Ecler AMPACK2-70 User Manual [en, de, es, fr]

1.1. Conformity with international standards 04
3.1. Placement and mounting 05
3.2. Mains connection 05
3.3. Input connections 06
3.4. Output connections 06
3.5. Input/Output options 07
4.1. Start up 07
4.2. Input attenuation 07
4.3. Remote control 08
4.4. Connection of the VCA control 08
4.5. AUTO STANDBY function 09
4.6. Indicators 09
4.7. DLAPACK2-70 10
All numbers subject to variation due to production tolerances. ECLER SA reserves the right to make changes or improvements in manufacturing or design which may affect specifications.
Congratulations! You are the owner of a carefully designed and manufactured equipment. We
thank you for having purchased our AMPACK2-70 / 4-70 compact amplifier or DLAPACK2-70 line adaptor.
It is VERY IMPORTANT that you read this manual before connecting the amplifier in order
to obtain its maximum performance.
We recommend our authorised Technical Services whenever any maintenance task should
be needed so that optimum operation shall be achieved.
1.1. Conformity with international standards The AMPACK2-70 / 4-70 amplifier series complies with the following international standards:
EN55103-1 Electromagnetic compatibility.
Product family standard for audio, video, audio-visual and entertainment lightning control apparatus
for professional use
Part 1: Emission
EN55103-2 Electromagnetic compatibility.
Product family standard for audio, video, audio-visual and entertainment lightning control apparatus
for professional use
Part 2: Immunity
EN60065 Audio, video and similar electronic apparatus. Safety requirements
Guidelines 73/23/EEC and 2004/108/EC are therefore accomplished
2. INTRODUCTION The AMPACK2-70 / 4-70 compact amplifier series offers to the installer the most resistant and
reliable amplification technology available on the professional audio market. Its compact and silent design allows its usage in nearly every place and application that requires power values up to 4 x 70W RMS at low impedance (4Ω). For 100V line applications, you need to use the DLAPACK2-70 dual converter to transform two 70W channels at 4 Ω in two 70W channels for 100V line (see paragraph 4.7. DLAPACK2-70 for more information).
Main characteristics:
2 x 70W RMS (AMPACK2-70) or 4 x 70 WRMS (AMPACK4-70) amplifier at 4 Ω
Integrated power supply
AUTO STANDBY: when no signal is present, the AMPACK enters the Standby mode, reducing its
power consumption
Silent amplifier (convection cooling, without fan)
Stereo, parallel and bridged operating modes are available
VCA based remote control for volume (independent for each input channel)
EUROBLOCK connectors for input, output and VCA remote control
Additional RCA stereo input jack (AMPACK2-70 only)
Mono 1+2 switch (AMPACK2-70 only)
Independent gain controller for each channel, protected against unintentional changes
Integrated 100Hz high-pass filter
Direct mounting on 35mm DIN rail
3.1. Placement and mounting
AMPACK series is suitable for direct mounting on 35mm DIN rail
3.2. Mains connection
The amplifier is powered with alternate current, 220-240V 50/60Hz. The amplifier should have an earth connection in good conditions (earth resistance, Rg=30Ω or less). The environment must be dry and dustless. Do not ex pos e th e u ni t to ra in o r wa te r s p la sh es , and do not place liquid containers or incandescent objects like candles on top of the unit. Do not obstruct the ventilation grids with any kind of material.
In case there is some type of intervention and/or connection-disconnection of the amplifier, it is most important to previously disconnect the mains power supply. There are no user or serviceable parts inside the amplifier. You should avoid that the supply cable twists with the shielded signal cables, as this could lead to unwanted hum.
Additionally, as a corrective measure of hum caused by situations like these ones, the AMPACK series has a built-in high-pass filter with a 100Hz cut-off frequency and a front panel switch to activate it.
3.3. Input connections The signal input use electronically balanced EUROBLOCK connectors (7) with input impedance greater
than 20kΩ and a nominal sensitivity of 0dBV(1V). The pin out is as follows:
Additionally, the AMPACK2-70 has an unbalanced stereo RCA input (6) for direct connection of audio sources like CD players, DVD players, media players, etc.
