Ectaco Besta CD-608 User Manual


Chapter 1. Introduction to the Electronic Dictionary
1. Product Layout ................................................................................ 3
2. Keyboard Buttons ........................................................................... 5
3. Key Description ..............................................................................12
5. Indicator Descriptions .................................................................... 13
6. Switching the Hot Key Functions ...................................................13
7. The stylus ......................................................................................14
8. The panel .......................................................................................14
User Guide
1.1 How to Replace the Battery ............................................................ 15
1.2 How to Replace the Card ................................................................ 16
1.3 To Recharge the Battery on the Device ........................................... 16
1.4 Checking the Battery Power ........................................................... 17
2. Main Menus .................................................................................. 18
3. Input Methods .................................................................................19
3.1 Inputting English with Keyboard ..................................................... 19
3.2 Inputting Special Symbols with Keyboard ...................................... 20
3.3 Inputting Chinese with Keyboard .................................................... 20
3.4 Inputting Japanese ......................................................................... 25
3.5 Handwriting Recognition ................................................................. 25
3.6 Hints for Handwriting Recognition ................................................... 26
3.6.1 How to Increase Recognition Rate ............................................. 26
3.6.2 Write in Standard Chinese Strokes .............................................26
3.7 English Soft Keyboard ................................................................... 26
3.8 Symbol Soft Keyboard ................................................................... 26
3.9 Phonetic Symbol Soft Keyboard .................................................... 27
4. Editing Data ..................................................................................27
4.1 Data Selecting ............................................................................... 27
4.2 Data Copying ................................................................................. 28
4.3 Data Cutting ................................................................................... 28
4.4 Data Pasting .................................................................................. 28
4.5 Data Clearing ............................................................................................ 28
5. Data Searching ..............................................................................29
6. Select the Date .............................................................................. 30
7. Input the number ............................................................................31
8. Set the Time ..................................................................................31
9. System Reset for the First Use ..................................................... 32
9.1 Touch Panel Correction .................................................................. 32
9.2 Reset the Device ............................................................................ 32
10. USB Disk ....................................................................................... 34
11. Menu Manage ................................................................................. 35
Chapter 2. Dictionary
1. Data Index ......................................................................................41
1.1 Index Screen .................................................................................. 41
1.1.1 Item Index .................................................................................... 42
1.1.2 Path .............................................................................................. 42
1.1.3 Language Switch .........................................................................43
2. Definition Content ..........................................................................43
2.1 The Definition Screen ..................................................................... 43
2.1.1 Font Switch .................................................................................. 4 5
2.1.2 Reading Repeat ..........................................................................45
2.1.3 Repeat after the Device ............................................................... 45
2.1.4 Other Data ....................................................................................47
2.1.5 Storing Data .................................................................................49
2.1.6 Pronunciation .............................................................................. 4 9
3. Searching ......................................................................................50
3.1 Smart Input Method Search ........................................................... 50
3.2 Wildcard Search ............................................................................ 51
3.3 Cross Search ................................................................................. 53
3.4 Secondary Search ......................................................................... 54
3.5 Multilayer Window Search ............................................................. 56
3.6 Special data Search ....................................................................... 58
5. Travel Dialogue ..............................................................................59
5.1 Travel Dialogues ............................................................................. 59
5.2 Full Text Search ............................................................................. 60
6. Smart Media Card .......................................................................... 61
Chapter 3. Study
2. English Proficiency Test.................................................................66
2.1 Simulated Exam ............................................................................ 66
2.2 Practice ......................................................................................... 67
3. Interactive English ..........................................................................68
3.1 Scene .......................................................................................... 68
3.2 Conversations ................................................................................ 69
3.2.1 Full Text Mode ..............................................................................70
3.2.2 To Be One of the Characters .......................................................70
4. Review and Self-Test ..................................................................... 72
4.1 Review .......................................................................................... 72
4.2 Self-test ......................................................................................... 72
4.3 Word Browser ................................................................................ 73
4.4 Sentence Making ........................................................................... 74
4.5 Sentence Review ........................................................................... 75
5. Words World .................................................................................76
5.1 Words Browsing ............................................................................ 76
5.2 Words Test .................................................................................... 76
6. Pronunciation ................................................................................. 77
7. Illustrated .......................................................................................78
8. Word Component ..........................................................................78
Chapter 4. PIM
1. Data Input ...................................................................................... 83
1.1 Input data in column ....................................................................... 83
1.2 Custom Category ........................................................................... 84
1.3 Edit Category ................................................................................. 85
2. Data Index ......................................................................................85
3. Detail Browse ................................................................................ 86
4. Name Card .....................................................................................88
4.1 Settings ......................................................................................... 88
4.2 Portrait/ Photo ............................................................................... 89
4.3 Securing / Unlocking Data .............................................................. 90
5. Memorandum .................................................................................90
6. Schedule ........................................................................................91
6.1 Repeat Period ................................................................................ 91
6.2 Index .............................................................................................. 92
7. To Do List .......................................................................................92
8. World Time ....................................................................................93
9. Calendar ........................................................................................ 94
10. Anniversary ....................................................................................95
11. Curriculum Schedule .....................................................................95
12. Paintbrush...................................................................................... 96
13. Calculator ......................................................................................97
14. Conversion..................................................................................... 98
15. Income & Expense ........................................................................99
Chapter 5. System
1. Phonetic Repeat ..........................................................................102
2. Memory Management ...................................................................102
2.1 Card Format ................................................................................. 103
3. Password Setting ......................................................................... 103
4. Power Management ..................................................................... 103
5. Startup Picture ............................................................................. 104
6. Menu Setting ................................................................................105
7. Communication with PC ..............................................................105
8. Alarm ........................................................................................... 105
9. After Service ................................................................................ 106
10. Input Setting ................................................................................106
11. Handwriting Setting ...................................................................... 106
12. Personal Setting ..........................................................................107
Chapter 6. Multi
1. Games World............................................................................... 109
2. eBook City.................................................................................... 109
3. MP3 Granary ................................................................................ 110
4. My Photo Album ........................................................................... 110
5. Text Viewer ................................................................................... 110
6. Recorder ...................................................................................... 111


