Ecs K7VMM+ User Manual


This publication, including all photographs, illus trations and software, is protected un­der international copyright laws, with al l ri ghts reserved. Neither this manual, nor any of the material cont ai ned herei n, may be reproduced without written consent of the au­thor.
Version 3.1
The information in this document is subject to change without notice. The manuf ac­turer makes no representat i ons or warranties with respect to the cont ent s hereof and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any par­ticular purpose. The manuf acturer reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to time in t he content hereof without obligation of t he manu­facturer to notify any person of such revision or changes.
Trademark Recognition
Microsoft, MS-DOS and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp. MMX, Pentium, Pentium-II, Pentium-III, Celeron are registered trademarks of Intel
Corporation. Other product names used in this manual are the properties of their respective owners
and are acknowledged.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
This equipment has been tes ted and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digi ­tal device, pursuant to P art 15 of the FCC Rules. These limi ts are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a resi dent i al i nstallation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not in­stalled and used in accordanc e with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communicati ons. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not oc­cur in a particular instal l ation. If this equipm ent does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving ant enna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
Connect the equipment onto an out l et on a circuit different from that to which
the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV tec hni cian for help.
Shielded interconnect cabl es and a shielded AC power cable must be employed with this equipment to ens ure compliance with the pertinent RF emission limits governing this device. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the system's manu­facturer could void the user' s authority to operate the equipm ent .
Declaration of Conformity
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the follow­ing conditions:
This device may not cause harmful interference, and
This device must accept any interference received, i ncluding interference
that may cause undesi red operat i on.
Canadian Department of Communications
This class B digit al apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interferenc e­causing Equipment Regulations.
Cet appareil numérique de la clas se B respecte toutes les exigences du Réglement sur le matériel brouilieur du Canada.
About the Manual
The manual consists of the following:
Chapter 1
Introducing the Mainboard
Chapter 2
Installing the Mainboard
Chapter 3
Using BIOS
Chapter 4
Using the Mainboard Software
Describes features of the mainboard, and provides a shipping checkli st.
Go to page 1
Describes installation of mainboard components.
page 7
Go to
Provides information on us i ng the BIOS Setup Utility.
page 25
Go to
Describes the mainboard software. Go to
page 36
Preface i
Introducing the Mainboard 1
Introduction................................................................................................ 1
Checklist.................................................................................................... 1
Standard Items................................................................................................. 1
Features .................................................................................................... 2
Choosing a Computer Case....................................................................... 4
Mainboard Components............................................................................ 5
Installing the Mainboard 7
Safety Precautions..................................................................................... 7
Quick Guide............................................................................................... 7
Installing the Mainboard in a Case............................................................. 8
Checking Jumper Settings......................................................................... 8
Setting Jumpers...............................................................................................8
Checking Jumper Settings ............................................................................... 9
Jumper Settings............................................................................................... 9
Connecting Case Components................................................................ 10
The Panel1 Connector................................................................................... 12
Installing Hardware.................................................................................. 13
Installing the Processor.................................................................................. 13
Installing Memory Modules .......................................................................... 15
Installing a Hard Disk Drive/CD-ROM......................................................... 16
Installing a Floppy Diskette Drive................................................................. 18
Installing Add-on Cards................................................................................. 19
Connecting Optional Devices........................................................................ 21
Connecting I/O Devices ........................................................................... 23
Using BIOS 25
About the Setup Utility............................................................................. 25
The Standard Configuration........................................................................... 25
Running the Setup Utility.............................................................................. 26
Using BIOS.............................................................................................. 26
Standard CMOS Setup Page.......................................................................... 27
Advanced Setup Page.................................................................................... 28
Power Management Setup Page .................................................................... 30
PCI / Plug and Play Setup.............................................................................. 31
Load Optimal Settings................................................................................... 32
Load Best Performance Settings.................................................................... 32
Features Setup Page....................................................................................... 32
CPU PnP Setup Page..................................................................................... 34
Hardware Monitor Page.................................................................................34
Change Password...........................................................................................35
Change or Remove the Password .................................................................. 35
Exit................................................................................................................ 35
Using the Mainboard Software 36
About the Software CD-ROM...................................................................36
Auto-installing under Windows 98/ME/2000/XP....................................... 36
Running Setup............................................................................................... 37
Manual Installation................................................................................... 38
Utility Software Reference....................................................................... 39
CChhaapptteerr 11

