Echo PPT-265S User Manual

Power Pruner
Operator's Manual


Read rules for safe operation and instructions carefully. ECHO provides an Operator's Manual and a Safety Manual. Both must be read and understood for proper and safe operation.
X770001241 09/08

In t r o d u c t I o n

Welcome to the ECHO family. This ECHO product was designed and manufactured to provide long life and on-the-job dependability. Read and understand this manual and the SAFETY MANUAL you found in the same package. You will
nd both easy to use and full of helpful operating tips and SAFETY messages.
t h e o p e r a t o r 's m a n u a l
Read and understand this manual before operation. Keep it
in a safe place for future refenence. It contains specications
and information for operation, starting, stopping, mainte-
nance, storage, and assembly specic to this product.
t h e s a f e t y m a n u a l
Read and understand this manual before operation. Keep it in a safe place for future refenence. It explains possible hazards involved with the use of Power PrunerTM and what measures you should take to make their use safer.

ta b l e o f co n t e n t s

Introduction ..........................................................................2
- The Operator's Manual .................................................2
- The Safety Manual .......................................................2
Safety ...................................................................................3
- Manual Safety Symbols and Important
Information ..................................................................3
- International Symbols ..................................................3
- Personal Condition and Safety Equipment ..................4
- Kickback ......................................................................6
- Equipment ....................................................................7
Emission Control .................................................................8
Description ...........................................................................8
Contents .............................................................................11
- Drive Shaft/Power Head ............................................11
- Throttle Linkage and Ignition Leads ..........................12
- Cutting Attachment to Drive Shaft Installation .........13
- Saw Chain Tension Adjustment .................................14
Operation ............................................................................15
- Fuel ............................................................................15
- Lubricating the Guide Bar and Saw Chain ................17
- Adjusting Automatic Oiler .........................................17
- Starting Cold Engine ..................................................18
- Starting Warm Engine ................................................19
- Stopping Engine .........................................................20
- Pruning Techniques ....................................................20
Copyright© 2008 By Echo, Incorporated All Rights Reserved.
Maintenance .......................................................................21
- Skill Levels ................................................................21
- Maintenance Intervals ................................................21
- Air Filter .....................................................................22
- Fuel Filter ...................................................................22
- Spark Plug ..................................................................23
- Cooling System Cleaning ..........................................23
- Exhaust System ..........................................................24
- Carburetor Adjustment ...............................................26
- Guide Bar and Saw Chain Replacement ....................27
- Filing Saw Chain........................................................30
Troubleshooting .................................................................31
Storage ...............................................................................32
Specications .....................................................................33
Servicing Information ........................................................36
- Parts............................................................................36
- Service ........................................................................36
- ECHO Consumer Product Support ............................36
- Warranty Card ............................................................36
- Additional or Replacement Manuals .........................36
Specications, descriptions and illustrative material
in this literature are as accurate as known at the time of publication, but are subject to change without notice. Illustrations may include optional equipment and accessories, and may not include all standard equipment.
Po w e r Pr u n e r
oP e r a T o r 's Ma n u a l
sa f e t y ma n u a l sa f e t y sy m b o l s a n d Im p o r t a n t In f o r m a t I o n
Throughout this manual and on the product itself, you will nd safety alerts and helpful, informational messages pre­ceded by symbols or key words. The following is an explanation of those symbols and key words and what they mean to you.
