Eclipse V12LD, V24LD, V12LDD, V32LD, V16LDE User Manual

V-Series Panels | User Guide
Eclipse® V-Series Panels
A guide to the set-up and functions of V-series panels.
Part Number:399G206 Rev A Date: 10 April, 2017
V-Series Panels | User Guide (draft, not yet released)
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Document Reference
V-Series Panels User Guide Part Number: 399G206 Revision: A Legal Disclaimers
Copyright © 2017 HME Clear-Com Ltd. All rights reserved. Clear-Com and the Clear-Com logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of HM Electronics, Inc. The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in accordance with the terms of the agreement. The product described in this document is distributed under licenses restricting its use, copying, distribution, and decompilation/reverse engineering. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form by any means without prior written authorization of Clear-Com, an HME Company. Clear-Com Offices are located in California, USA; Cambridge, UK; Dubai, UAE; Montreal, Canada; and Beijing, China. Specific addresses and contact information can be found on Clear-Com’s corporate website:
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Table of Contents
1 Important Safety Instructions ........................................................ 8
Safety symbols ................................................................................... 9
Mains power cord ................................................................................ 9
2 Introduction ................................................................................. 10
2.1 V-Series Panels covered by this guide ........................................... 11
2.2 Further information .................................................................... 11
3 Overview ...................................................................................... 12
3.1 Headset connector options .......................................................... 12
3.2 Expansion panel options ............................................................. 12
3.3 Front panel lights and controls ..................................................... 13
3.3.1 V12LD ................................................................................ 13
3.3.2 V12PD ................................................................................ 13
3.3.3 V12RD ................................................................................ 14
3.3.4 V24LD ................................................................................ 14
3.3.5 V24PD ................................................................................ 14
3.3.6 V24RD ................................................................................ 15
3.3.7 V32LD ................................................................................ 15
3.3.8 V12LDE ............................................................................... 16
3.3.9 V12PDE .............................................................................. 16
3.3.10 V1RDE ............................................................................. 17
3.3.11 V16LDE ............................................................................ 17
3.3.12 V12LDD ........................................................................... 18
3.3.13 V12PDD ........................................................................... 19
3.3.14 V12RDD ........................................................................... 20
3.4 Key display window .................................................................... 20
3.4.1 Navigating the key display window .......................................... 21
3.4.2 Key display window controls .................................................. 22
3.4.3 Navigating the Reply key display window ................................. 23
3.5 Supported fonts in V-Series panels ............................................... 24
3.6 What’s new in Eclipse-HX v. 9.0 ................................................... 25
4 Installing V-Series panels ............................................................ 26
4.1 Placing panels ........................................................................... 26
4.1.1 Placing rack mounted panels .................................................. 26
4.1.2 Placing desktop panels .......................................................... 26
4.1.3 Placing expansion panels ....................................................... 29
4.2 Wiring V-Series panels ................................................................ 31
4.2.1 V-Series main panel rear connectors (no AES-3 or T-Adapter) .... 32
4.2.2 V-Series main panel rear connectors (AES-3) ........................... 32
4.2.3 V-Series main panel rear connectors (T-Adapter) (Now obsolete) 32
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4.2.4 V Series expansion panel rear connectors ................................ 33
4.2.5 V-Series desktop panel rear connectors (no AES-3 or T-Adapter) 33
4.2.6 V-Series desktop panel rear connectors (AES-3) ....................... 34
4.2.7 V Series desktop panel rear connectors (T-Adapter) (Now obsolete) 34
4.2.8 Mains power cord ................................................................. 35
4.2.9 Power connector wiring ......................................................... 35
4.2.10 Analog matrix to panel wiring .............................................. 36
4.2.11 Matrix panel GPIO connector wiring ...................................... 37
4.2.12 Programmable Relay contacts .............................................. 38
4.2.13 Opto-isolated inputs ........................................................... 39
4.2.14 Auxiliary audio connector .................................................... 40
4.2.15 AES-3 option to AES-6 interface card .................................... 41
4.2.16 T-Adapter option to DIG-2/DIF-102 interface ......................... 43
4.2.17 LAN connector ................................................................... 44
4.2.18 Expansion panel output ...................................................... 44
4.3 IP connection to matrix ............................................................... 45
4.3.1 Adding one extra IP channel .................................................. 46
4.3.2 Adding two extra IP channels ................................................. 48
4.3.3 Binaural audio ...................................................................... 52
4.3.4 Advanced multi IP channel configurations ................................ 52
4.4 Front panel connectors ............................................................... 52
4.4.1 Microphone connector ........................................................... 53
4.4.2 Headset connectors .............................................................. 53
4.5 Mains AC Power ......................................................................... 55
4.6 Panel parameters in ECS / EHX .................................................... 55
4.6.1 Headset sidetone .................................................................. 55
4.6.2 Headset autodetect .............................................................. 55
4.6.3 Panel microphone gain .......................................................... 56
4.6.4 Speaker dim ........................................................................ 57
4.6.5 Page Override ...................................................................... 57
4.7 Panel-to-matrix card baud rate .................................................... 57
5 Using the Front Panel Controls ..................................................... 58
5.1 Mic On ..................................................................................... 58
5.2 Shift Page ................................................................................. 58
5.2.1 Selectable Shift Pages ........................................................... 58
5.2.2 Cyclic Shift Pages ................................................................. 59
5.3 Headset Select .......................................................................... 59
5.4 Menu ....................................................................................... 59
5.5 LS Main levels (volume) control ................................................... 60
5.6 Auxiliary levels (volume) control .................................................. 60
5.7 Listen Again .............................................................................. 60
5.8 Up / Down buttons on lever key and pushbutton panels .................. 60
5.9 Alternative text key .................................................................... 61
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5.10 Rotary control on rotary panels ................................................. 62
5.11 Dial pad (2RU and desktop panels) ............................................ 62
5.12 Push-To-Talk (PTT) operation ................................................... 62
5.13 Status LEDs (Tallies) ............................................................... 63
5.14 Communication errors ............................................................. 64
5.15 Lever key panels ..................................................................... 64
5.15.1 Reply key general purpose input (GPI) functionality on lever key panels 64
5.15.2 V32LD function keys .......................................................... 64
5.15.3 Change function key options on a V32LD panel ...................... 66
5.15.4 Using a Scrolling Assignment function key on a V32LD panel ... 67
5.16 Pushbutton panels ................................................................... 68
5.16.1 Pushbutton Reply key GPI operation ..................................... 68
