Eberle Design MMU-16LE Operations Manual

MMU-16LE Series
Enhanced Malfunction Management Unit
Operations Manual
MMU16LEip SmartMonitor
pn 888-0116-001
© COPYRIGHT 2004-2012 EDI Canadian Patent No. 2,574,101
U.S. Pat. No. 7,246,037
Table of Contents
Section 1 General.................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Description.................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Advanced Feature Overview ....................................................................................... 1
1.2.1 Liquid Crystal Status and Field Display ............................................................. 1
1.2.2 Menu Driven Operation ...................................................................................... 1
1.2.3 Context Sensitive Help System ......................................................................... 1 Set-up Wizard ........................................................................................... 1 Diagnostic Wizard ..................................................................................... 1
1.2.4 Pr ogram Card M em ory ....................................................................................... 2
1.2.5 RMS Voltage Reporting ..................................................................................... 2
1.2.6 ECcom Software Interface ................................................................................. 2
1.2.7 Nema TS-1 Operation With SDLC Mode .......................................................... 2
1.2.8 Flashing Yellow Arrow (FYA) Protected-Permis s ive Mo vem ent ...................... 2
1.2.9 Five Secti on Arr ow Su ppression Protected-Permissive Movement (PPLT5) .. 3
1.3 General ......................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Field Signal Terminals ................................................................................................. 4
1.4.1 LEDguard® LED Field Signal Sensing ............................................................... 4
1.4.2 Type Select Input ............................................................................................... 4 Type 12 With SDLC Mode........................................................................ 5 Force T ype 16 M od e ................................................................................ 6
Section 2 Standard Functions ............................................................................................... 7
2.1 Conflict Monitoring ....................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Red Fail M onit or i n g ...................................................................................................... 7
2.2.1 Red Enable Input ................................................................................................ 7
2.2.2 Walk Disable Option ........................................................................................... 7
2.3 Voltage Monitoring ....................................................................................................... 8
2.3.1 +24Vdc Supply Monitoring ................................................................................. 8 +24Vdc Monitor Inhibit Input .................................................................... 8 +24Vdc Monitor Latch Input ..................................................................... 8 +24Vdc M on it or II 12V dc M od e ................................................................ 8
2.3.2 Controller Voltage / Fault Monitor Input ............................................................. 8 CVM Monitor Latch Input.......................................................................... 9 CVM Log Disable ...................................................................................... 9
2.4 Local Flash Status Input .............................................................................................. 9
2.5 Minimum Yellow Change / Red Clearance Monitoring ............................................... 9
2.5.1 Mini m u m Y ell ow Change Interval ...................................................................... 9 Minimum Yellow Clearance Disable ........................................................ 9
2.5.2 Minimum Yellow Plus Red Interval .................................................................... 9 Minimum Yellow Plus Red Clearance Disable ...................................... 10
2.6 MMU Power Failure Detection ................................................................................... 10
2.7 Port 1 Communications.............................................................................................. 10
2.7.1 Port 1 Timeout .................................................................................................. 11
2.7.2 Port 1 Disable Input .......................................................................................... 11
2.8 Type 129 Response Frame ....................................................................................... 11
2.9 Output Relay Recovery .............................................................................................. 12
2.10 Internal Diagnostics ................................................................................................. 12
2.10.1 Memory Diagnostics ....................................................................................... 12
2.10.2 Mic roproc essor Monitor.................................................................................. 12
2.10.3 Internal Hardware Monitor ............................................................................. 12
Section 3 Enhanced Features ............................................................................................. 13
3.1 Har d w ar e F eat ures .................................................................................................... 13
3.2 Dual In dication M on itoring ......................................................................................... 13
3.2.1 Walk Disable Option ......................................................................................... 14
3.3 External Watchdog Monitoring .................................................................................. 14
3.4 Program Card Absent Indication ............................................................................... 14
3.5 Reset Input Detection ................................................................................................ 14
3.6 Display LED Test ....................................................................................................... 14
3.7 Recurrent Pulse Detection ......................................................................................... 15
3.8 Type Fault................................................................................................................... 15
3.9 Field Check Monitoring .............................................................................................. 16
3.9.1 Field Check Fault ............................................................................................. 16
3.9.2 Field Check Status ........................................................................................... 16
3.10 Diagnostic Wizard .................................................................................................... 17
3.11 Flashing Yellow Arrow Protected-Permissive Monitoring (FYA) ............................ 18
3.11.1 Basic FYA MODE ........................................................................................... 18
3.11.2 Compact FYAc MODE ................................................................................... 19 FYAc Type 16 Mode ............................................................................. 19 FYAc Type 12 Mode ............................................................................. 20
3.11.3 FYA Channel Assignment Diagrams ............................................................. 21
3.12 Five Section Arrow Suppression Protected-Permissive Monitoring (PPLT5) ........ 22
3.12.1 Basic PPLT5 Arrow Suppression Mode ........................................................ 22
3.12.2 PPLT5 Arrow Suppression Channel Assignment Diagrams......................... 24
Section 4 ECcom Interface .................................................................................................. 25
4.1 EDI ECcom Monitor Reports ..................................................................................... 25
4.1.1 General Data .................................................................................................... 25
4.1.2 Current Status (S) ............................................................................................ 25
4.1.3 Pr evious Fault (PF) Event Log ......................................................................... 25
4.1.4 AC Line (AC) Event Log ................................................................................... 25
4.1.5 Manual Reset (MR) Event Log ........................................................................ 26
4.1.6 Configuration (CF) Event Log .......................................................................... 26
4.1.7 Si gn al S equence E ven t L og............................................................................. 26
4.2 Configuration Programming ....................................................................................... 26
4.2.1 ECcom Configurati on Set-up Wizard............................................................... 26
4.3 Ethernet LAN Port ...................................................................................................... 26
Section 5 Menu Operation ................................................................................................... 27
5.1 Main Status Menu ...................................................................................................... 27
5.2 Top Lev el M en u ......................................................................................................... 27