Chapter 1. Introduction to the Electronic Dictionary
Data Backup
All your personal data should be copied to separate permanent printed records. Resetting the
device will cause permanent personal data loss.
Touch Panel & Display
To avoid scratching on the screen, use the stylus that comes with this device only.
When cleaning, rub the screen lightly with a clean, dry and soft cloth (do not use volatile liquids).
Expansion Card
Insert the Smart Media card into SM Card slots. Do not turn off the power or remove the SMC cover
the card during data saving.
Non Waterproof
The device is non waterproof, please keep it away from any liquid. In case it happens, please dry
the surface and send the device to our service center for checking.
The microphone of the product possess magnetism design, so please do not place it with others
which have magnetism design together lest loss magnetism and inherent functions.
We are obliged to charge user maintenance fee if the device is damaged due to the
breakage on the screen or liquid percolation, for the man-made damages are not
covered by warranty.
Expansion Card
Power on:
! Do not remove the cover, otherwise the power will turn off.
! Do not remove/insert the card.
! Remove/insert the card, the data will lose.
The power will not turn off at such situation:
* Natural voice pronunciation sounded.
* Data operation.
* Memory rearrangement.
System will remind you with durative voice of putting back the SM card
Cover in time.
Writing impossible label for SM card:
* Stick the writing impossible label (Data Rewriting impossible)
on the instruction “ ” of SM card.
SM card stick the writing Complete
impossible label
Introduction to the Unit
1. Product Layout
* Obverse side:

Product Layout

Screen Keyboard
Right on-screen control keys RESET Key
Speaker Microphone
LED Light Left on-screen Control Keys
Introduction to the Unit
* Reverse side:
Product Layout
Earphone Socket Mini USB Socket
SMC Slot LED Light
Stylus DC Adaptor Socket
Stylus Slot Battery Cover (Compartment)
Introduction to the Unit
2.Keyboard Buttons
Numeric key“1”

