Echelon IP-852 User Manual

IP-852 Channel
User’s Guide
Echelon, LON, LonWorks, Neuron, 3120, 3150, i.LON, LNS, LonMaker, L
ONMARK, LonTalk, NodeBuilder, and the Echelon
Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
Chips and other OEM Products were not designed for
use in equipment or systems which involve danger to human health or safety or a risk of property damage and Echelon assumes no responsibility or liability for use of the Neuron Chips or LonPoint Modules in such applications.
Parts manufactured by vendors other than Echelon and referenced in this document have been described for illustrative purposes only, and may not have been tested by Echelon. It is the responsibility of the customer to determine the suitability of these parts for each application.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Echelon Corporation.
Printed in the United States of America. Copyright ©1997–2011 by Echelon Corporation. Echelon Corporation

Table of Contents

Preface ..................................................................................................... v
Purpose .......................................................................................................... vi
Audience......................................................................................................... vi
Installing the Echelon IP-852 Configuration Server ....................................... vi
Related Manuals.............................................................................................vii
For More Information and Technical Support.................................................vii
1 Introduction ....................................................................................... 1
Introduction to the IP-852 Channel..................................................................2
2 Creating an IP-852 Channel.............................................................. 5
Creating an IP-852 Channel............................................................................6
Checking IP-852 Device Status........................................................11
Backing Up the IP-852 Configuration Server Database...................12
Managing Multiple IP-852 Configuration Server Databases............12
Creating a Network with an IP-852 Channel.................................................12
Creating an IP-852 Interface...................................................................13
Configuring an IP-852 Device as a LONWORKS Router..........................15
Verifying LONWORKS/IP-852 Router Functionality ..................................17
3 IP-852 Channel Parameters............................................................ 21
Channel Mode...............................................................................................22
Aggregation ...................................................................................................23
MD5 Authentication.......................................................................................24
IP-852 Channel Timing Considerations ........................................................26
Channel Timeout.....................................................................................26
Channel Delay.........................................................................................27
Packet Reorder Timer.............................................................................27
Using SNTP When Creating IP-852 Channels..............................................27
Specifying System SNTP Servers ..........................................................27
Specifying SNTP Servers for a Channel or Device................................29
Choosing an SNTP Server......................................................................30
4 Using NAT, DHCP, and DNS on an IP-852 Channel...................... 31
Network Address Translation (NAT) .............................................................32
Setting up an IP-852 Channel with NAT.................................................32
NAT Example: Simple Home Network....................................................33
Ports and Port Mapping..........................................................................34
IP-852 Device Ports................................................................................35
Creating a Virtual Wire............................................................................35
DHCP Servers.........................................................................................39
ISP Address Allocation ...........................................................................39
DNS and the Echelon IP-852 Configuration Server................................41
Linking DNS and DHCP ................................................................................42
Dynamic DNS................................................................................................42
How DDNS Works ..................................................................................42
Appendix A Troubleshooting.............................................................. 45
Common Troubleshooting Problems.............................................................46
IP-852 Channel User’s Guide iii
iv Preface


You can use an IP-852 channel to implement a LONWORKS® control network over an IP
network, and you can use an IP-852 channel to integrate multiple native L
networks into one large network that uses a high-speed IP-852 channel as a backbone.
With an IP-852 channel, you can use a single LNS
the networks attached to the IP-852 channel remotely and use L
bind the devices on the networks together, regardless of the distance between the
networks. You just need to attach your IP-852 devices, LNS Server computer, and the
computer running the LNS application to the same IP-852 channel.
application to monitor and control
ONWORKS connections to
IP-852 Channel User’s Guide v


This document describes how to create an IP-852 channel and how to use the channel with any IP-852 device. The IP-852 protocol is defined by the ISO/IEC 14908-4 standard. IP-852 devices are available from multiple manufacturers, and the Echelon IP-852 Configuration Server may be used with any IP-852 compliant device from any manufacturer. Echelon IP-852 devices include the SmartServer Energy Manager, i.LON 100 Internet Server, i.LON 600 IP-852 Router, and LNS server. This document explains how to configure an IP-852 channel with the Echelon IP-852 Configuration Server, and guidelines to follow when using NAT, DNS or DHCP on the IP-852 channel.


This document is intended for Echelon customers, OEMs, and system designers and integrators with knowledge of control systems and IP networking.


This guide includes the following content:
Introduction. Provides an introduction to IP-852 channels, and describes the devices
you can use to create and manage these channels.
Creating an IP-852 Channel. Describes how to create an IP-852 channel with the
Echelon IP-852 Configuration Server.
IP-852 Channel Parameters. Provides details on the channel parameters you can set
when creating an IP-852 channel with the IP-852 Configuration Server.
Using NAT, DHCP and DNS on an IP-852 Channel. Describes considerations you
should make when using NAT, DHCP and DNS on an IP-852 channel.
Appendix A: Troubleshooting. This appendix can be used to diagnose common
problems that could occur when you create an IP-852 channel with the IP-852 Configuration Server.
Installing the Echelon IP-852 Configuration Server
The Echelon IP-852 Configuration Server stores and distributes the configuration of the IP-852 channel, including the IP addresses of all the IP-852 devices attached to the channel. You will initially configure the IP-852 channel with the IP-852 Configuration Server, and the IP-852 Configuration Server must be running anytime you modify the configuration of the IP-852 devices on the IP-852 channel.
You can install the Echelon IP-852 Configuration Server on any computer with IP connectivity to the IP-852 devices to be configured. The IP-852 Configuration Server is available as a free download from Configuration Server is also included with many products including Echelon’s SmartServer, i.LON, LonMaker, and a version of the IP-852
, and LNS products.
To install the standalone version of the Echelon IP-852 Configuration Server, download a copy from the ReadMe document that is available with the download.
vi Preface, and follow the installation instructions provided with

Related Manuals

The documentation related to the Echelon IP-852 Configuration Server is provided as
Adobe IP-852 Configuration Server program folder when you install the IP-852 Configuration Server. You can download the latest version of this guide, from Echelon’s Web site at
The following manuals provide supplemental information to the material in this guide. You can download these documents from Echelon’s Web site at
PDF files and online help files. The PDF files are installed in the Echelon
i.LON 600 IP-852 Router Server User’s Guide
Introduction to the L
Describes how to use the i.LON 600 IP-852 Router Server.
Provides a high-level introduction to L
networks and the tools and components that are used for developing, installing, operating, and maintaining them.
Programmer’s Guide
Describes how to use the LNS Object Server ActiveX Control to develop an LNS application that can manage, monitor, and control devices on an IP-852 channel
SmartServer 2.0 Hardware Guide
Describes how to assemble, mount, and wire the SmartServer hardware.
SmartServer 2.0 User’s Guide
Describes how to configure the SmartServer and use its apps to manage control networks.

For More Information and Technical Support

The Echelon IP-852 Configuration Server ReadMe document provides descriptions of known problems, if any, and their workarounds. To view the Echelon IP-852
Configuration Server ReadMe, click Start, point to Programs, point to Echelon IP-852 Configuration Server, and then select ReadMe First.
If you have technical questions that are not answered within this document or the online help files provided with the IP-852 Configuration Server, you can contact Echelon for technical support. Your Echelon product distributor may also provide technical support. To receive technical support from Echelon, you must purchase support services from Echelon or an Echelon support partner. See on Echelon support and training services. for more information
You can also enroll in training classes at Echelon or an Echelon training center to learn more about developing devices. You can find additional information about device development training at
You can obtain technical support via phone, fax, or e-mail from your closest Echelon support center. The contact information is as follows:
IP-852 Channel User’s Guide vii
Region Languages Supported Contact Information
The Americas
English Japanese
Echelon Corporation Attn. Customer Support 550 Meridian Avenue San Jose, CA 95126 Phone (toll-free): 1-800-258-4LON (258-4566) Phone: +1-408-938-5200 Fax: +1-408-790-3801
English German French Italian
Echelon Europe Ltd. Suite 12 Building 6 Croxley Green Business Park Hatters Lane Watford Hertfordshire WD18 8YH United Kingdom Phone: +44 (0)1923 430200 Fax: +44 (0)1923 430300
Japanese Echelon Japan
Holland Hills Mori Tower, 18F 5-11-2 Toranomon, Minato-ku Tokyo 105-0001 Japan Phone: +81-3-5733-3320 Fax: +81-3-5733-3321
Chinese English
Echelon Greater China Rm. 1007-1008, IBM Tower Pacific Century Place 2A Gong Ti Bei Lu Chaoyang District Beijing 100027, China Phone: +86-10-6539-3750 Fax: +86-10-6539-3754
Other Regions
English Japanese
Phone: +1-408-938-5200 Fax: +1-408-328-3801
viii Preface


This chapter provides an introduction to IP-852 channels, and describes the devices you
can use to create and manage these channels.
IP-852 Channel User’s Guide 1
Introduction to the IP-852 Channel
An IP-852 channel carries ISO/IEC 14908-1 packets enveloped in ISO/IEC 14908-4 packets. Unlike traditional L create connections between the devices on the channel, an IP-852 channel uses a shared IP network to connect IP-852 devices and is defined by a group of IP addresses. These IP addresses form a channel that connects IP-852 devices on a shared control network so they can communicate with each other. IP-852 devices include the SmartServer Energy Manager, i.LON 100 Internet Server, i.LON 600 L computers, and LonMaker with the L
ONMARK IP-852 channel definition can also be used as IP-852 devices. For
systems using an LNS server, an IP-852 channel enables an LNS remote full client to connect directly to a L
ONWORKS network and perform monitoring and control tasks.
The concept of an IP-852 channel is similar to a Virtual Private Network (VPN). Each IP-852 device in the system is aware of its peers and each IP-852 device keeps peer information in its routing tables so it can forward L address or addresses.
Figure 1.1 shows a typical channel configuration in which three SmartServers are used to create an IP-852 channel connecting three TP/FT-10 channels, each of which contains the devices installed on a different floor in a building. The circled portion of the diagram represents the IP-852 channel connecting the three SmartServers. As a result of this connection, a single application can connect to devices on all three of the TP/FT-10 channels in the building, and monitor and control the entire building.
ONWORKS channels that use a dedicated physical wire to
computers. Devices from other manufacturers that comply
ONWORKS/IP-852 Router, LNS Server
ONWORKS packets to the correct IP
Figure 1.1 An IP-852 Channel
Figure 1.1 shows the IP-852 Configuration Server inside the IP-852 channel. The IP-852 Configuration Server stores the configuration of the IP-852 channel, including the IP addresses of all the devices and routers installed on the channel. You will initially configure the IP-852 channel with the IP-852 Configuration Server, and the IP-852
2 Introduction
Configuration Server must be running anytime you modify the configuration of the devices on the IP-852 channel. You can run the IP-852 Configuration Server on any computer with access to the IP network containing the IP-852 channel. Chapters 2 and 3 of this document describe how to use the IP-852 Configuration Server. The IP-852 Configuration Server is available as a free download from, and a
version of the IP-852 Configuration Server is also included with many products including
Echelon’s SmartServer, i.LON, LonMaker
, and LNS products.
The IP-852 channel definition accounts for the potentially large latencies introduced by large IP networks such as the Internet. This enables key control network services such as duplicate packet detection to function correctly over a high-latency IP network.
A complete installation may contain many IP-852 devices and computers—all sharing a single IP-852 channel. Because the IP-852 channel can exist on any IP network, a system may span the entire globe as easily as it spans a single building, as shown in Figure 1.2.
Figure 1.2 Large L
ONWORKS Network using an IP-852 Channel
Note: A single IP-852 channel may contain up to 256 IP-852 devices. If your installation requires more than 256 IP-852 devices, you must create multiple IP-852 channels.
IP-852 Channel User’s Guide 3
4 Introduction
Creating an IP-852 Channel
This chapter describes how to create an IP-852 channel with the Echelon IP-852
Configuration Server.
IP-852 Channel User’s Guide 5
Creating an IP-852 Channel
You can create an IP-852 channel by configuring the IP-852 devices that are to be attached to the IP-852 channel, and entering information about each IP-852 device in the IP-852 Configuration Server.
