Edelbrock Performer RPM 7106 Installation Instructions Manual

• TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT—Use the following checklist for items needed.
1. Disconnect battery.
2. For ease of installation, keep all parts in some sort of order. WARNING: Do not remove radiator cap or radiator hose if engine is hot.
3. Drain radiator coolant, move fan shroud back and remove fan and spacer from water pump. On air conditioned vehicles, remove bolt, lower idler pulley and compressor-to- water pump mount. Disconnect hoses and brackets. Most vehicles will require radiator removal prior to cam removal. Remove water pump.
4. Disconnect all linkage from carburetor such as throttle, throttle springs, transmission, cruise control and automatic choke.
5. Tag and remove vacuum lines.
6. Remove valve covers.
7. Remove distributor cap and wires, rotate engine until rotor points towards number 1 terminal in cap and pointer on front cover is on Top Dead Center (TDC) and remove distributor. Note the approximate position of the vacuum advance canister in relation to the manifold to assist in getting the distributor properly located during re-installation.
8. Remove rocker arms and pushrods.
PLEASE study these instructions carefully before installing your new camshaft. If you have any questions or problems, do not hesitate to call our Technical Hotline at: 1-800-416-8628.
CAMSHAFT: Edelbrock Performer RPM camshafts are ground specifically for use with the corresponding Performer RPM manifold. The Performer manifold #7105, and Performer RPM camshaft #7106, are designed to work as a team to give you better driveability and performance. They are dyno-matched and street-proven. For best results, use the Edelbrock manifold/camshaft package with the carburetor and headers we recommend. Performer RPM camshafts are designed for use with modified or high performance cylinder heads and valve train components only. High performance adjustable rocker arms required. NOTE: Maximum performance is achieved only when the Edelbrock Performer RPM Power Package components are use with the following equipment:
Performer RPM manifold/camshaft/timing set/valve springs Performer Series carburetor #1407
Fuel delivery system of adequate capacity Aftermarket/re-curved distributors • 2" headers
IMPORTANT: This instruction sheet provides general installation guidelines which can affect your warranty. Read it carefully. It is not our intent to cover each detail of installation here; a step-by-step procedure manual would be far too lengthy. We want to caution you that installing a camshaft is a complicated procedure that requires a good general knowledge of automotive engines. If you are not confident that you can complete the camshaft installation successfully, we suggest you consider having it installed by an experienced mechanic. CAUTION: Improper installation will result in LOW MILEAGE, POOR PERFORMANCE, COSTLY RE-INSTALLATION, and ENGINE DAMAGE. TO AVOID THESE PROBLEMS YOU MUST DO THE FOLLOWING: Carefully study and understand all instructions. Examine the camshaft for possible shipping damage (if damaged contact you dealer immediately).
Intake gaskets–Fel-Pro Printoseal or equivalent
RTV silicone sealantEdelbrock Sure Seat Valve Springs #5706
Pipe plugs, if neededEdelbrock Gasgacinch, #9300Chalk Paper and pencilRadiator coolant Edelbrock Performer-Link True Rolling
Timing Chain #7808
Front cover oil seal-OEM or equivalent
Box and open-end wrenchesScrew drivers (regular and phillips)Harmonic balancer pullerSocket setDistributor wrench
Pliers (channel locks & hose clamp)Torque wrenchHammerGasket scraper or putty knifeGear puller-for crankshaft sprocket
Timing lightVacuum gaugeWater bucketRags
9. Remove carburetor and intake manifold. Remove fuel pump. CAUTION: If your engine has non-adjustable rocker arms you must check for proper lifter pre-load after installing new cam. If lifter pre-load is not correct, it will be necessary to install custom length pushrods or adjustable rocker arms.
10. Remove hydraulic valve lifters.
11. Remove crankshaft pulley and, using a suitable puller, crankshaft dampener.
12. Disconnect fuel pump outlet line from fuel pump; remove fuel pump. Remove front cover bolts and cut oil pan gasket flush with cylinder block. Remove front cover and water pump as an assembly. NOTE: The front cover oil seal should be replaced before the front cover is re-installed.
13. Rotate engine until timing marks are aligned as shown in Figure 1.
14. Remove cam sprocket bolt, washer, and fuel pump eccentric. Slide sprocket and timing chain forward to remove.
15. Remove thrust plate and camshaft. Using appropriate gear puller, remove crank sprocket.
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#63-0021 Rev. 8/01
Performer RPM
Camshaft/Lifters/Lube Kit
MODEL: 352-428 c.i.d. Ford V8
VALVESPRINGS CAUTION: WARNINGS ABOUT YOUR WARRANTY In order for this Performer RPM cam and lifter kit to be covered under ANY WARRANTY you MUST use the correct Edelbrock Sure Seat Valve Springs. Failure to install new Edelbrock valve springs with your new Performer RPM cam could cause the cam lobes to wear excessively and could cause additional engine damage.