Keyboard Buttons

Mandarin phonetic symbol
The first tone of Chinese Pinyin input method
Numeric key“2”
Mandarin phonetic symbol
The second tone of Chinese Pinyin input method
Numeric key“3”
The third tone of Chinese Phonetic / Pinyin input methods
Numeric key“4”
The fourth tone of Chinese Phonetic / Pinyin input methods
Numeric key“5”
Mandarin phonetic symbol
Numeric key“6”
The second tone of Chinese Phonetic / Pinyin input methods
Numeric key“7”
The light tone of Chinese Phonetic / Pinyin input methods
Numeric key“8”
Mandarin phonetic symbol
Numeric key“9”
Mandarin phonetic symbol
Numeric key“0”
Mandarin phonetic symbol
English letter“A”
Mandarin phonetic symbol
ChangJie input method
Japanese symbol“
Mathematical signs: square
AM setting in 12-hour system
Introduction to the Unit
English letter“B”
Mandarin phonetic symbol“ㄖ”
ChangJie input method
English letter“C”
Mandarin phonetic symbol“ㄏ”
ChangJie input method
Japanese input method : lower case in Japanese
Mathematic sign: power
English letter“D”
Mandarin phonetic symbol“ㄎ”
ChangJie input method
Keyboard Buttons
Japanese symbol
English letter“E”
Mandarin phonetic symbol“ㄍ”
ChangJie input method
Mathematical sign: exponent
English letter“F”
Mandarin phonetic symbol “ㄑ”
ChangJie input method
Japanese symbol
English letter“G”
Mandarin phonetic symbol“ㄕ”
ChangJie input method
Japanese symbol
Mathematical sign: logarithm
English letter“H”
Mandarin phonetic symbol “ㄘ”
ChangJie input method
Japanese symbol
Introduction to the Unit
Keyboard Buttons
English letter“I”
Mandarin phonetic symbol“ㄛ”
ChangJie input method
English letter“J”
Mandarin phonetic symbol“ㄨ”
ChangJie input method
Japanese symbol
Mathematical sign: X power Y
English letter“K”
Mandarin phonetic symbol“ㄜ”
ChangJie input method
Japanese symbol
Mathematical sign: square root
English letter“L”
Mandarin phonetic symbol“ㄠ”
ChangJie input method
Japanese symbol
Mathematical sign: Positive / Negative
English letter“M”
Mandarin phonetic symbol“ㄩ”
ChangJie input method
Japanese input method,use
English letter“N”
Mandarin phonetic symbol “ㄙ”
ChangJie input method
English letter“O”
Mandarin phonetic symbol“ㄟ”
ChangJie input method
Mathematical sign: percentage
to input long tone in Katakana
Introduction to the Unit
Keyboard Buttons
English letter“P”
Mandarin phonetic symbol“ㄢ ”
ChangJie input method
Mathematical sign: addition
PM setting for 12-hour system
English letter“Q”
Mandarin phonetic symbol “ㄆ”
ChangJie input method
Mathematical sign: exponential constant(e=2.71828…)
English letter“R”
Mandarin phonetic symbol“ㄐ”
ChangJie input method
English letter“S”
Mandarin phonetic symbols“ㄋ”
ChangJie input method
Japanese symbol
English letter“T”
Mandarin phonetic symbol“ㄔ”
ChangJie input method 廿
English letter“U”
Mandarin phonetic symbol“ㄧ”
ChangJie input method
English letter“V”
Mandarin phonetic symbol “ㄒ”
ChangJie input method
Mathematical signso (degree), ' (minute), " (second)
English letter“W”
Mandarin phonetic symbol “ㄊ”
ChangJie input method
Mathematical sign: Pi (π=3.14159…)
Introduction to the Unit
English letter“X”
Mandarin phonetic symbol “ㄌ”
ChangJie input method
Japanese input methodhalf-voiced sound’
Mathematical sign: Factorial (!)
English letter“Y”
Mandarin phonetic symbol“ㄗ”
ChangJie input method
English letter“Z”
Mandarin phonetic symbol“ㄈ”
ChangJie input method
Japanese input methodvoiced sound
Mathematical sign: inverse and inverse matrix
Pronounce English
Keyboard Buttons
Pronounce Chinese
Learning key (Use it on the definition screen of dictionaries, travel dialogues, and interactive English)
Switch the word size
Open the window to set the volume and the voice speed
To select item “” under main menus
Mandarin phonetic symbol “ㄤ”
To drop down ”Function” list, same as [Func] on the screen
To select itemunder main menus
Mandarin phonetic symbol “ㄦ”
to listen in Japanese
to listen in Cantonese
to repeat
Introduction to the Unit
Keyboard Buttons
Switch the Chinese font at the main menu
Multimedia keys-open the multimedia function
To combine with to switch the Chinese font of the main menu
Mandarin phonetic symbol
Mathematical sign: subtraction
English method: Change the font size
To combine with the other keys
To lock the keyboard for inputting capital letters in English
“* ”
Mandarin phonetic symbol
Japanese symbols
Mathematical sign: multiplication
To select your favorite Chinese input method
Mathematical sign: division
To delete a letter or character at or in front of the cursor
To delete selected item, same as [DEL] on the screen
To combine with
To input special symbols under English mode
Mandarin phonetic symbol
Mathematical sign: clear the numbers, same as[CE]
“ㄥ ”;
“ㄣ ”
”,“ ”,“
to switch the edit mode
“ㄝ ”
To switch among F1~F5 main menus
To return to the main menu
To exit current function
To show the on-line-help messages
To save current record or data
Save an item for review and test (definition of dictionaries, travel dialogues, word browser)
Switch to Chinese/English mode when editing
Switch among Chinese/English/Icon main menus
Introduction to the Unit
To enter a space when editing data
The first tone for Chinese input method
Select the first choice when input Chinese Character
Keyboard Buttons
Mathematical sign: clear, same as
To enter data or begin a search
Move the cursor to next line during editing
Mathematical sign: equal to [=]
To shift the cursor to the left
To shift the cursor to the right
To highlight a word to be cross-searched
Enter the highlight mode in Tabulation calculation
To shift the cursor up or scroll a line up
To shift the cursor down or scroll a line down
To scroll up a page
To view the previous page or record
To scroll down a page
To view the next page or record
To initialize the system
Power on/off button
Select the corresponding main menus
Function keys, same as F1~F5 on the screen
Introduction to the Unit