5.2.1 St atus ................................................................................................................ 27
5.2.2 Men u ................................................................................................................. 28 View Logs ............................................................................................... 28 View and Set Configuration .................................................................... 28 Set-up Wizard ......................................................................................... 28 Clear Logs ............................................................................................... 29 Set Clock ................................................................................................. 29
Section 6 Installation ............................................................................................................ 30
6.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 30
6.2 Program Card Programming...................................................................................... 30
6.2.1 Per mis s i ve C h an n el Pr ogram mi ng .................................................................. 30
6.2.2 Minimum Flash Time Programming ................................................................. 31
6.2.3 Minimum Yellow Change Disable Programming ............................................. 31
6.2.4 Voltage Monitor Latch Programming ............................................................... 31
6.3 Enhanced Function Programming ............................................................................. 32
6.3.1 Field Check Enable Programming ................................................................... 32
6.3.2 Dual Indication Enable Programming .............................................................. 32
6.3.3 Red Fail Enable Programming ......................................................................... 32
6.3.4 Unit Option Programming................................................................................. 33 Recurrent Pulse Option .......................................................................... 33 Walk Disable Option ............................................................................... 33 Log CVM FAULTS Option ...................................................................... 33
. External Watchdog Enable Option ......................................................... 33 +24V-II = 12 Vdc Enable Option ............................................................ 33 Program Card Memory Enable Option .................................................. 33 LEDguard® Enable Option ...................................................................... 33 Force Type 16 Mode Enable Option ...................................................... 33 Type 12 With SDLC Mode Enable Option ............................................. 33
6.3.5 View Permissives ............................................................................................. 33
6.3.6 View program card options .............................................................................. 34
6.3.7 Yellow Plus Red Clearance Disable Programming ......................................... 34
6.3.8 Vi ew M onitor ID and Nam e .............................................................................. 34
6.3.9 View Firmware Version .................................................................................... 34
6.3.10 Run the Setup Wizard .................................................................................... 34
6.3.11 Set Factory Default Programming ................................................................. 34
6.3.12 Set ATSI Default Programming ..................................................................... 35
6.3.13 View Configuration Check Value ................................................................... 35
6.3.14 Flashing Yellow Arrow Monitor ...................................................................... 35
6.3.15 PPLT5 Arrow Suppression Monitor ............................................................... 35
6.4 Set-up Wizard............................................................................................................. 36
6.4.1 Unused Channels ............................................................................................. 36
6.4.2 Pedestrian Channels ........................................................................................ 36
6.4.3 Pr ot ected-Permissive Turn Channels .............................................................. 37
6.4.4 Review Channel Assignments ......................................................................... 37
Section 7 Front Pane l Des cription ...................................................................................... 38
7.1 Main Status Display ................................................................................................... 38
7.2 Channel Status Display.............................................................................................. 38
7.3 Front Panel LED Indicators........................................................................................ 38
7.3.1 Power Indicator................................................................................................. 38
7.3.2 Fault Indicator ................................................................................................... 38
7.3.3 Diagnostic Indicator .......................................................................................... 38
7.3.4 Receive Indicator .............................................................................................. 38
7.3.5 Transmit Indicator ............................................................................................. 38
7.3.6 COMM Indicator ............................................................................................... 38
7.4 Front Panel Buttons ................................................................................................... 39
7.4.1 Reset Button ..................................................................................................... 39
7.4.2 Menu Control Buttons ...................................................................................... 39 Next Button ............................................................................................. 39 Select Button........................................................................................... 39 Exit Button ............................................................................................... 39 Help Button ............................................................................................. 39
Section 8 Specifications ...................................................................................................... 40
8.1 Electrical ..................................................................................................................... 40
8.1.1 Power Requirements ........................................................................................ 40
8.1.2 AC Voltage Monitors ........................................................................................ 40
8.1.3 Power Fail Monitor ........................................................................................... 40
8.1.4 DC Voltage Monitor .......................................................................................... 40
8.1.5 Logic Inputs ...................................................................................................... 40
8.2 Mechanical ................................................................................................................. 40
8.3 Environmental ............................................................................................................ 41
Section 9 Timing Functions................................................................................................. 42
Section 10 Wiring Assignments.......................................................................................... 43
10.1 Harnessing Connectors ........................................................................................... 43
10.2 Type 16 Terminations .............................................................................................. 43
10.2.1 Type 16 Connector MS-A Pin Terminations .................................................. 43
10.2.2 Type 16 Connector MS-B Pin Terminations .................................................. 44
10.3 Type 12 Terminations .............................................................................................. 45
10.3.1 Type 12 Connector MS-A Pin Terminations .................................................. 45
10.3.2 Type 12 Connector MS-B Pin Terminations .................................................. 46
10.4 MMU1 6LE-RM & MMU16LEip-RM Rack Mount Connector ................................... 46
10.5 Programming Card Pin Connections ....................................................................... 47
10.5.1 Programming Card P1 Connector ................................................................. 47
10.5.2 Programming Card P2 Connector ................................................................. 48
10.6 Port 1 Connector ...................................................................................................... 49
10.7 EIA-232 Connector .................................................................................................. 49
10.7.1 EIA-232 Cable to a PC ................................................................................... 50
10.8 Ethernet LAN Port (J2)............................................................................................. 50
10.8.1 Ethernet LAN Cable ....................................................................................... 50
MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
Operati ons M an ual
Section 1


