How to include the ECO-DIM.10 Zigbee dimmer in to the Philips HUE network
1) Make sure the Philips HUE HUB is installed in the right way.
2) Make sure that the EcoDim led dimmer is installed as mentioned in the manual of the dimmer
(manual can be found inside the box)
3) Switch on the dimmer by pressing the knob. (Lights must be on)
4) In case the Philips HUE app is not installed, please download and install it via the Google Play Store
or the Apple App Store.
5) Complete the steps to create a Philips HUE account. If there is an exisiting account you can skip to
step 6.
6) Start the Philips HUE app and click on the “settings” button below.
7) Select: “Light setup”.

8) Select: “Add light”.
9) Click on the “Search” button, the Philips HUE will start searching for new devices. Make sure the
pairing mode on the ECO-DIM.10 led dimmer is active. This can be activated by pushing the reset
button on the dimmer twice.
In case the app cannot find the device, push and hold the reset button on the ECO-DIM.10 led
dimmer for 10 seconds. The led indicator will stay in red. Then repeat the steps as mentioned above.