Contact Sensor
Home security
beyond the front door
Ring Video Doorbells began a Ring of
Security around your entire property.
Ring Protect is the security system that
takes the Ring of Security a step further
giving you another level of protection for
your property.
Now, you can arm and disarm your
system, prevent crime and protect your
home - all from your phone, tablet or PC.
1. Diagram
2. In-app Setup
3. Connecting the Device
4. Physical Installation
5. Troubleshooting
Say hello to
your Ring
Contact Sensor.
RingSensor Magnet
Set up your
Ring Contact
Sensor in the
Ring app.
Set up your Ring Contact Sensor
near your Base Station
In the Ring app, choose Set Up a Device.
Choose Sensors, then Ring Contact
Sensor, then tap Add Device.
Connect your
Ring Contact
Sensor to your
base station.
Scan the QR Code or enter the S2
The QR Code and PIN can be found on
the back of your device, on the box, or on
the card in this box.
Pull the tab on the sensor
This connects the battery and turns on
the device. Your base station will find it.
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Track the connection progress of
© 2017 Ring Inc.
RING, ALWAYS HOME, and CHIME are trademarks of Ring Inc.
Last updated: 09/06/17
the sensor
Your sensor will try to connect to your
base station. The sensor’s LED ring will
show the progress.
Here are some common LED patterns:
Waiting to
Blue Blinking (30 sec)
Open and close the sensor to test it
Make sure the app shows that the sensor
is open when you pull it apart.
Install your Ring
Contact Sensor
on the wall.
Place your sensor (but don’t install
it yet)
Hold the sensor where you want to install
it. Place it near an edge of the door or
window that will move.
Align the magnet and the sensor
Place the magnet on the trim near the
sensor so that the lines on the sensor
and magnet are parallel. The magnet and
sensor can be a maximum of 1/2” apart.
Alignment lines
Install your sensor on a door or
Use the bracket and tape or screws
included in your kit.
View sensor history in the Ring app
You should have a few history events
from installing your sensor. Check your
app to make sure it’s working.
details about
your sensor.
How to change the battery
Your battery should last quite a long time,
but when you need to replace it, press
the clip and remove the sensor cover.
add to base
Door or
window open
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Blue Solid (5 sec)
Blue Blink (5x, quick)
Blue Blink (1x)
Blue Blinks (3x)
Max Gap