Ecobee 3 smarter wi-fi thermostat User Manual

User Guide
©2014 ecobee
477 Richmond St West | 2nd Floor, Toronto | Ontario | M5V 3E7 | Canada Toll free 1.877.932.6233
Table of Contents
Overview .................................................................................. 4
Getting Help .................................................................................... 4
Touch Screen ................................................................................... 4
Web Portal ....................................................................................... 5
Guided Setup Process ............................................................. 5
Step 1. Wiring Configuration .......................................................... 5
Step 2. Accessory Confirmation ................................................... 5
Step 3. Temperature Preference Setup ....................................... 6
Step 4. Equipment Configuration ................................................. 6
Heat Pumps .................................................................................. 6
Furnaces/Boilers ........................................................................... 6
Fans ............................................................................................... 6
Humidifier ...................................................................................... 6
Dehumidifier ................................................................................. 6
Ventilators (ERV/HRV) ................................................................. 7
Step 5. Name Your Thermostat ..................................................... 7
Step 6. Configure Ideal Temperatures ......................................... 7
Step 7. Select Current HVAC System Mode ................................ 7
Step 8. Configure Sensor Settings ................................................. 7
Step 9. Wi-Fi Configuration ............................................................ 7
Step 10. Date & Time ...................................................................... 8
Step 11. Web Portal/Mobile App Registration ............................ 8
Basic Functions ........................................................................ 9
Home Screen ................................................................................... 9
Standby Screen ............................................................................... 9
Adjusting the Temperature ............................................................ 9
Main Menu ..................................................................................... 10
Quick Changes ............................................................................. 10
Weather ......................................................................................... 11
System Icons .................................................................................. 11
Selecting System Operation Mode ............................................ 11
HVAC System ............................................................................. 11
Fan ............................................................................................... 12
Humidifier (if installed) ............................................................... 12
Dehumidifier (if installed) .......................................................... 12
Ventilator/HRV/ERV (if installed) .............................................. 13
Adjusting Sensor Modes ............................................................... 13
Smart Home/Away .................................................................... 13
Follow Me ................................................................................... 13
Adjusting Comfort Settings .......................................................... 14
Setting Your Weekly Schedule .................................................... 15
Going on Vacation ....................................................................... 16
Caring for your Thermostat ................................................... 17
Cleaning ......................................................................................... 17
Rebooting ...................................................................................... 17
Resetting the Thermostat ............................................................. 17
Troubleshooting ............................................................................. 17
Reminders & Alerts ................................................................ 18
Viewing Reminders ....................................................................... 18
Viewing Alerts ................................................................................ 18
Configuring Reminders & Alert Preferences .............................. 18
HVAC Maintenance ................................................................. 18
Furnace Filter .............................................................................. 19
Ventilator Filter (if installed) ...................................................... 19
UV Lamp ..................................................................................... 19
Low Temp Alert .......................................................................... 19
High Temp Alert ......................................................................... 19
Aux Heat Runtime Alert ............................................................ 19
Aux Outdoor Temp Alert .......................................................... 19
Low Humidity Alert ..................................................................... 19
High Humidity Alert .................................................................... 19
Display Alerts on Thermostat .................................................... 19
Enable Heating/Cooling Alerts ................................................ 19
Lost Communication With Sensor/Low Battery Alerts .......... 20
Customizing Your Thermostat ............................................... 20
Date & Time ................................................................................... 20
Temperature Display..................................................................... 20
Heating/Cooling Ranges ............................................................. 21
Thermostat Name ......................................................................... 21
Screen Brightness .......................................................................... 21
Active to Standby Screen Timer ................................................. 21
Hold Action Duration .................................................................... 21
Smart Recovery ............................................................................. 22
Access Control .............................................................................. 22
Configuring Wi-Fi Settings ..................................................... 23
Wi-Fi Radio ..................................................................................... 23
Network .......................................................................................... 23
Advanced Settings ................................................................... 23
Diagnostics ..................................................................................... 23
Managing Your Account ...................................................... 24
Registering ..................................................................................... 24