1. This camshaft is designed to function with Edelbrock Sure Seat valve springs #5706 (single with dampener). Do not use dual valve springs with this camshaft.
2. Check and set spring height to factory specifications for your year and model. If using Edelbrock #5706, set to 1.820". NOTE: Due to the various settings through the years, we advise checking Mitchell, Motors, Chilton, or Ford service manuals for correct spring height setting for your vehicle.
3. For non-rotator engines, you may want to install Edelbrock Valve Spring Retainer Kit #9720.
1. New lifters must be used with new camshaft. Use only the lifters supplied with this kit.
WARNING: Do not “pump-up” the lifters or pre-soak them in oil. This will defeat the self-adjusting mechanism of the lifter, and may result in bent or broken pushrods, valves, etc. upon initial engine start-up. If lifter pre-lubrication is desired, use an engine pre-lubing device after engine assembly.
2. Check to be sure that all lifters fit freely in the lifter bores. It may be necessary to use a brake wheel cylinder hone on lifter bores to ensure proper fit.
1. Coat cam lobes and bottoms of each lifter with MoS2 lube (supplied) to prevent cam lobe and lifter wear from occurring during initial start-up.
2. Install new camshaft with new sprockets, timing chain and lifters. NOTE: Drive pin in front of cam should be pressed into the timing gear from the rear of the gear (camshaft side) until the pin protrudes from the front of the gear by .060". This will allow the pin to engage a drive hole in the one-piece fuel pump eccentric. A replacement fuel pump eccentric can be ordered from your Ford dealer if necessary - order part number C3AZ-6287-A. CAUTION: Use Edelbrock Performer RPM True-Rolling Timing Chain and Gear Set #7808. Do not use late model timing chain & gear sets that are designed in a retarded position and are not recommended for this camshaft installation. Edelbrock Timing Sets feature three keyways for specific timing selection. Use "0" timing marks for most applications. Use locking compound material on the bolt threads holding timing gear to cam. Torque to factory recommendations specified in motor repair manual (40-45 ft./lbs.). Install camshaft with timing marks lined up as recommended by factory specifications. See Figure 1. When using Performer RPM Timing Chain and Gear Sets (7800 series) with Edelbrock cam and lifter kits, straight up timing alignment is achieved. If any other timing gear set is used, it is necessary to check cam position for correct timing alignment. This requires indexing the camshaft with a degree wheel to verify timing alignment. O.E.M. or non-Edelbrock timing gear sets are not recommended for use with Edelbrock camshafts.
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After the cam is installed and timed correctly (see Figure 1), it will be necessary to check each pushrod for correct lifter pre-load.
1. Install intake manifold using new intake gasket set and torque manifold bolts to 25 ft./lbs.
2. Turn the engine over until the No. 1 cylinder exhaust lifter starts to move up. At this point install pushrod and intake rocker arm, rocker shaft, and rocker shaft bolts. Adjust to zero clearance between rocker arm and valve tip. Continue tightening the adjusting nut one-half (1/2) turn.
3. Turn the engine over again until the intake lifter just stops coming down. At this point install pushrod and adjusting nut on exhaust rocker arm and repeat the same procedure as above.
4. The above procedure assures correct hydraulic lifter pre-load. Repeat this procedure for each of the other seven cylinders.Torque rocker shaft bolts to 40-45 ft./lbs.
5. Re-install front cover, fuel pump, water pump, and oil pan using new gaskets.
6. Install crankshaft dampener and torque to factory specification.
INSTALLING DISTRIBUTOR AND TIMING ENGINE NOTE: Before installing your distributor, check the gear drive
on the distributor and oil pump for any signs of wear. If worn, be sure to replace with new or you may wear out your camshaft prematurely. This is especially true when rebuilding your engine and a high performance oil system is used, which generates a heavier load on the camshaft gear system. Edelbrock camshafts are designed to use OEM-type gears and oil pumps only.
1. Turn the engine over in the direction of rotation until the No. 1 intake valve closes and continue until the pointer on the front cover is approximately 5 degrees BTDC.
2. Re-install the distributor with the rotor pointing towards No. 1 terminal in the cap, and with the vacuum advance canister in its original position.
3. Lightly tighten the hold-down clamp so that the distributor can still be turned to determine final setting using a timing light with the engine running.
4. Replace valve covers, carburetor linkage and remaining vacuum and electrical connections.
5. Re-install air conditioner, if so equipped.
6. Re-install radiator, fan shroud, and belts (if removed), fill radiator with coolant and re-connect battery.
7. Double check all connections, fuel lines, etc. before starting engine.
CAMSHAFT/LIFTER RUN-IN CAUTION: Change the engine oil and filter before start-up and again after break-in. Do not allow the engine to run under 2000 rpm for the first 1/2 hour. Vary engine speed
between 2000 and 2500 rpm. Slow idle speeds will result in severe cam and lifter wear.
1. Start the engine and bring to break-in rpm.
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