This section describes how create an IP-852 channel using an example network with two devices on an IP backbone to illustrate the process. In Figure 2.1, a L channel 1 is bound to a device on channel 2 across an IP-852 backbone. The computer running the IP-852 Configuration Server resides on the IP-852 channel, and has access to both IP-852 devices through an IP connection. The computer running the LonMaker software is connected to channel 1. To simplify the network, you can run the LonMaker software and the IP-852 Configuration Server software on a single computer.
ONWORKS device on
Figure 2.1 Setting Up an IP-852 Channel
To create a network like the one illustrated in Figure 2.1, follow the steps below:
1. If you do not already have an Echelon IP-852 Configuration Server installed on a
computer with access to the IP network, download it from and install the IP-852 Configuration Server as described in the ReadMe document that accompanies the download.
2. Set the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway for all the IP-852 devices you
plan to use on the channel. In Figure 2.1, the two IP-852 devices are SmartServers, although your network could contain any IP-852 devices. Consult the documentation for your IP-852 device for instructions on how to perform this step.
3. Start the Echelon IP-852 Configuration Server application. To do this, click Start,
point to Programs, point to Echelon IP-852 Configuration Server, and then select IP-852 Configuration Server. The IP-852 Configuration Server main dialog opens.,
6 Creating an IP-852 Channel
Figure 2.2 Echelon IP-852 Configuration Server
4. Verify that the IP-852 Configuration Server is attached to your IP network. The
Network status box should indicate Enabled. If it does not, select Enabled from the Network menu. The IP-852 Configuration Server should correctly detect and display the IP address of your computer in the Channel Description window.
To verify the IP-852 Configuration Server computer’s IP address, click Network and then click Settings. The Network Settings dialog opens. Confirm that the IP address of the IP-852 Configuration Server is shown in the IP Address or Host Name property as shown in Figure 2.3.
IP-852 Channel User’s Guide 7
Figure 2.3 IP-852 Configuration Server Network Settings
5. If your computer has more than one IP address assigned to it, you can click Local IP
and specify the IP address to be used by the IP-852 Configuration Server.
6. The defaults for the channel properties will work in cases where network delays are
low. If you anticipate large delays in the IP segment (many routers / hops, or slow media segments), you can adjust the channel property settings and/or use SNTP time servers to synchronize IP-852 Router member devices. See Chapter 3 for more information on this.
7. To configure the channel mode, right-click the New Channel entry and select
Properties from the shortcut menu. Select Backward Compatible, Standard EIA-852 or Extended Firewall Support mode. See the
Channel Mode section in
Chapter 3 for more detailed information on these settings.
8. From the IP-852 Configuration Server main dialog, right-click the new channel, and
select New Device from the shortcut menu. An icon representing an IP-852 device is added to the channel.
9. Right-click on the new device and select Rename Device from the shortcut menu to
enter a name for the device.
10. Right-click the device and select Device Properties. The device properties dialog
8 Creating an IP-852 Channel
Figure 2.4 IP-852 Configuration Server Device Properties: Address Tab
11. Enter the IP address of the IP-852 device and click Apply. This is the same address
that you assigned to the IP-852 device using the setup Web pages.
If you use a host name, it must be registered in a DNS server that is available to the IP-852 Configuration Server computer.
12. Click the SNTP tab, and then select the Use Channel Default check box.
13. Click the Protocol tab, and then select the Use Channel Default check box.
Figure 2.5 IP-852 Configuration Server Device Properties: SNTP and Protocol Tabs
IP-852 Channel User’s Guide 9
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