Catalog #91147
Rev. 4/08 - AJ/mc
©2008 Edelbrock Corporation
Brochure #63-91147
For Use with Edelbrock QwikData or EFI Systems,
As Well As Other Data Acquisition or EFI Systems
Catalog #91147
PLEASE study these instructions carefully before beginning this installation. If you have any questions, please call our Technical Hotline at:
1-800-416-8628, 7:00 am - 5:00 pm, Pacific Standard Time, Monday through Friday or e-mail us at
DESCRIPTION: This is a USB to Serial communications adapter cable. It is used to convert a
Laptop or PC USB port to a 9-pin RS232 serial communications connector. This item is included
in all QwikData Data Acquisition and Edelbrock EFI kits. Software drivers are included on the
supplied CD.
❑ 1 USB-to-Serial Adapter Cable
Hardware – A USB-enabled PC or Laptop
Software – Microsoft®Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP
INSTALLATION: The drivers for the USB-Serial Port adapter cable are located on the supplied CD.
Microsoft®Windows Installation
Insert the disc into your CD-ROM drive and click on
“Install USB-to-DB9”
then follow the onscreen prompts.
NOTE: You may use the same program to un-install the driver if desired. Run the “PL-2303 Driver Installer” program again and
follow the prompts to un-install the driver.
TROUBLESHOOTING: If the adapter is not communicating after installation of the driver, follow the troubleshooting suggestions below.
• Many serial devices will not operate on a COM port higher than 4. If the COM port is higher than 4, change it to a lower number using the Device
• To change the assigned COM number, go to the Start menu, click Control Panel then System. Select the Hardware tab and then Device Manager.
Select the category
“Ports (COM & LPT)”
and right click the device
“USB-to-Serial (COM x)”
(Or a similar name.
represents the assigned COM
number). Click the Port Settings tab, then the Advanced button. A box will be in the lower left corner to assign a different COM port to the adapter.
NOTE: This procedure applies only to Windows 98SE, ME, 2000, and XP
Edelbrock Corporation • 2700 California St. • Torrance, CA 90503
Tech Line: 1-800-416-8628 • E-Mail: