Eden Silver User Manual

Nemesis Silver Series
Owners Manual
NA120 / NA80
Bass Guitar Amplifier Chassis
For Silver Series Combos
Covering Models
3/15/2005 U. S. Music Corp.
NA120 / NA80
Bass Guitar Amplifier Chassis
For all Nemesis Silver Series Combos
Models N10S(E), N12S(E) N15S(E), N28S(E)
Publishing Date 3-15-05
Congratulations on your purchase of your new lightweight Nemesis Silver Series Combo Amplifier System. All of us at Eden are totally committed to providing you with the very best bass guitar systems in their class.
Our goals are to offer you the outstanding performance quality of a top­notch, professional bass amplification system at a reasonable price point, and to make the Nemesis Silver Series line such a great value that you really can't afford not to own one.
This manual will cover all versions of the Nemesis Silver Series Combos. These include the N10S(E), equipped with the NA80 amplifier unit, and the N12S(E), N15S(E), and N28S(E) models, which are equipped with the NA120 amplifier unit. The (E) version is the Export version; however, both units are identical in operation.
The NA80 has 90 watts @ 8 Ohm, 120 watts RMS @ 4 Ohms and the NA120 has 130 watts @ 8 Ohms, 170 watts RMS @ 4 Ohms. Both have +3dB of headroom and feature large passive cooling systems with built­in thermal safeties.
The Nemesis Silver Series products group is a revolution in bass guitar equipment and manufacturing technology. We have taken FET power device technology, computer-optimized circuit design, and years of research and testing to evolve our latest electronics package: the NA80/120. This is a great step forward in performance, reliability, and value.
We build the Nemesis Silver Series enclosures from void-free, high quality plywood. The chassis is mounted with 6 mounting bolts to insure reliability under the most difficult conditions.
The Nemesis Silver Series Combo line is the result of our research and development in combining high performance and compact size, together with lightweight construction and great value. It offers a great performance value for the bass student, teacher, and the working bass player alike. A skilled craftsman needs good quality tools that won't let him down on the job, and so does a good musician.
Your ears are your most important piece of equipment. Unfortunately, they cannot be replaced as easily as your other gear. Please take the following warning seriously.
This product, when used in combination with amplification and/or additional loudspeakers may be capable of producing sound levels that could cause permanent hearing loss. DO NOT operate at high volume levels or at a level that is uncomfortable. If you experience any discomfort or ringing in the ears or suspect hearing loss, you should consult an audiologist.
Thank you for your purchase of an Eden Nemesis Series bass guitar product. This unit has been designed and constructed to give you years of trouble-free service.
Please take the time to review this manual and to send in your warranty registration card.
Your Nemesis Silver Series Combo has all the following features: a 90 to 130 watt FET power amplifier @ 8 Ohms, dual channels, heavy duty passive thermal cooling, extension speaker compatibility, automatic thermal protection circuit, compressor/limiter with in/out switch, aux channel with tone and level controls, enhance control, 3-band tone control, speaker on/off switch, headphones jack, aux speaker output, full D.I. with ground lift switch and level control, effects loop, all plywood enclosure, and powerful, great sounding Eden designed loudspeakers.
Before turning on your Nemesis Combo, you need to do a few things first. If your unit was shipped directly to you from a dealer, check carefully for hidden freight damage before you attempt to operate the unit. If you find any damage, notify your dealer and the freight line immediately. If you picked up your unit from your dealer, it was probably set up and tested out already. To be safe, we suggest that you go through the set up now.
Before you plug in your unit for the first time, please do the following things. First, turn the power switch to the off position. Check the back of your unit for the correct voltage notation for your country of operation.
Once you’ve ensured correct voltage, set the master volume control to minimum (0). Set the tone controls to the center position (12:00 or 0). Turn the enhance control to the minimum position. Set the gain control to approximately the 10:00 position. Set the compressor in the on position. On the front of the unit, set the internal speaker switch in the on
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