Chime+Siren Manual
Product Overview
• Z-Wave+™ enabled device which provides open/closed position status
• Transmits open/closed status of eight wired inputs
• Reports tamper condition when cover is open
Product Specifications
• For indoor use only
• Operating frequency:
• Operation range: Up to 100 feet (30.5 meters) line-of-sight
• Operating temperature: 0° – 49°C, 32° – 120°F (ambient temperature)
• Line Powered 120v AC 60Hz US
• 24-hour battery backup.
Adding via SmartStart
To add via SmartStart, you will need the device’s DSK QR-Code which is located on the back
side of the device, on the packaging, and on a leaflet within the packaging. Apply power to the
device by inserting the device into a wall receptacle, and the device will go into SmartStart
inclusion mode. While in this mode, the sensor can be added to a Z-Wave controller that supports SmartStart. Please refer to the inclusion controller’s manual
for activating SmartStart.
908.42, 916 MHz
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Adding to a Z-Wave Network (Classic Inclusion Method)
Make sure the device has power. Press the Add/Test Button which is the smaller of the two buttons, and the device will enter classic inclusion mode which
implements both classic inclusion with a Node Information Frame, and Network Wide Inclusion. During Classic Inclusion mode, the Green LED will blink three
times every three seconds. When Classic inclusion times-out, the device will blink red and green.
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Led behavior for Inclusion
Classic Inclusion Started
Green LED Three Times every three seconds.
Classic Inclusion Timed-Out
Green and Red several times.
Inclusion Successful (Authenticated S2)
Inclusion Not Successful (Self-Destruct)
Removing a Sensor from a Z-Wave Network
To remove the device, place the controller into Remove or “Z-Wave Exclusion” mode. Press the smaller of the two buttons (Add/Test) following the
same procedure to add for removal. Upon successful removal, the device’s red led will come on solid for 1 second. Note: Any Z-Wave Inclusion
Controller can remove a Z-Wave device regardless of manufacturer or which network the device is currently added to.
Battery Backup
The device is equipped with a non-user serviceable lithium-ion 24-hour battery backup to keep the device alive and active in the Z-Wave network for up to 24hours.
What is Z-Wave?
The Z-Wave protocol is an interoperable, wireless, RF-based communications technology designed specifically for control, monitoring and status reading applications in residential and light
commercial environments. Mature, proven and broadly deployed (with over 35 million products sold worldwide), Z-Wave is by far the world market leader in wireless control, bringing affordable,
reliable and easy-to-use 'smart' products to many millions of people in every aspect of daily life. Certified Z-Wave devices regardless of manufacturer can work together to form a Z-Wave mesh
network. Always on Z-Wave devices can act as repeaters in the mesh increasing range and redundancy.
For a more complete look at Z-Wave technology for non-technologists, and to learn more about Z-Wave's role as a key enabling technology for the Internet of Things and connected objects, please
visit www.z-wave.com
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