The MMU-16LE SmartMonitor used in a Traffic Controller Assembly to accomplish the detection of, and response to, improp er and conf licti ng sign als and i mprop er operat ing vol tages i n a Contr oller As sembl y caused b y malf unctions of the Controller Unit (CU), load switches , or mis-wiring of the cabinet . The MMU-16LE SmartMonitor suppli es and the contr oller pow er supplies via +24V MONIT OR I, +24V MON ITOR II, an d Controller Voltage Monitor (CVM) inputs respectively. The Eberle Design MMU-16LE
is direc tly i nter ch ang eabl e with a st andar d NE MA Malf uncti on Man agem ent
Unit and meets with or exceeds all specifications outlined in Section 4 (Malfunction Manag em en t U ni t) of the N at i onal Elect r ical Manufactur er s As s oci ation (NEMA) Standards
Publication TS2-2003 v02.06, Traffic Controller Assemblies With NTCIP Requirements.


The MMU-16LE SmartMonitor (LCD) t o sh ow monit or st atus and t wo icon based LCDs to s how fi eld s ignal c hann el and fault st atus. This versatile back-lighted displ ay system pr ovides a ser vic e tech nici an with both detail ed informat ion regard ing c abinet voltag es, config uration , and st atus, and at the same time an easily read field signal status display showing full intersection status.


The Displ ay, Program, and Help modes of the MMU-16LE SmartMonitor using a simpl e menu dri ven us er interf ace. Th e menu pr ovides an organ ized sch eme f or displ aying both curr ent st atus as well as r evi ewin g hist oric al f ault s tatus . I t als o p r ovid es a mechani sm for setti ng and revi ewing the m onitor enhanced-f eature pr ogramming wit hout the need for a laptop computer.


The built-in Help s ystem provi des operational guid ance as well as troubl e shooting ad vice to both the novice and expert technician. The front panel HELP button presents the requested information on the main LCD depending on the display page and context currently selected.
From start to finish, a technician can use the Set-up W izard t o accurately and quickly configure the monitor, and then use the Diagnostic W izard to analyze the cause of a malfunction without the need for understanding complex monitor terminology and theory. SET-UP W I ZARD
The built-in Set-u p W izard (se e Sect ion 6.3.14) c onfigures the monitor enh anced-feature program ming usi ng a simp le ser ies of int ers ection rel ated qu estions . It all ows a tech nician to accur ately and comp letely progr am the MMU-16LE SmartMonitor without the need for understanding the complexities of monitor enhanced configuration parameters. DIAGNOSTIC WIZARD
The built-in Diagn os tic Wizard (see Section 3.10) is an in tegral p art of t he Help Syst em t h at provides detailed diagnostic information regarding the fault being analyzed. The Wizard provid es a conc ise view of th e signal states involved in th e fault, pinp oints faulty sig nal
series Malfunction Management Unit (MMU) is a devic e
also pr ovid es err or s ensin g of t wo +24V dc c abi net
uses a pr ogr amm able al pha-numeric Liquid Crystal Display
are controlled
en hanced f unctions
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MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
Operati ons M an ual
inputs, and provides guidance on how the technician should isolate the cause of the malfunction.


All monit or enhanc ed-f eatur e progr am min g is s tor ed in a n onvol atil e m emor y cont ai ned on the EDI P rogram C ard. W hen repl acing th e MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
for s erv ic e or tes t
purposes, all Nema standard and enhanced-feature programming is automatically transferred to the replacement unit when the EDI Program Card is inserted. The EDI Program Card is c ompletel y com patibl e with other MMU mod els c ompliant with t he Nema TS2-2003 Standard.
The Program Card Memory fun ct i on must b e enabled bef ore us e. The factor y default setting is Off. See S ect ion


Input voltages are measured using a true Root Mean Squared (RMS) technique. A dedicated D igital Sign al Processor (DSP) RMS-Engine hardware which samples each AC input voltage a minimum of 32 times per cycle. The RMS-Engine
th en calc ulat es the tr ue RMS vol tag e valu e produc in g accur ate res ults which
c ontr ols th e anal og to di git al (A/D )
are very insensitive to changes in frequency, phase, wave shape, and distortion.


The field proven EDI ECcom Signal Monitor Comm unicati ons softwar e pr ovides a lapt op computer or system interface to all information contained in the monitor. This includes detailed status, voltages, configuration, as well as historical event logs, and five thirty second Signal Sequence logs.
Event logs provid e a historical r ecord of previous fault data, ac line ev ent data, moni tor reset events, and c onfiguration programming change events. These logs are invaluable when anal yz ing fault d at a t o diag n os e c abinet equ ip m ent malfunct i on s .
The Signal Sequenc e logs provide a graphical display of the signal states of all sixteen chann els f or up t o thirt y sec onds pri or to t he f ault tr igg er poi nt at 50 mi llis econ d r esolu tion. The MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
stores these signal records for the last five fault events.
Th e E D I E C com s oft w ar e (Ver sion 3. 5.8 or gr eat er is requ ired) is av ailabl e at no charg e from the EDI web site at www.EDItraffic.com.


Th e M MU -16LE SmartMonitor advantages of the Port 1 SDLC communications to the Controller Unit including Field Check m onitoring and the Diagnostic Wizard. In this mod e th e MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
can operate in a N em a TS-1 c onf igured cabinet wit h th e full
channel displays operate in the twelve channel configuration displaying the Walk input status dir ectl y on the ass ociat ed veh icl e chann els. Cer tai n programming requ ir ements exist but typically n o c abin et w ir i ng m odifications are necessar y. See Secti on


The MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
is designed to monitor an intersection with up to four approac hes usi ng th e f our s ecti on Flas hing Yel low A rrow ( FYA) movement outlined b y the NCHRP Research Project 3-54 on Protected/Permissive signal displays with Flashing Yellow Arrows. T wo cabin et config urations are supp orted for both the MMU Type 16 and Ty p e 1 2 modes depending on the number of load switches provided and the capabilities of the Controller U nit. In both modes the MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
has been designed to provid e the s ame b r oad f ault c over age f or t he FYA app roac hes as it d oes f or con venti on al protected left turn phases incl udin g Confl ict, R ed F ail, D ual Ind icati on, and both Minim um Yellow and Minimum Yellow Plus Red Clearance monitoring. See section 3.11 for programming information.
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MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
Operati ons M an ual
The MMU-16LE SmartMonitor approac hes usin g the five section PPLT5 Arrow Suppression movement. Th e MMU -16LE
has been designed to pr o vi de the same br o ad fault c ov er age f or th e PPLT5
is designed to monitor an intersection with up to four
Arrow Suppression approaches as it does for conventional protected left turn phases including Conflict, Red Fail, Dual Indication, and both Minimum Yellow and Minimum Yellow Pl us Red Clear ance monit oring. N ote that this mode is n ot intended f or a basic Protec t ed / Permis s i ve “doghouse” s t yl e s ig nal approach where th e Ball sect i on is i ntended for the thru vehicle phase. See section 3.12 for programming information.


The MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
is nor mally c onfigured as a 16 chann el (Type 16) m onitor
when oper ated in a TS2 type c abinet ass embly. Th e Type 16 MM U mode is in tended for those applications in which there are thr ee circuits per channel and the MMU channels have been wired in a one-to-one correspondenc e with the load switches, as defined in Section 5. 5.3 par agraph 9 of th e NEMA Standar ds Pu blication T S2-2003 v02.06, Traffic Controller As semblies With NTCIP Requir ements. Each c hannel has the c apability of monitor ing a Green (W alk), a Yell ow, and a Red ( Don’t Walk) f ield signal output at the Terminals and Facilities field terminals.
The MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
c an al s o be c onf igur ed as a 12 c ha nnel (T ype 12) m onit or
when operated in a NEMA TS1 type cabinet assembly. The Type 12 MMU mode is intend ed to provi de downw ard compat ibilit y with 12 chan nel Confl ict Monit or Units (C MU) conf orming t o NE MA T raf fic Contr ol S yst ems P ublic at ion T S1-1989. Each channel has the capability of mon itoring a Green, a Yel low, a Red, and a W alk field sign al output at the Terminals and Facilities field terminals.
A Program Card is provided for assigning permissive channels. The MMU-16LE
det ects the presenc e of conflict ing Green or Yel low ( or Walk) field si gnal
inputs b etween an y two or more ch annels n ot assigned t o be perm issive on th e Program Card. Th e RED ENA BLE inp ut, wh en activat ed, enables th e Red Fa il Monit oring f unctions of the un it causing t h e m onitor to trigg er w h en i t d et ects the absence of vol t ag e on all thr e e (four) of the field signal inputs of a channel. It also enables the Minimum Yellow Change/Red Cl e arance M onitoring f u nc t i on wh ic h verifi es th at the Yell ow C hange plus Red Clear anc e interval b etween th e end of an active Gr een sign al and the begi nnin g of the next conflic ti ng G reen s ig n al is proper. The m oni t or in g c ir c u itry is capabl e of det ect ing eit h er full wave or positive and negative half-wave sinusoidal field signal inputs at the specified voltage levels.
When tri ggered b y the det ecti on of a fault condit ion whic h exist s long er than th e minim um period defined by the NEMA Standards Publication TS2-2003 v02.06 the MMU-16LE
will enter the f ault mode causing the OUTPUT relay to de-energi ze and t wo
sets of cont acts on the OU TPUT rel ay to tr ansf er. Th e cabi net ass embl y shou ld be wired such th at the clos ure of th e OUTPUT relay cont acts wil l cause an automat ic switc hing of the field signal outputs from normal operation to flashing operation. The MMU-16LE
reset the fau l t mode of t he OUTP UT r ela y co n ta cts. I n the e vent of AC LI NE los s t he MMU­16LE SmartMonitor
will th en display th e appropriat e fault status. The los s of AC LINE will not
will ret ain the st atus of al l f ault and chan nel in di cators and w ill dis pl ay
the correct fault and channel status upon restoration of AC LINE. When op erating in t he Type 16 m ode and c onnected t o a TS2 Con troller U nit, the MMU-
16LE SmartMonitor the Con troller Unit i n real tim e using Port 1. Messages are define d in the TS2 St andard which all ows t he Contr oller Un it and th e MMU-16LE SmartMonitor checks on each other. The Controller Unit has access to all MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
has t he abi lity to exc hange inf ormation in a st andardi zed format with
to perf orm redu ndant
inform ation including fi eld signal inp ut status, p ermissive pr ogramming, and fault st atus. This gi ves the Con troller Unit t he capab ility to pr ovide a bac kup monit oring funct ion and
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MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
Red/Don’t Walk
Red Fail
Dual Indicati on
Operati ons M an ual
make enhanced event logging, remote intersection monitoring, and remote diagnostics feasible. Similarly, the MMU-16LE SmartMonitor Unit whic h corr esponds to the C ontroll er Uni t output c omman ds to t he load s witches. T his allows the MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
The TS2 St andar d als o provides f or mess ages t o be gener ated b y the Contr oller U nit and the MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
to better respond to and diagnose fault situations.
which ext end th e c ommun ic ati ons cap abil ities of a st andar d
assembl y. T he Eber le Des ign MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
rec eives inf ormation f rom the Contr oller
us es t hes e m ess a ge f aci li ti es t o
provid e enh anced appl icati on sp ec if ic diagnostic r ep or ti ng an d m onitori ng.


A GREEN , YE LLOW, or W ALK f ield sig n al inpu t wil l be s ens ed as acti ve by th e MMU -16E
wh en it exceeds t h e G reen, Yell ow , or Walk Signal D etect voltage t hreshold
(Section 8.1.2) and a field signal input will be sensed as inactive when it is less than the Green, Yellow, or W alk Signal N o-Detect voltag e thresh old (Section 8.1.2). Both p ositive and negative half wave rectified inputs will be sensed.
A RED (DO N’T W ALK) f i eld sig nal i nput will be s ens ed as acti ve b y t he M MU-16E when it exceeds the Red Signal D etect voltage thr es hold (Section 8.1.2) and a field signal input will be sensed as inactive when it is less than the Red Signal No-Detect voltage threshold (Section 8.1.2). B ot h p ositive and n egative h alf w ave r ectifi ed inp uts wi ll be s ensed.
When the circuit connected to the sensing input of an MMU exhibits high impedance char acteristics such as caused by dimmers, burned out lamps, low wattage equipm en t, or n o load , it m ay b e necess ary to pl ace a low imp ed ance devic e ext ernal to th e unit betw een the M MU input and AC NEUT RAL (See S ecti ons 5.5.3 .9 and 6.2 .4 of NEMA
Standards Publication TS2-2003 v02.06, Traffic Controller Assemblies With NTCIP Requirements).


