Eclipse Aviation Eclipse 500 Flight Manual

© Eclipse Aviation Corporation, 2006
Original Issue……………………………………………………………December XX, 2006
Revision Number Revision Date
© Eclipse Aviation Corporation, 2006
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 6
Risk Management Definitions.......................................................................................... 8
Risk Management Tools.................................................................................................... 9
Risk Management Procedures ........................................................................................ 9
Resource Management .................................................................................................... 12
Automation Management............................................................................................12
Task Management......................................................................................................... 14
Available Resources .................................................................................................... 20
Situational Awareness................................................................................................. 20
3. NORMAL OPERATIONS................................................................................................. 23
a. Flight Planning........................................................................................................... 23
b. Normal Checklists..................................................................................................... 24
c. SELF BRIEFINGS ............................................................................................. 51
d. PROFILES....................................................................................................................... 52
Taxi.................................................................................................................................... 53
Takeoff............................................................................................................................. 55
Traffic Pattern Ops (closed patterns)...................................................................... 56
Departure and Climb....................................................................................................56
Cruise............................................................................................................................... 57
Descent............................................................................................................................ 58
Approach......................................................................................................................... 59
Missed approach / rejected landing......................................................................... 66
Holding............................................................................................................................. 68
Landing............................................................................................................................ 68
4. ABNORMAL OPERATIONS............................................................................................70
Emergency management................................................................................................70
Go No-Go Decision........................................................................................................... 70
Rejected takeoff................................................................................................................. 71
Single engine operations................................................................................................ 71
Landing with flap malfunctions..................................................................................... 80
In-flight cabin smoke........................................................................................................ 80
Emergency descent/rapid decompression................................................................ 81
Single and dual generator failure................................................................................. 82
Emergency evacuation.................................................................................................... 82
Unusual Attitude/Upset Recovery................................................................................82
5. FLIGHT TRAINING OPERATIONS................................................................................. 84
Introduction........................................................................................................................ 84
Maneuvers........................................................................................................................... 84
© Eclipse Aviation Corporation, 2006
The material in this Flight Training and Standards Manual is provided as a reference document for use by all Eclipse 500 pilots. It provides guidance for Eclipse 500 normal flight operations, abnormal flight operations, and flight training operations. Additionally, it provides specific material intended to give each pilot the higher order pilot skills required to become proficient in single pilot resource management and flight operations. The intent of this manual is to promote standardization in all Eclipse 500 flight procedures with the ultimate goal of safe flight operations in today’s National Airspace System (NAS).
This manual is organized into four sections that cover the following topics:
Single Pilot Resource Management and Operations
Normal Operations
Abnormal Operations
Flight Training Operations
Single Pilot Resource Management and Operations
This section encompasses a broad spectrum of procedures and techniques for the single pilot in both preflight planning and in-flight operations. The material contained in this section will help the pilot understand what key elements must be integrated in order to be an effective single pilot manager and operator. These elements include airplane control, flight automation, PFDs / MFD, standard operating procedures, airplane systems, resource management, risk management, and decision making. At the end of this section is a list of safe practices that every pilot should embrace to uphold a commitment to safety.
Normal Operations
This section covers all operations that would be encountered during normal preflight and flight. This section includes an expanded explanation of all the normal checklists, and the techniques to accomplish those checklists in an organized and standardized pattern. This section also gives the procedures and profiles for all the normal maneuvers performed from takeoffs to approaches and landings in both VMC and IMC. Included are guides for single pilot “self briefings” in order to instill the self-discipline of situational awareness and safety consciousness.
Abnormal Operations
This portion provides standards and procedures for selected events that would not be seen in normal operations. The events cover topics such as rejected takeoffs, single engine operations, flap malfunctions, cabin smoke and fires, emergency descents, rapid decompressions, upset recoveries, and emergency evacuations. This section also includes a discussion on emergency procedures management and standards to follow in any abnormal situation.
Flight Training Operations
This section provides guidance as to how the airplane should be configured and flown during initial and recurrent type rating training. These training maneuvers include but are not limited to the maneuvers required in the Airline Transport Pilot and Type Rating Practical Test Standards (PTS) for the Eclipse 500 FAA type rating. It provides specific guidance concerning the conduct of each maneuver, tolerances and safeguards when conducting flight training in the actual airplane or simulator.
