Ectaco EP-X8 Quick Start Guide

ECTACO Partner® X8


EnglishÙPolish Talking Translator


Language Learning System with

2 MB Business Organizer

AngielskoÙpolski tłumacz mówiący oraz system do nauki języka angielskiego wraz z organizerem biznesowym o pojemności 2 MB



Ectaco, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any damage or loss resulting from the use of this manual.

Ectaco, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any loss or claims by third parties which may arise through the use of this product.

Ectaco, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any damage or loss caused by deletion of data as a result of malfunction, repairs, or battery replacement. Be sure to back up all important data on other media to avoid data loss.

The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.

No part of this manual shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without permission from Ectaco, Inc.

Partner® is a registered trademark of Ectaco, Inc., NY, USA © 1990-2004 Ectaco, Inc., New York, USA.

All rights reserved.

ECTACO Partner® X8

Quick Start



How to replace the batteries..................................................


How to recharge the accumulators........................................




Display Brightness.................................................................


Display Setup ........................................................................




General View.......................................................................


English Language Tutor ......................................................


Word Translation .................................................................


Text Translation...................................................................


Voice Phrasebook ...............................................................


Learn how ...........................................................................


Possible problems and solutions.........................................


Useful Information ...............................................................






Jak wymieniać baterie .........................................................


Jak ponownie naładować akumulatory................................




Jasność ekranu ...................................................................


Ustawienia ekranu...............................................................




Widok ogólny.......................................................................


English Language Tutor ......................................................


Tłumaczenie słowa..............................................................


Tłumaczenie tekstu .............................................................


Rozmówki głosowe..............................................................


Dowiedz się.........................................................................


Możliwe problemy i ich rozwiązanie ....................................


Użyteczne informacje ..........................................................


Gwarancja ...........................................................................



ECTACO Partner® X8

Quick Start

How to replace the batteries

The ECTACO Partner® X8 is powered by four AAA (LR03) batteries or by a special rechargeable battery pack1.

cRemove the battery compartment cover by sliding it away from the device.

To prevent the loss of the user's data (for example, in the User's Dictionary or Phone Directory), do not leave the device without power supply. It is recommended to replace batteries with the adapter connected.

d Remove the used batteries and replace them with new ones as shown in the picture above. Make sure to place the batteries

1Please communicate with an ECTACO office to get more information about this rechargeable battery pack purchase.


ECTACO Partner® X8

Quick Start

according to the polarity marks (+ -) inside the compartment. If you use the special rechargeable battery pack, make sure you place it with the angled edge on top.

ePut the battery compartment cover back in place by sliding it toward the device.

Make sure the cover sits in place properly. The device will not work with an open battery compartment cover.

Do not mix old and new batteries!

Do not exceed the 2-minute limit!

When the batteries are replaced, turn the device on to make sure it works correctly.

How to recharge the accumulators

Make sure the accumulators are inserted in the battery compartment.

Connect an AC/DC adapter to your device.

Use of an inappropriate external power supply may cause failure of the device and void the warranty. The AC/DC adapter should provide 9V and min 300mA DC. Connect and disconnect the AC/DC adapter only when the device is turned off!

The red LED (see General View) shows that the accumulators are recharging and the green one shows that the accumulators are charged. The recharge LED will glow when the adapter is connected to the device.


ECTACO Partner® X8

Quick Start

Accumulators (if inserted) are recharged every time you connect the device adapter to electricity.


To turn the device on, press the button.

Press this button again to turn the device off.

Display Brightness

If the device is on but you see nothing on the display, or the image is too bright or dark, turn the Contrast switch up to make the image darker, or down to make it brighter. The Contrast switch is located on the left edge of the device case.


ECTACO Partner® X8

Quick Start

Display Setup

You can work with your ECTACO Partner® X8 by touching the display with a special stylus or by pressing keys on the conventional keyboard.

The stylus is kept on the right side of the device’s case lid.

Calibrate the display, i.e. adjust it for the correct work (adequate reaction to the stylus touch). To calibrate the display touch the

button, select the System Setup section, then open the

Touch Screen Calibration subsection.


ECTACO Partner® X8

Quick Start

Touch the target center with the stylus. Repeat the process with three more targets, which will appear one after another.

Try to hit the target center as straight as possible.

You need to adjust the display after the batteries are changed or if it is difficult for you to correctly hit the desired place on the display. You do not need to adjust the display every time you turn the device on.


If you cannot turn the device off with the button, press the RESET button.


Ectaco EP-X8 Quick Start Guide

ECTACO Partner® X8

Quick Start

It can be accessed with any thin object like a paper clip. Never use a needle or a pin since it can damage the device!

The Initialize system? message will appear on the display.