Introducing the Mainboar d

Thank you for choosing the K7VMM+ mainboard. This mainboard has a Socket-A support for the AMD K7 processors which has a front-side bus speed of 200/266 MHz.
This mainboard has a KM266 chipset that supports a 4X specification AGP slot for highly graphics display, 100/133 MHz DDR/SDR, and Ultra DMA ATA100/133 function to provide outstanding high system performance under all types of system operations. The mainboard has the built-in AC97 Codec, a CNR (Communications and Networking Riser) slot and a built-in 10BaseT/100BaseTX Network Interface. This mainboard has the 128-bit 2D/3D AGP Graphics Accelerator with 32MB frame buffer, supporting AGP 4X 266MHz mode up to 1GB/s bandwidth, which provides a direct connection between the graphics sub-system and memory so that the graphics do not have to compete for processor time with other devices on the PCI bus. There is a full set of I/O Ports including PS/2 keyboard and mouse ports, two back­panel USB 2.0 ports, one parallel port, one serial port and one onboard VGA (S3). Connecting extended USB modules to the mainboard makes four extra USB 2.0 ports (headers USB2 and USB3).
This mainboard has all the features you need to develop a powerful multime­dia workstation that is network ready. The board is Micro ATX size and has power connectors for an ATX power supply.
Compare the mainboard’s package contents with the following checklist:

