Congratulations on the purchase of your new Nemesis RS Series Com bo
Amplifier System. All of us at Eden are totally committed to providing you
with the very best bass guitar systems in their class. Our goals are to offer
you the outsta nding performance quality of a top-notch, professional bass
amplification system at a reasonable price po int, and to m a ke Nemesis
amplifiers t he most musical and reliable Bass amplifiers available.
This manual will cover domestic and international versions of the RS Series
Combo Amplifiers, including the RSC210, RSC410, RSC212 and RSC115.
The RS Series is powered by the RS320 amplifier which delivers 200 watts
RMS output @ 8 Ohms and 320 watts @ 4 Ohms, all with +3dB of
headroom. This amplifier also features a thermostatica lly controlled, active
cooling system with built-in therm al safeti es.
You have purchased what we feel is one of the finest bass amplifiers
in its class. The pre-amplifier section, with its familiar Eden Enhance c ontrol
and powerful semi-parametric tone control system is coupled to a gentle
auto-compression circuit, allowing you to achieve a wide array of so unds.
This compact amplifier houses modular circuits made with superior
components and designed for y ears of trouble-free service.
The Nemesis products group is the result of our quest for ultimate bass tone
and maximum reliability. Your amplifier was designed, engineered and
manufactured equivalent to aircraft vibration standards and housed in a
welded steel chassis with steel top to ensure maximum reliability. The
modular design allows quick re pair in the field should such a need arise.
The Nemesis line of amplifier s is the result of our res earch and development
in combining high pe rformance and compact size. Ju st as a skilled craftsman
needs good quality tools that won't let him down on the job, so does a good
musician. We hope you enjoy the tool we’ve created for you. Have fun; play
Please read this manual in its entirety before operating your new amplifier.
Failure to do so could result in misuse or damage. We’ve taken the time to
write it, whic h was a lot longer than the time it w ill take for you to read it.
Help us help you by taking a few moments to learn how to prop e rly use your
new amp. You’ll be glad you di d!
Your ears are your most important piece of equipment.
Unfortunately, they cannot be replaced as easily as your other
gear. Please take the following warning seriously.
This product, when used in combination with loudspeakers
and/or additional amplification may be capable of producing
sound levels that could cause permanent hearing loss. DO NOT
operate at high volume levels or at a level that is uncomfortable.
If you experience any discomfort or ringing in the ears or suspect
hearing loss, you should consult an audiologist.
Thank you for your purchase of an Eden bass guitar product.
This unit has been designed and constructed to give you years of
trouble-free service.
Please take the time to review this manual
and to send in your warranty registration card.
Input Jack – Designed to accept a standard 1/4-inch mono phone plug. For
best results use a high quality shielded cable to connect your instrument to
the amplifier. The input is buffered and will handle standard passive, high
level active, and piezo input signals.
Mute Indicator – lights when the Mute function is engaged, which can only
by done via the included footswitch.
Gain Control – Regulates the first gain stage of the preamplifier and
controls the amount of signal available to the system.
-12dB Pad – Pulling the Gain knob engages a -12dB pad. This feature is
useful for basses that have a very high signal level. The light is on when the
pad is engaged.
Set Level/Compression Indicator – This light helps the user set the
appropriate amount of gain. When set properly, the indicator should light on
your loudest/lowest notes, or when the compressor is active. We’ll go over
this in more detail later in the manual.
Edge Control – Allows you to dial in a li ttle vintage, tu be-style distortion as
you like. The control produces a warm single-sided, even order harmonic
distortion that sounds just like the old tube heads. With the control turned
fully counter-clockwise, the circuit is bypassed. The further to the right you
turn the control the more distortion you will get. The distortion is fairly
subtle at low input levels and is more pronounced at high gain settings.
Enhance Control – Called the “Magic Knob” by some, this complex
control simultaneously boosts the very low bass, upper middle, and high
frequencies while putting a dip in the lower middle frequencies.
It is flat when set to its minimum level (fully counterclockwise).
Compressor Bypass – Pulli ng the Enhance co ntrol allows y ou to bypass the
front end Compressor/Limiter. The Compressor/Limiter in your unit is a
fixed threshold type. You a djust the Compression level by turning the gain
control up or down until you get the amount of compression you want. You
may find the bypass switch useful for getting that maximum punch whe n
you are slapping or popping hard.
Semi-Parametric Equalizer – Allows you to dial in a specif ic frequency to
enhance or cut. This feature is especially useful for upright and acoustic bass
guitars that have a resonant frequency. Because we’ve included a bypass
switch, you can also use it to create a second tone that is available
instantaneously. (You’re welcome.) The frequency is adjustable from 40Hz
to 10KHz. The level can be adjusted +/- 15 dB. The control is FLAT when
the level control is at 12:00 position (straight up). ON/OFF Indicator
D.I. Selector – Allows the user to choose to send the D.I. either pre-EQ or
Three Band Tone Controls – Divides the audio spectrum into three bands:
Bass, Mid, and Treble. The Bass and Treble controls are shelving type
filters. The Mid control is a band pass type filter. These controls give you a
broad general control of the tone shaping.
Master Volume – Controls the main stage sound level and the Head Phone
Headphone Jack – Accepts a sta ndard ¼ inch stereo or mono headphone
plug. It can also be used as a Master Output send to slave another amplifier.
DC Indicator – When lit, shows that the low voltage power supplies are
Mains On/Off Switch – This switch turns the system power ON or OFF.
The switch illuminates to indicate the presence of AC power present in the
chassis. This switch is prior to the fuse. The light in the switch may flicker
depending on local voltage conditions. This is normal and nothing to be
concerned about.
NOTE: The Mains Switch will illuminate even if the fuse is blown.
However, the DC Indicators will not illuminate if the fuse is blown.
IMPORTANT NOTE: When attached, the included lighted footsw itch will
defeat the Front Pane l controls for the Mute to Tune and Enha nce Bypass
Cooling System – Your amplifi e r features a thermos tatically controlled fan,
which will switch on when the internal temperature reaches 130 degrees F.
In low volume situations (into 8 Ohm loads) the fan may not come on at all.
The cooling system also features a high temperature thermal safety system,
which will activate a circuit if the operating temperature goes above 200
degrees F. This circuit will automatically turn off the output of the system in
the event of overheating. It will automatically reset itself as soon as the unit
cools down to a safe operating temperature.
NOTE: the D.I. will continue to operate normally even when t he amplifier is
in thermal safety mode. Only the stage sound will be lost.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Excessive heat is a Very Bad Thin g and can
result in severe damage to your amplifier. DO NOT bypass or
disconnect any part of your thermal safety system. Doing so will
immediately void your warr ant y!
Combination Power Cord Jack and Fuse Holder – The removable power
cord is attached here. To access the fuse holder, pull the holder out of the top
of the power receptacle. Your unit was shipped with a spare fuse inserted in
REPLACMENT. Using a fuse with a different rating than specified is a
VERY BAD THING and can cause damage to your amplifier.
All models come with a holder marked (FUSE) and are factory configured
for 100/120/ 230/240 only and must be adapted by a service tech for any
voltage change.
Fuse Requirements:
USA @ 120 Volts /60 HZ – 4 Amps, 5 x 20 mm GMC/T/slow blow
Europe @ 240 Volts/50 Hz - 2 Amps, 5 x 20 mm GMC/T/slow blow
IMPORTANT NOTE: Always use slow blow or time delay type fuses.
Do not use fast blow fuses.
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