To preserve your settings, press or touch or . If you confirm the prompt, the factory defined settings will be restored and your personal settings will be canceled. Then the Delete all user’s data? prompt will be displayed.

To preserve your data, press or touch or .


ECTACO Partner® X8

Quick Start

If you confirm this prompt (by touching the button or pressing

the key), all the data you entered in the Dictionary, Organizer and Calculations sections will be deleted.

The System is initialized! message signals that a system initialization has been accomplished, freeing memory and restoring the factory defined settings.

When the ECTACO Partner® X8 is turned on for the first time, the initialization routine is automatically started. Simply touch the button.

General View


ECTACO Partner® X8

Quick Start

English Language Tutor

The English Language Tutor course is stored on the special card provided in the standard package.

How to Install or Remove the Card

Make sure the device is turned off and there is no other card installed in the CF slot of your ECTACO Partner® X8.

Pull the ejector switch down to set it to the Unlock position.

Insert the English Language Tutor card into the CF slot thoroughly.

Set the ejector switch to the Lock position.

Always use the ejector when installing or removing the card. Never insert or remove the card when the device is on. Use the ON/OFF button to turn the device off.

Use of unspecified cards may cause device failure and possible loss of user's data. Always use the original English Language Tutor cards manufactured by ECTACO, Inc.

To eject the card, set the ejector switch to the Unlock position and move it towards the Eject B Card mark.

Remove the English Language Tutor card from the slot.

Electronic Interactive System

Install the English Language Tutor card into your ECTACO Partner® X8.

Press the ON/OFF button to turn the device on.

Select English Tutor from the MAIN MENU or press the key.

You will be prompted to register.


ECTACO Partner® X8

Quick Start

Please input your name (login) and password into the corresponding fields.

The maximum name (login) length is 31 characters and the password length is 8 characters.

This feature is designed so that you could let several users (e.g. you and your relatives) learn English with the same device. You can create an account (user) without a password. In this case, do not input any characters in the Password field on the Registration screen.


to create a new account

to delete an account.

When you open the Users list, please select your name to log on.

In case you forgot your password, you can use the usrpass password to log on the English Language Tutor. However, this password blocks the access to any other protected sections of ECTACO Partner® X8, e.g. Phone Directory, when the device is in the locked mode.


ECTACO Partner® X8

Quick Start

The maximum number of users is limited in order to save memory resources.

Before using a new version of the English Language Tutor card, please remove all accounts from the Users List. Create a new list and add the previous accounts to it, if necessary.

Touch Buttons

Depending on the current lesson and exercise, the following toolbar buttons are available in the English Language Tutor section:

Touch button







Decrease font size

Increase font size


Show virtual keyboard (to enter an answer)

Listen to the prerecorded sound

Start voice recording

Audio settings

Check answers (Statistics)

Placement Test

Once a new account is created, you are offered to pass the

Placement Test.


ECTACO Partner® X8

Quick Start

In the Placement Test section, you can check your English knowledge level before starting your studies. At the beginning, you are asked simpler questions; the difficulty level gradually increases. Total number of questions is about 200 and depends on the English Language Tutor card version.

Placement Test content depends on the English Language Tutor card version.

You can skip the Placement Test and go directly to the Tutorial section. However, it is recommended to pass the Placement Test first. Please answer each question of the Placement Test.

To highlight an empty check box next to the correct answer, touch it with the stylus. Alternatively, move the dotted frame

to the desired check box and press . The dotted frame appears when either of the Í,Î keys is pressed.

The selected check box becomes filled .

Touch or press to confirm your choice.

If you quit the Placement Test before completion, your Placement Test statistics will be discarded and you may be advised to pass the

Placement Test once again.


Select the Tutorial section to open a list of available levels.

Tutorial content depends on the English Language Tutor card version.

Select the desired level and press .


ECTACO Partner® X8

Quick Start

A list of available lessons will be displayed.

Select the desired lesson and press .

Get acquainted with the topic of the lesson and touch or

press .

Before going on with the selected lesson, please get acquainted with the reference material.


to read grammar

to read phonetics

to read vocabulary.

Select the first exercise of the lesson.


ECTACO Partner® X8

Quick Start

Depending on the task, input or select the correct answer and

touch or press .

There may be several correct variants among the given answers. The answer will be treated as correct if you mark all correct variants. When doing an exercise requiring answers input, you should use the words learned in the Vocabulary section.

You can listen to the pronunciation of English words displayed on the screen, obtain their translations and explanations. Translation for Polish words is also available.

Touch the desired word and hold down the stylus until a pop-up menu appears.

Select Say, Translate, or Explain from the pop-up menu.

The book provided in the standard ECTACO Partner® X8 package will be especially helpful when you want to find any reference for the lessons' material.

Word Translation

Turn the device on by pressing the button.


+ 35 hidden pages