Standard Items

One mainboard
One diskette drive ribbon cable
One IDE drive ribbon cable
Software support CD
This User’s Manual
Expansion Slots
Onboard IDE channels
Power Supply and Power Management
Support Socket 462 pack age CPU
Supports AMD Athlon XP/Athlon/Duron processors
Supports 200/266 MHz Front-Side Bus
The VIA KM266 Northbridge and VT8235 Southbridge i n this chipset in accordance with an i nnovative and scalable archi­tecture with proven reliability and performance. A few of the chipset’s advanced features are:
An advanced V-Link memory controller architect ure that provides the bandwidth up to 266 MB/s and performance necessary for even the most demanding Internet and 2D/3D graphics
Support for an 4xAGP interface provid i ng vi vi d 2D/3D graphics and video performance
Two 168-pin DIMM slots for SDRAM memory modules
Two 184-pin DIMM slots for DDR memory modules
Support for 100/133 MHz memory bus
Maximum installed memory is 2GB
Note: You cannot use SDRAM and DDR simultane-
One CNR slot
One 4X AGP slot for AGP 2.0-compliant interface
Two 32-bit PCI slots for PCI 2. 2-compliant bus interfac e
Primary and Secondary PCI IDE channels
Support for PIO (programmable input/output) modes
Support for Multiword DMA modes
Support for Bus Mastering and Ult ra DMA ATA 133
33/66/100/133 modes
ATX power supply connector
ACPI and previous PMU support, suspend switch, key-
board power on/off
Supports Wak e on LA N
Compliant with AC’97 2.1 spec i fication
16-bit stereo full-duplex CODEC with fixed 48KHz sam-
pling rate
3 analog line-level stereo inputs with 5-bi t volume control: LINE-IN, CD-IN, AUX-IN
1 analog line-level mono input: P HONE -IN
Three Audio Jacks – Line-Out, Line-In and Microphone-In
Sound Blaster, Sound Blaster Pro Compatible
Advanced power management support
Single cycle 128-bit 3D architecture
128-bit 2D graphic engine
8/16/32 MB frame buffer us i ng system memory
Supports AGP 4X 266 MHz mode up to 1GB/s bandwidth
Supports 250MHz RAMDAC
2D/3D resolutions up to 1920x1440
Supports AGP Revision 2. 0 Spec. Compliant
Built-in Ethernet LAN (optional)
Onboard I/O Ports
USB 2.0
Hardware Moni­toring
Onboard Flash ROM
Built-in 10BaseT/100Bas eTX Ethernet LA N
LAN controller integrates Fast Ethernet MAC and PHY
compliant with IEEE802.3u 100BASE-TX, 10BASE-T and ANSI X3.263 TP-PMD standards
Compliant with ACPI 1. 0 and t he Network Device Class Power Management 1.1
High Performance provided by 100Mbps cl ock generator and data recovery circuit for 100Mbps receiver
Provides PC99 Color Connectors f or easy peripheral device connections
Floppy disk drive connector with 1Mb/s t ransfer rate
Two PS/2 ports for keyboard and mous e
One serial port with 16C550-compatibl e fast UART
One parallel port with ECP and EPP support
One MIDI/Game port
Two back-panel USB ports and extra four USB ports
(onboard USB headers: header USB2 and USB3)— all support USB2.0
One infrared port connector for optional module
Compliant with Universal Seri al B u s Specification Revi-
sion 2.0
Compliant with Intel’s Enhanced Host Controller Interface Specifi cation Revision 0.95
Compliant with Universal Host Controller Interface Specification Revision 1.1
PCI multi-func tion device consists of two UHCI Host Controller cores for full-/ l ow-speed s i gnal i ng and one EHCI Host Controller core f or hi gh-speed signaling
Root hub consists 4 downstream facing ports with integrated physical layer transceivers shared by UHCI and EHCI Host Controller
Support PCI-Bus Power Management Interface Specification releas e 1. 1
Legacy support for all downstream facing ports
Built-in hardware monitoring for CP U & System temperat ures, fan speeds and mainboard voltages .
Supports Plug and Play confi guration of peripheral devices and expansion cards.
CChhoooossiinngg aa CCoommppuutteerr CCaassee
There are many types of computer cases on the market. The mainboard com­plies with the specifications for the micro-ATX system case. Some features on the mainboard are implemented by cabling connectors on the mainboard to indicators and switches on the system case. Ensure that your case supports all the features required. The mainboard can support one floppy diskette drive and four enhanced IDE drives. Ensure that your case has sufficient power and space for all the drives that you intend to install.
Most cases have a choice of I/O templates in the rear panel. Make sure that the I/O template in the case matches the I/O ports installed on the rear edge of the mainboard.
This mainboard has a micro-ATX form factor of 24.4 x 24.4 cm. Choose a case that accommodates this form factor.
This concludes Chapter 1. The next chapter explains how to install the main­board.
MMaaiinnbbooaarrdd CCoommppoonneennttss
Table of Mainboard Components
Label Component
AGP1 Accelerated Graphics P ort ATX1 Standard 20-pin ATX power connector AUDIO1 Front panel MIC/Speaker Out header BAT1 Three volt realtime cloc k battery CD1 Primary CD-in connector CD2 Secondary CD-in connector CNR1 Communications and Networking Riser s l ot CPUFAN1 Cooling fan for CPU CPU Socket Socket 462 for AMD Athl on/Duron CPUs DDR1 ~ DDR2 Two 184-pin DDR memory modules FDC Floppy disk drive connector IDE1 Primary IDE channel IDE2 Secondary IDE channel J1 Onboard LAN LED Connector JP2 Clear CMOS Memory Jumper JP3 CPU Clock Selector JP5 Keyboard Power On Selector PANEL1 Panel connector for case switches and LEDs PCI1 ~ PCI2 Two 32-bit add-on card slots SDR1 ~ SDR2 Two 168-pin SDRAM memory modules SIR1 Serial Infrared cable header SPK1 Internal speaker connector SYSFAN1 System Fan connector USB2 ~ USB3 Connectors for front panel USB ports WOL1 Wake On LAN header
This concludes Chapter 1. The next chapter explains how to install the main­board.
CChhaapptteerr 22

