ECOS PL9764/04 User Manual

SECTION 2: Hazards identification
2.1 Classification of the substance or mixture Classification
This 1272/2008
2.2 Labelling Hazard
Signal Hazard Precautionary
Additional information: National Poisoning Centre
2.3 Other hazards Results PBT: Not applicable.
(Contd. on page 2)
Regulation (EC) No 648/2004 on detergents / Labelling for contents
amphoteric surfactants, anionic surfactants, non-ionic surfactants
< 5%
preservation agents (PHENOXYETHANOL, 2-methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one)
SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking
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Safety Data Sheet
complying with Regulation 1907/2006/EC (REACH Regulation), EU
Printing date 19.09.2016 Version number 1 Revision: 17.06.2016
2015/830 and Regulation No 1272/2008/EC (CLP)
1.2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against
No further relevant information available.
Application of the substance / the mixture: Cleaning Product/ Detergent
1.3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Manufacturer/Supplier:
Venus Labs/dba Earth Friendly Products
111. S Rohlwing Rd Addison, IL 60101 Phone: 800-451-9304 Chemtrec: 800-424-9300
1.4 Emergency telephone number:
Emergency telephone number: 112
according to Regulation EC No 1272/2008 CLP:
product does not meet the criteria for classification in any hazard class according to Regulation (EC) No
on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures.
Label elements
according to Regulation EC No 1272/2008 CLP: Void
pictograms: Void
word: Void
statements: Void
statements P102 Keep out of reach of children.
of PBT and vPvB assessment
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Safety Data Sheet
2015/830 and Regulation No 1272/2008/EC (CLP)
Printing date 19.09.2016
Version number 1
Revision: 17.06.2016
Trade name: ECOS Laundry Free & Clear
SECTION 3: Composition/information on ingredients
3.2 Chemical characterisation: Mixtures Description: Mixture of substances listed below with nonhazardous additions.
Additional information: For the wording of the listed hazard phrases refer to section 16.
SECTION 4: First aid measures
Ingredients according Regulation (EU) 830/2015:
CAS: 61789-40-0
inner salt of N-cocoacyl derivatives of (3-aminopropan-1-yl)(carboxymethyl)
Skin Irrit. 2, H315; Eye Irrit. 2, H319
CAS: 97375-27-4
Sodium Coco-Sulfate
Acute Tox. 4, H302; Skin Irrit. 2, H315; Eye Irrit. 2, H319
SECTION 5: Firefighting measures
5.1 Extinguishing media Suitable
5.3 Protective Additional information Collect contaminated fire fighting water separately. It must not enter the sewage system.
complying with Regulation 1907/2006/EC (REACH Regulation), EU
(Contd. of page 1)
vPvB: Not applicable.
EINECS: 263-058-8
EC number: 306-683-4
4.1 Description of first aid measures General information:
No special measures required. Take affected persons out into the fresh air.
After inhalation: Seek medical treatment in case of complaints. After skin contact: Remove contaminated clothing. After eye contact:
Rinse opened eye for several minutes under running water. If symptoms persist, consult a doctor. Avoid strong water jet-risk of cornea damage, consult a doctor. After swallowing: Drink plenty of water and provide fresh air. Call for a doctor immediately. Seek immediate medical advice. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed No further relevant information available.
4.3 Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed
No further relevant information available.
extinguishing agents: CO2, powder or water spray. Fight larger fires with water spray.
Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture No further relevant information available. Advice for firefighters
equipment: No special measures required.
(Contd. on page 3)
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Safety Data Sheet
2015/830 and Regulation No 1272/2008/EC (CLP)
Printing date 19.09.2016
Version number 1
Revision: 17.06.2016
Trade name: ECOS Laundry Free & Clear
SECTION 6: Accidental release measures
SECTION 7: Handling and storage
SECTION 8: Exposure controls/personal protection
8.1 Control parameters Ingredients
The workplace.
8.2 Personal
Respiratory Protection
Not required under normal conditions of use.
Protective gloves
(Contd. on page 4)
complying with Regulation 1907/2006/EC (REACH Regulation), EU
(Contd. of page 2)
6.1 Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures: Wear protective equipment. Keep unprotected persons away. Not required.
6.1.2 For emergency responders Wear protective equipment. Keep unprotected persons away.
6.2 Environmental precautions: No special measures required.
6.3 Methods and material for containment and cleaning up:
Absorb with liquid-binding material (sand, diatomite, acid binders, universal binders, sawdust, silica gel).
6.4 Reference to other sections: See Section 7 for information on safe handling. See Section 8 for information on personal protection equipment. See Section 13 for disposal information.
7.1 Precautions for safe handling No special precautions are necessary if used correctl y . Information about fire - and explosion protection: No special measures required.
7.2 Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities Storage: Store in cool, dry conditions in well sealed receptacles. Requirements to be met by storerooms and receptacles: Store in a cool location. Information about storage in one common storage facility: Not required. Further information about storage conditions: None.
7.3 Specific end use(s) No further relevant information available.
product does not contain any relevant quantities of materials with critical values that have to be monitored at the
Exposure controls
protective equipment
protective and hygienic measures:
usual precautionary measures are to be adhered to when handling chemicals.
with limit values that require monitoring at the workplace:
protection: Not required.
of hands:
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