Edelweiss DS1-MK3 User Manual

digital audio
weiss engineering ltd. Florastrasse 42, 8610 Uster, Switzerland
+41 44 940 20 06 +41 44 940 22 14 http://www.weiss.ch / http://www.weiss-highend.com
Software Version: 0S: 3.0, DSP: 3.0
Release Date: May, 2008
digital audio
weiss engineering ltd. Florastrasse 42, 8610 Uster, Switzerland
+41 44 940 20 06 +41 44 940 22 14 http://www.weiss.ch / http://www.weiss-highend.com
Authors: Andor Bariska, Daniel Weiss, Weiss Engineering LTD.
Weiss Engineering LTD. reserves the right to make changes to product specifi­cation or documentation without prior notice. Updated manuals and datasheets are available at our website for downloading. Weiss Engineering LTD. makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does part of this manual, and specifically disca­lims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmit­ted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopy­ing, scanning or any information storage or retrieval system without the ex­press prior written consent of the publisher.
© Copyright Weiss Engineering LTD., 2008.
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Graphic 1: Front Panel Elements
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Graphic 2: Display Elements
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Front Panel Groups
The front panel of the DS1-MK3 offers several control and display features.
Refer to Graphic 1: Front Panel Elements
- Menu- and softkeys p. 7
- Snapshot keys p. 19
- ganged / channel select keys p. 16
- Gain / Data controller p. 8
- Crossover controllers p. 12
- Envelope follower controllers p. 10
Refer to Graphic 2: Display Elements
      
- Non-linear transfer curve controllers p. 11
- Gain value p. 8
- Crossover setting (frequency selective mode only) p. 12
- Non-linear transfer curve and signal metering p. 11
- Status display p. 7
- Peak limiter gain reduction meter p. 8
- Envelope follower settings p. 10
- Compressor gain reduction meters p. 10
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Congratulations on purchasing the Weiss DS1-MK3 De-esser / Compressor !
This two channel digital De-esser / Compressor features linear-phase crossover filters covering the whole audio band. Thus the DS1-MK3 is not just a De-esser but can also be used as band selective or full band Compressor / Limiter. The controls for the two channels can be ganged or unganged (useful for M/S compression). Simi­larly, sidechain linking can be turned off.
Internal processing is either 88.2kHz (with 44.1 and 88.2kHz input) or 96kHz (with 48 or 96kHz input) in DeEsser and in Compressor mode. Double-precision up- and down-sampling units within the DS1-MK3 result in negligible distor­tion and high transparency for absolutely clean sound.
The non-linear segment can be adjusted from 1000:1 to 1:5, allowing every kind of dynamic processing, from limiting to upward expansion (for over-compressed signals). Put back a little dynamics into that ultra-finalized mix!
An additional safety-limiter takes care of any overs that are generated in DeEsser as well as in Compressor mode.
This and the ability to remote control para­meters and snapshots makes the DS1-MK3 the perfect tool for the recording and mastering engineer!
24bit digital input, internal 40bit floating-
point arithmetic, dithered output for 16bit, 20bit or 24bit wordlengths.
Transparent phase-linear crossover for
frequency selective compression
All parameters are immediately accessible
with instant feedback through LEDs and the LC display.
Logarithmic graph of the transfer function
of the de-esser/compressor calculated in real time
Status display showing sampling fre-
quency, channel status data handling, cur­rent workspace and snapshot number and a resetable peak-hold and over-hold per channel
Parameter display (activated by touching
the knobs) showing all timing, level and gain parameters
Signal status LEDs, showing OVERs, range
of envelope signal and the status of the release time comparator
3 x 128 non-volatile snapshots where all
parameters are stored
A-B workspaces for quick comparison be-
tween two settings
Remote Control
Supports MIDI, RS-232 and RS-422 proto-
Standard MIDI Continuous Controllers for
parameter remote control (including over­all gain)
Snapshot automatization with MIDI Pro-
gram Change Commands
MIDI Dump of Snapshots
Standardised peak meters for compressor-
stage in- and output with peak hold
Gain reduction meter with peak hold for
compressor and for safety-limiter each.