Revisions are issued by Eclipse Aviation as necessary to keep the Flight Training and Standards Manual current. It is the responsibility of the owner of this Flight Training and Standards Manual to maintain its currency. With each revision to this manual, the owner of the manual must annotate the revision number along with the date of the revision on the Log of Revisions page. The Log of Revisions Page must be retained at all times in this manual.
Immediately following the Log of Revisions page is a List of Effective Pages. A re-issue of the Flight Training and Standards Manual or the revision of any portion thereof will include a new List of Effective Pages. The List of Effective Pages enables the user to determine the currency of each page.
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If the holder of this Flight Training and Standards Manual would like to recommend a change to any of this material, it should be made in writing to:
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© Eclipse Aviation Corporation, 2006
The Eclipse 500 pilot must employ higher order piloting skills to safely operate the aircraft through its full range of capabilities. In addition to physical and motor skills associated with normal and abnormal operations, pilots must be competent in risk management and single pilot resource management (SRM) procedures.
Risk Management Definitions
Risk is present in all human activity. Risk can be managed effectively through use of simple procedures and tools. The Eclipse 500 pilot can effectively
employ risk identification, risk assessment, and risk mitigation procedures to
minimize risk during pre-flight planning and in-flight operations. The following guidance regarding this process assumes that the pilot has a basic knowledge of risk management obtained through the Eclipse 500 type rating training or through some other source.
Risk Identification
During pre-flight planning, the Eclipse 500 pilot should consider all potential hazards that may affect the flight. The pilot must then determine which of those hazards will become risks as a result of some triggering event.
A mountain next to an airport is a hazard but may not become a risk until the pilot attempts to complete a night circling approach to that airport during IMC conditions.
Once risk identification is complete, the pilot should conduct a risk assessment.
Risk Assessment
The Eclipse 500 pilot should fully assess all identified risks by determining
risk severity and risk likelihood. Risk severity describes the potential
consequences of a given risk while risk likelihood refers to the probability of a given event occurring.
It is then possible to classify each identified risk since each combination of risk severity and risk likelihood results in a cumulative level of risk that may be identified as high, medium, or low.
An engine out on takeoff may be a high risk at gross weight at high density altitude with inhospitable terrain. At sea level and light weight with flat terrain, the overall risk may be low. In both cases, the low risk likelihood of an engine out on takeoff makes this risk manageable.
Once risk assessment is complete, the pilot must address all high risk areas and most medium risk areas through risk mitigation.
Risk Mitigation
Through effective use of technology and procedures, most risks can be effectively mitigated. Eclipse 500 pilots can use the aircraft’s advanced technology to their advantage during risk mitigation.
Pilots may take on a reduced fuel load to reduce takeoff weight, and potential engine out risk, during a takeoff from a high density altitude airport.
The objective should be to reduce risk likelihood and/or severity from high or moderate levels to low or moderate levels. Moderate risks can be accepted, providing the pilot is willing to accept them on behalf of him/her and his/her passengers. However, the pilot should ensure that all available steps have been taken to reduce risk likelihood and or severity, regardless of the risk level.
In rare cases, if risks can not be mitigated or accepted, the pilot may need to cancel or delay a flight, or shift to another transportation mode. Advanced risk planning is therefore essential.
Risk Management Tools
The risk management process can be simplified through use of a risk management tool and a risk assessment matrix. Eclipse Aviation has developed a risk management tool (Figure 1 on pg. 9) for Eclipse 500 pilots to use in identifying, assessing and mitigating risk. The tool is accompanied by a risk assessment matrix developed by the FAA to classify risk severity and likelihood to arrive at an overall level of risk for each risk factor identified.
The risk management tool uses the well known industry/FAA PAVE (P A
ircraft, EnVironment, External Factors) model to identify risks. Using the tool and the risk assessment matrix, the pilot can then assess and classify risks for each PAVE category and element. The tool (second page) then uses the less well known FAA developed TEAM (T to mitigate risk.
