©2008 Edelbrock Corporation
Brochure #63-3864
Catalog #3864, 3869
Rev. 3/08 - AJ/mc
PLEASE study these instructions carefully before beginning this installation. Most installations can be accomplished with common tools and
procedures. However, you should be familiar with and comfortable working on your vehicle. If you do not feel comfortable performing this installation,
it is recommended to have the installation completed by a qualified mechanic. If you have any questions, please call our Technical Hotline at:
1-800-416-8628, 7:00 am - 5:00 pm, Pacific Standard Time, Monday through Friday or e-mail us at Edelbrock@Edelbrock.com
IMPORTANT NOTE: Proper installation is the responsibility of the installer. Improper installation
will void your warranty and may result in poor performance and engine or vehicle damage.
DESCRIPTION: These Edelbrock Throttle Bodies feature a 90mm bore and include a pre-calibrated GM Gen III throttle position sensor (TPS) and idle
air bypass (IAC valve). These throttle bodies also feature an idle-bleed screw for extra idle control. #3864 is designed for GM Gen III engines and GM
Gen IV engines that have been converted to cable operation. The #3869 is designed for any engine utilizing the Edelbrock Pro-Flo XT manifold or
throttle body elbow that is compatible with GM Gen III electronics. The #3869 is equipped with an oversized cable wheel for improved pedal sensitivity,
but this feature will prevent its installation on an OEM LS2 intake manifold.
NOTE: These throttle bodies have not been designed to work with any type of emission control device. They are intended for race use only and
may not be legal for installation on street driven vehicles in some areas. Check local laws before installing on a street driven vehicle.
#3869 only
❑ 1 Ball stud adapter ❑ 1 Kickdown stud ❑ 1 Throttle body gasket ❑ 5 1/4”-20 Socket Head Bolts
With LS1 Electronics
Catalog #3864, 3869
1. Make sure the engine is cool, the vehicle is secure on level ground,
and the negative battery terminal is disconnected.
2. Remove the stock throttle body according to the factory service
manual procedure, if necessary.
3. Make sure the gasket surface is clean and free of any debris or old
sealant. Lubricate the o-ring with a small amount of silicone o-ring
lube prior to installing the throttle body.
4. Install the new throttle body to the manifold using the supplied
gasket and bolts and torque to 10 ft/lbs.
5. Connect any vacuum hoses, electrical connectors, coolant hoses,
throttle and cruise control cables to the new throttle body.
6. Re-install the negative battery terminal and start engine. Check for
leaks to make sure all connections are secure. If leaks exist, stop
engine and repair leaks before continuing.
7. Start engine and run until it reaches operating temperature.
Performance and idle may be slightly erratic until the ECU
recalibrates itself for the increased flow. If a steady idle is not
reached after an hour or two of runtime, see “Idle Bleed Screw
Adjustment” section below. Engines equipped with high duration
camshafts typically require idle adjustment.
A. Shut off engine, and be sure the idle bleed screw (gold colored,
slotted head) is turned clockwise until it bottoms in its bore.
CAUTION: Do not use too much force when bottoming the screw.
B. Start the engine and disconnect I.A.C. connector. Adjust gold idle
screw in small increments until vehicle idles at approximately 500
rpm. Re-connect I.A.C. connector and vehicle will return to
computer controlled idle speed.
Edelbrock Corporation • 2700 California St. • Torrance, CA 90503
Tech-Line: 1-800-416-8628 • E-Mail: Edelbrock@Edelbrock.com