The Eberl e Design MMU-16LE SmartMonitor LEDguard
that is designed to better monitor the characteristics of LED based signal loads
c an be configured t o us e a t ec h niq u e called
(See S ection E ach field si gnal inpu t is measur ed and co mpared to both a high threshold and a low threshold value to determine On / Off status. This differs from conventional stand ard Nema op eration wher e the active thr eshold is picked accor ding to th e color of t he f ield signal. Once the high and low On / Off thresholds (Section 8.1.2) have been det ermined us ing th e inp ut RMS vol t age, the in di vi dual f ault m onitor func ti ons use th e appropriate threshold to determine if a fault condition exists.


The MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
will op erate as a Type 16 mon itor with sixt een channels
when th e TYPE SE LECT input is a logic True (low ). The MMU-16LE SmartMonitor operat e as a T ype 12 monit or with tw elve chan nels when t he TYPE SE LECT inp ut is a logic False (high) or open circuit.
Type 16 - Each channel has three inputs: RED (DON’T WALK), YELLOW, and
Type 12 - Each channel has four inputs: RED, YELLOW, GREEN, and WALK.
The MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
is nor mally c onfigured as a 16 chann el (Type 1 6) monit or
when op er ated in a T S 2 typ e c abin et ass embl y. T he T ype 12 mod e is int end ed to pr ovid e downw ard c ompati bi lity wit h 12 c han nel C onflic t M onitor Unit s (CMU ) c onf ormin g to NE MA
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MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
Ped Phas e
MMU Channel
Phase 2 Ped
Phase 6 Ped
Phase 8 Ped
Operati ons M an ual
Traff ic Control S ystems Pu blicati on TS1-198 9. Wh en operatin g in the T ype 12 mode, the MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
monitor ing f unct ions are th e sam e as the T ype 16 m ode exc ept
that Por t 1 com munic ations are dis abl ed and Fiel d Ch eck Mon itori n g is dis abled. See als o TYPE 12 MODE WITH SDLC Option, section TYPE 12 WITH SDLC MODE
Th e M MU -16LE SmartMonitor advantages of the Port 1 SDLC communications to the Controller Unit including Field Check mon itori ng. In this mod e the MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
can operate in a N em a TS -1 config ured cabinet with t h e f ull
ch ann el displays op erate in the Type 12 configuration displaying the Walk input status directly on the associated vehicle channels (2, 4, 6, and 8). Certain requirements exist for this mode to operate correctly:
1. T hi s m od e is li mi te d t o a ma xi mu m of f ou r P ed ph as es which mus t be assigned to vehicl e phases 2, 4, 6, and 8. Th e Walk field t erminals must be wi red to th e MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
channel inputs 2W, 4W, 6W, and 8W on MMU
connector pins MSA-y, MSA-FF, MSA-EE, and MSA-u respectively. This is conventional wiring for a standard Nema TS-1 cabinet. MMU input TYPE SELECT (pin #HH) must be “open circuit” (False).
2. The C ontrol ler Unit (CU) must be TS-2 Type 2 capabl e and provi de th e Port 1 EIA-485 c ommunic ations port. T he C ontroller Unit must b e config ured f or MM U operation in the following areas (terminology and procedure may vary with different brands of CU):
a. Enable the MMU in the CU Port 1 setup. b. Add the Ped channels to the CU ring structure with the following
See Section for the T ype 12 wit h SD LC op tion setti n g.
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Phase 4 Ped 14
c. The CU Signal Driver Output mapping may need to be modified to
ensure that the CU is still driving the Ped load switches from the correct output pins: MSA-J (2W), MSB-d (4W), MSC-LL (6W), and MSC-d (8W).
3. TS-2 Controller Units provide an MMU utilization diagnostic that verifies the MMU Program Card c hannel comp atibility to th e CU Driver Group U tilization (Nema TS-2 clause 3. 9.3.1. 3). Depen din g on the CU capab iliti es, jum pers m ay need t o be add ed t o t h e MM U -16LE SmartMonitor
Program C ar d p ermissi v e m atrix as i f
the Walk inputs were actually assigned to MMU channels 13 (2P), 14 (4P), 15 (6P), and 16 (8P).
Not e t h at t h e MMU -16LE SmartMonitor
will only use th e chann el 2, 4, 6, and 8
jumper pr ogramm ing for act ual conf lict detecti on. Pr ogram Card j umpers added to channels 13, 14, 15, and 16 i n t h e Type 12 With SDLC m ode are only used by the MM U -16LE SmartMonitor
t o s atis fy the ut i li z ation diagnost ic of the controll er
unit desc rib ed above.
4. A pr oper Port 1 EIA-485 r ated cable must b e connec ted b etween t he CU Por t 1 and the MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
Port 1.
MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
Operati ons M an ual FORCE TYPE 16 MODE
If the cab inet is alr eady wir ed for 16 channel operati on but the T YPE SELE CT inpu t is not acces s i b l e du e t o c a bi n e t w ir i n g is s u es , t h e MM U -16LE SmartMonitor
can be forced t o the
Type 16 m od e by sett in g t h e F O RC E TYPE 1 6 opt ion in U nit Options. See Sect ion The FORCE TYPE 16 mode is not compatible with the TYPE 12 WITH SDLC mode (section
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MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
Operati ons M an ual
Section 2
Standard Functions


When volt ages on any conf licting ch annels are sensed as acti ve for more th an the C onflic t Fau l t t i m e ( S ection 9), th e MMU-16LE SmartMonitor OUTPU T relay cont acts to t he Fault position, and display t he CONFLICT status s creen. The MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
will remain in the fault mode until the unit is reset by the
RESET but t on or the EXT ER N A L R ESET input. When volt ag es on any conflicting channels are sensed as active for less than the Conflict No-F ault ti m e, the MMU-16LE SmartMonitor will not transfer the OUTPUT relay contacts to the Fault position.
The MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
is f ull y pr ogramm ab l e an d requir es the us e of soldered w ire
jumpers on an int erc h angeable Programming Card to defi n e p ermissive chan nel pair s . The Program m in g Card is used wit h b oth Type 16 and T yp e 12 op er at i on. See Sec t i on 6.2.1 for Programming Card details.