Risk Management Procedures
1. Eclipse 500 pilots will use the risk management tool and assessment matrix and the following procedures on all training and mentoring flights.
ransfer, Eliminate, Accept, Mitigate) model
© Eclipse Aviation Corporation, 2006
Eclipse Aviation strongly recommends that pilots continue to use these tools and procedures during normal operations until they are comfortable with their use and can effectively identify, assess, and mitigate risk without reference to them.
2. Pilots should conduct preliminary pre-flight planning procedures prior to a proposed flight so that applicable data can be gathered for risk management purposes. For example, weather, weight and balance, performance data, and other information will be needed to accurately identify, assess, and mitigate risks. Final preparation and planning (route planning, fueling, filing flight plan, etc.) should be deferred until the risk identification and risk assessment process is completed.
3. Following pre-flight planning, the pilot should use the risk management tool to identify and record potential hazards for the proposed flight and then identify and record the risks of those hazards.
4. Following risk identification, the pilot should use the risk management tool to assess identified risks by determining their potential severity and likelihood, using the categories on the risk assessment matrix. The pilot will then classify risks as high, medium, or low, using the matrix.
5. Following risk assessment, the pilot should review all aspects of the proposed flight to determine options with regard to risk mitigation. For example, the pilot could select a different route, change departure times, change the fuel load or take other steps.
6. The pilot should then complete the risk mitigation portion of the risk management tool to execute decisions regarding mitigation. All risks classified as high must be mitigated to reduce the severity and/or likelihood of the risks. Medium risk areas should also be mitigated to the extent possible and pilots must be willing to accept any residual risks. Low risk areas do not require mitigation but any risk which can be readily mitigated should be.
7. Following completion of the risk management tool, remaining pre-flight preparation should be accomplished.
8. In flight, Eclipse 500 pilots must continue active risk management procedures. New hazards and risks may be identified, requiring the pilot to assess them and potentially take action to mitigate them. The advanced technology in the Eclipse 500 will be useful in mitigating risk and the pilots should employ effective SRM procedures as outlined in the next section.
Catastrophic Critical Marginal Negligible
Catastrophic Accident with serious injuries and/or fatalities.
Critical Accident or Serious Incident with injuries and/or
Marginal Accident or Incident with minor injury and/or minor
Negligible Less than minor injury and/or less than minor
Severity Scale Definitions
Loss (or breakdown) of an entire system or sub­system.
moderate damage to aircraft. Partial breakdown of a system or subsystem.
aircraft damage. System Deficiencies leading to poor air carrier performance or disruption to the air carrier schedules.
system damage. Little or no effect on system or subsystem.
Frequent Will be continuously experienced unless action is
Probable Will occur often if events follow normal pattern. Occasional Potential for infrequent occurrence. Remote Not likely to happen (but could).
Likelihood Scale Definitions
taken to change events.
Red High Risk - Unacceptable; requires action. Yellow Medium Risk - May be acceptable with review by
Green Low Risk - Acceptable without further action.
Risk Classification
appropriate authority; requires tracking and probable action.
Figure 1
© Eclipse Aviation Corporation, 2006
Resource Management
Single pilot resource management (SRM) was developed as a doctrine by the FAA under the FAA/Industry Training Standards (FITS) program. It builds on the concepts of crew resource management (CRM) pioneered by the airline community and is tailored for single pilot operation of technically advanced aircraft (TAA). SRM integrates risk management (described in the previous section), automation management, task management, and situational awareness.
SRM also balances two important elements: workload drivers and pilot resources available. The Eclipse 500 pilot’s task is to use SRM techniques and procedures to ensure that resources always exceed the work load imposed on the pilot.
Automation Management
The autopilot, auto-throttle, flight management system (FMS), and cockpit displays and sensors are important tools for SRM as well as for precise navigation. The pilot must clearly understand the flight automation modes and be able to select confidently from among the various modes.
The autopilot can provide workload relief and precise lateral and vertical navigation. To be effective, it must be properly managed.
The pilot should use the autopilot in high workload situations such as high traffic density in terminal areas where communications and navigation demands are most likely to be high. It also should be used for instrument approaches at or near minimums. Using the autopilot enables the pilot to devote more time to other aspects of flight management, such as situational awareness and traffic surveillance. However, when pilot workload is light, hand flying helps to maintain proficient flying skills.
