E18 V1.2 ZigBee Ad Hoc Module Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
ALIBABA Store: www.cdebyte.en.alibaba.com Website:www.cdebyte.com/en
Focused &Professional! R&D for 2.4G, 915M, 868M, 780M, 490M, 433M, 315M, 230M and 170M Wireless module
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E18 V1.2 Datasheet
( ZigBee Ad Hoc Module )
1. Module introduction……………..……………………………….....……………………………2
1.1 ZigBee introduction…………………………...……….....……..……….………………2
1.2 Feature………………….........………………………………......……………......……...2
1.3 Compatible products………………………..……........…………….…………………...4
1.4 Basic communication usage……………………………………………...………………4
2. Function introduction...…………………………………………………………………………..5
2.1 Pin diagram….........……………………………………………………………………...5
3. Quick start…................…………………………………………………………………………..6
3.1Network construction and comminication…….......……………...………………………6
4. User instruction………………………………...………………………………….…………....13
4.1 Networking part and notice……………………………………………….…………….13
4.2 Network structure………………………........………………………………………….14
5. About us…...........................……………………………………………………………………15
E18 V1.2 ZigBee Ad Hoc Module Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
ALIBABA Store: www.cdebyte.en.alibaba.com Website:www.cdebyte.com/en
Focused &Professional! R&D for 2.4G, 915M, 868M, 780M, 490M, 433M, 315M, 230M and 170M Wireless module
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1. Module introduction ZigBee
1.1 ZigBee introduction ZigBee
ZigBee technology is a two-way wireless communication technology that features short range, low complexity,
low power, low speed and low cost.
There are three types of logical devices in the ZigBee network: Coordinator, Router, and End-Device. The ZigBee
network consists of a Coordinator and multiple routers and End-Devices.
These devices own the following functions:
As the first device in the network, the coordinator is responsible for starting the entire network. . The
coordinator selects a channel and a network ID (also known as the PAN ID, the Personal Area Network ID), and then
starts the entire network.
Coordinators can also be used to help establish bindings between security layer and application layer in the
Note that the role of the coordinator mainly involves the network startup and configuration. Once these are
done, the coordinator works like a router (or disappears /go away). Due to the distribution characteristics of the
ZigBee network itself, the operation of the entire network is not dependent on the existence of the coordinator.
The main functions of the router: to allow other devices to join the network, multi-hop routing and to assist
communication of its own battery-powered son node end-devices.
Typically, the router is expected to remain active, so it must use the main power supply. However, when using
the tree group network mode, it allows the routing operate once at an interval of a certain cycle, so battery can be
used for power supply.
The end-device does not have a specific responsibility for maintaining the network structure, it can sleep or
wake up, so it can be a battery-powered device.
1.2 Feature ZigBee
Users can switch freely between the coordinator, router and end device via UART
Support power-on automatic networking. The coordinator automatically sets up
the network, the end device and the router automatically searches and joins the
Automatically reconnect when losing network. When intermediate node in
network is lost, other networks automatically join or maintain the original
network. (Isolated nodes automatically join the original network, non-isolated
nodes maintain the original network.)
When the coordinator is lost and non-isolated nodes exist in the original
network, the coordinator can join the network again or coordinator of the
original network PAN_ID set by the same user join the original network.
E18 V1.2 ZigBee Ad Hoc Module Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
ALIBABA Store: www.cdebyte.en.alibaba.com Website:www.cdebyte.com/en
Focused &Professional! R&D for 2.4G, 915M, 868M, 780M, 490M, 433M, 315M, 230M and 170M Wireless module
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Ultra low power
The device can be set as low power mode in the end state. Sleep time of the
device can be changed according to the user's using time. The standby power
consumption in the low power mode is less than 2uA. In the father node data
storage time, all messages can be received within the time set by users.
Configuration for
data storage time
When device is in the coordinator and router state, the user can set their own
data storage time, and work with end device in sleep mode to save data for the
end device, and sent data to the end device when it wakes up.
