vlan 474
switchport acceptable-frame-types 475
switchport allowed vlan 476
switchport forbidden vlan 477
switchport ingress-filtering 478
switchport mode 479
switchport native vlan 480
vlan-trunking 480
Displaying VLAN Information 482
show vlan 482
Configuring IEEE 802.1Q Tunneling 483
dot1q-tunnel system-tunnel-control 484
dot1q-tunnel tpid 485
switchport dot1q-tunnel mode 486
switchport dot1q-tunnel priority map 486
switchport dot1q-tunnel service default match all 487
switchport dot1q-tunnel service match cvid 488
show dot1q-tunnel 490
Configuring L2CP Tunneling 492
l2protocol-tunnel custom-pdu 492
l2protocol-tunnel tunnel-dmac 493
switchport l2protocol-tunnel 496
show l2protocol-tunnel 497
Configuring VXLAN Tunneling 497
vxlan udp-dst-port 499
vxlan flood 500
vxlan vlan vni 501
debug vxlan 502
show vxlan udp-dst-port 503
show vxlan vtep 503
show vxlan flood 504
show vxlan vlan-vni 504
show debug vxlan 505
19 Class of Service Commands 507
– 21 –
Priority Commands (Layer 2) 507
queue mode 508
queue weight 509
switchport priority default 510
show queue mode 511
show queue weight 511
Priority Commands (Layer 3 and 4) 512
qos map phb-queue 513
qos map cos-dscp 513
qos map default-drop-precedence 515
qos map dscp-cos 516
qos map dscp-mutation 517
qos map ip-port-dscp 518
qos map ip-prec-dscp 519
qos map trust-mode 520
show qos map cos-dscp 521
show map default-drop-precedence 521
show map dscp-cos 522
show qos map dscp-mutation 523
show qos map ip-port-dscp 523
show qos map ip-prec-dscp 524
show qos map phb-queue 525
show qos map trust-mode 525
20 Quality of Service Commands 527
class-map 528
description 529
match 529
rename 531
policy-map 531
class 532
police flow 533
police srtcm-color 534
police trtcm-color 537
set cos 539
– 22 –
set phb 540
service-policy 541
show class-map 541
show policy-map 542
show policy-map interface 543
21 Data Center Bridging Commands 545
DCB Exchange Commands 546
dcbx 546
dcbx mode 547
show dcbx 548
Priority-based Flow Control Commands 549
pfc mode 550
pfc priority 551
clear pfc statistics 552
show pfc 552
show pfc statistics 553
Enhanced Transmission Selection Commands 554
ets mode 555
traffic-class algo 555
traffic-class map 556
traffic-class weight 557
show ets mapping 558
show ets weight 559
Congestion Notification Commands 559
cn 562
cn cnm-transmit-priority 562
cn cnpv 563
cn cnpv alternate-priority (Global Configuration) 564
cn cnpv defense-mode (Global Configuration) 565
cn cnpv alternate-priority (Interface Configuration) 566
cn cnpv defense-mode (Interface Configuration) 567
show cn 567
show cn cnpv 568
show cn cp 569
– 23 –
Openflow Commands 570
of-agent controller 572
of-agent datapath-desc 573
clear of-agent 573
show of-agent controller 573
show of-agent flow 574
show of-agent group 578
22 Multicast Filtering Commands 581
IGMP Snooping 582
ip igmp snooping 583
ip igmp snooping priority 584
ip igmp snooping proxy-reporting 585
ip igmp snooping querier 585
ip igmp snooping router-alert-option-check 586
ip igmp snooping router-port-expire-time 587
ip igmp snooping tcn-flood 587
ip igmp snooping tcn-query-solicit 588
ip igmp snooping unregistered-data-flood 589
ip igmp snooping unsolicited-report-interval 590
ip igmp snooping version 590
ip igmp snooping version-exclusive 591
ip igmp snooping vlan general-query-suppression 592
ip igmp snooping vlan immediate-leave 592
ip igmp snooping vlan last-memb-query-count 593
ip igmp snooping vlan last-memb-query-intvl 594
ip igmp snooping vlan mrd 595
ip igmp snooping vlan proxy-address 596
ip igmp snooping vlan query-interval 597
ip igmp snooping vlan query-resp-intvl 598
ip igmp snooping vlan static 598
clear ip igmp snooping groups dynamic 599
clear ip igmp snooping statistics 599
show ip igmp snooping 600
show ip igmp snooping group 601
– 24 –
show ip igmp snooping mrouter 602
show ip igmp snooping statistics 602
Static Multicast Routing 605
ip igmp snooping vlan mrouter 605
IGMP Filtering and Throttling 606
ip igmp filter (Global Configuration) 607
ip igmp profile 608
permit, deny 608
range 609
ip igmp authentication 609
ip igmp filter (Interface Configuration) 611
ip igmp max-groups 612
ip igmp max-groups action 612
ip igmp query-drop 613
show ip igmp authentication 613
show ip igmp filter 614
show ip igmp profile 615
show ip igmp query-drop 615
show ip igmp throttle interface 616
MLD Snooping 617
ipv6 mld snooping 618
ipv6 mld snooping querier 618
ipv6 mld snooping query-interval 619
ipv6 mld snooping query-max-response-time 619
ipv6 mld snooping robustness 620
ipv6 mld snooping router-port-expire-time 621
ipv6 mld snooping unknown-multicast mode 621
ipv6 mld snooping version 622
ipv6 mld snooping vlan immediate-leave 622
ipv6 mld snooping vlan mrouter 623
ipv6 mld snooping vlan static 624
clear ipv6 mld snooping groups dynamic 624
