Series “AH”, “DAH”, “TAH” & “CAH”
U.S. Reissue Pat. No. 26,244 Canadian Pat. No. 743,782
Info 140
AH, Front View
DAH, Blower Down
Data 140-2
Data 140-1
AH, Back View
Data 140-1
Data 140-3
Data 140-4
The burners covered in this Guide are designed to
mix fuel with air and burn the resulting mixture. All
fuel burning devices are capable of producing explosions and fires when improperly applied, installed,
adjusted, controlled, or maintained. This Guide will
provide information for using these burners for their
limited design purpose. Do not deviate from any in-
structions or application limits in this Guide without
written advice from the Eclipse Combustion Division
in Rockford, Illinois. Read this entire Guide before attempting to light burners. If you do not understand
any part of the information in this Guide, contact your
local Eclipse representative or Eclipse Combustion
before proceeding further.

Important Notices About Safe Burner Operation
Storage Store the burner inside. Exposure to the elements can damage the burner.
Qualifications Adjustment, maintenance, and troubleshooting of the mechanical parts of this
unit should be done by people with good mechanical aptitude and experience
with combustion equipment.
Replacement Parts Order replacement parts from Eclipse only. Any customer-supplied valves or
switches should carry UL, FM, CSA, and/or CGA approval where applicable.
Operator Training The best safety precaution is an alert and competent operator. Thoroughly in-
struct new operators so they demonstrate an adequate understanding of the
equipment and its operation. Regular retraining must be scheduled to maintain a
high degree of proficiency. The operator must have easy access to this Information Guide at all times.
1.0 Burner Operating Parameters & Requirements
Applications Eclipse Air Heat Burners are line type burners ideal for generating large vol-
umes of clean, hot air. Applications include ovens, dryers, fume incinerators, and
similar industrial equipment.
The “AH” models feature an integral combustion air blower mounted on the back
of the burner’s steel case. By supplying the correct air volume and pressure to
the burner, the blower allows stable operation over a wide range of duct velocities without installing a profile plate around the burner.
Capacities & Supply Pressures
See Figure 2.
Burner Environment Weather Protection: Protect burners from the weather.
Combustion Air: Must be free of contaminants. Eclipse strongly recommends
use of a combustion air filter to remove airborne particles. If corrosive fumes or
materials are present in the air, supply the blower with fresh, clean air from an
uncontaminated area of the plant.
Room Openings: If the burner is mounted on the side of the duct, provide at
least one square inch of opening to the outdoors for every 4000 Btu/hr (1.2 kW)
of burner firing rate. This will admit fresh combustion air.
Access: Provide access to the burner for inspection and maintenance.
Figure 1–Ignition, Flame Monitoring, and Pilot Components
Pilot Cock
Flame Rod
Mount In Place
For Sizes 440 through 800 AH
Scanner Adaptor 109000
For Sizes through 400 AH
of Peepsight
1/2" N.P.T.
Scanner Adaptor 109559
Pilot Gas Inlet
1/4" N.P.T.
Main Gas Inlet
2" N.P.T.
Eclipse AirHeat v1.0 - Installation Guide No. 140, 11/4/03
3/4" N.P.T.
Mount In Place
of Flame Rod
1/2" N.P.T.

Input: 1,000,000 Btu/hr. per lineal foot (962 kW/m).
Fuels: Natural gas or 100% propane vapor. Call Eclipse for information on using other fu-
Gas Turndown: 40:1
Pilot Input: Approximately 25,000 Btu/hr. (7.3 kW)
Gas Inlet Pressure: 800,000 Btu/hr/ft. (769 kW/m): Nat. Gas: 2.2" w.c. 5.5 mbar
Propane: 0.9" w.c. 2.2 mbar
1,000,000 Btu/hr/ft. (962 kW/m): Nat. Gas: 3.5" w.c. 8.7 mbar
Propane: 1.3" w.c. 3.2 mbar
Gas pressure shown is a differential measured between the gas inlet and a tap on
the duct wall 10" to 20" (254 to 508 mm) downstream of the burner.
Ambient Temp. Limits*: –40° to +104° F –40° to +40° C
Downstream Temp. Limits: 1500° F 815° C
Flame Length**: 800,000 Btu/hr. (769 kW/m): 28" 0.71 m
1,000,000 Btu/hr. (962 kW/m): 46" 1.17 m
Piloting: Integral spark-ignited pilot; ignition plug included.
Flame Monitoring: Flame rod supplied. UV scanner adaptors are available. For UV scanners, Eclipse
recommends a flame monitoring system that terminates the ignition spark and
proves the pilot flame without spark prior to opening the main gas valves.
CGA requires two flame rods on burners over 36" long (914 mm). Use a flame
monitoring endplate (see Data 140-6) to mount a second flame rod on the end opposite the gas inlet.
Motor: Standard: 230/460/3/60 TEFC. Other motors can be supplied.
Materials: All portions of the burner exposed to flame are cast iron or #321 stainless steel.
Emissions performance depends not only on the burner,
but also other factors such as chamber temperature, chamber design, and heat loading. For estimates of emissions performance in your application, call Eclipse.
Packaging Options: Available with complete valve trains and control systems. AH burners and systems
can be supplied mounted on duct sections as specified by the customer. Call Eclipse
for information on custom packaged systems.
Models: Model Description Data Sheet
AH Line-shape, blower mounted on rear Data 140-1
DAH Line-shape, blower mounted on bottom Data 140-2
TAH “I”-shape, blower mounted on rear Data 140-3
CAH Cross-shape, blower mounted on rear Data 140-4
Related Information: Blower and motor specifications Data 140-5
* Based on blower motor limitations.
** Based on parallel air flow. If mounted in a cross flow, then flame will be shorter.
CAUTION: It is dangerous to use any fuel burning equipment unless it is equipped with suitable flame sensing devices and automatic fuel shut-off valves. Eclipse can supply such equipment or information on alternate sources.
Eclipse AirHeat v1.0 - Installation Guide No. 140, 11/4/03