Autopilot Mode Awareness
The pilot should remain aware of what the autopilot is doing and about to do. The only reliable indications of autopilot active and armed pitch and roll modes and mode changes are displayed on the Flight Mode Annunciator (FMA) at the top of the Primary Flight Display (PFD). Make a practice of scanning the FMA as you would scan any other instrument or synoptic page.
It is good practice to monitor the FMA for proper response to mode selection every time a different autopilot mode is selected. Autopilot mode changes are a two-step process:
1. Select the action on the ACP
2. Verify that the action has occurred on the FMA
Some modes changes occur automatically as the flight progresses. These changes should be monitored as well. This provides confidence that the
autopilot will perform as expected. On an approach with the autopilot
engaged, FMA changes should be called out as they are annunciated.
Automation Distraction
Although flight automation has been shown to decrease human error, it has introduced new types of human error:
1. Lack of vigilance. People generally do not make good systems monitors. People may neglect active monitoring tasks. Automation also provides a very high potential for distraction from more important activities. For example, if the pilot’s autopilot, PFD and / or MFD proficiency is marginal, there is a natural tendency to spend too much time head down trying to “sort it out”.
2. Complacency. This is related to lack of vigilance. People tend to neglect automated systems in favor of other tasks by shifting their attention. They may place too much trust in the automation and take themselves “out of the loop.”
3. Slower manual reversion. People who are complacent or placing too much trust in the automation will take longer to re­orient themselves to their present situation after automation failure. The farther “out of the loop” the person is, the longer it will probably take to get back “in the loop.”
4. Lack of trust in automation. This is the flip-side of over-trust and complacency. Automation cannot be used to its best advantage if it is not trusted. Some of this lack of trust may also come from lack of proficiency in the use of automation.
PFD / MFD Management
Apart from the flight controls, the primary interfaces between the pilot and the Eclipse 500 are the airplane computer systems. The primary flight display and the multi-function displays provide capacities for display and functionality that do not exist in older airplanes. This requires that the pilot develop and maintain the ability to recall displays and functionality with ease and confidence.
Automation Policy
© Eclipse Aviation Corporation, 2006
Automation is a tool to be mastered and used by the pilot. It is always the pilot’s responsibility to manage workload, set priorities, and use automation as a tool to improve situational awareness. It is important for the pilot to manage the automation and to be continuously aware of automation modes, the potential for input or programming errors, and the possibility of automation failure. Eclipse recommends adoption of the following automation policies:
1. Use automation appropriate for your circumstances and conditions of flight. Differing circumstances may require different levels of automation.
2. If any autopilot function is not operating as expected, disconnect it.
3. If the automation does something unexpected, revert to manual flight or to a lower level of automation.
4. If you do not fully understand what the automation is doing, revert to manual flight or to a lower level of automation.
5. When conducting a self-briefing, briefing another pilot, or transferring the controls to another pilot, include the current or intended level of automation in the briefing. Plan ahead for how you intend to use automation.
6. Be aware of too much heads-down time.
Task Management
Although the Eclipse 500 provides the pilot with advanced technology important for effective SRM, the pilot will also find that the use of effective procedures will lower workload and assist with task management.
Sterile Cockpit
Eclipse encourages the use of the “sterile cockpit” concept in ground and flight operations in order to minimize distractions. Air carriers are required by law to regulate the performance of pilot duties during critical phases of flight. This rule prohibits crew members from engaging in any activities other than those required for the safe operation of the aircraft during taxi, takeoff, landing, and all flight operations below 10,000 feet except cruise flight.
This “sterile cockpit” rule prohibits such activities as calling for ground transportation, eating meals, filling out paperwork or reading publications that are not required for the safe operation of the aircraft, engaging in non­essential conversation with passengers or other pilots, etc.
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
The Eclipse 500 pilot will find work load drivers (weather, ATC, automation, etc.) easier to manage if proper SRM procedures are used. These procedures include a number of techniques, including:
1. Using an orderly cockpit flow to accomplish key tasks, using the normal checklist to verify accomplishment, rather than as a “do list”.
2. Use emergency checklists as “do lists.”
3. If you interrupt a checklist and cannot recall where it was interrupted, start over at the beginning of that checklist.