When volt ages on all inputs (G, Y, R, (W )) to a chann el are sens ed as in active f or more than the R ed Fail F ault ti me (S ection 9), t he MMU-16LE SmartMonitor mode, transfer the O UTPUT r elay contacts to th e F au lt p osi tion, and display the R ED F AIL status s cr een. T h e MMU-16LE SmartMonitor reset by t he RESET button or t h e EXT ER NAL RE SE T inp ut . When v oltages on all inputs t o a chan nel are s ens ed as in act ive f or l ess th an t he R ed Fail N o-Faul t ti me, th e MMU-16LE
will not transfer the OUTPUT relay contacts to the Fault position.
Red Fail M on it or i ng wi ll b e d isabled when th e R ED EN ABLE inp ut is n ot ac t i ve. In the T yp e 16 mode, R ed Fail M onitori ng will also be dis abled if the LOAD S WIT CH FLAS H bit is s et to "1" in the Type 0 message from the Controller Unit.
Programming is provided in the SET / VIEW CONFIG menu item to enable Red Fail Monitor ing on a per ch ann el b as is . See Section 6.3.3 for the program mi ng pr oc edure.


The RED ENA BLE in put will be sens ed as activ e by the MMU-16LE SmartMonitor exceeds the Red Enable Input threshold (Section 8.1.2). The presence of the proper operatin g voltag e at this input enab les Red Fai l Monitori ng, Minimu m Yellow Ch ange/Red Clear ance Monitorin g, and Dual Ind icati on Monitori ng. I n the T ype 16 mod e, if the LO AD SWITCH FLASH bit is set t o "1" in the T ype 0 mess age fr om the Contr oll er Unit, R ed Fail Monitor ing will be disabled.
The main status screen will display “RED ENAB LE IS OFF” if the RED ENABLE input is not active. I n the Typ e 16 mode, if the LOAD SWIT CH FLASH bit is set t o "1 " in t h e Ty pe 0 message fr om the Controll er Unit, the main status screen will display “CU LS-FL ASH i s


This opti on wi ll mod if y the oper ati on of R ed Fail an d Du al Indic at ion M onitor in g in the TS -1 Type 12 mode onl y. When en abled, t he Red F ail and D ual Indic ation Moni toring f unction will not monitor t he W alk field outputs. Absenc e of sig nals on th e Gr een, Yell ow, and R ed field outp uts of a channel will pl ace the MMU-16LE SmartMonitor mode causing t h e O u tp ut r elay con tacts t o tr ansf er. Pr esenc e of active si gnals on t h e Walk outputs will n ot caus e a Dual In dic ation w hen c oncur rent with acti ve Red or Yel low sign als. This f unction is en abled by th e Unit Opti on called "W ALK DISABLE" in the SET / VIEW CONFIG m enu. See Section
will enter the faul t mod e, tr ansf er th e
will ent er the f ault
will r emain in t he f ault mod e un til th e un it is
when it
int o the Red Fail f ault
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MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
Operati ons M an ual



The +24V MONITOR I and +24V MONITOR II inputs are provided for monitoring two +24Vdc su pplies in the c abinet assem bly. Shou ld loss of proper voltage occur at ei ther of these inputs , th e MMU-16LE SmartMonitor relay contacts to the Fault position, and display the appropriate 24V-1 or 24V-2 status screen. The MMU-16LE SmartMonitor correct inp ut voltages are restored to both of thes e inputs. The MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
will enter th e fault m od e, transf er the OUTPUT
will automatically reset the OUTPUT relay when the
will remain in the fault mode for at least the time determined by the Minimum Flash programming.
A voltage gr eater than th e +24V M onit or input t hres hold (S ection 8.1.4) appli ed to bot h of the +24V MON ITOR in puts will b e sens ed b y the MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
as adequ ate
for operation of the cabinet assembly. A vol tage less than t he +24V M onit or input thres hol d applied t o either of the +2 4V MONITOR inp uts will be sens ed as inadequ ate for pr oper operati on. W h en a +24V MON ITO R inp ut is s ens ed as inad equ at e for mor e th an the +24V Monitor F aul t tim e (S ecti on 9), th e MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
will ent er the f ault mod e and
transfer the O UTPUT r elay cont ac t s t o t h e F aul t p os ition. When a + 24V MON ITOR i np ut is sensed as inadequate for less than the +24V Monitor No-Fault time, the MMU-16LE
will not t rans fer t he OUT PUT r elay c ontac ts t o th e Fault p ositi on. A + 24Vdc
failure dur ing the progr ammed Minimu m Flash time or duri ng an MMU Power Fail ure will not cause a fault condition. +24VDC MONITOR INHIBIT INPUT
A +24V MON ITOR INH IBIT inp ut is pr ovi d ed t o inhib it t he oper ati on of t h e + 2 4Vdc M onitor. Applic ation of a l ogic T R U E ( l ow) s t at e t o th i s in pu t will disable th e op erati on of th e +24Vdc Monitor. +24VDC MONITOR LATCH INPUT
A jumper p osit ion is supp lied on the Pr ogr ammi ng C ard t o allow +2 4 Vdc f ailur es to l atch in the fault condition until the unit is reset by the activation of the RESET button or the EXTERNA L RESET input. See Section 6.2.4 for the programm ing procedure. A +24Vdc failure dur ing the progr ammed Minimu m Flash time or duri ng an MMU Power Fail ure will not cause a latched fault condition. +24VDC MONITOR II 12VDC MODE
The MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
offers th e capabilit y of setting t he threshol d for the +24V
MONITO R II inpu t to l evels suit able f or monitor ing a 12 V dc pow er sup ply. This mode is enabled by the Unit Option call ed " 24V-2 = 12 V dc " in the SET / V IE W CONFIG menu. See Section


