For 1995-1998 Toyota Tacoma, 4-Runner
with 3.4L V6, Auto & Standard Transmissions
Catalog #6607
Please study these instructions carefully before installing your new Tubular Exhaust System (TES). If you have any
questions or problems, please contact our Technical Hotline at : 1-800-416-8628 from 7 am - 5pm, Monday-Friday,
Pacific Standard Time or e-mail us at edelbrock@edelbrock.com.
TUBULAR EXHAUST SYSTEM: This stainless steel Tubular Exhaust System header is designed to improve the exhaust
efficiency of the Toyota 3.4L V6 engine. A performance gain can be expected by the installation of the system. This
system does require welding for installation (see note below) and retains all O.E.M. emissions equipment. These
Tubular Exhaust Systems are street legal in all 50 states.
Suggested Tools Needed for Installation: This vehicle has some metric fasteners.
❑ Mig welder (recommended) or gas welder - Professional welding is highly recommended.
❑ 3/8” rachet socket with extensions and universal 10mm through 15mm swivel sockets
❑ Combination set of open-end wrenches, SAE and metric
❑ 14mm offset open-end wrench
❑ Jackstands, screwdrivers, pliers, crescent wrench, hacksaw, etc.
❑ Liquid penetrant, (GM #1052627) and anti-seize compound (GM #5613695)
SPECIAL NOTICE: This Edelbrock Tubular Exhaust System has received an Executive Order number (E.O.#) from the
California Air Resources Board (C.A.R.B.) making it legal for street use in all 50 states. To assist you with emission
equipment certification, we have included a silver fan shroud decal to help testing personnel verify the this part is a legal
replacement on the vehicle for which it is cataloged. The adhesive-backed decal should be affixed next to the existing
emission and engine specifications decal. Do not cover any part of your original emission decal.
WARNING: The use of "Thermal Wrap" or any aftermarket coating process will void the warranty on your Edelbrock
Tubular Exhaust Systems. Those products can cause excessive heat and moisture buildup resulting in corrosion and
failure of the system.
CAUTION: Due to higher underhood temperatures generated by TES, vehicles equipped with original spark plug wires
should have them replaced with high temperature plug wires for longer life.
1. The paint used on non-coated T.E.S. is for protection during shipping and storage and will burn off soon after the
engine is started. Those who desire a longer lasting finish should sandblast the T.E.S. to remove the original paint,
then apply high temperature header paint, such as VHT, available at most auto parts stores.
2. When cleaning any Edelbrock Pro-Tech coated TES, use only soap and warm water. The use of caustic solvents
(gunk, etc.) will mar or damage the Pro-Tech coating.
3. High temperature spark plug wires and boots are recommended to withstand heat from T.E.S.
Catalog #6607
©2003 Edelbrock Corporation
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Rev. 12/03

1. Disconnect negative battery cable.
2. Remove O2 sensor in front of catalytic converter. Be
careful not to damage.
3. Remove extension pipe. This is the pipe between
catalytic converter and crossover pipe. This may
require cutting of pipe. (See “Cutting
4. Unbolt the EGR tube (if equipped), from left manifold.
5. Remove insulation from firewall behind crossover
6. Remove throttle valve cable retaining bracket from
left side of engine and bolt holding cable to top of
transmission bellhousing (auto transmission only).
Remove the two-piece throttle valve cable retaining
bracket from the left side of engine and the bolt
holding cable to top of bellhousing. Lower half of
bracket will be re-used with T.E.S.
7. Unbolt and remove stock exhaust manifolds.
8. Remove stock crossover pipe. This pipe is removed
by rotating crossover around bellhousing toward
passenger side frame rail. It is a very tight fit so take
your time and do not try to force it out. Once the
lower flange is past the frame rail, the crossover
should come out through the bottom of the vehicle
between frame and engine. Installation of T.E.S. will
be easier if you remove the splined steering shaft
from steering coupler located on steering box. Be
sure when re-installing this shaft that your wheel is
straight and the coupler bolt is re-tightened properly.
4. Use the 1/2” long spacer tube 8mm bolt and lock
washer supplied to hold dipstick tube bracket to
cylinder head, (Automatic transmission only).
5. From under the vehicle, install new T.E.S. crossover
and Y-pipe assembly using exhaust donut and bolts
supplied. Before tightening bolts, align crossover
and Y-pipe assembly with header flanges and
catalytic converter inlet. Check clearance at sway
bar. Top of Y-pipe/catalytic flange should be 1-3/4”
from the floor board heatshield. NOTE: See
“Welding Instructions” for 4-Runner.
6. After you have completed the installation of the Ypipe assembly, re-install O2 sensor into new Y-pipe
assembly. NOTE: On stick shift models, the parking
brake cable will need to be relocated. Remove the
nut holding the cable to the floor pan closest to
where the cable comes through the fire wall and
simple move to the stud just to the left of its original
location. Then use plastic tie wrap to hold clutch
slave cylinder flex line to parking brake cable (away
from left header).
7. Separate the upper and lower halves of the throttle
valve cable retaining bracket by removing the two
6mm bolts in the middle of the bracket (you will be
re-using these bolts). The zinc-plated bracket in kit
gets bolted to the lower half of the stock throttle
valve cable bracket using the two bolts removed
earlier and 6mm nuts supplied. Use Loctite. Next
install the zinc-plated bracket onto the EGR stud
closest to the firewall position.
1. If your vehicle is not equipped with EGR, install the
supplied block-off plate, 8mm studs and EGR gasket
onto the EGR flange of the left header.
2. Clean gasket surface on cylinder heads. NOTE: Be
sure when installing left header, the collector heat
shield is toward the transmission.
3. NOTE: For Auto transmission, be sure throttle valve
cable is routed around the outside of the left header.
Install headers along with new gaskets and stock
manifold nuts, start all nuts onto studs evenly before
tightening. Then tighten all nuts evenly starting from
the center bolts and working your way out. NOTE:
The lower center nut on the left side may require the
use of an offset open-end wrench.
Catalog #6607
©2003 Edelbrock Corporation
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Final Check
1. After all bolts have been properly installed and
torqued, re-connect battery cable.
2. Start car and check for exhaust leaks. DO NOT
3. After letting engine fully warm up, shut off and let
engine fully cool down.
4. Re-tighten all bolts and nuts on T.E.S. headers.
NOTE: If your truck has an EGR system, install the
8mm studs along with new gasket onto the left
header. Then attach EGR to flange using supplied
8mm nuts and lock washers.
Rev. 12/03