clear ipv6 mld snooping statistics 625
show ipv6 mld snooping 625
show ipv6 mld snooping group 626
– 25 –
show ipv6 mld snooping group source-list 627
show ipv6 mld snooping mrouter 627
IGMP (Layer 3) 628
ip igmp 628
ip igmp last-member-query-interval 629
ip igmp max-resp-interval 630
ip igmp query-interval 631
ip igmp robustval 632
ip igmp static-group 632
ip igmp version 633
clear ip igmp group 634
show ip igmp groups 635
show ip igmp interface 637
IGMP Proxy Routing 638
ip igmp proxy 638
ip igmp proxy unsolicited-report-interval 640
MLD (Layer 3) 640
ipv6 mld 641
ipv6 mld last-member-query-response-interval 641
ipv6 mld max-resp-interval 642
ipv6 mld query-interval 643
ipv6 mld robustval 644
ipv6 mld static-group 644
ipv6 mld version 645
clear ipv6 mld group 646
show ipv6 mld groups 647
show ipv6 mld interface 648
MLD Proxy Routing 649
ipv6 mld proxy 649
ipv6 mld proxy unsolicited-report-interval 651
23 LLDP Commands 653
lldp 655
lldp holdtime-multiplier 655
lldp med-fast-start-count 656
– 26 –
lldp notification-interval 657
lldp refresh-interval 657
lldp reinit-delay 658
lldp tx-delay 658
lldp admin-status 659
lldp basic-tlv management-ip-address 659
lldp basic-tlv port-description 660
lldp basic-tlv system-capabilities 661
lldp basic-tlv system-description 661
lldp basic-tlv system-name 662
lldp dcbx-tlv ets-config 662
lldp dcbx-tlv ets-recommend 663
lldp dcbx-tlv pfc-config 664
lldp dot1-tlv proto-ident 664
lldp dot1-tlv proto-vid 665
lldp dot1-tlv pvid 665
lldp dot1-tlv vlan-name 666
lldp dot3-tlv link-agg 666
lldp dot3-tlv mac-phy 667
lldp dot3-tlv max-frame 667
lldp med-location civic-addr 668
lldp med-notification 669
lldp med-tlv inventory 670
lldp med-tlv location 671
lldp med-tlv med-cap 671
lldp med-tlv network-policy 672
lldp notification 672
show lldp config 673
show lldp info local-device 674
show lldp info remote-device 675
show lldp info statistics 678
24 CFM Commands 681
Defining CFM Structures 684
ethernet cfm ais level 684
– 27 –
ethernet cfm ais ma 685
ethernet cfm ais period 686
ethernet cfm ais suppress alarm 686
ethernet cfm domain 687
ethernet cfm enable 689
ma index name 690
ma index name-format 691
ethernet cfm mep 692
ethernet cfm port-enable 693
clear ethernet cfm ais mpid 693
show ethernet cfm configuration 694
show ethernet cfm md 696
show ethernet cfm ma 696
show ethernet cfm maintenance-points local 697
show ethernet cfm maintenance-points local detail mep 698
show ethernet cfm maintenance-points remote detail 699
Continuity Check Operations 701
ethernet cfm cc ma interval 701
ethernet cfm cc enable 702
snmp-server enable traps ethernet cfm cc 703
mep archive-hold-time 704
clear ethernet cfm maintenance-points remote 704
clear ethernet cfm errors 705
show ethernet cfm errors 706
Cross Check Operations 707
ethernet cfm mep crosscheck start-delay 707
snmp-server enable traps ethernet cfm crosscheck 707
mep crosscheck mpid 708
ethernet cfm mep crosscheck 709
show ethernet cfm maintenance-points remote crosscheck 710
Link Trace Operations 710
ethernet cfm linktrace cache 710
ethernet cfm linktrace cache hold-time 711
ethernet cfm linktrace cache size 712
ethernet cfm linktrace 712
– 28 –
clear ethernet cfm linktrace-cache 714
show ethernet cfm linktrace-cache 714
Loopback Operations 715
ethernet cfm loopback 715
Fault Generator Operations 716
mep fault-notify alarm-time 716
mep fault-notify lowest-priority 717
mep fault-notify reset-time 718
show ethernet cfm fault-notify-generator 719
Delay Measure Operations 720
ethernet cfm delay-measure two-way 720
25 Domain Name Service Commands 723
ip domain-list 724
ip domain-lookup 725
ip domain-name 725
ip host 726
ip name-server 727
ipv6 host 728
clear dns cache 728
clear host 729
show dns 729
show dns cache 730
show hosts 730
26 DHCP Commands 733
DHCP Client 733
ip dhcp client class-id 733
ip dhcp restart client 735
ipv6 dhcp client rapid-commit vlan 736
DHCP Relay 737
DHCP for IPv4 737
ip dhcp relay server 737
ip dhcp restart relay 738
DHCP for IPv6 739
ipv6 dhcp relay destination 739
– 29 –
show ipv6 dhcp relay destination 740
27 IP Interface Commands 741
IPv4 Interface 741
Basic IPv4 Configuration 742
ip address 742
ip default-gateway 746
show ip interface 747
show ip traffic 747
traceroute 748
ping 750
ARP Configuration 751
arp 751
arp timeout 752
clear arp-cache 753
show arp 753
IPv6 Interface 754
Interface Address Configuration and Utilities 755
ipv6 default-gateway 755
ipv6 address 756
ipv6 address eui-64 757
ipv6 address link-local 759
ipv6 enable 760
ipv6 mtu 762
show ipv6 interface 763
show ipv6 mtu 765
show ipv6 traffic 765
clear ipv6 traffic 770
ping6 770
traceroute6 771
Neighbor Discovery 773
ipv6 hop-limit 773
ipv6 nd dad attempts 773
ipv6 nd ns-interval 775
ipv6 nd raguard 776
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+ 1086 hidden pages