Making Changes to Your Account ............................................ 24
Moving to New House .................................................................. 24
Changing Thermostat Owner ..................................................... 24
Installation Settings ................................................................ 24
Equipment Wiring .......................................................................... 24
Equipment Settings ....................................................................... 24
Heat Pump ................................................................................. 24
Furnace ....................................................................................... 25
Humidifier .................................................................................... 25
Dehumidifier ............................................................................... 25
Ventilator .................................................................................... 26
Reconfiguring Equipment ........................................................ 26
Thresholds ....................................................................................... 26
Auto Heat/Cool ......................................................................... 26
Heat/Cool Min Delta ................................................................ 26
Compressor Min Cycle Off Time .............................................. 26
Compressor Min Outdoor Temp .............................................. 27
AC Overcool Max ..................................................................... 27
Aux Heat Max Temp ................................................................. 27
Heat Differential Temp .............................................................. 27
Heat Dissipation Time ................................................................ 27
Heat Min On Time ...................................................................... 27
Cool Differential Temp .............................................................. 28
Cool Dissipation Time ................................................................ 28
Cool Min On Time ...................................................................... 28
Compressor Reverse Staging ................................................... 28
Compressor Stage 2 Temp Delta ............................................ 28
Compressor Stage 1 Max Runtime ......................................... 28
Compressor to Aux Temp Delta .............................................. 28
Compressor to Aux Runtime .................................................... 29
Temperature Correction........................................................... 29
Installer Code ............................................................................. 29
Test Equipment .............................................................................. 29
Wiring Diagrams .................................................................... 30
Conventional heating and cooling ........................................... 30
Heat Only .................................................................................... 30
Heat and Cool ........................................................................... 30
Heat and Cool (2 Stage Heat) ................................................ 30
Heat pumps ................................................................................... 31
Air or Geothermal Heat Pump with Auxiliary Heat ............... 31
Air or Geothermal Heat Pump (2 Stages) with Auxiliary Heat
..................................................................................................... 31
Boiler or radiant systems ............................................................... 31
Boiler or Radiant System with Air Handler and Conventional
Cooling or Heat Pump .............................................................. 31
Boiler or Radiant System (2 stages) with Air Handler and
Conventional Cooling or Heat Pump ..................................... 32
Accessory devices ........................................................................ 32
PEK thermostat wiring ................................................................... 32
Icon Reference ...................................................................... 33
Home Screen ................................................................................. 33
System Operation ......................................................................... 33
Menus ............................................................................................. 33
Comfort Settings ............................................................................ 33
Weather .......................................................................................... 33
WiFi Connectivity ........................................................................... 33
Menu Reference .................................................................... 33
Approvals ............................................................................... 35
FCC Compliance Statement ................................................ 35
3-Year Limited Warranty ....................................................... 36
End User Software License Agreement ............................... 37
Do you hear that?
That’s the sound of hundreds of thousands of ecobee-ers welcoming you to the hive.
Congratulations on the purchase of your new ecobee3 smarter wi-fi thermostat with remote sensor. This guide will provide an overview of the features and capabilities of the new product and will help you get up and running.
Make sure you also take a look at the Quick Start Guide and the Installation Guide that come in the box with your ecobee3.
Remote sensors – Deliver the right temperature in the rooms
that matter most as well as detect when these rooms are occupied.
Smart – Your ecobee3 understands your home’s unique
energy profile and the weather outside, making sure you’re
comfortable at all times.
Intuitive – With its 3.5" full color touch display, your ecobee3
has intuitive controls just like your smartphone.
Accessible from anywhere – Monitor and control the
temperature in your home anytime, anywhere, on your smartphone, tablet, or computer.
Getting Help
If you have any questions, we have answers. Visit for tutorials, how-to videos and FAQs.
Technical support is also available by email or by phone:
1.877.932.6233 (North America)
1.647.428.2220 (International)
Touch Screen
Your ecobee3 has a touch screen, similar to that used in smartphones and tablets.
Touch items to select or activate them. For menus with a >, this will expand the menu to display additional options or submenus.
Swipe up and down to display additional information. Swiping on a temperature bar will also adjust the settings up or down.
Swipe left and right to scroll horizontal lists that contain multiple items to choose from.
Exit or go
To exit a submenu, touch . To close the main menu, touch .
Web Portal
Once registered (page 8), you can log in to your web portal and manage your ecobee3 from your computer or tablet.
From the web portal, you can:
Control current temperature and operation Adjust your schedule Set vacation periods View the weather forecast for your area Set thermostat preferences Manage all your ecobee thermostats Save energy with HomeIQ and insights
To access your customized web portal, visit and click on the Login link.
To select a tile, touch or click on it. To close a tile and return back to the main screen, touch or click (top-right corner).
