patent pending
Installation Manual & Users Guide
Frequency: 908.42MHz Operating Temperature: 32°-120°F (0°-49°C)
Battery: One 3Vdc lithium CR123A (1550 mAh) Operating Humidity: 5-95% RH non condensing
Battery life: 5 years Compatible with Z-Wave+ controllers
Detection distance: 6 in max Supervisory signal interval: 64 min(approx.)
Maximum current draw: 30mA during transmission
The FireFighter™ sensor is designed to listen to the alarm sounder of any smoke detector. Once confirmed as an
alarm, it will transmit a notification to the z-wave controller which if connected to a central monitoring station, will
dispatch the fire department.
WARNING: This audio detector is intended only for use with smoke detectors but it does not detect the presence of
smoke, heat, or fire directly.
MOUNTING (see IMAGE: 2 & 3)
Included with this device is a mounting bracket, hardware and double sided tape. To ensure proper operation
ensure the side of the device with the small holes is directly facing the sounder holes on the smoke detector.
Secure the mounting bracket to the wall or ceiling using the two mounting screws and double sided tape
provided, then secure the audio detector to the mounting bracket using the small screw provided. The
FireFighter™ must be mounted within 6 inches of the detector for optimal operation.
WARNING: Non-interconnected smoke detectors require an audio detector by each smoke detector sounder.
This equipment should be installed in accordance with Chapter 2 of the National Fire Alarm Code, ANSI/NFPA 72,
(National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269). Printed information describing proper
installation, operation, testing, maintenance, evacuation planning, and repair service is to be provided with this
equipment. Warning: Owner’s instruction notice: ’Not to be removed by anyone except occupant’.
Adding Sensor
A) Be sure that the Z-Wave Controller you are using is compatible with the FireFighter™.
B) Either mount or move the sensor as close as possible to the place in the building where the sensor is to be mounted
in order that the new Z-Wave node is added to the correct place in the mesh network routing tables.
C) To add the sensor to an existing Z-Wave network, follow the directions to put your Z-Wave Controller into add
(inclusion) mode. The FireFighter™ enters add and remove (inclusion/exclusion) mode on pressing the learn
button for 1 second which is located on the PCB between the LED and the tamper switch. If the LED starts
blinking continuously, the sensor has no node ID and was not successfully added, so start step C over again.
D) If after 5 seconds the LED is not blinking, look on the Z-Wave controller’s interface for feedback on whether the
sensor was added successfully. If you do not see any feedback that the sensor was added, follow directions for
removing the sensor from a Z-Wave network, and then try adding the sensor again. If you are still having
problems, you may need to add additional Z-Wave listening devices in-between the controller and the sensor.
Removing Sensor
A) Any sensor can be removed from any Z-Wave network with any Z-Wave controller. Follow the directions to put your
Z-Wave Controller into Z-Wave exclusion mode.
B) Press the learn button located near the LED and Tamper switch. If successfully removed from the Z-wave network,
the sensor’s LED should blink continuously if successful.

Factory Default
The FireFighter™ can be restored back to factory default settings which will remove its Z-Wave node ID from the sensor
(but not the controller) with the following steps.
A) Put the battery into the sensor.
B) Do not press the tamper switch.
C) Hold the learn button down for 10 seconds until the LED turns RED.
D) Release the learn button and wait for the sensor’s green LED to “breath” on and off continuously. The sensor is now
ready to be added to a Z-Wave network, and all settings have been restored.
To test the RF transmission from the mounted position you can either generate a tamper by removing the cover. This
will send a signal to the control panel. To test the audio detection, press and hold the smoke detector’s test button.
Ensure the FireFighter™ cover is on and that you wear hearing protection.
NOTE: This system must be checked by a qualified technician at least once every three (3) years. Please test the unit once
per week to ensure proper functionality.
Co Alarm Detection
In addition to Smoke Alarm detection, the FireFighter™ can detect the presence of a carbon monoxide alarm. By
default, the sensor is configured to not be guaranteed to detect a CO alarm, but can be configured to more reliably
catch a CO alarm in exchange for halving the battery life. This mode is activated or disabled upon powerup by holding
both the tamper switch and learn button while inserting the battery. The LED on power up blinks red and green to
indicate whether or not more reliable CO alarm detection is activated. The current mode is written to non-volatile
memory, and will therefore persist on replacing the battery.
RED + GREEN = CO not reliably detected, and battery will last twice as long.
RED + RED + GREEN = CO is more reliably detected, and battery will last half as long.
The Firefighter™ is equipped with a multi-color LED. When a valid audio signal is heard the LED will turn yellow and
flash in sequence to the smoke detector sounder. When the Firefighter™ has determined the audio signal heard is
a valid alarm, the LED will turn red to indicate it has transmitted to the panel. It will also turn red when the case is
opened to indicate a tamper transmission to the control panel. On power up the LED will also flash red then green
as part of its power up cycle.
Insert Battery = One RED blink, then one GREEN blink
In frequency sound detected = Flash YELLOW for the duration of that sound
Fire Alarm detected = Solid RED for 3 seconds, then blink RED when tone detected
Tamper = Solid RED until tamper condition removed
Learn button pressed = Solid GREEN for 3 seconds
When the battery is low a low battery notification will be sent to the life line nodes. To replace the battery:
1. Remove the top cover to reveal the battery. This will send a tamper signal to the lifeline nodes.
2. Replace with a Panasonic CR123A battery ensuring the + side of the battery faces as indicated on the device.
3. Re-attach the cover, you should hear a click when the cover engages properly.
WARNING: While the audio detector monitors its own battery, it does not monitor the battery in the smoke
detectors. Batteries should be changed as per the original smoke detector manufacturer’s instructions. Always test