This input is to be connected to the CONTROLLER UNIT VOLTAGE MONITOR (CVM) or FAULT MONITOR (FM) output from the Controller Unit. W hen the TRUE (low) state is absent for more than the C VM Fau lt tim e (Section 9), the MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
enter the f ault mod e, tr ansf er the OUT PUT r elay c ontacts t o the Fau lt p ositi on, and display the CVM status screen. When the T RUE (low) s tate is abs ent for less than t he C VM No­Fault time, t he MMU-16LE SmartMonitor the Fault position. The MMU-16LE SmartMonitor relay wh en th e Tru e (low ) st ate is r estor ed t o the in put. The MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
wil l not tr ansfer t he OUTP UT relay c ontacts to
will automatically reset the OUTPUT
remain in the fault mode for at least the time determined by the Minimum Flash programming. A CVM failure during the programmed Minimum Flash time or during an MMU Power Failure will not cause a fault condition.
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MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
Operati ons M an ual CVM MONITOR LATCH INPUT
A jumper position is supplied on the Programming Card to allow CVM failures to latch in the fault condition until the unit is reset by the activation of the RESET button or the EXTERNAL RESET input. See Section 6.2.4 for the programming procedure. A CVM failure d uring th e progr ammed Minimum F lash time or duri ng an MMU Power Failur e will not cause a latched fault condition. CVM LOG DISABLE
If CVM even ts ar e not relat ed to a malf unc ti on con diti on an d occur on a reg ular basis suc h as Time of Day flash, the logging of these events can be disabled. See Section


This inp ut is to be c on n ect ed to th e Auto/Fl as h s w itc h in t h e cabinet. When th e TR U E (low) state is present for more than the Local Flash Fault time (Section 9), the MMU-16LE
position, and display the LOCAL FLASH status screen. W hen the TRUE (low) state is present f or less th an th e L oc al Fl as h No-Fault tim e, the MMU-16LE SmartMonitor tr ansf er the OUTPUT relay contacts to the Fault position. The MMU-16LE SmartMonitor will aut omaticall y r eset th e OUTPUT relay when th e False (hig h) state is r estored to th e input. The MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
wil l enter th e fault mode, tr ansfer th e OUTPUT relay c ontacts t o the Fault
will not
will r emain in the fault mode f or at least th e time
determined by the Minimum Flash programming. A Local Flash condition during the Minimum Flash time or during an MMU Power Failure will not cause a fault condition.



The MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
will verif y that the Yellow C hange interv al is at least the
Clear ance Fail F ault ti me (S ection 9). The Y ellow Ch ange int erval c onsis ts of th e durati on of time in which the Yellow field signal input is active in a sequence from Green to Yellow to Red. W hen this min imum int erval is not satisfi ed the MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
will ent er
the fault m ode, trans fer the O UTPUT relay contac ts to the F ault positi on, and display the SKIPPED Y CLEARANCE or SHORT Y CLEARANCE status screen. The MMU-16LE
will r emai n in th e fault mode u ntil th e unit is res et by th e RESET butt on or
the EXTERNAL RESET input. Minimum Yellow Change Monitoring will be disabled when the RED ENABLE input is not
A set of s older ed wir e jum pers is pr ovided on the P rogr amming C ar d to dis able Minimum Yellow Ch ange Mon itorin g on a per ch annel bas is. See Sect ion 6.2.3 for th e pr ogram min g procedure.


The MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
will verify that the Yellow Change plus Red Clearance
interval bet ween t h e end of an ac tive G reen ( or W alk) si gnal and th e b eginn ing of th e next conflic ting G reen ( or W alk) sig nal is at leas t t he Clear anc e F ail F ault t i m e ( S ecti on 9). This ensures a minimu m clearance int erval for channels without a true yellow sign al such as pedestrian channels. When this minimum interval is not satisfied the MMU-16LE
position, and display the SHORT Y+R CLEARANCE status screen. The MMU-16LE
wil l enter th e fault mode, tr ansfer th e OUTPUT relay c ontacts t o the Fault
will r emai n in th e fault mode u ntil th e unit is res et by t he RESET butt on or
the EXTERNAL RESET input. Yellow C hange plus Red Clear ance Monit oring will be disabl ed when the R ED ENABL E
input is not active.
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MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
The Red + Yell ow Clear anc e Disabl e Conf igur ation sc reen is provi ded in t he SET / VIEW CONFIG menu to disable Minimum Yellow Plus R ed Chang e Monitori ng on a per channel basis. Provision to disable this function is not provided for in the NEMA Standards Publication TS2-20 03 v 02. 06.
The MUTCD Sectio n 4D.10 Yell ow Change a nd Red Clear ance Inter vals requirement states, “ A yellow s ig nal indication s h all b e display ed foll owing every CIR CU LA R G R EE N or GREEN A RROW s ignal indic ation”. I n some leg acy inters ection cas es this requir ement is not met due t o th e lac k of a Yell ow s ign al head on an overl ap phase (ch annel) , and signal timing th at precludes what would nor mally be the over lap clearanc e interval. I n this c ase the Minimum Yellow Plus Red Clearance monitoring function can be disabled for that channel. It should be noted that the Minimum Yellow Plus Red Clearance monitoring function is only intended to be disabled under these special conditions.
See Sect i on 6.3.7 for t he pr ogr amm ing proc edur e. The default setting for Minimum Yellow Plus Red Clearance monitoring is Enabled.