The safety alert symbol accompanied by the word “DANGER” calls attention to an act or condition which WILL lead to serious personal injury or death if not avoided.
The safety alert symbol accompanied by the word “WARNING” calls attention to an act or condi­tion which CAN lead to serious personal injury or death if not avoided.
The safety alert symbol accompanied by the word “CAUTION” calls attention to an act or condition which may lead to minor or moderate personal injury if not avoided.
This enclosed message provides tips for use, care and maintenance of the unit.
The enclosed message provides information neces­sary for the protection of the unit.
This symbol means the specic action
shown is prohibited. Ignoring these prohi­bitions can result in serious or fatal injury.
I n t e r n a t I o n a l s y m b o l s
Symbol form/shape
Read and understand
Operator's Manual.
Wear eyes, ears and
head protection
Avoid all power lines.
This unit is not insu­lated against electri-
cal current.
Keep bystanders at least 15 meters (50 feet) away.
Symbol form/shape
Fuel and oil mixture
Finger Severing
Wear hand
protection. Use
two handed.
DO NOT smoke
near fuel.
Do not operate closer than 15 M (50 ft.) from electrical haz­ards.
Plan retreat path from falling objects.
Symbol form/shape
DO NOT allow
ames or sparks
near fuel.
Emergency stop
Chain lubrication
Carburetor adjustment
- Low speed mixture
Carburetor adjustment
- Idle speed
Choke Control
"Cold Start"
(Choke Closed)
Symbol form/shape
Wear slip resistant
foot wear.
Ignition ON/OFF
Primer bulb
Carburetor adjustment
- High speed mixture
Choke Control
(Choke Open)
p e r s o n a l c o n d I t I o n and s a f e t y e q u I p m e n t
Power PrunerTM users risk injury to themselves and others if the Power PrunerTM is used improperly and or safety precautions are not followed. Proper clothing and safety gear must be worn when operating a Power PrunerTM.
Physical Condition
Your judgment and physical dexterity may not be good:
• if you are tired or sick,
• if you are taking medication,
• if you have taken alcohol or drugs.
Operate unit only if you are physically and mentally well.
Eye Protection
Wear eye protection that meets ANSI Z87.1 or CE re­quirements whenever you operate the unit
Face and Head Protection
When trimming overhead, always wear head protection meeting ANSI Z89.1 or CE requirements with a full face shield. Head protection with full face shield will help protect you from falling branches and debris.
Hand Protection
Wear no-slip, heavy duty work gloves to improve your grip on the unit handles. Gloves also reduce the transmis­sion of machine vibration to your hands.
Hearing Protection
ECHO recommends wearing hearing protection whenever unit is used.
Proper Clothing
Wear snug tting, durable protective clothing; chain saw
safety pants or chaps are recommended.
• Pants should have long legs, shirts with long sleeves.
Wear sturdy protective safety shoes or boots with non-
skid soles;
Keep long hair away from engine and air intake. Retain hair with cap or net.
Hot Humid Weather
Heavy protective clothing can increase operator fatigue, which may lead to heat stroke. Schedule heavy work for early morning or late afternoon hours when temperatures are cooler.
Vibration and Cold
It is believed that a condition called Raynaud’s Phenomenon, which affects the ngers of certain individuals may be
brought about by exposure to vibration and cold. Exposure to vibration and cold may cause tingling and burning sen-
sations followed by loss of color and numbness in the ngers. The following precautions are strongly recommended
because the minimum exposure which might trigger the ailment is unknown.
• Keep your body warm, especially the head, neck, feet, ankles, hands
and wrists.
• Maintain good blood circulation by performing vigorous arm
exercises during frequent work breaks and also by not smoking.
• Limit the hours of operation. Try to ll each day with jobs where
operating the unit or other hand-held power equipment is not required.
• If you experience discomfort, redness, and swelling of the ngers
followed by whitening and loss of feeling, consult your physician before further exposing yourself to cold and vibration.
Po w e r Pr u n e r
oP e r a T o r 's Ma n u a l
Repetitive Stress Injuries
It is believed that overusing the muscles and tendons of the ngers, hands, arms and shoulders may cause soreness,
swelling, numbness, weakness and extreme pain in those areas. Certain repetitive hand activities may put you at a high risk for developing a Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI). An extreme RSI condition is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), which could occur when your wrist swells and squeezes a vital nerve that runs through the area. Some believe that prolonged exposure to vibration may contribute to CTS. CTS can cause severe pain for months or even years.
To reduce the risk of RSI/CTS, do the following:
• Avoid using your wrist in a bent, extended or twisted position. In­stead try to maintain a straight wrist position. Also, when grasping,
use your whole hand, not just the thumb and index nger.
• Take periodic breaks to minimize repetition and rest your hands.
• Reduce the speed and force with which you do the repetitive move-