4. Using standard avionics and systems setups to minimize time required for changing radio frequencies, and other tasks.
5. Using any change in phase of flight as a cue to begin accomplishing required tasks for the next phase. For example, use the Before Start checklist to program the FMS with the entire flight plan; use the Before Descent checklist as a cue to prepare for arrival into the terminal area.
6. In high-workload times, consider leaving the keyboard out and using it for direct data entry.
7. In low workload times, consider using the knobs for data entry. Routine use of both keyboard and knobs will improve proficiency in both modes of input.
8. Perform data entry as much as possible with the autopilot engaged.
9. At every opportunity, fly an instrument approach at your destination.
Task Management by Phase of Flight
1. Obtain a thorough weather briefing.
2. Plan your route and alternates accordingly.
3. Always have an alternative plan.
4. Plan fuel burn carefully and realistically. If your mission pushes the limits of range or may result in encountering ATC or weather challenges while in a low fuel state, plan a fuel stop enroute.
5. Self-brief (“chair-fly”) the flight in advance.
© Eclipse Aviation Corporation, 2006
6. Do your homework. You should be able to fly the mission with no surprises caused by inadequate planning, and you will be more prepared to handle any real-time surprises that come your way during flight.
Before taxi
1. Obtain ATIS/AWOS/ASOS and ATC clearance.
2. Set up ACP:
HDG SEL – first assigned heading; otherwise runway heading
ALT SEL – initial cleared altitude
SPD SEL – as planned
BARO – set
3. Set up PFD:
COM 2 – all ground, including ATIS, clearance, ground control
COM 1 – all flight, including tower and departure control
XPDR – set code
NAV – tune all four frequencies in the order you
intend to use them
4. Set the CDI (L1) to initial course.
5. Set the bearing pointer (L2) to navaid that will offer the most SA.
6. Have taxi diagram out and available in the cockpit.
7. Self-brief the taxi plan before contacting ground control.
8. Perform taxi check before moving, or wait until runway end.
9. Perform departure briefing – expected runway, taxi route, takeoff flap position, departure procedure (SID, obstacle departure), weather/radar/anti-ice/MEL considerations, noise abatement, rejected takeoff procedure, engine failure after takeoff plan, immediate return to airport plan.
1. Maintain the sterile cockpit rule.
2. Do not perform checklists while moving.
3. If CDI course guidance is not needed immediately after takeoff, consider setting the CDI to the takeoff runway alignment.
4. Stop all extraneous activities when approaching a taxiway or runway intersection.
Before Takeoff
1. Conduct a takeoff briefing prior to entering the active runway – flap position, speeds, initial heading/altitude as a minimum.
1. Set HDG SEL to assigned heading. Leave at runway heading if no heading is assigned.
2. After takeoff and cleanup, at or above 1000 feet AGL, engage autopilot, engage HDG. Check FMA for:
HDG (green engaged)
PITCH (green engaged)
ALT (white armed)
3. Complete After Takeoff checklist.
4. Use pitch wheel to maintain desired vertical path.
1. Use autopilot in HDG and PITCH mode.
2. Use pitch wheel to maintain desired vertical path.
3. Autopilot will capture pre-selected altitude if in PITCH mode with ALT armed.
4. Initiate climbs from ALT HOLD mode by setting cleared altitude using ALT SEL, pressing ALT to toggle to PITCH mode, then verifying FMA for:
HDG (green engaged)
PITCH (green engaged)
ALT (white armed)