W h en the AC LINE voltage is below the minimum AC Line drop-out l ev el (Section 8.1.3) for the MMU Power F ail Respond t i m e (S ecti on 9), the MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
will s us p end
all fault m onitor ing func tions, de-en ergize t he OUTPU T rel ay, and d e-en er gi z e th e S TA RT relay. Th e POW ER indicator on t he front p an el will fl ash at a rate of 2Hz t o indicate the low voltag e status. The main st atus displ ay will indicat e “AC LI NE BROWN OUT” and displ ay the curr ent AC Li n e input volt ag e.
When th e AC LINE vol tage returns above the maximu m AC Line r estor e lev el (Section
8.1.3) for t he MMU Pow er Fail Rest ore time (S ection 9), the monitor will r esume nor mal operation and the POWER ind ic ator on th e fr ont pan el will rem ain il lum inat ed. Aft er a 2.0 +_
0.5 second delay the START relay will be energized. After a programmable delay determined by the Minimum Flash programming, the OUTPUT relay will be energized (see Section 6.2.2).
This expanded operating voltage range for cabinet components allows the MMU-16LE
orderly manner when th e AC LINE volt age is suff icient for proper operation. The MMU­16LE SmartMonitor
to place the intersection into flash and return to normal operation i n an
sh ould be t he first c ompon ent in the c abinet t o sens e a low volt age
conditi on and th e l ast c om p onent to sense a proper AC LIN E op erating vol t ag e. The AC LINE an d AC NEUT RA L inp uts ar e us ed t o gen erat e th e int ern al voltag e s uppl i es
requir ed t o oper at e the moni tor . AC N EU TR AL als o s erves as t he r etur n f or al l AC s ign als including RED ENABLE. EARTH GROUND provides an independent connection to the chassis of the unit and is isolated from AC NEUTRAL and LOGIC GROUND. LOGIC GROUN D is provi d ed for in puts w hich are isolat ed f rom AC N EU T RAL ( i. e. +24V M onit or s , CVM, CONTROLLER W ATCHDOG, EXTERNAL RESET, and 24V MONITOR INHIBIT). LOGIC GROUND may be tied to AC NEUTRAL if desired.


When op erating in t he Type 16 m ode and c onnected t o a TS2 Con troller U nit, the MMU­16LE SmartMonitor
has th e ability to exch ange infor mation in a stan dardiz ed format with
the Controller Un it using Port 1. For details on mess age formats refer to Secti on 3.3.1, NEMA Standards Publication TS2-2003 v02.06, Traffic Controller Assemblies With NTCIP Requirements.
The information transmitted from the Controller Unit to the MMU-16LE SmartMonitor consist s of th e follow ing m essag e types : load s witch dri ver com mands (T ype 0), time and date (Type 9). The information transmitted from the MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
to the
Control ler Uni t consis ts of t he foll owing m essag e types : field si gnal s tatus and fault s tatus
Eberle Design Inc. Page 10
MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
Fault Type
Bit #
Nema Desi gnation
Field Ch ec k F ault / St at us
Spare Bit #1
RP Detection Status
Spare Bit #3
External Watchdog Fault
Spare Bit #4
Operati ons M an ual
(Type 129), channel compatibility programming (Type 131). The load switch driver command (Type 0) and field signal status (Type 129) messages are exchanged approxi m ately ever y 1 00 msec.
The electrical interface used for Port 1 conforms to the requirements of the Electronic Industri es As soci ation EIA -485 Standard. It is designed for balanced digital multipoint bus systems an d provides fu lly different ial signal oper ation. The baud r ate used is 153. 6K bit per second. The Port 1 connector intermates with a 15 pin D type connector, AMP Incorp orated part nu mber 205206-1 or equivalent. The Port 1 connect or pin assign ments are shown in Section 10.6.
The data and clock communications protocol used for Port 1 is a subset of the Synchr onous Data Link C ontrol (SDLC) Protoc ol, as defined by Internatio nal Busine ss Machines Corporation Document GA27-3093-3 (June 1986). This protocol utilizes sophisticated error checking computations to verify message integrity. In addition, the Eberle Design MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
ad ds enh anc ed c ommunic at ions diag nost ics and
error handling capabilities to ensure proper communications occur.


When a T ype 0 messag e from the Con troller U nit has not b een corr ectly recei ved for the Port 1 Timeout Fau lt time (Section 9 ), the MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
will enter t he f ault
mode, tr ansfer the O UTPUT relay contacts to the Faul t positi on, and display the PORT 1 FAIL status screen. When receipt of a Type 0 message again occurs, the MMU-16LE
will exit the fault state and transfer the OUTPUT relay contacts to the norm al
positi on, e xc ep t when three Por t 1 f aul ts h ave oc c urred in a c alen d ar d ay.
After t he thir d Por t 1 f ault i n a c alendar day, the MMU-16LE SmartMonitor
will remain in
the fault m ode unt il the unit is r eset b y the RESE T but ton or the EX T ERN AL RES ET inp ut. Loss of AC Li ne after the th ird P ort 1 f ault wi ll exit the f ault st ate and res et the P ort 1 f ail count to 2.
A PORT 1 timeou t failure dur ing the progr ammed Min imum Flash t ime or durin g an MMU Power Failure will not cause a latched fault condition.


Port 1 communications will b e disabled when th e P O RT 1 DIS A B LE input is at a logic True (low) st ate OR the TYPE S ELECT input is at a logic Fals e (high) stat e (Type 12 mode) . Port 1 communic ations will be enabled wh en th e P O RT 1 DISA B LE i nput is at a l ogic F alse (high) state AND the TYPE SELECT input is True (low) (Type 16 mode).


Five bits desi gnat ed as S p are Bi t #1 thr ou gh Sp are bi t #5 of the T ype 129 r espons e f ram e to the Controller Unit are used by the MMU-16LE SmartMonitor failure detected for enhanced fault monitoring capabilities of the MMU-16LE. Refer to sections 3.9, 3.2, 3.7, 3.2.1, and 2.5.2 of this manual for further information.
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to i ndic ate t he ty pe of
Dual Indication Fault 68 Spare Bit #2
Yellow Plus Red Clearance 71 Spare Bit #5
+ 39 hidden pages