• Do exercises to strengthen the hand and arm muscles.
• Immediately stop using all power equipment and consult a doctor if you feel tingling, numbness or pain in the ngers, hands, wrists or
arms. The sooner RSI/CTS is diagnosed, the more likely permanent nerve and muscle damage can be prevented.
All over head electrical conductors and communications wires can have electricity ow with high voltages. This unit is not insulated against electrical current. Never touch wires directly or indirectly when pruning, otherwise serious injury or death may result.
Do not operate this product indoors or in inadequately ventilated areas. Engine exhaust contains poisonous emissions and can cause serious injury or death.
Read the Manuals
• Provide all operators of this equipment with the Operator's Manual,
and instructions for safe operation.
Clear the Work Area
• Spectators and fellow workers must be warned, and children and
animals prevented from coming nearer than 15 m (50 ft.) while the unit is in use.
Use Proper Clothing & Equipment
• Always wear head protection with full face shield to help protect
against falling branches and debris.
Keep A Firm Grip
• Grip Power PrunerTM with both hands with thumbs and ngers encir-
cling the handle, and shaft tube.
Keep A Solid Stance
• Maintain footing and balance at all times. Do not stand on slippery,
uneven or unstable surfaces. Do not work in odd positions or on ladders. Do not overreach.
• Operate the Power PrunerTM only from the ground or out of an ap-
proved bucket lift.
• Always evaluate the branches to be pruned for hazards such as loose
dead branches which may fall and strike the operator or helpers. Remove hazards before pruning.
• Plan retreat path from falling objects.
• Cut branches bounce when striking ground.
• Check that shoulder harness is adjusted for safe, comfortable opera-
tion. See picture at right for proper adjustment.
• Turn the Power PrunerTM off when moving from tree to tree.
• Avoid any contact with saw chain.
Avoid Hot Surfaces
• Keep exhaust area clear of ammable debris. Avoid contact during
and immediately after operation.
k I c k b a c k
Kickback can lead to dangerous loss of control of the Power PrunerTM and result in serious injury to the operator or any one standing close by. Hold the Power PrunerTM rmly with both hands with thumbs and ngers encircling the front and rear handles. Be aware of the down and outward path the pruner will take after the cut is made.
Kickback may occur when the moving saw chain at the nose or tip of the guide bar touches an object, or when the wood closes in and pinches the saw chain in the cut. In some cases this may cause a lightning-fast reverse action, kicking the guide bar and saw chain up and back or down and back towards the operator. Either of these reactions may cause the operator to lose control of the Power PrunerTM which could result in serious personal injury.
With a basic understanding of kickback, you can reduce or eliminate the element of surprise which contributes to accidents.
Avoid contact of the guide bar tip with any object while the saw chain is moving.
Cut only wood. Avoid striking concrete, metal, wire, or other obstruc­tions which could cause kickback or damage to the saw chain.
If the saw chain does strike a foreign object, immediately stop the en­gine, inspect and repair the Power PrunerTM if necessary.
Po w e r Pr u n e r
oP e r a T o r 's Ma n u a l
e q u I p m e n t
Serious injury may result from the use of non approved guide bar and saw chain combinations. ECHO, INC. will not be responsible for the failure of cutting devices or accessories which have not been tested and approved by ECHO for use with this unit. Read and comply with all safety instructions listed in this manual.
• Check unit for loose/missing nuts, bolts, and screws. Tighten and/or replace as needed.
Guide Bar and Saw Chain
• Check that the cutting attachment, guide bar, and saw chain is rmly attached and in safe operating condition.
• Use only one Echo-approved extension on the pruner.
• Do not hit rocks, stones, tree stumps, and other foreign objects with the saw chain.
• Do not cut into the ground with the saw chain.
• If cutting attachment end strikes an obstruction, stop engine immediately and inspect saw chain for damage.
• Do not operate with a dull, fractured, or discolored saw chain.
• Remove all foreign objects from work area.
• Always cover the guide bar and saw chain with guide bar cover during transportation and for storage.
Moving parts can amputate ngers or cause severe injuries. Keep hands, clothing and loose objects away from all
ALWAYS stop engine, disconnect spark plug, and make sure all moving parts have come to a complete stop
before removing obstructions, clearing debris, or servicing unit.
DO NOT start or operate unit unless all guards and protective covers are properly assembled to unit.
NEVER reach into any opening while the engine is running. Moving parts may not be visible through openings.
Check fuel system for leaks due to fuel tank damage, especially if the unit is dropped. If damage or leaks are found, do not use unit, otherwise serious personal injury or property damage may occur. Have unit repaired by an autho­rized servicing dealer before using.