key Description

3. Key Description
Such as:
A. ChangJie input method
B. Japanese symbol
C. Mathematical signs
D. Mandarin phonetic symbol
E. English letter
4. On-screen Control Keys
Tap with stylus to activate the functions.
¡ MP3 Granary Illustrated Dictionary
Recorder Oxford Advance Dictionary
My Photo Album English-Chinese Dictionary
Paint Brush Animation Dictionary
To adjust the speed and volume Function same as key
To adjust LCD contrast Function same as / key
Data Edit Function same as key
Data Search Function same as key
To check the battery power Function same as key
Introduction to the Unit
Indicator Description
5. Indicator Descriptions
The following indicators will appear when specified functions are selected or executed.
During searching data
Corresponding Chinese input methods
倉:ChangJie input method 注:Mandarin phonetic symbol 簡:Simplified ChangJie 部:Radical stroke 通:General Pinyin 拼:Chinese Pinyin 總:Total Strokes 廣:Cantonese Pinyin 內:Internal code 嘸:BoshiAmy 手:Handwriting recognition 韓:Korean Pinyin 平:Hiragana 片:Katakana 地:Address 英:Input English letters or numbers 聯:Icon for association phrases 軟:Soft keyboards for English letters or symbols
Tap to access handwriting and soft keyboard mode
To view more detail or help of current input method
6. Switching the Hot Key Functions
Tap to return to the previous screen.
Press at the main menu screen to open the personal hot key functions.
Press to view the animation effect at the relative dictionaries.
The icon of the touch panel has all function of the hot keys.
Introduction to the Unit
7. The stylus
Remove the stylus: pull it out softly.
Insert the stylus: push it into the stylus slot softly.
8. The panel
Touch panel.
Multicolor screen 3.3 inch 320x240 STN .

The Stylus


User guide

1. Main Power
One of the following power sources can be used.
Rechargeable lithium battery which comes with this device (3.7V/ 780mAH)
A power adaptor with DC output 5V/ 1A which comes with this device.
This power source can be combined with operation .
lithium battery