Installing the Mainboard

SSaaffeettyy PPrreeccaauuttiioonnss
Follow these safety precautions when installing the mainboard:
W ear a grounding strap attached to a grounded device to avoid damage from static electricity.
Discharge static electricity by touching the metal case of a safely grounded object before working on the mainboard.
Leave components in the static-proof bags they came in.
Hold all circuit boards by the edges. Do not bend circuit boards.
QQuuiicckk GGuuiiddee
This Quick Guide suggests the steps you can take to assemble your system with the mainboards.
The following table provides a reference for installing specific components:
Locating Mainboard Components Installing the Mainboard in a Case Setting Jumpers Installing Case Components Installing the CPU Installing Memory Installing an HDD and CD-ROM Drive Installing an FDD Installing Add-on Cards Connecting Options Connecting Peripheral (I/O) Devices
Go to page 5 Go to page 8 Go to page 8 Go to page 8 Go to page 13 Go to page 15 Go to page 16 Go to page 18 Go to page 19 Go to page 21 Go to page 23
IInnssttaalllliinngg tthhee MMaaiinnbbooaarrdd iinn aa CCaassee
Refer to the following illustration and instructions for installing the mainboard in a case:
This illustration shows an ex­ample of a mainboard being installed in a tower-type case:
Note: Do not overtighten
the screws as this can stress the main­board.
Most system cases have mounting brackets i nstalled in the case, which correspond to the holes in the mainboard. Place the mainboard over the mounting brackets and secure the mainboard onto the mount ­ing brackets with screws.
2. Secure the mainboard with screws where appropriate.
1. Place the mainboard over the mounting brackets.
Ensure that your case has an I/O template that supports the I/O ports and expansion slots on your mainboard.
CChheecckkiinngg JJuummppeerr SSeettttiinnggss
This section explains how to set jumpers for correct configuration of the main­board.

Setting Jumpers

Use the mainboard jumpers to set system configuration options. Jumpers with more than one pin are numbered. When setting the jumpers, ensure that the jumper caps are placed on the correct pins.
The illustrations below show a 2-pin jumper. When the jumper cap is placed on both pins, the jumper is SHORT. If you remove the jumper cap, or place the jumper cap on just one pin, the jumper is OPE N.
Short Open
This illustration shows a 3-pin jumper. Pins 1 and 2 are SHORT.

Checking Jumper Settings

The following illustration shows the location of the mainboard jumpers. Pin 1 is labeled.

Jumper Settings

Jumper Type Description Setting (default)
JP2 3-pin Clear CMOS
Memory jumper
JP3 3-pin CPU Clock Se-
JP5 3-pin Keyboard Power
On Selector
1-2: Clear CMOS
2-3: Normal
1-2: 100MHz
2-3: 133MHz
1-2: Disable Key­board Power On
2-3: Enable Key­board Power On
JP2: Clear CMOS Memory Jumper
This jumper can clear the CMOS memory. You may need to clear the CMOS memory if the settings in the Setup Utility are incorrect that your mainboard can’t operate. To clear the CMOS memory, disconnect all the power cables, and then move the jumper cap into the CLEAR setting for a few seconds.
JP3: CPU Clock Selector
Use this jumper to select the processor clock 133 MHz or 100 MHz.
JP5: Keyboard Power On Selector
If you enable the Keyboard Power On feature, you can use hot keys on your keyboard as a power on/off switch for the system.
Note: The system must provide 1A on the +5VSB (+5V Standby) signal before
using the Keyboard Power On function.
CCoonnnneeccttiinngg CCaassee CCoommppoonneennttss
After you have installed the mainboard into a case, you can begin connecting the mainboard components. Refer to the following:
1. Connect the power connector from the power supply to the ATX1 connector on the mainboard.
2. Connect the CPU cooling fan cable to CPUFAN1.
3. If there is a cooling fan installed in the system chassis, connect the cable from the cooling fan to the SYSFAN1 fan power connector on the mainboard.
4. Connect the case switches and indicator LEDs to the PANEL1 header.
5. Connect the onboard LAN LED cable to J1.
6. Connect the cable from the PC speaker to the SPK1 header on the mainboard.
CPUFAN1/SYSFAN1: FAN Power Connectors
Pin Signal Name Function
1 GND System Ground 2 +12V Power +12V 3 Sense Sensor
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