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+41 44 940 20 06 +41 44 940 22 14 http://www.weiss.ch weiss@weiss.ch
(for example) high frequency inner details at low
Update from DS1 to DS1­MK2 v1.0 or v1.1
The main difference between these two versions is the ability of the DS1-MK2 to accept 88.2 / 96kHz input signals. Contrary to the DS1, where double sampling processing was only used in compressor mode, the DS1-MK2 now uses inter­nal up- and downsampling stages and all proc­essing is at 88.2 / 96 kHz.
There is a completely new feature available in the DS1-MK2, the upward expander. This is the logical extension of the compressor. Just turn the ratio controller counterclock wise to experi­ence this new sound. New scale range on p. 26.
The DeEsser section has been enhanced with a new crossover, which covers the whole audio bandwidth (the DS1 used 271 Hz as lowest cut­off frequency, the DS1-MK2 can now be tuned down to 41 Hz). New scale range on p. 25.
And for those who like it hot, there is a new peak limiter section added in series to the com­pressor / de-esser, which cuts down spikes above 0.0dBFS. Read about its operation on p.8.
Update from DS1-MK2 v1.0 or v1.1 to DS1-MK2 v1.3
The main new enhancement is the parallel com­pressor option. To read about operating and options of the parallel compressor, turn to p. 14. This way of using a compressor was motivated by Bob Katz, here is what he says about it on the Mastering Webboard:
“You want a patch that compresses without stomping on the attacks at all, preserves tran­sients but gives you great inner detail? ...
You have one control, one control only, and that is the output level of the compressor [gain makeup], the ‘sidechain’. You can bring out in­ner details without losing breathing, and hardly affecting the upper dynamics at all. Works great. Not just great, absolutely fantastically. Fattens bass instruments without causing breathing or pumping. You name it, it works very well.
Variations: Use it like the Dolby Spectral Enhan­cer, by split band [parallel] compression, so that
levels are enhanced. ”
The other change in architecture is the addition of a second gain before the safety limiter, re­ferred to as pre-limiter gain. The old overall gain is also still available. Read on p. 8.
Also, the scales of the gain, gain makeup and ratio parameters has been modified to suit cus­tomer feedback. New values on p. 26.
Update from DS1-MK2 v1.3 to DS1-MK2 v2.0
In the v2.0 version POW-R dithering capabilities have been added. The dithering menu now has a "setup" entry which gives you access to the three POW-R algorithms.
Update from DS1-MK2 v2.0 to DS1-MK2 v2.1
New Feature: Safety Limiter is now also of auto release type. No changes to the user interface.
Update from DS1-MK2 v2.x to DS1-MK3 (v3.0)
After several years of the DS1’s use in mastering and recording studios world wide we have gath­ered and implemented a list of most wanted features suggested by our customers.
These include:
- Ganged or unganged control, i.e. independent
parameters in L/R or M/S possible
- M/S or L/R processing
- Switchable sidechain link
- Continuously variable signal sensing from Peak
to 800ms RMS
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The following explanations assume that the de-esser/compressor is in power-up mode, i.e. no menu is active. If a menu is active, press the “menu” key repeatedly until the status display appears.
Status Display
Graphic 3: Status Display
The status display consists of four groups displaying audio signal properties and information about the current state of the DS1­MK3.
Channel Status Group (Key A)
Situated adjacent to key A, displays the follow­ing information:
sampling frequency in kHz: “44.1”, “48”,
“88.2” or “96”.
pre-emphasis: “E” appears if pre-
emphasis is set (empty if not used)
input output channel status data for-
mat: “C” for consumer and “P” for pro­fessional
To change the output channel status data for­mat, press key A and select format type or loop through.
Peak Group (Key B)
Situated adjacent to key B, this group contains a peak-hold and an over-hold for each channel. To reset these values press key B twice.
The numeric peak value is measured relative to 0dBFS (digital full scale).
Use this value to set the optimum gain for a specific session. Reset it for every session by pressing key B twice.
Whenever an over is encountered, the boxes to the side of the peak-hold values are marked.
The functions of the over-LED’s and the over­hold both depend on the NUMBER OF CONSECUTIVE OVER-SAMPLES setting. To adjust this setting, press key B once. Use the gain/
data controller () to change the value, then press “menu” to return to the status display.
