March 2013 15 IPV58
Http Port: LAN port assigned for the equipment, default is 80. You could set another port number like 81,
801, 8001 etc.
User: Default administrator username is: admin (please make sure all are lowercase letter)
Password: Default password is bank, no password.
NOTE: When prompt “subnet doesn’t match, double chick to change!” appeared, please set the IP
Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway, DNS Server once again, or enable Obtain IP from DHCP server.
1.7.4 Upgrade Firmware
Enter the correct User and Password to upgrade system Firmware and Web UI. If you upgrade the camera,
Please upgrade system firmware first and then upgrade Web UI. Or it may damage the camera.
(Figure 2.4)
Figure 2.4
Please download the firmware package under the correct type of your camera before upgrade.
Follow the upgrade document in the package carefully to upgrade. Please look readme firstly before you
do upgrade.
CAUTION: You should not upgrade the firmware unnecessarily. It is possible to damage the camera if a
mistake is made during the upgrade. If your camera works well with the current firmware, we recommend
that you don’t upgrade it.
NOTE: When doing an upgrade, remember you must keep the power on, and it’s best to use wired mode,
connected via the network cable.
1.7.5 Refresh Camera List
Refresh camera list manually.
1.7.6 Flush Arp Buffer
When cable network and wireless network of the device are fixed IP address .There is a problem you may
encounter is can search the camera IP but can’t open the camera web page .you may try to use Flush Arp