Guided Setup Process
The Installation Guide that ships with your ecobee has the necessary instructions to wire up and install your device. After installing your ecobee3 thermostat on the wall and powering it up, you will be guided through the first-run process. Complete these steps to get it configured and connected online so you can make use of all its smart features.
This will take you through the following steps:
Wiring configuration and equipment configuration Setting your preferences Wi-Fi configuration Registering your ecobee3
If you make a mistake at any time or want to review a setting, you can touch Back to display the previous screen.
Step 1. Wiring Configuration
Your ecobee3 automatically detects and displays which wires are connected to it when it first powers on. It will warn you if you’ve wired a configuration that it doesn't recognize.
If the reported connections are different than what you have actually connected, call ecobee support for guidance.
Touch Next to continue.
Step 2. Accessory Confirmation
Your ecobee3 will ask if you have any accessories like humidifier, dehumidifier, or ventilator connected to it.
Touch Yes if you have one of these devices; otherwise touch No.
If you selected Yes, you will need to specify if the accessory is internally powered:
Touch Yes if your accessory is externally powered
(i.e. the ecobee3 does not provide power to it). This is the case if there are connected to both ACC+ and ACC-.
Touch No if your accessory receives power from your
ecobee3. There will be a single wire to ACC+.
Need Help? See page 32 for information on how to determine your accessory device's power configuration.
Touch Next to continue.
Step 3. Temperature Preference Setup
Your ecobee3 will ask you to select Fahrenheit or Celsius as your preferred temperature units. Touch Next to continue.
Step 4. Equipment Configuration
Your ecobee3 will ask you to configure your equipment. Depending on your wiring, different options will be available. These options will configure basic system operation as well as optimize the system for your specific type of equipment.
Review the list to see if any devices require additional configuration ("Configuration needed") and if the default settings are valid.
Once you are done, touch Next to continue.
Heat Pumps
If you have a heat pump installed:
1. Select the heat pump menu.
2. Select Air to Air or Geothermal depending on the type of
your heat pump system
3. Specify what the heat pump runs when the O/B
Reversing Valve is engaged: On Cool runs cooling when O/B engages (most cases), or On Heat runs heating when O/B engages.
4. Touch Next. You will be returned to the Equipment
configuration menu.
If you have a furnace or boiler installed:
1. Select the heating menu.
2. Configure the heater type: Furnace: Optimizes ecobee3 for systems using forced
Boiler: Optimizes your ecobee3 for systems using
radiators or in-floor heat.
3. Touch Next. You will be returned to the Equipment
configuration menu.
If your furnace uses forced air, you may configure fan operation:
1. Select Fan menu.
2. Select Fan operation: Thermostat: Your ecobee3 thermostat controls the fan
during heat and cool cycles.
HVAC: Your equipment controls the fan during heat
and cool cycles (typical configuration).
3. Touch Next. You will be returned to the Equipment
configuration menu.
If you have a humidifier installed:
1. Select Accessory menu.
2. Select Humidifier.
3. Touch Next.
4. Select the type of humidifier you have: Evaporative or
Steam. If unsure, select Evaporative.
5. Touch Next. You will be returned to the Equipment
configuration menu.
If you have a dehumidifier installed:
1. Select Accessory menu.
2. Select Dehumidifier.
3. Touch Next.
4. Select Open if the dehumidifier is active when the relay is
open; otherwise select Closed. If unsure, select Closed (if the dehumidifier runs when it shouldn't, you can change this option in the Equipment Configuration menu (page
5. Touch Next. You will be returned to the Equipment
configuration menu.
Ventilators (ERV/HRV)
If you have a ventilator (ventilator, ERV or HRV) installed:
1. Select Accessory menu.
2. Select Ventilator.
3. Touch Next.
4. Select the type of ventilator you have installed:
Ventilator, Energy Recovery Ventilator or Heat Recovery Ventilator.
5. Touch Next.
6. Select the preferred minimum runtime (min/hr) when your
home is occupied and the runtime for when your home is unoccupied. If unsure, keep the default 20 min/hr value or contact a professional.
7. For HRVs, select whether or not you would like to use it t
use it to dehumidify in winter.
8. For Ventilators, select whether or not you would like to
enable free cooling.
9. Touch Next. You will be returned to the Equipment
configuration menu.