5.17 Rotary panels ......................................................................... 68
5.17.1 Using rotary panel keys ...................................................... 69
5.17.2 Rotary panel Reply key ....................................................... 69
5.17.3 Assignment Panel (AP) mode and the INTERCOM key ............. 70
5.17.4 Rotary panel interruptible foldback (IFB) operation ................. 70
5.17.5 Rotary panel Forced Listen .................................................. 71
5.17.6 Rotary panel Reply key GPI operation ................................... 71
6 Using the Menu System ................................................................ 73
6.1 Navigating the menu system ....................................................... 73
6.2 Fast Key Assign ......................................................................... 74
6.2.1 The Dial code ....................................................................... 75
6.2.2 Dial code validation .............................................................. 75
6.3 Scrolling assignment .................................................................. 77
6.4 Top level menu .......................................................................... 77
6.5 SYS INFO (System Information) menu .......................................... 79
6.5.1 VIEW KEYS menu ................................................................. 80
6.5.2 PARTY LINE menu ................................................................ 82
6.5.3 FIXED GRP menu ................................................................. 84
6.5.4 NEAR PNLS menu ................................................................. 85
6.5.5 MONITORS Menu .................................................................. 86
6.5.6 FL SOURCE Menu ................................................................. 87
6.5.7 FL DEST menu ..................................................................... 88
6.6 LOCAL PREF (Local Preferences) menu .......................................... 89
6.6.1 TIMEOUTS menu .................................................................. 91
6.6.2 LEVEL ADJ (Level Adjust) Menu .............................................. 93
6.6.3 BRIGHTNESS menu .............................................................. 94
6.6.4 MESSAGE menu ................................................................... 95
6.6.5 RESET XPTS (Reset Crosspoints) menu .................................... 97
6.7 SYS CONFIG (System Configuration) menu .................................... 97
6.7.1 PARTY LINE configuration menu ............................................. 99
6.7.2 FIXED GRP configuration menu ............................................. 101
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6.7.3 LOCAL PNL (Local Panel) configuration menu .......................... 103
6.7.4 LOCAL KEYS configuration menu .......................................... 104
6.7.5 ATTRIBUTES menu ............................................................. 107
6.7.6 REMOTE PNL menu ............................................................. 107
6.7.7 FL CONFIG (Forced Listen configuration) menu ....................... 110
6.7.8 INPUT LVLS (Input Levels) configuration menu ....................... 112
6.7.9 OUTPUT LVL (Output Levels) configuration menu .................... 116
6.8 DIAGNOSTIC menu .................................................................. 118
6.8.2 SYSTEM DATA menu ........................................................... 121
6.8.3 UPGRADE menu ................................................................. 122
6.9 CALL menu ............................................................................. 123
6.10 DIAL menu ........................................................................... 126
6.11 LOCAL EXCL (Local Exclusive) menu ........................................ 128
6.12 LOCAL PAGE (Local Page override) menu .................................. 128
6.13 ASSNMT PNL (Assignment Panel) menu .................................... 129
6.13.1 Assigning interruptible foldback (IFB) sources to an IFB
destination ................................................................................... 131
6.13.2 Assigning partyline members ............................................. 133
6.13.3 Assigning Fixed Group members ........................................ 133
6.14 SUPERVISE menu .................................................................. 134
6.15 SHIFT menu ......................................................................... 139
6.16 Menu map ............................................................................ 141
6.17 Accessing the IP configuration menus ...................................... 142
6.18 IP SETUP menu ..................................................................... 142
6.18.1 CONNECT menu .............................................................. 143
6.18.2 USER ID menu ................................................................ 146
6.18.3 PASSWORD menu ............................................................ 147
6.18.4 CNTL DELAY (Control Delay) menu ..................................... 148
6.19 NET SETUP menu .................................................................. 150
6.19.1 IP ADDRESS menu ........................................................... 152
6.19.2 IP GATEWAY menu .......................................................... 153
6.19.3 DNS SERVER menu .......................................................... 154
6.19.4 LOGIN IP menu ............................................................... 155
6.19.5 LOGIN PORT menu .......................................................... 156
6.19.6 DHCP menu .................................................................... 157
6.19.7 SUBNETMASK (Subnet Mask) menu .................................... 157
6.19.8 CON TYPE (Connection Type) menu .................................... 158
6.19.9 DNS/IP .......................................................................... 160
6.20 CONFIRM CLEAR menu .......................................................... 160
6.21 IP menu map ........................................................................ 161
7 Maintaining V-Series panels ....................................................... 162
7.1 Accessing the Local Maintenance Menu (LMM) .............................. 162
7.2 Navigating the LLM menu .......................................................... 163
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7.2.1 Use of displays ................................................................... 163
7.3 Commands ............................................................................. 164
7.3.1 Version ............................................................................. 165
7.3.2 xpoint ............................................................................... 165
7.3.3 Level ................................................................................ 167
7.3.4 Control ............................................................................. 167
7.3.5 Limit ................................................................................. 169
7.3.6 Filter ................................................................................ 170
7.3.7 la (Listen Again) ................................................................. 171
7.3.8 Mixer ................................................................................ 172
7.3.9 Setup ............................................................................... 173
7.3.10 Voicerec ......................................................................... 173
7.3.11 Voiceplay ....................................................................... 174
7.3.12 intrim ............................................................................ 174
7.3.13 outtrim .......................................................................... 175
7.3.14 gpio ............................................................................... 176
7.3.15 Module ........................................................................... 177
8 Compliance ................................................................................. 178
9 Specifications ............................................................................. 180
9.1 Front panel controls and connectors ........................................... 180
9.2 Main panel rear connectors ....................................................... 180
9.3 AES-3 option rear connectors .................................................... 180
9.4 T-Adapter option rear connector (now obsolete) ........................... 180
9.5 Expansion panel rear connectors ................................................ 181
9.6 Panel microphone input ............................................................ 181
9.7 Headset microphone input ......................................................... 181
9.8 Auxiliary loudspeaker output ..................................................... 181
9.9 Audio input/output ................................................................... 181
9.10 AC mains power supply (external) ........................................... 182
9.11 Temperature ........................................................................ 182
9.12 Humidity .............................................................................. 182
9.13 Dimensions (1RU panels) ....................................................... 182
9.14 Dimensions (2RU panels) ....................................................... 182
9.15 Dimensions (Desktop panels) .................................................. 183
10 Glossary................................................................................... 184
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1 Important Safety Instructions