Main Power

SM Card
1.1 How to Replace the Battery
(Turn off the power)
Remove the battery cover.
Insert the battery into the compartment following the arrow instructions.
Close the battery cover securely.
Remove the battery cover.
Remove the battery.
Close the battery cover securely.
User Guide
Whenever Battery status display low electricity message or the beep alarm sounded three
times then turn off, please insert a power adaptor to recharge the battery.
The personal data will be retained even the device is out of power, but please remember to
turn off the power before you change battery.
If the battery message remain low electricity notification even if you have recharged the
battery fully, that means the battery is worn out, please change a new one.
Main Power
1.2 How to Replace the Card
(Turn off the power)
Remove the cover of SM Card slot.
Insert the card into the compartment following the arrow instructions.
Close the cover of SM Card slot.
Remove the cover of SM card.
Remove the SM card.
Close the cover of SM Card slot securely.
1.3 To Recharge the Battery on the Device
Be sure to use a Besta DC 5V/ 1A power adaptor.
Plug the charging adaptor into the DC socket on the device and plug the power adaptor
into a wall outlet. Normally, it takes 2.5 hours for fully recharged.
Any damage due to using of other power adaptor which does not come with this device is not covered by
User Guide
Any damage due to using of other rechargeable battery which does not come with this device is not covered
by warranty. Please do not use this battery on other products.
For the first use of this device, please fully recharge the battery for 2.5 hours, the red LED light turns to green
when it is fully charged.
Battery Power
1.4 Checking the Battery Power
You are allowed to tap the hot key ¨ on the screen to check the battery power anytime.
User Guide
Main Menus
2.Main Menus
Tap [F1]~[F5] on the screen to select a main menu, or press or ~ or to
select a main menu.
[F1] Dictionary [F2] Study
[F3] PIM [F4] System
[F5] Multimedia
User Guide
In the main menus:
Press to switch between Chinese icon / English modes.
Press to open the hot key function.
Press any letter key to access the corresponding index screen of the main menu in the [F1] Dictionary main
Press and to switch mode between Simplified/Traditional Chinese main menus.
At the function screen
Press to return to the main menu.
Press to display help and more information.
Press to return to the previous screen.
Tap or press to view the multimedia animation at the [F1Dic].
Main Menus
Main Menu
For the application items of the five main menus, you can select them by the following method:
* Tap to select the item directly.
* Press - / / keys to select.
3. Input Methods
3.1 Inputting English with Keyboard
Press to switch to English input mode, then enter English letters and numbers.
Press to temporarily lock the keyboard for inputting upper case
Press twice to lock the keyboard for inputting upper case.
User Guide Main Menus
3.2 Inputting Special Symbols with Keyboard
In English input mode, press key , then press numerical key to input the special symbols:
Note: Special symbols can’t be used as the first letter in dictionary input mode.
3.3 Inputting Chinese with Keyboard
Press to switch to Chinese input mode.
Press or tap to select your favorite Chinese input method
* ChangJie code, Phonetic symbol, Simplified ChangJie, Radical stroke, General Pinyin,
Chinese Pinyin, Total strokes, Cantonese Pinyin, Internal code, BoshiAmy.
* In < F4 SYS-Input Setting>, you can set the input method you required.
Press or tap the corresponding numeric keys to select the desired Chinese character.
If you activate [Association] on the second page of [F4 System]-> [ Input setting], a word list
will be provided to combine with the first character as most commonly used phrases when
you input a Chinese character. Tap or press the corresponding numeric keys to select a
phrase set.
User Guide
Ex: Input the Chinese character “同”.
ChangJie Input Method
Input “ 月一口 ”
Then select character.
Mandarin Phonetic Symbol
Input “ ㄊㄨㄥˊ ”
Input Method
Activating [Association] function,
then tap to select associated character.
User Guide Input Method
Radical Stroke
Press the direction keys to select ” 部首漢字殘筆
Tap or press page up/down to select the number of ” 部首殘筆 ”
Press 3 to select the radical. Select “ 口 ”
Select the rest strokes: 3
then tap to select the word.
Cantonese Pinyin
Input “tun”
Then tap to select the word.
Simplified ChangJie
Input ” 月口 ”
Then tap to select the word.
User Guide Input Method
General Pinyin
Input “ tong / (numeric key 2)”
Then tap to select the word.
Chinese Pinyin
Input “ tong /
Then tap to select the word.
Prompts with red letter when errors display.
User Guide
Total Stroke
Press the direction keys to select the word.
Tap or press page up/down to select
the total strokes.
Tap “6”, then press to find the word.
Then tap to select the word.
Internal Code
Input the Unicode of a Chinese character.
Input “540C”.
Input Method
Input “NEO”.
Then tap to select the word
+ 124 hidden pages