for 1988-1994 Chevrolet/GMC Trucks, 2WD & 4WD 350 V8,
& 454 SS (1990 Only)
Catalog #5602, & #5622
Please study these instructions carefully before installing your new Cat-Back Exhaust System. If you have any questions, please
contact our
us at
Technical Hotline at: 1-800-416-8628, 7:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, Pacific Standard Time or e-mail
Suggested Tools for Installation:
❑ 3/8” rachet set and 15mm sockets
❑ 9/16” and 15mm wrenches
❑ Jackstands
❑ Liquid penetrant
1. Raise vehicle and support with the proper jackstands,
leaving the rear suspension hanging.
2. Use caution around hot exhaust systems to avoid burns.
3. Use penetrating oil on all nuts and bolts.
Remove all nuts, bolts, and hanger lances from the rear
of the catalytic converter to the tail pipes.
5. Remove the old exhaust system from the rear working
forward towards the catalytic converter
6. On 141” wheelbase models, remove the front frame
hanger bracket to facilitate disassembly (not necessar
if you are cutting the old system off).
1. Re-install front frame hanger bracket on 141”
wheelbase models.
lamps on intermedia
Place 3”
slip onto ca
band c
aligning the notch with the key on the
catalytic outlet.
3. Slip muffler onto the intermediate pipe.
4. Use the rear tailpipe lance on the muffler as illustrated.
The muffler lance will be switched to the rear to hang
the tailpipe assembly
Attach axle pipe to muffler using two gaskets and 3/8”
nuts, bolts, and lockwashers.
te pipe ends and
Pick-Up, short bed & 1990 454 SS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .#5602
Pick-Up, short bed extended cab (141” W.B.) . . . . . . . . .#5622
NOTE: Depending on vehicle weight, tire size, type of trailer hitch
and rear bumper your vehicle is equipped with, relocation of
spare tire may be necessary.
6. Attach tailpipes to the axle pipe using the two 2-1/2”
band clamps. Hang the right side on the stock lance
using the stock bolt. If a height adjustment is needed,
use the small two-hole bracket and the 7/16” head bolt
to drop the tube for bumper c
pipe on the universal hanger. Hold the pipe in position
and align the hanger strap with a slotted hole in the side
of the frame rail behind the shock absorber. Select the
hole in the strap tha
t gives the best c
to frame. Use the large washer (supplied) to bolt the
strap to the frame. Use whichever hole of the straps
gives you the best alignment.
7. The small two-hole brackets are for the final adjustment
of tail pipe-to-bumper c
needed in some applications. In most cases, use the
short bracket on the muffler hanger and the long
bracket on the tail pipe hanger.
8. Install tail pipe tips (not illustrated) using supplied band
clamps. We also recommend a small tack weld to
secure tips to tail pipes.
The factor
in height.
optimum a
y installed bumper may var
ou may want to adjust your bumper for
10. Check for clearance to body, frame, and driveline as you
tighten the system from front to rear.
Check for leaks and correct,
learance. Hang the left
learance, then bolt
learance, and may not be
y as much as 3/4”
y is found.
if an
Split Exit
WARNING: Exhaust gas contains carbon monoxide, a deadly invisible gas. Correct any leaks before driving!
©2007 Edelbrock Corporation
Brochure #63-0439
of 2
talog #5602, #5622
Rev. 10/07 - AJ/mc

Stock rubber
hanger insulator
Intermediate pipe
33 ”” BBaanndd CCllaammpp
Stock hanger
IInntteerrmmeeddiiaattee PPiippee
Stock hanger
Stock bolt
FFrroonntt hhaannggeerr ddeettaaiill
Rev. 10/07 - AJ/mc
Catalog #5602, #5622
1 2-1/2" U-Clamp
7 3/8" Lockwashers
7 3/8"-16 Nuts
5 3/8"-16 x 1-1/4" Bolts
2 3/8"-16 x 1" Bolt with 7/16" head (for extension brackets)
1 23-1606 Two-hole extension bracket, 1.45" long
1 23-1607 Two-hole extension bracket, 1.9" long
2 33-5400 2-1/2" two-bolt gaskets
1 25-3057 Left Side Tail Pipe Assy. (#5602 & #5622)
1 25-3009 Right Side Tail Pipe Assy. (#5602 & #5622)
1 25-3005 Axle Pipe Assembly
1 25-3002 Intermediate Pipe (#5622 only)
1 25-3000 Intermediate Pipe (#5602 only)
2 25-5582 Tailpipe Tips
1 SDT Muffler
2 25-5595 Stainless Steel Intercooler Tips
Qty. Part # Description
4 2-1/2” Band Clamps
1 Hanger Washer
2 3" Band Clamps
1 Universal Exhaust Pipe Hanger
33 ”” BBaanndd CCllaammpp
Page 2 of 2
SSDDTT MMuufffflleerr
Stock sliding bracket
(original rear hanger)
TTwwoo--bboolltt ffllaannggee ggaasskkeettss
WARNING: These Cat-back Systems are engineered to
fit stock catalytic converters or equivalent
modified, Edelbrock will not warranty fit or performance.
replacements. If your original system has been
22--11//22”” BB aanndd
AAxxllee PPiippee AAsssseemmbbllyy
Brochure #63-0439
bolt, nut, &
3/8"-16 x 1-1/4"
©2005 Edelbrock Corpora
Stock hanger lance
UUnniivveerrssaall EExxhhaauusstt
PPiippee HHaannggeerr
22--11//22”” BBaanndd CCllaammpp
22--11//22"" UU--ccllaammpp
FFrroonntt ooff vveehhiiccllee
TTaaiill PPiippee AAsssseemmbbllyy
RRiigghhtt ssiiddee ttaaiill
free for easy system removal.
Place stands so that the rear axle is allowed to hang
jackstands or ramps rated for the total vehicle weight.
WARNING: Support your vehicle with proper
Stock bolt
ppiippee ddeettaaiill