1. Read these instructions.
2. Keep these instructions.
3. Heed all warnings.
4. Follow all instructions.
5. Do not use this apparatus near water.
6. Clean only with dry cloth.
7. Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.
8. Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers,
stoves, or other apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat.
9. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding-type
plug. A polarized plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong are provided for your safety. If the provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.
10. Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched particularly at
plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the apparatus.
11. Only use attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer.
12. Use only with the cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table specified by the
manufacturer, or sold with the apparatus. When a cart is used, use caution when moving the cart/apparatus combination to avoid injury from tip-over.
13. Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when unused for long
periods of time.
14. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing is required
when the apparatus has been damaged in any way, such as power-cord supply or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has been dropped.
15. Warning: To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this
product to rain or moisture.
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Safety symbols
Familiarize yourself with the safety symbols in Figure 1-1: Safety symbols. These symbols are displayed on the apparatus and warn you of the potential danger of
electric shock if the system is used improperly. They also refer you to important operating and maintenance instructions in the product user manual.
Figure 1-1: Safety symbols
Mains power cord
V-Series panels are powered by an external power supply. The cord to connect the external power supply to the mains supply must conform to the following:
The mains power cord shall have an IEC C13 connector at one end and a mains
power plug at the other end.
An IEC C13 plug has three pins, the center pin carrying the earth / ground. The
other two pins carry neutral and live circuits.
The conductors of the mains cords shall have adequate cross-sectional area for
rated current consumption of the equipment.
The mains plug that connects to the mains supply must be approved for use in the
country where the equipment is to be used.
The mains power cord must be an IEC mains power cord complying with standard
IEC60320; IEC320/C13.
Mains power cords used in the U.S. must also comply with standard UL817.
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2 Introduction