5. Use pitch wheel to maintain desired vertical path.
1. Use autopilot in HDG and ALT mode.
2. Frequently scan FMA.
3. Frequently scan CAS messages and synoptic pages.
4. Continually monitor flight progress and fuel consumption against targets – watch for trends.
5. Continually monitor and evaluate enroute, destination, and alternate weather.
6. Continually evaluate diversionary airports should problems arise.
7. Perform descent planning in cruise – stay ahead of the game:
Obtain destination weather through FSS or ATIS
Review all STARs for familiarization. Brief a
particular STAR if expecting it
Review all approaches for familiarization. Brief a particular approach if expecting it
Set up the approach as much as possible, before or as you brief it
© Eclipse Aviation Corporation, 2006
If planning a visual approach to an ILS runway, brief and set up the ILS
Review airport diagram and brief a taxi plan
Brief the passengers as necessary
Perform descent checklist at or before start of
1. Initiate descent by setting cleared altitude using ALT SEL, pressing ALT to toggle to PITCH mode, then verifying FMA for:
HDG (green engaged)
PITCH (green engaged)
ALT (white armed)
2. Use pitch wheel to maintain desired vertical path.
3. Autopilot will capture pre-selected altitude if in PITCH mode with ALT armed.
4. Use throttles to maintain target airspeed.
5. Monitor and correct your descent plan to arrive 30 NM from airport at 10000 feet AGL or as cleared by ATC.
Approach and landing
1. Use autopilot in HDG and ALT modes while maneuvering.
2. Use pitch wheel for vertical adjustments after toggling from ALT to PITCH mode.
3. Verify FMA ALT (white armed) annunciation during every altitude change.
4. Verify approach briefing and cockpit setup are complete. Re­brief if there are any changes.
5. Use autopilot in HDG to intercept and track final approach course.
6. Set the approach navaid and inbound course on the CDI when issued your first radar vector.
7. If navigating direct to a fix, such as a VOR or FMS waypoint, consider tracking to the fix using the bearing pointer (L2) so the approach navaid and course can be set on the CDI (L1).
8. Frequently scan FMA.
9. Apply sterile cockpit rule at 10,000 feet, or any time workload is heavy or increasing.
10. If in VMC and not needing the CDI for navigation, set CDI course to runway alignment for orientation.
11. Fly a stabilized approach. Stabilize by 1000 feet HAT in IMC, 500 feet HAT in VMC, and be wings level on final at 500 feet HAT (straight in) or 300 feet HAT (circling):
Only small heading or pitch changes are required to stay on desired flight path
Aircraft is properly configured for the type of approach
Speed is no greater than Vref + 20 and no less than Vref
Sink rate does not exceed 1000 feet per minute
All checklists are complete
12. Disconnect autopilot no lower than 400 feet.
1. Maintain the sterile cockpit rule.
2. Taxi completely clear of the active runway before performing extra duties.
3. Have taxi diagram out and available in cockpit.
4. Have a taxi plan before contacting ground control.
5. Ask for progressive taxi if you are unfamiliar or uncomfortable.
6. Do not perform checklists while moving.
7. Stop all extraneous activities when approaching a runway or taxiway intersection.
© Eclipse Aviation Corporation, 2006
Available Resources
Managing work load drivers is the more reactive part of task management. The Eclipse 500 pilot will find that SRM will be more effective by proactively managing all available resources.
The major resources to be managed and used in preflight planning and while en route include:
Pilot knowledge Fuel/range/endurance PFD/MFD External sensors (weather data link, etc.) FMS Auto flight Checklists Charts Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) Cockpit organization Passengers
Air Traffic Control FAA Flight Service Stations Dispatch services such as JetComplete Other airplanes Fixed Base Operators (FBO’s)
The quality of operational decisions and therefore the ongoing safety of the flight is the result of how well these resources are managed.
Two pilot crews have the advantage of workload sharing, and monitoring and cross checking critical activities. The single pilot must compensate with training, currency, proficiency and the habit of planning ahead.
The anthem is, “Do things when they can be done; don’t wait until they must be done.” Do as much as possible before takeoff. Prepare for the approach at altitude rather than during descent when the workload is increasing. Use flight automation for workload relief and precision.
Situational Awareness
The other crucial element of SRM is maintaining situational awareness (SA). SA may be defined as knowing where one is, in four dimensions, relative to weather, terrain, traffic, airspace, route, fuel remaining, aircraft status, and external events.
The Eclipse 500 pilot has advanced automation available to assist with SA. The MFD is especially useful in maintaining SA for aircraft status, weather, terrain, traffic, airspace, and route.
For some Eclipse 500 pilots, this may be the first turbine powered aircraft they have operated. Accordingly, maintaining SA of fuel status is a crucial element of SRM. Like all turbine aircraft, the Eclipse 500 has range and endurance characteristics which change significantly with altitude. As a result, pilots need to constantly be considering the impact that ATC driven altitude changes will have on range and endurance remaining.