em I s s I o n co n t r o l

EPA Phase 2 / C.A.R.B. TIER III
The emission control system for the engine is EM/TWC (Engine Modication and 3-way Catalyst) and for the fuel tank the Control System is EVAP (Evaporative Emissions). Evaporative emission may be applicable to California models
Important enGIne InformatIon
enGIne famIly: 8ehXs.0254kG dIsplacement: 25.4 c c
emIssIon complIance perIod : 300 hrs.
thIs enGIne meets u.s. epa ph2 eXh and 2007 and
later calIfornIa eXh and eVap emIssIon reGula-
tIons for s.o.r.e. refer to oWner's manual for
maIntenance specIfIcatIons and adJustments.
An Emission Control Label is located on the engine. (This is an EXAMPLE ONLY, information on label varies by engine FAMILY).
The 300 hour emission durability compliance period is the time span selected by the manufacturer certifying the engine emissions output meets applicable emissions regulations, provided that approved maintenance procedures are followed as listed in the Maintenance Section of this manual.

de s c r I p t I o n

Locate this safety decal on your unit. Make sure the decals are legible and that you understand and follow the instruc­tions on them. If a decal cannot be read, a new one can be ordered from your ECHO dealer. See PARTS ORDERING
instructions for specic information.
Hot Decal (near mufer)
P/N X505002310
Po w e r Pr u n e r
oP e r a T o r 's Ma n u a l
P/N X505002371
P/N X505002361
1. POWER HEAD - Includes the Engine, Clutch, Fuel System, Ignition System and Starter.
2. THROTTLE TRIGGER - Spring loaded to return to idle when released. During acceleration press trigger gradu­ally for best operating technique.
3. SHOULDER HARNESS - An adjustable strap that suspends the unit from the operator.
4. CUTTING ATTACHMENT - Sealed, gear ratio is 1.5:1 reduction.
5. CUTTING SHOE - Used to capture and stabilize branch while cutting. Place cutting shoe against branch, acceler­ate and lower saw chain into branch.
6. GUIDE BAR - 305 mm (12 in.) guide bar w/chain tensioner.
7. SAW CHAIN - 91, 9.53 mm (3/8 in.) pitch, 0.050 gauge low prole Oregon® saw chain. Runs approximately
609.6 m/min. (2000 ft/min) at full throttle.
8. AUTOMATIC OILER ASSEMBLY - Self oiling. Use high quality, low viscosity, non detergent bar and chain oil.
9. LOWER SHAFT TUBE - Durable berglass mesh housing.
10. STOP SWITCH - Mounted on top of handle assembly. Move switch forward to run, back to stop.
11. THROTTLE TRIGGER LOCKOUT - This lever must be depressed before throttle trigger can be operated.
12. REAR HANDLE ASSEMBLY - Sturdy handle for right hand placement. Includes stop switch and throttle trigger.
13. TOP GUARD - Protects arm from hot engine.
14. RECOIL STARTER - Pull recoil handle slowly until starter engages, then quickly and rmly. When engine starts return handle slowly. DO NOT let handle snap back or damage will occur.
15. SPARK ARRESTOR - CATALYTIC MUFFLER / MUFFLER -The mufer or catalytic mufer controls exhaust
noise and emission. The spark arrestor screen prevents hot, glowing particles of carbon from leaving the mufer. Keep exhaust area clear of ammable debris.
16. FUEL TANK - Contains fuel and fuel lter.
17. FUEL TANK CAP - Covers and seals fuel tank opening.
18. CHOKE - Located above air cleaner housing. Move lever to starting position ( ) (close choke) and back to run
position ( ) (open choke).
19. AIR CLEANER ASSEMBLY - Contains replaceable air lter element.
20. PURGE BULB - Pumping purge bulb before starting engine draws fresh fuel from the fuel tank, purging air from
the carburetor. Pump purge bulb until fuel is visible and ows freely in the clear fuel tank return line. Pump purge
bulb an additional 4 or 5 times.
21. SPARK PLUG - Provides spark to ignite fuel mixture.
22. GUIDE BAR COVER - Used to cover guide bar and saw chain during transport and storage. Remove guide bar cover before using unit.
Po w e r Pr u n e r
oP e r a T o r 's Ma n u a l

co n t e n t s

Due to packaging restriction the ECHO product you have purchased requires some assembly. After opening the carton, check for damage. Immediately notify your retailer or ECHO Dealer of damaged or missing parts. Use the contents list to check for missing parts.
___ Power Head ___ Drive Shaft Assembly ___ Cutting Attachment W/ Guide Bar and Saw Chain ___ Operator's Manual ___ Safety Manual ___ Warranty Registration Card ___ Warranty Statement ___ T-Wrench (combination screwdriver/spark plug socket) ___ 4 mm hex wrench ___ Safety Glasses ___ Echo Power Blend X TM 2-stroke oil sample ___ Shoulder Harness ___ Guide Bar Cover

as s e m b l y

Tools Required: 10x19mm (13/32x3/4in) T-wrench, 4 mm Hex Wrench
Parts Required: Power Head, Drive Shaft Assembly, Cutting Attachment

d r I V e s h a f t / p o W e r h e a d

1. Remove protective cap from drive shaft end.
2. Loosen two (2) clamping screws (A) and remove locating screw (B).
3. Pull exible drive shaft coupler (C) 2-3 in. out of drive shaft as­sembly.
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