Step 5. Name Your Thermostat
After configuring your equipment, you will be prompted to give your ecobee3 a name. Select a name from the list or enter your own using the on-screen keyboard.
This name will appear in your web portal, so pick a name that makes it easy to identity your thermostat (this is especially important if you have more than one in your house).
Touch Next to continue.
Step 6. Configure Ideal Temperatures
Next, slide the set-point bubble up and down to select the preferred, normal temperature for your home during winter and summer (touch Next after each). This setting will be used to generate the default comfort settings.
Step 7. Select Current HVAC System Mode
Select the operating mode of your HVAC equipment. For example, if you want to set your HVAC system to heat, select Heat. If you do not want the system to run, select Off.
Touch Next to continue.
Step 8. Configure Sensor Settings
Your ecobee3 includes sensors that can determine when you are home. You can have your thermostat automatically go into energy savings mode when you are away. For a detailed description of how the settings work, see page 13.
1. Enable or disable Smart Home/Away setting.
If enabled, your ecobee3 senses when you are home during a scheduled Away period, or away during a scheduled Home period, and will automatically override your scheduled settings to maximize comfort and savings.
2. Touch Next to continue.
Step 9. Wi-Fi Configuration
To get the most out of your ecobee3, it needs to connect to your home's Wi-Fi network.
Touch Next to configure your network settings. If you do not want the ecobee3 to connect to the Internet, touch Skip and confirm the action by pressing Next.
When configuring your network settings, your ecobee3 will display a list of all visible Wi-Fi networks along with their signal strength. If your network has weak signal strength, try moving your router closer to the ecobee3.
If your network appears in the list
1. Select your network from the list
2. Touch Next.
3. Enter your password, if prompted.
4. After connecting to the Internet, your ecobee3 will
register itself with the ecobee servers and provide you with a 4-digit registration code.
5. Write down the 4-digit code. You will need it when
registering your ecobee3 (You can register from either ecobee's Mobile App or Web Portal).
If it's not listed, select My network is not visible and touch Next (you will have to enter your network parameters manually, including the SSID).
1. If your network is password-protected, enter the
2. This will take you through the manual Wi-Fi set-up process
where you will have to enter in information about your network such as if it’s a DHCP or a static IP, the network SSID name, the encryption, the password etc.
3. After connecting to the Internet, your ecobee3 will
register itself with the ecobee servers and provide you with a 4-digit code.
4. Write down the 4-digit code. You will need it when
registering your ecobee3 (You can register from either ecobee's Mobile App or Web Portal).
Touch Next to continue.
Step 10. Date & Time
The Date & Time screen lets you configure your time zone settings. If you didn't configure Wi-Fi in the previous step, you may need to reconfigure the current time and date. These settings are required in order for the scheduling features of your ecobee3 to work properly.
If Wi-Fi is configured:
1. Touch Time zone.
2. Select your country from the list and touch Next.
3. Select your time zone by picking the name of the nearest
community from the list.
4. Touch Next.
5. Touch Next to continue.
If Wi-Fi is not configured:
1. Touch Date.
2. Slide up and down to set the current date and touch
3. Touch Time.
4. Slide up and down to set the current time and touch
5. Touch Time zone.
6. Select your country from the list and touch Next.
7. Select your time zone by picking the name of the nearest
community from the list.
8. Touch Next.
9. Touch Next to continue.
Step 11. Web Portal/Mobile App Registration
After setting up Wi-Fi on your ecobee3 and obtaining the registration code, you need to configure your account from either the ecobee3 Mobile App or the Web Portal.
To register from the Web Portal:
1. From a web browser, visit
2. Click on the Register link.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions to register your account.
To register from the Mobile App:
1. Download the app to your iPhone or Android device
from the respective app store.
2. Launch the ecobee3 app.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions to register your account.
Basic Functions
The bright, easy-to-read touch screen on your ecobee3 thermostat makes it simple to review and adjust settings any time you want.
Home Screen
Your ecobee3 will automatically display the home screen when you approach it.
Current system mode and any equipment currently running
Current relative humidity
Current indoor temperature
Messages indicating any special operating mode or state (e.g. resume, temperature hold, etc)
Main menu. If a dot appears on the icon, you have important message(s) to read.
Weather forecast
Quick Change menu
Adjustable heat and cool set points. If the System Mode is set Auto, both are displayed; otherwise only heat or cool is displayed.
