Frequency Coverage
1600kHz to 30MHz in 10Hz increments.
10kHz to 30MHz /A and /F options.
Reception Modes and Variants
AM, USB, LSB, CW : /2 variant.
AM, USB, LSB, CW, ISB : /3 variant.
FSK : /K option.
Reception Bandwidths
SSB/ISB -6dB 300Hz to 2700Hz
-60dB -400Hz and 3400Hz
Wide -6dB ±3kHz
-60dB ±10kHz
Intermediate -6dB ±1.2kHz
-60dB ±1.9kHz
Special To customer order. Up to 2
additional filters (/C option).
RF Selectivity
Wideband over specified range on all but /A option
which has sub-octave filters above 1600kHz.
±2.4kHz in 100Hz steps derived from master oscillator.
On /X option all frequencies derived from internal master
oscillator giving 0.1ppm stability over –10ºc to +50ºc.
Option for 8720kHz external standard with no internal
standard fitted (/S option).
Search Tuning
Frequency selectionby tuning knob with any step in
range 10Hz to 99.99kHz (10Hz increments) or with
automatic variable rate with 10Hz resolution.
Frequency can also be directly entered via numeric
keyboard with 10Hz resolution.
Stored Channels
A maximum of 99 channels can each be stored with
frequency, mode, bandwidth, AGC, RF sensitivity and
BFO offset settings. On /B option receivers, the
selected antenna can be stored and on /T option
recivers, the scan start and stop times. Channel
contents can be interrogated and changed without
interruption of the signal being received. A lithium
battery backed up RAM retains the contents of all
channel memories in excess of 10 years without the
external supply.
Any number of the 99 stored channels can be
automatically scanned with a dwell time on each
channel or between 0.1 and 9.9 seconds (0.1 second
steps). If squelch is selected, the scan will halt on
channels with signals above the set threshold and
remain there for a hang period after the signal ceases.
This hang period can be set between 0 and 9 seconds
(1 second steps). At all times, the scan position can be
altered using the main control knob and can be stepped
on or halted using the rear panel hold scan/sweep input.
On /T option receivers, selection of channels by time of
day or week is also provided.
Automatic tuning using the selected step can be
performed using the frequencies stored in adjacent
channel memories as limits. The receiver remains on
each step for the selected dwell period. If a step of
5kHz or more and squelch are selected, the sweep will
halt on steps with signals above the set threshold, and
remain there for a hang period after the signal ceases.
This hang period can be set between 0 and 9 secongds
(1 second steps). At all times, the sweep position can
be altered using the main control knob and can be
stepped on or halted using the rear panel hold scan/
sweep input.
BITE (Built In Test Equipment)
In BITE mode, tests can be made using internally fitted
test equipment to aid fault finding, general test and
maintenance procedures. In all modes, the BITE
monitors various parameters and provides immediate
indication of a potential fault which can be investigated
in BITE mode, providing fault finding to module level.
Remote Control
All magor functions, except audio gain, can be controlled
and interrogated using 1200 Baud asynchronous data at
RS232c level. Standard modems (V22 or V23),
multiplexers, line drivers and RS422a adapters can be
used to provide control over half or full duplex, two or
four wire links as required.
Audio squelch is derived from carrier/sidband level, with
squelch threshold level adjustable from the front panel.
Twin bargraph meters are provided to simultaneously
display squelch and signal levels.
RF Attenuation
Attenuation of 0dB, 10db, and 30-50dB is available.
Antenna Input
50 Ohm unbalanced input, BNC connector. Overload
protection is provided for continuous application of an
emf of 50V rms from a 50 Ohm source. Internal reed
relay controlled (by contact to ground) from associated
transmitter open circuits receiver antenna input during
Audio Output
External Loudspeaker : 1W maximum into 4 or 8 Ohms.
Internal Monitor speaker : 1W maximum.
Line : 20mW maximum into 600 Ohms.
Headphones : 10mW maximum into Low/Medium
Intermediate Frequencies
45MHz 1st IF
1.4MHz 2nd IF
Power Supply
100V/130V and 200V/260V AC 40Hz-60Hz single
A.C. consumption 30VA maximum.
