The EBS Drome Classic is an ultra-compact and unbelievably light 150W bass
combo with incredible sound, filled with unique possibilities!! The old Viking
myths says; "To keep the diabolical Fenris wolf from killing the Norse Gods
(Odin, Thor, Freya and the others) an impossibly strong necklace, "Drome",
was created, which would keep the evil wolf under control!" .
INPUT: Input Impedance 1 Mohms // 100 pF
GAIN: Gain Range min/center/max -∞/ +6 /+26 dB
Gain Peak LED +10 dBv
Frequency Response +0/-3 dB 35 – 20.000 Hz
CHARACTER: Filter: Type Shelving High Pass
Gain: +6 dB @ 6 kHz
FILTER SECTION: Bass Filter: Type 12 dB/oct. Shelving
Gain Range +/- 15 dB @ 100 Hz
Middle Filter: Type Bandpass Filter
Frequency Range 50 – 3.000 Hz
Q - Nominal 0.5
Q - Notch mode 10
Gain Range +/- 12 dB @ 600 Hz
Notch -15 dB min
Treble Filter: Type Bell
Q 0.5
Gain Range +/- 15 dB @ 4 kHz
Bright Filter: Type High Pass
Gain Range -0 / +20 dB @ 10 kHz
COMP/LIMIT: Compressor Gain 0 dB
Attenuation max 24 dB
Compression Ratio max 3:1
Attack (80%) typ <10 ms
Release (80%) typ 100 ms
Distortion 1 kHz/0 dBv 0.04 %
10 kHz/+15 dBv 0.22 %
BALANCED OUTPUT: Output Level nominal - 10 dBv
Output Impedance < 10 ohms current lim.
XLR Connections 1-GND, 2-Hot, 3-Cold
Options Pre/Post EQ,
EFFECTS LOOP: Loop Signal Level nominal -10 dBv
Gain Unity (1:1)
Output Impedance (Send) <100 ohms
Input Impedance (Return) 47 kohms // 100 pF
Loop Mode Serial
LINE OUT: Output Impedance: < 5 kohms
Nominal Signal Level: 0 dBv
POWERAMP: Continuous Output Power 150 W RMS
CABINET: Impedance 4 ohms
Frequency Response +0/-3 dB 60 Hz – 20.000 Hz
Volume 28 liters
AUXILIARY INFO: Power Requirements max 200 W
Mains Protection: T2A Fuse ( 230V )
T4A Fuse ( 120/100V )
Dimensions: 17" ( 43 cm ) Width
12" ( 30 cm ) Depth
20” ( 50 cm ) Height
Weight: 40 lbs. ( 18 kg )
Specifications are subject to change without notice!
EBS Drome Classic är den mest kompletta,
kraftfulla och flexibla kompakta bascombo
som någonsin har tillverkats. Med inbyggda
superaktiva filter och det klassiska EBS
ljudet, erbjuder EBS Drome Classic en
mängd möjligheter, som beskrivs i denna
manual. Men först av allt följer en
introduktion som hjälper dig att bli bekant
EBS Drome Classic.
1. Packa försiktigt upp combon.
2. Se till att alla kontroller är ställda fullt
motsols. Fortsätt med att ställa de tre
filterrattarna märkta BASS, MIDDLE
och TREBLE till mittposition. Leta upp
filteromkopplaren och ställ den i läge
BYPASS. Se även till att omkopplaren
märkt Character är i uttryckt läge. Nu
är ljudet i EBS Drome Classic
"nollställt" och redo för att skapa just
ditt personliga sound.
3. Koppla in din bas.
4. Spela hårt på basen och vrid upp GAIN
ratten tills PEAK dioden börjar blinka.
Än har du inget hörbart ljud, men en
perfekt signal att jobba vidare med.
5. Sök och vrid upp VOLUME ratten till
lämplig ljudnivå.
The EBS Drome Classic is the most
powerful, versatile and complete compact
bass combo ever built. With built-in super
powerful EQ, the unit offers an extremely
wide range of possibilities, while
maintaining that classic EBS sound. These
brief tutorials will help you to become acquainted with some of the features of the
EBS Drome Classic.
1. Carefully unpack the bass combo.
2. Check that the controls are set fully
counter clockwise. Proceed by turning
the three filter knobs marked BASS,
MIDDLE and TREBLE to mid position.
Locate the filter switch and set it to
BYPASS. Make also sure that the
switch marked Character is in its’ outer
position. Now the EBS Drome’s
Classic settings are "zeroed" and ready
to be personalized.
3. Plug in your bass.
4. While plucking the strings as hard as
you would during your hardest playing,
gradually increase the GAIN knob until
the PEAK led starts to flash at peaks.
5. Move over to the VOLUME knob and
adjust for the desired output volume.