Installation & Operation Manual
Proven Quality since 1892
ECON bellows seal valves Fig. 430, 431, 432, 433, 434
6. Application
ECON bellows seal valves are widely used for steam, cold and hot water, thermal oil, air, gasses,
etc. for shut off or connection of pipeline. The valves are designed for standard operating
conditions. For the use of extreme conditions e.g. aggressive or abrasive media, it is
recommended to mention this at the ordering stage, to verify whether the valve is suitable. The
installation designer is responsible for the globe valve selection, suitable for the working
conditions. The valves are unsuitable, without written permission of an ERIKS company, to apply
for hazardous media as referred into Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008.
7. Installation
During the assembly of the standard ECON bellows seal valves, the following rules should be
- the valves should be checked before installation if they have not any defects caused by
transport and/or storage.
- make sure that the applied valves are suitable for the working conditions, medium used in
the plant and the right system connections, according to pressure and temperature limits.
- protective hole plugs must be removed
- valves with fixed disc may be installed in any position but preferred is with the hand wheel
in upright position.
- valves with SDNR disc with spring may only be installed in horizontal pipelines with the
hand wheel upwards and may only be installed in vertical pipelines with a rising flow.
- valves with balancing disc may only be installed in horizontal pipelines with the hand
wheel upwards.
- during fitting, the proper flow direction has to be considered.
- the interior of the valve and pipeline must be free from foreign particles.
- the valve should be assembled in the pipeline in closed position, for a correct functioning,
the valve must be stress free mounted between the flanges, supports must be arranged to
prevent any additional stress, caused by the weight of the valve or the pipeline.
- bolted joints on the pipeline must not cause additional stress resulted from excessive
tightening, user shall select proper bolts and gaskets according the working temperature,
working pressure and medium.
- steam pipelines should be fitted in such a way to avoid condensate collection; in order to
avoid water hammer steam traps should be applied.
- for easy operating, the clear distance around the hand wheel, shall not be less than
- before plant start-up, especially after repairs carried out, flash out the pipeline.
During the assembly of ECON bellows seal valves with balancing disc, the following extra rules
should be observed:
- standard with balancing disc from size DN200 and larger
- there should be extra taken care of the flow direction marked on the valve; balancing
valves must have the flow direction above the disc. This is the opposite direction of the
flow direction of standard disc executions as flat disc, throttling disc and loose disc!!
Example of balancing disc