3.4. Output connections
The outputs (11) are located on the front panel with Euroblock connectors.
The cables that connect the AMPACK’s outputs with the loudspeakers must offer high quality, with sufficient section and as short as possible. This is especially important when the distance between amplifier and speakers are great; a section of at least 2.5mm distances up to 10m; for greater distances, section should be greater than 4mm
is recommended for
Remember that the minimum operation impedance is 4Ω when using the amplifier
in mono or stereo and 8Ω when using the bridge mode. For a correct operation of the AMPACK lower impedances than the ones described previously should not be used.
Caution: In bridged mode only the terminal indicated on the unit should be used.
3.5. Input/Output options
The AMPACK2-70 allows the following operating modes:
Stereo: channels 1 and 2 are separately amplified and respectively sent to outputs 1 and 2 (the
Mono/Stereo switch, labelled as MONO 1 +2 on the front panel, must NOT be engaged)
Parallel (Mono): the Mono/Stereo switch, labelled as MONO 1+2 on the front panel, must be
engaged. Channels 1 and 2 are summed and sent to the amplifier channels 1 and 2, each channel having an independent output volume
Bridged: the switch should also be engaged, as in the previous case. Observe the output wiring
guidelines indicated on the device when it operates in bridged mode. Channels used in bridged mode should have their "VOL" attenuators set at the same position, preferably at maximum level.
The AMPACK4-70 allows the following operating modes:
Independent: channels 1, 2, 3 and 4 are independently amplified and respectively sent to
outputs 1, 2, 3 and 4
Parallel: to operate in this mode, you must connect the same input signal to multiple channels of
amplification, each channel having an independent output volume
Bridged: this mode can operate with channel pairs 1-2 and/or 3-4. This requires connecting the
same input signal to channels 1-2 (and/or 3-4) and wiring outputs as indicated on the equipment for operating in bridged mode. Channels used in bridged mode should have their "VOL" attenuators set at the same position, preferably at maximum level.
4.1. Start up
This can be done using the power switch (1) and immediately the ON led (3) will start
lightning. We highly recommend the "safe power up sequence": First the sound sources, then mixer, equalizers, active filters, processors and, finally, power amplifiers. Powering off should be done by following the exact reverse sequence in order to avoid any possible peaks reaching the next device, and consequently protecting the loudspeakers, which are specially sensitive to these peaks.
4.2. Input attenuation
These are rotary potentiometers, one per channel, located on the front panel (9) and labelled
as VOL.
These attenuators allow connection of different sound source types, independent level control per channel of amplification and connection of speakers handling less power than the amplifier can provide at full capacity (avoiding damage by negligence when setting the sound source volume).
An independent level adjustment can be done using a screwdriver or another appropriate tool.
4.3. Remote control
AMPACK provides VCA remote control terminal strips for the volume of each channel,
labelled as REMOTE CONTROL on its front panel.
The combined usage of the rotary potentiometers located at the front panel (9) and the remote VCA (12) control determines the final value of the signal’s attenuation for each input channel. Therefore, a certain value can be fixed for the signal attenuation using the rotary so that the remote control via VCA will not exceed this value and viceversa, that is, the two controls are connected in series.
4.4. Connection of the VCA control
The signal remote attenuation level for each input channel can be set using 3 types of external devices connected to REMOTE CONTROL ports on the front panel:
a) Using a remote potentiometer with nominal resistance between 10kΩ and 50kΩ.
b) Using a device that generates a control voltage from 0 to 10V DC.
c) Using remote relays/dry contacts.
: you can connect a maximum of 16 REMOTE CONTROL ports in parallel to the
same hardware control potentiometer. It is essential to assemble all grounds from
amplifiers these ports belong to.