Standby Screen
The standby screen activates whenever the thermostat is not in use. It shows the current indoor temperature and outdoor weather conditions.
Current indoor temperature
Current outdoor weather conditions
The standby screen is configurable. You can adjust:
Standby screen activation time (page 21) Standby screen brightness (page 21)
Adjusting the Temperature
You can override the scheduled temperature by moving the bubble on the temperature slider up or down. The blue number
represents the cool set point; the orange number represents the heat set point.
The new desired temperature will be the set point used for the Hold. The duration of the Hold is the last configured value (the default value is Until I change it, meaning it keeps the value indefinitely, until you choose to revert to the schedule or change it). You can adjust the default Hold time in the Preferences menu (page 21).
To cancel the current Hold, touch the Hold message box displayed on the Home screen. You can touch the box anywhere and not just the X displayed on the box.
Main Menu
To show the main menu, touch the screen and touch .
Registers your ecobee3. This menu item disappears after you have registered.
Selects mode of operation: heat/cool/auto, fan on/off, and any accessory (page 11)
Manages sensors and lets you adjust Smart Home/Away and Follow Me settings (page
Manages temperature according to time and day (page 15)
Comfort Settings
Manages temperature for different climate states (Away, Home, Sleep) (page 14)
Manages thermostat settings for a vacation period (page 16)
Reminders & Alerts
Displays any reminder or alert messages (page 18)
Manages display preferences (°F/°C, date, brightness), Wi-Fi, and equipment operating parameters (thresholds,
sensors, etc) (page 20)
Displays technical information about your thermostat (page 17).
Quick Changes
The Quick Changes screen lets you quickly adjust the operation of the ecobee3 and your equipment.
Current time and date display
Home and Away buttons. Touch these buttons to override your programmed schedule. To cancel this action, touch the message box on the Home screen.
Toggle fan between Auto and On. Touch On to run the fan continuously. Touch Auto to run the fan according to the Minimum Runtime per Hour setting (page 24).
If you have a ventilator, ERV or HRV installed, touch On to run the device for 20 minutes (page 26)
Icons indicate if heat, cool, fan, and any accessories are actively running (see page 11
for icon descriptions)
Internet connection and ecobee server connection status. If this icon is red, you can contact our technical support team for help (page 4).
Hint: You can also apply quick changes from the web portal by clicking on the Fan or Quick Changes tiles.
Touch the Weather icon to display a local weather forecast for the week as well as a detailed daily forecast.
Current weather conditions
Current outdoor temperature
Probability of precipitation (POP), relative humidity, and daily high/low temperature
24-hour weather forecast
Note: To receive the local weather forecast, you must first register your thermostat (page 22). For a complete list of weather icons, see page 33.
System Icons
The icons on the Home screen and Quick Changes menu show information about the status of your HVAC system.
An orange heat icon indicates that your thermostat is calling for heat. A white heat icon indicates that your system is in heat or auto mode but is not currently calling for heat.
A blue cool icon indicates that your thermostat is calling for cool. A white cool icon indicates that your system is in cool or auto mode but is not currently calling for cool.
A fan icon indicates that your thermostat is calling for the fan to run.
If both heat and cool icons are shown, your system is in Auto mode, meaning your ecobee3 will call for heat or cool as required.
Selecting System Operation Mode
The System menu controls the basic operation of the different components in your HVAC system, including the heat/cool mode, fan operation, and the operation of accessories like humidifiers, dehumidifiers, and ventilators.
HVAC System
The HVAC System settings depend on the type of system you have. Depending on your system, one or more the following options are shown:
Cool: Turn on the air conditioner when the current
temperature rises above the set temperature.
Heat: Turn on the heat when the current temperature drops
below the set temperature.
Auto: Activate the heating or cooling system as required to
keep your home within the configured range of set temperatures.
Aux: Only use the auxiliary or backup heat source to
maintain the heat set point temperature. This option only
appears if auxiliary heat is configured in the Equipment menu.
Off: Turn the system off. When the system is off, only the
current temperature will be displayed on the Home screen.
On Thermostat and Mobile:
Select Main Menu > System > HVAC System
On Web:
Select System tile > HVAC
The Fan menu displays the current furnace fan setting. Depending on your system, one or more of the following options are shown:
On: Force fan to run continuously, regardless of the
scheduled programming. The fan will also run if the System Mode is Off.
Auto: Enable fan when the system is actively heating or
cooling your home, or to satisfy the Minimum Fan Runtime setting (page 12).