This setting defines the number of consecutive over-samples needed for an over-indication. To indicate every over-sample, enter 1. If another value is entered, you are still able to detect a single over-sample with the peak-hold function.
Over-samples are defined as exceeding the integer range. A full scale signal (0dBFS) will not be treated as over.
Remote Group (Key C)
Situated adjacent to key C, displays remote control protocol (“MIDI”, “RS 232” or “RS 422”), channel (“1” - “16”) and status (on/ off, dis­played with check box).
For setup see chapter Remote Control (p.21).
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Snapshot Display (Key D)
Bottom line in the status display. Refer to this for information on current workspace and snap­shot. There are two workspaces (“A” and “B”) for quick comparison of two de-esser/compressor settings. A workspace can be stored to a snap­shot for later use.
The number of the last recalled snapshot will be displayed. If you change any value after the
recall, the “=” will change to “” to symbolise
that the workspace is not equal to the displayed snapshot anymore.
For snapshot handling see chapter Snapshots (p.19).
Dither Icon (Key D)
The dither icon is situated right next to key D (see Graphic 3). If dither is off, the icon contains the number “24“, the word length of the output signal in bits. Turning dither on will produce arrows above and below the new word length
number (“16“ or “20“). Additionally, if auto­blacking is enabled, the bottom right corner of the icon is inverted.
For details on dither refer to chapter Dither (p.
Gain / Output Gain
There are two gains, one pre safety-limiter and one post safety-limiter, as depicted in Graphic 4.
from previous processing
Graphic 4: Output section
When touching the gain controller (), the required gain can be selected from a menu. To
change the output gain, press softkey D. If an arrow appears inside the output gain window, the Output Gain can be adjusted. Press the D key again to control the pre-limiter gain which is shown in the upper left corner of the display.
Both gains are bypassed when Bypass is active.
The value shown in  is the setting of the pre­limiter gain.
The post-limiter output gain should be used to set the maximum output level only (usually
Safety Limiter
Safety Limiter
This feature is activated by pressing the “safe” key. When the “safe” key is lit, the limiter is on.
Safety limiter activity can be monitored with the second gain reduction meter below the “GAIN”
window ().
If the “safe” key is lit, overs will be limited by this fast peak limiter. The parameters of the limiter are fixed and cannot be adjusted.
However, the pre-limiter gain can be used to drive the safety limiter.
Too much pre-limiter gain will result in dis­tortion!
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Transfer Curve
Compressor Parameters
Following is a detailed description of all parameters that can be adjusted in the compressor stage. Guide­lines are given for settings (see also the factory presets), but optimal settings are usually programme dependent, so experimenting and listening is inevitable for satisfying results.
Graphic 5 shows schematic and parameters of the DS1-MK3 compressor stage:
overall delay
Graphic 5: Compressor schematic
Envelope Detection
release delay
release fast
average RMS
release slow
audio signal
gain control signal
gain makeup
A typical compressor/limiter circuit measures the audio signal and then generates the gain reduction control signal. At the time the control signal changes the gain, the programme mate­rial is already there, so the gain change occurs too late. The result is overshoot and possible subsequent distortion.
The DS1-MK3 uses a different method to gener­ate the gain control signal: The audio passing through the mainchain is delayed by a fixed amount of time, determined by the „overall de­lay“. By branching the signal out of the delay line, the sidechain „sees“ the signal before it reaches the output, thus allowing look-ahead compared to the mainchain. The resulting cor­rected output signal has no overshoots, no lead­ing edge distortion or other side effects due to timing lags in the sidechain.
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The preview (the time the signal reaches the sidechain ahead of the multiplier) cannot, of course, exceed the overall delay.
The overall delay is the sum of the maximum overall delay („Delay“ box in Graphic 5) and the delay required for other signal processing (lin­ear-phase filtering for up- and downsamplers). Any snapshot value of the preview delay which exceeds this maximum, is clipped to the maxi­mum, because the overall delay is not stored in the snapshots and therefore the preview delay in any snapshot can exceed the currently selected overall delay.