Data saved is up to 3 data packets, if exceeded, it will automatically clear the first
data! After the data is saved, the data heap is automatically cleared.
In unicast mode, the device will automatically retransmit when failed to send to
next node, and the number of retransmission per message is three.
The module supports network routing. Router and coordinator have network
data routing function, users can conduct multi-hopping networking.
The module uses AES 128 bit encryption function, can change the network
encryption and prevent monitoring. Users can change the network key by
themselves. Only devices with the same network key can start normal
networking communication.
Support UART
Module has built-in UART commands, the user can configure (view) the
parameters and functions of module via UART command .
for various types
of data
Support broadcasting, multicasting and unicasting in the entire network. In the
broadcast and unicast mode, it also supports several transmission methods,
please refer to <E18 v1.2 communication protocol> for the details.
It supports change of 16 channels ranging from 11 to 26 ( 2405~2480MHZ ),
different channels have different frequency.
Free switch of network PAN_ID. Users can define PAN_ID to join the
corresponding network by themselves or automatically select PAN-ID to join the
Users can set baud rate by themselves which can be as high as 1M, it is 8 bits by
default without parity bit.
Users can find out corresponding short address according to the (unique and
fixed) MAC address of module that already joined network.
Local/remote gpio control function,there are 10 gpio for users to select.
Local/remote pwm control function , there are 5 pwm channels for users to
Read local/remote adc,there are 7 adc channels for users to select.
The module supports AT command and HEX command for users’ easy
configuration and switch. The physical location is P1.6.
Users can restore the module via UART commands.
Onekey recovery
of baud rate
The module supports onekey recovery of baud rate when users forget the baud
rate. The baud rate is 115200(default), physical location is P1.7.
Users recover the factory setting via UART commands.
Notes:see more in <E18 v1.2 communication protocol>
E18 V1.2 ZigBee Ad Hoc Module Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
ALIBABA Store: www.cdebyte.en.alibaba.com Website:www.cdebyte.com/en
Focused &Professional! R&D for 2.4G, 915M, 868M, 780M, 490M, 433M, 315M, 230M and 170M Wireless module
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1.3 Compatible products ZigBee
★ E18 modules are compatible with each other with different power when software debugging is completed ★
1.4 Basic communication usage Zigbee
When joining the network, the user can broadcast according to the commands
in the whole network (which can be divided into three broadcast modes)
1, Broadcast Mode 1 - The message is broadcasted to all devices in the entire
2, broadcast mode 2 - the message is broadcasted only to receiving devices
(except sleep mode).
3, broadcast mode 3 - the message is broadcasted to all full-functional devices
(router and coordinator).
When joining the network, the user can multicast all the devices (not in sleep)
in the entire network .
When joining the network, the user can independently communicate with the
devices in the network in a short address mode according to the commands
(which can be divided into three broadcast modes)
1, transparent transmission mode - (no carrying information)
2, short address mode - (carry information for the short address)
3, MAC address mode - (carry information for the MAC address)
Notes:see more in <E18 v1.2 communication protocol>
E18 V1.2 ZigBee Ad Hoc Module Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
ALIBABA Store: www.cdebyte.en.alibaba.com Website:www.cdebyte.com/en
Focused &Professional! R&D for 2.4G, 915M, 868M, 780M, 490M, 433M, 315M, 230M and 170M Wireless module
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2. Function description ZigBee
2.1 Pin diagram ZigBee
Peripheral function pin table
Description (reuse function pin can only be defined as the
function rectified for the last time)
User controlled function pin GPIO0/ADC0
User controlled function pin GPIO1/ADC1
User controlled function pin GPIO2/ADC2/PWM0
User controlled function pin GPIO3/ADC3/PWM1
User controlled function pin GPIO4/ADC4/PWM2
User controlled function pin GPIO5/ADC5/PWM3