SRM Procedures
Eclipse 500 pilots will find that SRM proficiency will improve steadily as experience is gained. The following inventory of procedures will provide a starting point for pilots to use in obtaining SRM mastery.
General Procedures and Good Practices
1. Fly only when physically, mentally and emotionally fit.
2. Acknowledge one’s current limitations and operate within them.
3. Operate with the well-being and comfort of the passengers foremost in mind.
4. Never knowingly operate in violation of an FAR unless the situation dictates and an emergency has been declared.
5. Maintain a thorough knowledge of airplane systems and procedures.
6. Accomplish pre-flight planning thoroughly, using all appropriate resources.
7. Seek advice and support when approaching the limit of one’s personal comfort zone.
8. Develop a target for every parameter of flight and strive to achieve it. (e.g., airspeed, altitude, heading, runway centerline etc.)
9. Maintain proficiency in both manual flight and auto flight.
10. Avoid distractions during climb and descent.
11. Maintain a sterile cockpit below 10,000 feet AGL during departure, arrival, and ground operations.
12. Conduct thorough takeoff and approach briefings appropriate to the circumstances, even when alone.
13. Fly a stabilized approach
14. Practice good checklist discipline.
15. Use Normal checklists every time without skipping items.
16. When called for, use Emergency checklists to completion.
© Eclipse Aviation Corporation, 2006
17. Autopilot:
Use the autopilot when other operational tasks could distract from positive airplane control and for precise navigation.
Use the flight director as desired for precise manual airplane control and to monitor autopilot performance.
When flying manually using the flight director, keep it zeroed or turn it off.
18. In flight, continuously ask yourself these questions:
Where am I now?
Where am I going?
What should I be doing now?
What should I be doing next?
19. At every opportunity, fly an instrument approach at the destination.
Alternate precision and non-precision approaches.
Alternate autopilot coupled and manually flown
Indications of loss of SA
Several sources identify a number of indicators of loss of situational awareness or links in a developing error chain. The existence of any one of
these indicators does not necessarily indicate an impending problem, but
taken individually or in combination these indicators may indicate a need to re-assess your situation and take action to improve your situational awareness and develop alternative courses of action. Be alert for any of the following indications:
Failure to meet targets
Using an undocumented procedure
Deviating from SOP
Violating limitations or minimums
No one flying the airplane
No one looking out the window
Ambiguity of information
Unresolved discrepancies
Preoccupation or distractions
Confusion or empty feeling
a. Flight Planning
In preparation for any flight the Eclipse pilot should have the following information available before the briefing. Reference materials, at minimum, include the AIM and the AFM. The AFM section 5 (Performance) contains data for each phase of flight. Frequent reference to this section is encouraged until the pilot develops known parameters and rules of thumb within which he/she is confident that the airplane can operate safely (e.g., density altitude and runway length for takeoff and landing).
Weather/ NOTAMS (reference AIM)
Refer to any authorized source you are comfortable with. In addition to the many web sites available, you can simply call a flight service station (1-800­WXBRIEF).
At a minimum, gather FA, METAR, TAF, winds aloft, AIRMETS/SIGMETS, as well as local, distant and FDC NOTAMS
Weather and NOTAMS should cover origin, destination, enroute, and any potential alternate airport.
Airport information (reference A/FD)
Be familiar with planned and potential airports you may use. At a minimum know runway, length, width, pattern altitude and direction, lighting, comm/nav frequencies, servicing facilities (fuel, O2, maintenance, etc).
Airspace (reference Sectional or WAC VFR chart, Hi/Low IFR Enroute charts)
Know types of airspace you may use. Class A/B/C/D/G, Restricted areas, MOAs, Prohibited areas, Alert areas, ADIZ
Terrain/Obstacles (reference VFR chart, IFR Enroute chart)
Know the highest terrain/obstacle that may affect you on the flight.
When operating IFR, find MSA, MRA, MOCA, and MEA altitudes. Keep in mind that adequate terrain clearance can be assured only under the following conditions:
Operating above charted minimum IFR altitudes (MEA)
© Eclipse Aviation Corporation, 2006
Operating in radar contact at or above the MVA. In extreme cold weather in the U.S., the MVA may not provide standard terrain separation. If in doubt, request an altitude above the MVA.