On Thermostat and Mobile:
Select Main Menu > Quick Changes > Fan
On Web:
Select Fan tile
Minimum Fan Runtime (Auto mode only)
When the fan is in Auto mode, ecobee3 operates it according to the Minimum Fan Runtime setting. You can adjust this setting from 0 to 55 minutes.
When your system is in heat or cool mode, the fan will always run for this minimum amount of time. A longer runtime improves air circulation and results in a more consistent temperature than with the Auto setting while being more cost-effective than the On setting.
Your ecobee3 will meet this minimum runtime over the hour while making sure it never runs for less than five minutes.
On Thermostat and Mobile:
1. Select Main Menu > System > Fan
2. Swipe left or right to adjust the value.
On Web:
1. Select System Tile > Fan
2. Swipe or drag left or right to adjust the value.
Humidifier (if installed)
The Humidifier menu enables or disables the humidifier, if installed:
On: Run the humidifier to increase the humidity to the
configured set point.
Off: Do not operate the humidifier. Frost control: Automatically maintain the humidity to stay
comfortable but prevent condensation or frost on your windows
To adjust the humidity set point and other options, see page 14.
On Thermostat and Mobile:
Select Main Menu > System > Humidifier
On Web:
Select System tile > Humidifier
Dehumidifier (if installed)
The Dehumidifier menu enables or disables the dehumidifier, if installed:
On: Run the dehumidifier to reduce the humidity to the
configured set point.
Off: Do not operate the dehumidifier.
To adjust the dehumidifier set point, see page 12.
On Thermostat and Mobile:
Select Main Menu > System > Dehumidifier
On Web:
Select System tile > Dehumidifier
Ventilator/HRV/ERV (if installed)
The Ventilator/HRV/ERV menu configures the operation of a ventilator, a Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV) or an Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV), if installed:
Occupied minimum runtime: Configure how many
minutes per hour the device will run during occupied periods, such as when you’re home or asleep.
Unoccupied minimum runtime: Configure how many
minutes per hour the device will run during unoccupied periods, such as when you’re away.
Ventilation devices are important to maintain indoor air quality and, depending on where you live, this might be regulated. The amount of indoor air required to maintain sufficient indoor air quality depends on how big your house is, how many people live there, and the capacity of your ventilation device. You should consult with a local contractor who can guide you on how often you should be running your ventilation device.
For devices configured as ventilators (i.e. not HRVs or ERVs) you can enable a feature called “free cooling” on your ecobee3. When the outdoor temperatures are cooler than indoors and your system is calling for cool, your ecobee3 will turn on your ventilator to bring in outdoor air instead of running your air conditioner. To configure free cooling options, see page 26.
On Thermostat and Mobile:
1. Select Main Menu > System > Ventilator/HRV/ERV
2. Adjust the Occupied Min Run Time and Unoccupied Min
Run Time by selecting each option and swiping left or right to adjust the values.
3. If supported by your device, enable or disable Free
On Web:
1. Select System tile > Ventilator/HRV/ERV
2. Adjust the Occupied Min Run Time and Unoccupied Min
Run Time by selecting each option and swiping left or right to adjust the values.
3. If supported by your device, enable or disable Free
Adjusting Sensor Modes
Your ecobee3 supports wireless remote sensors that detect motion and temperature in different rooms (one was included with your thermostat). Your ecobee3 also has a built-in motion sensor. With these sensors, you can optimize the operation of your thermostat to ensure comfort in the rooms and times that matter most.
For information about installing new sensors, see the ecobee Installation Guide, or the documentation included with the sensor itself.
Smart Home/Away
Smart Home/Away applies all the sensors in your network – including the sensors built-in your thermostat. It works by following your schedule unless any sensor in your network is in conflict with your schedule. In other words, if your ecobee3 senses that you are home during a scheduled Away period, or away during a scheduled Home period, it will automatically override your schedule by placing you in Smart Home/Away mode to maximize comfort (Smart Home) and savings (Smart Away).
On Thermostat:
1. Select Main Menu > Sensors > Smart Home/Away
2. Touch Enable to have your sensor network and
thermostat detect occupancy. To have your thermostat strictly follow your programmed schedule, touch Disable.
Follow Me
Follow Me is a feature that applies to a selected group of the sensors in your network (including the sensor built-in your thermostat). It works by looking for motion triggered by any of
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