Z-Wave Plus Flood/Freeze Sensor Installation Instructions
Product Overview
Z-Wave+™ enabled device which detects flood and freeze.
Reports tamper condition when cover is open
Product Specifications
For indoor use only
Operating frequency: 908.42 MHz
Operating temperature: 0° – 49°C, 32° – 120°F (ambient temperature)
Operating humidity 5-95% non-condensing
Battery type required: 3V Lithium CR123A
Battery life approximately 5 years
Network Inclusion
The sensor must be added to a Z-Wave network prior to use. To include the sensor in a network both the sensor and the network controller must be in inclusion mode
at the same time. Refer to the instructions provided by the manufacturer of your specific controller for details on initiating the controller’s inclusion mode.
1) Verify that the Z-wave Plus controller you are using is compatible with the Flood Freeze sensor.
2) Either mount or move the Flood Freeze sensor as close as possible to the location the sensor will remain. See installation section below.
3) Put your Z-wave Plus Controller into add (inclusion) mode.
4) To add the sensor to an existing Z-Wave network, follow the directions to put your Z-Wave Controller into add (inclusion) mode. The Flood Freeze enters add
and remove (inclusion/exclusion) when powered on (when battery is added). If the LED starts blinking continuously, the sensor has no node ID and was not
successfully added, so start step C over again. Make sure to remove the battery for 10 seconds if adding to a z-wave network fails.
5) If after 5 seconds the LED is not blinking, look on the Z-Wave controller’s interface for feedback on whether the sensor was added successfully. If you do not
see any feedback that the sensor was added, follow directions for removing the sensor from a Z-Wave network, and then try adding the sensor again. If you
are still having problems, you may need to add additional Z-Wave listening devices in-between the controller and the sensor.
Network Exclusion
1) Any sensor can be removed from any Z-Wave Plus controller. Follow the directions to put your Z-Wave Plus Controller into exclusion mode.
2) Open the Flood Freeze case and remove the battery for 1 seconds. Replace the battery and the controller should remove the device from the Z-Wave
Network Inclusion/Exclusion: Key Points to Remember
Controller inclusion/exclusion mode must be activated BEFORE starting sensor inclusion or exclusion mode.
The sensor can only be included into one controller network at a time, and must be excluded from one network before inclusion in another.
The plastic pull tab must be removed to enable sensor operation.
The sensor automatically enters inclusion mode at power-up.
Exclusion mode on the senor is initiated following the same exact procedure as inclusion.
© 2017 Ecolink Intelligent Technology Inc. PN FLF-ZWAVE5 R1

LED Status
The Flood Freeze is equipped with a single LED. The state of the LED will change based on the state of the device.
Device not included = Light breathing (slow blink)
Flood Detected = Single LED blink
Freeze Detected = Single LED blink
Case Opened = LED will remain on while case open
Factory Default
The Flood Freeze sensor factory defaults on network exclusion.
To test the RF transmission from the mounted position you can generate a tamper by removing the cover. This will send a signal to the control panel. To test
flood/water detection, place the probe in a cup of water. Placing the sensor in a freezer to test freezing may not work if the signal cannot penetrate the
appliance. You may place a bag of ice over the sensor to test freeze detection. (may take upwards of 30 minutes to detect)
Replacing the Battery
When the battery is low a low battery notification will be sent to the life line nodes. To replace the battery:
1. Remove the top cover to reveal the battery. This will send a tamper signal to the lifeline nodes.
2. Replace with a Panasonic CR123A battery ensuring the + side of the battery faces as indicated on the device.
3. Re-attach the cover, you should hear a click when the cover engages properly.
The package contains the following:
1- Flood Sensor with Probe
1- Sensor Mounting Bracket
2- Screws for Sensor Mounting Bracket
1- Adhesive tape for Sensor Mounting Bracket
2- Screws for probe
1- Adhesive tape for mounting Probe.
© 2017 Ecolink Intelligent Technology Inc. PN FLF-ZWAVE5 R1

STEP ONE Identify Location for Sensor:
Determine where to place the probe sensor. The probe should be located where water is most likley to pool if a leak occurs.
The sensor needs to be mounted while the probe can reach the location described above.
STEP TWO Mount the Sensor:
Mount the sensor to a clean dry surface with the adheasive tape and/or the screws provided
© 2017 Ecolink Intelligent Technology Inc. PN FLF-ZWAVE5 R1