This guide describes how to install, use and maintain V-Series™ user panels from HME Clear-Com
V-Series user panels are fully compatible with both the Eclipse and Eclipse HX digital matrix systems, and are available in 12-key, 24-key and 32 key pushbutton, rotary and lever key formats.
Note: Up to 32 panels can be connected to an Eclipse HX matrix using an E-MADI64
card over a suitable infrastructure. See the Eclipse HX matrix user guides for more information.
The panels incorporate a wide range of advanced features to enhance usability and audio performance, including:
Advanced Digital Signal Processing. 10-character displays. Listen Again memory. Clear-Com IP technology.
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2.1 V-Series Panels covered by this guide

The V-Series family of panels comprises:
Product number
Lever Key
19” rack mount 1RU 12 lever key panel.
19” rack mount 2RU 24 lever key panel with dial
Desktop 12 lever key panel with dial pad.
19” rack mount 1RU 12 lever key expansion panel.
19” rack mount 2RU 32 lever key panel with improved dial pad and function keys.
19” rack mount 1 RU 16 lever key expansion panel.
19” rack mount 1RU 12 pushbutton panel.
19” rack mount 2RU 24 pushbutton panel with dial
Desktop 12 pushbutton panel with dial pad.
19” rack mount 1RU 12 pushbutton expansion panel.
19” rack mount 1RU 12 rotary control panel.
19” rack mount 2RU 24 rotary control panel with dial
Desktop 12 rotary control panelwith dial pad.
19” rack mount 1RU 12 rotary control expansion
Table 1: V-Series Panels covered by this guide

2.2 Further information

V-Series documentation is available from your product CD-ROM. For more information about the V-Series family of panels, see:
For more information about the Eclipse and Eclipse HX digital matrix systems, referenced by this guide, see:
For sales information, see your Clear-Com sales representative. For contact information and legal disclaimers, see Page 2 of this guide.
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3 Overview

This chapter provides an overview of the V-Series family of panels, including:
Headset connector and expansion panel options. Front panel lights and controls. Key display and fonts.
Note: For a brief description of all the V-Series panels covered by this guide,
including product numbers, see Table 1 in this guide.