Conducting an instrument approach in compliance with an IAP
Departing an airport in compliance with specific ATC climb instructions
Departing an airport in compliance with a published Obstacle Departure Procedure (DP)
Performance data (reference AFM, chapters 5 and 6)
Compute the following data using applicable charts/graphs/tables
Weight and CG
Takeoff distance
Rejected takeoff distance
Single engine climb speed, rate and gradient
Single engine service ceiling
Landing distance
V speeds (Vr, Vxse, Vyse, Vref)
Cruise altitude, speed, fuel flow
b. Normal Checklists
The normal checklists for the Eclipse 500 include:
Preflight Inspection Before Start Start After Start Before Taxi Taxi Before Takeoff After Takeoff Climb Descent / Approach Before Landing After Landing Shutdown
This section provides the normal operating procedures for the aircraft. Included are all the procedures required by regulation, as well as those procedures determined to be necessary for the safe operation of the aircraft.
Normal checklists are designed to be a memory aid in performing tasks that, if not completed, would effect the normal operation of the flight. They are not designed to be ‘do’ lists, but rather the pilot does the normal preflight and in-flight tasks from memory using logical and organized patterns then references the checklist to confirm all the proper tasks have been accomplished. The pilot should refer to the checklists only when conditions permit its safe use (i.e. not while taxing nor during times of high workload).
© Eclipse Aviation Corporation, 2006
PREFLIGHT INSPECTION Cockpit/Cabin Inspection
1. Engine Start Selector Switches OFF
Ensure both switches are OFF. If power is applied to the aircraft with an engine selector switch in the ON/START position, the engine may start.
2. Gear Handle DOWN
Before applying power to the aircraft verify that the landing gear handle is in the down position.
3 .Control Gust Lock REMOVE AND STOW
Remove gust lock straps and stow in a secure location.
The START BATT switch will supply power for the rest of the interior and exterior lighting preflight check. If ground power is connected, the pilot should select both the START BATT and SYS BATT switches to ON to keep both batteries charged. If ground power is available it should be used to maintain battery life as well as aid in the exterior lighting check.
Without ground power connected, only the START BATT switch should be selected on. This will limit battery power depletion during the exterior preflight check.
If battery voltage is too low, external power will be necessary to start first engine.
6. External Lights CHECKED
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Verify operation of the exterior lights during walk around. Only the left landing light will operate when operating on battery power only. Taxi lights are also load shed in this situation. To verify operation of all aircraft lighting, external power must be connected with both battery switches selected ON.
7. Parking Brake SET
Depress toe brakes prior to pulling parking brake handle. If power is applied to the aircraft a PARKING BRAKE status message will appear on the MFD. This message is displayed as a function of the position of the parking brake handle. If the toe brakes have not been depressed prior to pulling the parking brake handle a
PARKING BRAKE status message will appear but the parking brake is NOT set.
8. Portable Fire Extinguisher ABOARD
Check to assure pin is present and properly installed with a plastic retaining strap. Check for inspection/expiration date.
9. Emergency Gear Release Handle STOWED, COVER CLOSED
The emergency gear release handle cover should be stowed flush with the aircraft floor panel. Assure that the carpet will not interfere with the operation of the release handle door.
10. Fuel Quantity and Balance CHECKED
Verify by selecting the FUEL system synoptic page on the MFD.
The aircraft should be parked on a level surface prior to fueling and fuel quantity &
balance check.
11. START BATT switch OFF
Before executing the exterior preflight check, turn off the battery switches. However, if ground power is connected, both battery switches may be left on for the remainder of the exterior preflight check at the option of the pilot.
Do not leave aircraft unattended with battery switches on.
12. Emergency Exit Pin REMOVE
Stow the pin in a location where it will not be bent.
13. Emergency Exit CLEAR AND SECURE
A clear path to the emergency exit should ALWAYS be maintained for ALL persons on board the aircraft while on the ground and in flight. Items on the aircraft shall be stored in a manner as to not interfere with the operation of the emergency exit.
14. Documents ABOARD
© Eclipse Aviation Corporation, 2006
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