Cables can be up to approximately 500 meters, using a minimum section of 0.5 mm
Consult the available accessories at your ECLER dealer or at
4.5. AUTO STANDBY function
The AUTO STANDBY functionality allows flexible installation of the AMPACK series in less
accessible places, since you can leave the device indefinitely connected to mains supply, its activation or deactivation automatically depending on the presence of an input signal.
If the signal present at any of the device inputs remains under -35dBV for more than 2
minutes, the AMPACK automatically enters in STANDBY mode. This is well indicated by the front panel ON indicator turning from green (ON) to red (STANDBY).
When in STANDBY mode, the power consumption of the AMPACK2-70 and the
AMPACK4-70 is lower than 9W. When the signal level becomes higher than -35dBV the device will automatically switch to ON mode.
4.6. Indicators
The "SP" LED (8) indicates signal presence at the amplifier input. It lights up when the
input level exceeds the set detection threshold.
The "CLlP" LED (10) lights up when the signal delivered to the speakers is nearly really to clipping or amplifier saturation. This system considers possible variations of the mains voltage, always giving a real indication independent of the mains voltage. Care should be taken when adjusting input levels. The CLIP indicators (saturation or clipping) should never stay permanently lit, but only (and at the most) at the rhythm of the sound sequence lowest frequencies. Otherwise the signal feeding the power stages would suffer high distortion levels and have low acoustic quality and intelligibility.
4.7. DLAPACK2-70
The DLAPACK2-70 is a dual line adapter converting two low impedance (4 ohms)
amplified signals in two signals suitable to work at high impedance (70 or 100V line). In this way, it is possible to use an AMPACK2-70 or AMPACK4-70 to connect a high impedance speaker system (you have to use two DLAPACK units with the AMPACK4-70 and one unit with the AMPACK2-70). The connection must be made as follows:
1. With all equipment disconnected from mains, connect one at a time the outputs of the AMPACK2-70 or 4-70 to the inputs of the DLAPACK.
2. Then connect the DLAPACK outputs to the high impedance speaker system, using for them the 0V (or negative) and 70 or 100V (positive) terminals depending on whether this system’s speakers are equipped with 70 or 100V transformers.
In both types of connections always respect signals and wiring polarity.
: in this type of installation, it is recommended to activate the 100Hz high-pass filter.
5. CLEANING The AMPACK should not be cleaned with dissolvent or abrasive substances because
silk-printing could be damaged. To clean it, use a soft cloth slightly wet with water and neutral liquid soap; dry it with a clean cloth. Be careful that water never gets into the amplifier through the holes of the front panel.
1. Power on switch, 0/I
2. Automatic power off configuration, AUTO STANDBY
3. LED indicator, AUTO STANDBY
4. High-pass filter switch, HPF
5. Mono-stereo switch, 1+2
6. Signal input RCA connector, 1 2
7. Input Screwable terminal strip
8. Signal present indicator, SP
9. Channel volume control, VOL
10. Clip indicator, CLIP
11. Output terminals
12. Screwable terminal for remote control
13. Mains socket
14. Input Screwable terminal, INPUTS
15. Line output Screwable terminal, OUTPUTS
1.1. Conformidad con normativas internacionales 13
3.1. Ubicación y montaje 14
3.2. Conexión a red eléctrica 14
3.3. Conexiones de entrada 15
3.4. Conexiones de salida 15
3.5. Opciones de entrada / salida 16
4.1. Puesta en funcionamiento 16
4.2. Atenuadores de entrada 16
4.3. Control remoto de atenuación VCA 17
4.4. Conexionado del control VCA 17
4.5. Funcionalidad AUTO STANDBY 18
4.6. Indicadores 18
4.7. DLAPACK2-70 19
Todos los datos están sujetos a variación debida a tolerancias de producción. ECLER S.A. se reserva el derecho de realizar cambios o mejoras en la fabricación o diseño que pudieran afectar las especificaciones.