3.1 Headset connector options

The following headset connector options (one connector only) are available to V-Series panels:
XLR-4M locking headset connection. XLR-5F headset connection.
XLR-7M headset connection.

3.2 Expansion panel options

Expansion panel support
Up to eight V12LDE expansion panels in a daisy chain.
Up to eight V12PDE expansion panels in a daisy chain.
Up to eight V12RDE expansion panels in a daisy chain.
Up to four V16LDE expansion panels in a daisy chain.
Table 2: Expansion panel options
Note: Expansion panel types (lever key, push button or rotary control) may not be
mixed in a daisy chain. Each expansion panel (lever, push button or rotary control) must be connected to a main panel of the same type.
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3.3 Front panel lights and controls

3.3.1 V12LD

Figure 3-1: V12LD front panel lights and controls

3.3.2 V12PD

Figure 3-2: V12PD front panel lights and controls
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3.3.3 V12RD

Figure 3-3: V12RD front panel lights and controls

3.3.4 V24LD

Figure 3-4: V24LD front panel lights and controls

3.3.5 V24PD

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Figure 3-5: V24PD front panel lights and controls

3.3.6 V24RD

Figure 3-6: V24RD front panel lights and controls

3.3.7 V32LD

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Figure 3-7 V32LD front panel controls

3.3.8 V12LDE

Figure 3-8: V12LDE front panel lights and controls

3.3.9 V12PDE

Figure 3-9: V12PDE front panel lights and controls
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3.3.10 V1RDE

Figure 3-10: V12RDE front panel lights and controls

3.3.11 V16LDE

Figure 3-11 V16LDE expansion panel
See Figure 3-7 V32LD front panel controls above for keyset controls.
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3.3.12 V12LDD

Figure 3-12: V12LDD front panel lights and controls
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3.3.13 V12PDD

Figure 3-13: V12PDD front panel lights and controls
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3.3.14 V12RDD

Figure 3-14: V12RDD front panel lights and controls

3.4 Key display window

The key display window is located next to the selection pushbutton, lever key or rotary control. You can access assigned labels either by pushing the selection control (pushbutton and rotary panels) or toggling (lever key panels). Each key display window can be assigned as many as nine labels, one each from the main page and the eight shift pages. A label may either:
Represent a talk or listen path to a panel, interface card or module,
Fixed Group, or partyline.
Activate a programmable control function.
The key display window can display up to ten Latin or Katakana characters, or five Kanji characters, together with status indicators for the key. These status indicators are:
Currently selected page. Latched talk indicator. Latched listen indicator. Panel monitoring indicator.
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Microphone indicator. Incoming VOX indicator. Antenna active indicator. Destination type indicator (for example, a partyline, IFB, or Fixed
Remote panel connection.

3.4.1 Navigating the key display window

Figure 3-15: Navigating the key display window
Description / comments
Label Field
10 character field for the key label.
Latch Indicator
Indicates the talk/listen status of the key. A down arrow indicates that the key is a latched talk key, an up arrow indicates a latched listen key. Both arrows together indicate a latched talk and listen key. If no arrows are displayed the key is not latched.
Audio Level
A bar graph indicating the audio level set on that route.
Key Type
Indicates the type of route or action the panel key is connected to:
PL = Party Line IFB = Interruptible Foldback FG = Fixed Group (includes stacked keys)
Key Status
Displays an icon indicating the status of this key (see Figure 3-16: Key Status icons).
Table 3: Navigating the key display window
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Figure 3-16: Key Status icons

3.4.2 Key display window controls

Figure 3-17: Lever key display window controls
Figure 3-18: Pushbutton key display window controls
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Figure 3-19: Rotary key display window controls