Setting overall delay: The overall delay is
adjusted by pressing the „menu“ key () then selecting the „system“ and then the „overall
delay“ option. Use the gain / data controller
() to change the delay value. Maximum con­sequential preview time and delay in frames is
also displayed. Please note that during delay
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change, audio is muted to avoid audio signal cuts.
Graphic 6: System menu
Graphic 9: Envelope Parameters
Attack and Preview: The longer the attack time, the more will the leading edge of fast tran­sients pass by the gain reduction circuit unal­tered (as in Graphic 9 during attack phase). Very fast attack time settings such as 20µs, i.e. one sample period, do catch every transient, but may distort low frequencies. To utilise longer attack times and still catch fast transients, use preview.
Release and Average: The input signal is monitored with two different methods: peak amplitude (*) and RMS value. The peak ampli­tude is the programme portion we don't perceive as very loud, however which can easily cause overloads. The RMS value of the programme material we perceive as loudness. Its variations contribute most to the dynamic range of the audio.
The sidechain processor compares the two measurements it obtained from the peaks and the RMS. The ratio between the two determines which time constant would be the appropriate release, e.g. after short duration peak the faster release will be applied during the release phase.
The time period over which the RMS value of the programme material is averaged is set by the "average" parameter. The effect of the average parameter can best be studied on the gain re-
duction meter (). Fast "average" settings will cause most of the gain reduction meter to move
very fast (depending on the "release fast" set­ting) , slower settings will just have the top part of the gain reduction move fast, with the bottom part depending on the "release slow" setting.
(*) Peak / RMS: In the DS1-MK3 the peak measurement is supplemented with an RMS measurement with variable averaging time. To access the RMS detection timeconstant touch
Graphic 7: Overall Delay display
Setting preview: Touch either the „attack“ or
„release delay“ controller () to activate the timing 1 window, then use the gain / data con-
troller () to adjust preview time.
Graphic 8: Timing 1 window
Envelope Follower
The envelope follower parameter controllers are
in area . The purpose of the envelope follower is to cause gradual gain changes, thus eliminat-
ing distortion. The current values are shown in
Weiss Engineering Ltd., Florastr. 42, CH-8610 Uster Page 10
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the gain / data controller ( window:
) which opens this
Graphic 10: Gain / Data Knob menu
Hit Key B to assign the gain / data knob to the RMS detection timeconstant. The left endstop of this parameter switches the detection to peak mode, as used in all previous DS1 versions.
Graphic 11: Timing 2 window
Release Delay: Normally the release phase begins immediately after the programme mate­rial has fallen in level. The release delay deter­mines how long the DS1-MK3 holds the current level before entering release (see Graphic 9).
The resulting dynamic characteristic is very smooth and avoids otherwise typical 'pumping' effects. The ideal setting is programme depend­ent and experimentation may be necessary to achieve the best combination of all dynamic parameters.
Non-Linear Transfer Curve
The transfer curve parameter controllers are in
sponsible for the actual gain reduction () cal­culations. The detected signal envelope is com-
pared with the transfer curve, the gain control signal (see Graphic 5) is then adjusted accord­ingly if the envelope overshoots the transfer curve.
. This part of the sidechain is re-
Graphic 12: Transfer Curve Parameters
Threshold: Sets the level which the envelope signal has to reach before gain reduction is ap­plied.
Ratio: Sets the slope of the segment above the threshold. The ratio can be adjusted for com­pression or expansion, depending on the re­quirement. For full band expansion (e.g. to re­introduce dynamics into an over-compressed signal), one will usually work with the gain makeup set to maximum. This means that a
0.0dB input will be passed through without gain, signals below the threshold will be reduced with a constant gain (depending on threshold and ratio setting, can be read from the display when touching the gain makeup controller), and signals between the threshold and 0.0dBFS get expanded. For full band expansion, one will typically have quite high thresholds (-1dB ... – 4dB), because of the resulting overall gain.
The expander can also be used in frequency selective mode, for example to repair the effect of a misused multi-band compressor – for this purpose, the gain makeup can be set higher than the calculated maximum setting, to compensate for the overall gain that the expander causes. This can potentially cause overs (for loud signals in the expanded band), it is therefore good practice to engage the safety limiter (see below).
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+ 25 hidden pages