1. NOTA IMPORTANTE ¡Enhorabuena!. Vd. posee el resultado de un cuidadoso diseño y una esmerada fabricación.
Agradecemos su confianza por haber elegido nuestro amplificador compacto AMPACK2-70 / 4-70 o adaptador de línea DLAPACK2-70. Para conseguir la máxima operatividad del aparato y su máximo rendimiento es MUY IMPORTANTE, antes de su conexión, leer detenidamente y tener muy presentes las consideraciones que en este manual se especifican. Para garantizar el óptimo funcionamiento de este aparato, recomendamos que su mantenimiento sea llevado a cabo por nuestros Servicios Técnicos autorizados.
1.1. Conformidad con normativas internacionales La línea de amplificadores AMPACK2-70 / 4-70 es conforme a las siguientes normativas
EN55103-1 Compatibilidad Electromagnética.
Norma de familia de Productos para aparatos de uso profesional de sonido, vídeo, sistemas
audiovisuales y para el control de iluminación para espectáculos
Parte 1: Emisión
EN55103-2 Compatibilidad Electromagnética.
Norma de familia de Productos para aparatos de uso profesional de sonido, vídeo, sistemas
audiovisuales y para el control de iluminación para espectáculos
Parte 1: Inmunidad
EN60065 Aparatos de audio, vídeo y aparatos análogos. Requisitos de seguridad
Cumpliendo los requisitos de las directrices 73/23/CEE y 2004/108/CE
2. INTRODUCCIÓN La gama de amplificadores compactos AMPACK2-70 / 4-70 ofrece al instalador la tecnología en
amplificación más robusta y fiable del mercado del audio profesional en un formato compacto, silencioso y que permite su uso en prácticamente cualquier entorno y aplicación en que se requiera potencias de hasta 4 x 70 W RMS en baja impedancia (4 Ω). Para aplicaciones sobre línea de 100 V es preciso emplear el conversor dual DLAPACK2-70, el cual transforma dos canales de 70 W sobre 4 Ω en dos canales de 70 W sobre línea de 100 V (vea el apartado 4.7. DLAPACK2-70 para más información).
Características principales:
Amplificador de 2 x 70 W RMS (AMPACK2-70) ó 4 x 70 W RMS (AMPACK4-70) sobre 4 Ω
Fuente de alimentación incorporada
AUTO STANDBY: en caso de ausencia de señal la unidad AMPACK entra en modo reposo o
Standby, quedando su consumo minimizado
Amplificador silencioso (ventilación por convección, sin ventilador)
Admite funcionamiento estéreo, paralelo y puente
Control remoto de volumen VCA independiente (para cada canal de entrada)
Conectores EUROBLOCK de entrada, salida y control remoto VCA
Conector adicional de entrada estéreo RCA (sólo en AMPACK2-70)
Conmutador mono 1+2 (sólo en AMPACK2-70)
Ajustes independientes de ganancia para cada entrada, protegidos contra manipulación accidental
Filtro pasa altos 100 Hz incorporado
Directamente instalable en carril DIN 35 mm
3.1. Ubicación y montaje
La línea AMPACK admite la instalación directa en carril DIN 35 mm
3.2. Conexión a red eléctrica
El amplificador se alimenta con corriente alterna, 220-240V 50-60Hz. El amplificador debe conectarse a una toma de tierra en condiciones (resistencia de tierra, Rg = 30 Ω, o menor). El ambiente de trabajo deberá ser seco y estar totalmente libre de polvo. No exponga el aparato a la caída de agua o salpicaduras. No ponga encima objetos con líquido ni fuentes de llama desnuda, como velas. No obstruya los orificios de ventilación con ningún tipo de material.
En caso de requerir alguna intervención y/o conexión-desconexión del amplificador debe desconectarse previamente la alimentación. En el interior del amplificador no existen elementos manipulables por el usuario. Debe evitarse que el cable de red se entremezcle con los cables blindados que transportan la señal de audio, ya que ello podría ocasionar zumbidos.
Adicionalmente, y como medida correctora para zumbidos ocasionados por situaciones como la indicada, la línea AMPACK dispone de un filtro pasa altos incorporado con frecuencia de corte fija de 100 Hz y activación mediante pulsador en panel frontal.
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