3.4.3 Navigating the Reply key display window

By default, the Reply key is placed in the lower left corner of the panel. You can move this to any other position from panel programming in the EHX software.
Note: From the EHX Software, you can enable dual Reply keys. The second Reply key
appears by default directly to the right of the first Reply key. If this position is already in use, you can either overwrite it or select another position on the panel. For more information, see the EHX Software User Guide.
Note: You can only reply to the last two calls. Calls are not stacked.
The following points apply to dual Reply keys:
If neither Reply key has incoming calls, the first Reply key is always
populated first.
If both Reply keys have incoming calls, another incoming call replaces
the older of the two original incoming calls.
If a Reply is latched, it will not be replaced by another incoming call. If both Reply keys are latched, further incoming calls will be heard but
will not appear on the Reply keys.
Only available on V-Series panels.
Figure 3-20: Navigating the Reply key display window
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Description / comments
Label Field
10 character field for the Reply / caller label.
Latch Indicator
Indicates the latch status of the key. As the Reply key is non-latching these indicators are not displayed.
Shift Page
The number of the current shift page. Only the current page number is displayed, with the digit in the position shown in the illustration.
Key Type
Indicates the type of route or action the Reply key is connected to.
When replying to an incoming call from a partyline, Fixed Group or IFB the caller port is displayed rather than the partyline, Fixed Group or IFB. The reply key only connects to the caller.
Panel Monitoring
Displays an ear icon if the panel is being monitored.
Table 4: Navigating the reply key display window

3.5 Supported fonts in V-Series panels

Description / comments
Basic Latin
The backslash is a Yen character. This is a size-maximized font (no descenders, lower-case characters are not relative in size to upper-case characters). This covers Unicode 32 to 127 (decimal), 0x20 to 0x7F (hex). The V-Series panel display will support ten characters.
This is a normal, relatively-sized font. Covers Unicode 1024 to 1279 (decimal), 0x400 to 0x4FF (hex) with some missing characters.
The V-Series panel display will support ten characters.
This covers the codepoint range 12352 to 12447 (decimal), 0x3040 to 0x309F (hex).
The V-Series panel display will support five characters.
Full-width Katakana
The V-Series panel display will support five characters, as this is a normal width font. This covers the codepoint range 12448 to 12543 (decimal), 0x30A0 to 0x30FF (hex) with some missing characters.
Displays 17,000 out of the 21,000 characters. This covers the codepoint range 19968 to 40895 (decimal), 0x4E00 to 0x9FBF (hex). The V-Series panel display will support five characters.
The range is 44032 to 55215 (decimal), 0xAC00 to 0xD7AF (hex). The V-Series panel display will support five characters.
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Description / comments
Half-width Katakana
The codepoint range is 65376 to 65440 (decimal), 0xFF60 to 0xFFA0 (hex). The V-Series panel display will support ten characters.
The character range supported on the V-Series panel is the Basic Arabic character set 0x0600 to 0x06FF.
Table 5: Supported fonts

3.6 What’s new in Eclipse-HX v. 9.0

2RU 32 lever panel (V32LD)with:
Improved dial pad 4 programmable function keys for easier panel
1 RU 16 lever key panel (V16LDE)
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4 Installing V-Series panels

This chapter describes how to install V-Series panels, including expansion panels. It also describes how to install the optional two additional IP channels that are available.

4.1 Placing panels

4.1.1 Placing rack mounted panels

Locate all panels at comfortable heights for operation and leave at least 2 inches (51 mm) of clearance behind the rear of the panel’s chassis to allow for cable connectors. Expansion panels are usually installed next to or near the main panel. Leave at least 2 inches (51 mm) of clearance behind the rear of each expansion panel to allow for cable connectors. Connect expansion panels using straight through 8-way shielded CAT5 cable with RJ45 connectors.
Note: Expansion panels can be connected to the main panel in a daisy chain using
cables not more than 16 ft (5 m) long between each panel. The cable length of any daisy chain of panels must not exceed 24 ft (7.5 m) in total.