Operation from a 19-32V DC supply (negative ground)
will continue in the absence of an AC supply. DC
current consumption approximately 1.8A at 19V to 1A at
Operational temperature: -15° to +55°C
Storage temperature: -20°C to +70°C
Relative jumidity: 95% at +40°C
Mounting Styles (19” rack mounting)
Height 88mm (2U)
Width 483mm (19 inches)
Depth 440mm (intrusion into rack including cable)
Weight 12kg
Sensitivity (400kHz to 30MHz)
AM: 1.8µV emf input 60% modulated at 1kHz, for 10dB
Sinad (S+ N/N) at line output, with 6kHz selectivity.
SSB: 0.6µV emf input with 1kHz audio output, for 10dB
Sinad (S+ N/N) at line output, with 2.4kHz selectivity.
CW: 0.4µV emf input with 1kHz audio output, for 10dB
Sinad (S+ N/N) at line output, with 2.4kHz selectivity.
These correspond to a noise figure of 12dB.
Less than 4dB Change in audio output for 100dB
increase in input level above AGC threshold (typically
+3dBµV emf). Choice of three time constants in addition
to manual gain to suit mode selected.
Ring Communications (UK) Ltd
5 Bartholemew's Walk, Cambridgeshire Business Park,
Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB7 4HS.
Telephone +44 (0) 1353 616400
Facsimile +44 (0) 1353 616424
Web www.RingUK.com
Email sales@RingUK.com
This document gives only a general description of the product(s) and shall not form part of any contract
From time to time changes may be made in the product(s) or conditions of supply
100dB (1st)
80db (2nd)
IF Rejection
Intermodulation (in-band)
The level of third order intermodulation products
produced by two in-band signals of +90dBµ V emf will be
at least 45dB below the level of either signal.
Intermodulation (out-of-band)
With a wanted signal +10dBµV emf producing standard
output, two unwanted signals adjusted to produce a third
order intermodulation product equal to standard output
at the wanted frequency, must be greater than +90dBµV
emf when at least 30kHz removed from the wanted
requency. This is equivalent to a third order intercept
point of +17dBm.
With a wanted signal of +10dBµV emf producing
standard output, two unwanted signals adjusted to
produce a second order intermodulation product equal
to standard output at the wated frequency, must be
greater than +80dBµV emf when each is approximately
half the wanted frequency. This is equivalent to a
second order intercept point of +37dBm. This figure is
increased for wanted frequencies above 1600k when the
sub-octave preselector is fitted (/A option receivers).
Cross Modulation
With a wanted signal of +60dBµV emf producing
standard output, an unwanted signal, of level
+100dBµVemf at 20kHz off-tune, modulated 30% at
1kHz, will produce an output at least 30dB below
standard output.
Reciprocal Mixing
The level of a signal 20kHz removed from the tuned
frequency will be at least +95dBµV emf to produce a
noise signal equivalent to 0dBµV emf at the tuned
frequency (USB/LSB/ISB modes).
With a wanted signal +60dBµV emf, output will be
affected by less than 3dB by an interfering singla 20kHz
off-tune at leval +110dBµV emf.
Antenna Radiation
The level of radiated signals at the antenna socket will
be less than 2µV pd across 50 Ohms.
At least 30,000 Hours to BT HRD4 (British Telecom).
Options (Standard Options are F and X)
/A Frequency coverage 10kHz – 30MHz with sub-
octabe preselector above 1600kHz.
/B With 8 bit parallel data output, indicating selected
antenna number (enabling control of antenna
selecting switches or other similar equipment). This
output can be factory programmed to provide other
status/control signals if required. When supplied
with /T option, time scan output control signals are
provided. This is not available with option A.
/C With additional customer specified filters to a
maximum of two, normally 300Hz / 1KHz.
/F Wideband input giving operation 10kHz to 30MHz
(reduced performance below 400kHz).
/I With 1.4MHz intermediate frequency output (not
available on ISB variants).
/K With internal FSK demodulator, providing FSK
demodulation for frequency shifts from 85Hz to
1100Hz and corresponding keying speeds up to
300 bauds, at RS232c output level.
/S External standard operation.
/T With real time clock allowing channel scanning by
time of day or week
/X High stability internal master oscillator.
/Z Noise Blanker (N/A on ISB Variants)
Note: /I & /S are mutually exclusive, as are /Z & /K and
/X & /S.
Ancillary Equipment
Remote Control Systems
External Frequency Standards
Bench Cabinet