4.1.2 Placing desktop panels

Desktop panels can be placed on a flat surface or they may be used as wall mounted panels. Where desktop panels are placed on a flat surface leave at least 2 inches (51 mm) of clearance behind the rear of the panel to allow for cable connectors. To wall mount a desktop panel:
1) Check the contents of the panel fixing kit provided with the desktop
panel as shown below:
Figure 4-1: Desktop panel wall mounting kit
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2) Rotate the front panel, so that the controls and display will face
upwards when wall mounted:
3) Remove the eight countersunk screws that hold the front of the panel
in place (the countersunk screws are located on the ends of the panel, four on each end)
Note: Retain all the screws and remove the front panel assembly.
Figure 4-2: Countersunk screws in desktop panel
Note: The cables connecting the front panel electronics to the main
PCB are long enough to allow the panel front to be removed and rotated without having to unplug any of the cables.
4) Rotate the front panel 180 degrees taking care not to pull on any of the
cables and reposition it. Ensure that no cables are trapped before refitting the screws.
5) Apply pressure to the panel front to align the screw holes and fit the
top and bottom screws loosely on each side before fitting the remaining screws and tightening all the screws.
When completed the front panel will be upside down when the panel is standing on a flat surface.
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Figure 4-3: ‘Upside down’ desktop panel (for wall mounting)
6) Attach the upper wall bracket to the wall in the required position using
suitable fixings. Allow enough clearance below for the panel for the lower fixing plate and the cable connections.
Figure 4-4: Desktop casing (without lower bracket)
7) Use the two fixing screws to attach the lower wall bracket to the rear of
the desktop panel so that the offset part of the plate faces away from the panel body.
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Desktop with Lower Bracket Fitted
Figure 4-5: Desktop casing (with lower bracket attached)
8) Hang the panel on the upper wall bracket and mark the position of the
screw hole for the lower bracket on the wall. Remove the panel and place a suitable fixing for the lower wall bracket.
9) Replace the panel on the upper bracket and attach the lower wall
bracket to the fixing. Attach the cables to the connectors and power the panel up.

4.1.3 Placing expansion panels

The following section describes how to install the following optional, accessory key panels:
The V12LDE Lever Key Expansion Panel adds 12 lever key talk/listen
selectors to a panel.
The V12PDE Pushbutton Expansion Panel adds 12 pushbutton
talk/listen selectors to a panel.
The V12RDE Rotary Expansion Panel adds 12 rotary talk/listen
selectors to a panel.
The V16LDE Lever Key Expansion Panel adds 16 lever key talk/listen
selectors to a panel.
The installation procedure is identical for these panels.
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Note: Expansion panel types (lever key, pushbutton or rotary) may not be mixed in a
daisy chain of such panels and must be connected to a main panel of the same type.
Note: The V16LDE expansion panel can only be used with the V32LD panel.
Only one rack unit (1RU) of a standard Electronics Industry Association equipment rack is required for each expansion panel. The panels’ compact size makes them ideal for use in TV control rooms, edit suites, mobile OB vans, and any other location where many talk/listen keys are necessary but space it at a premium.
All panels provide 12 or 16 additional selectors with displays. Mounting
All accessory panels are mounted in a standard 19-inch wide (48.3 cm) standard Electronics Industry Association rack, requiring one unit of rack space each. Leave at least 2 in. (51 mm) of clearance behind the rear of the chassis to allow for cable connectors. Power
Each expansion panel is powered by an external power supply which may be mounted on the back of the panel using the mounting clip provided. To connect the power supply to an expansion panel, route the transformer’s output lead to the power connector on the back of the panel. This is a 4 pin connector. Panel connection
A cable is supplied with each panel to connect it to a main panel or to additional expansion panels. The cable is a 6-ft. long (1.8 m) CAT5 cable with RJ45 connectors at each end. If custom length cables are to be made, they should be made with cable with 22 to 24 AWG wire. The pins should be wired one-to-one between the RJ45 connectors. The maximum distance between the panel and the last expansion panel should be 25 ft. (7.6 m). To connect an expansion panel to a main panel:
1) Plug one end of the CAT5 cable into the RJ45 expansion socket on the
back of the main panel.
2) Plug the other end of the CAT5 cable into the input connector on the
back of the expansion panel.
To connect an additional accessory panel:
1) Plug the CAT5 cable into the output connector of the last expansion
panel in the chain.
2) Plug the other end of the CAT5 cable into the input connector of the
new expansion panel. More panels can be added by using this daisy­chaining method.
The numbering of expansion selectors follows the order of the daisy chaining.
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