Do not attempt to install or perform maintenance on equipment While it is energizeD. Death or severe personal injury
can result from contact With energizeD equipment. alWays
verify that no voltage is present before proceeDing With the
task anD alWays folloW generally accepteD safety proceDures. eaton is not liable for the mis-application or misinstallation of its proDucts.
the user is cautioneD to observe all of the recommenDations,
Warnings anD cautions relating to the safety of personnel
anD equipment, as Well as all general anD local health anD
safety laWs, coDes anD proceDures. the recommenDations anD
information containeD herein are baseD on eaton’s experience
anD juDgement, but shoulD not be consiDereD to be all-inclusive or covering every application or circumstance Which may
arise. if any questions arise, contact eaton for further information or instructions.
Do not test the trip unit While the breaker is in the “connecteD” position. breaker must be rackeD to the “test” position, or
removeD from the sWitchgear cell.
Section 1: Introduction
1.1 General Information
The MTK200 Trip Unit Test is used to test and verify the pickup levels
and time delay settings of a breaker’s trip unit. Scheduled testing of
the circuit breaker’s trip unit will help to ensure proper operation of
the breaker and will lead to safer and more efficient performance.
520 Digitrip Units: The MTK2000 Trip Unit Test it supports the 520
curves accept the short delay I
1150 Digitrip Units: The MTK 2000 Trip Unit Test Kit does not support the Long Delay I
curves or the IEEE curves.
T Short Delay Flat curve, or any of the IEC
T and ground I2T.
Section 2: MTK2000 / Breaker Information
2.1 MTK2000 Controls
The following are the identifications and functions of the MTK2000
controls. Any time these are referred to in the following portions of
this publication they will be in bold type as shown in the following
Power — Turns power on and off to the MTK2000.
Phase Select — Permits checking of all phase input circuits on the
Magnum breaker. Phase Select can be pressed at any time prior to
performing a test. Since all feed into a common pickup and timing
circuit, it is only necessary to use one phase to test all the solidstate circuitry functions. Current is applied through the selected
phase and returns to MTK2000 via the neutral element. It is only
necessary to use one circuit function (e.g., Long Delay) to verify that
each phase (A, B and C) performs similarly. The Phase Select button is also used as an accelerator when scrolling through numerical
entry fields and can be used to delete characters when entering the
breaker name.
Test Select — Cycles the MTK2000 through the steps of testing,
including date input and the various tests. (See Flowchart at back
of document)
Start — Test Select and Start both change menus, but when Start
is pushed it will cause action.
Cancel — When pressed, takes the MTK2000 back to the beginning
of the test sequence, it is also used to move to previous field when
entering text data. (See Flowchart at back of document). Pressing
Cancel twice will take the MTK2000 back to the main screen.
Up Arrow — Increments value.
Down Arrow — Decrements value.
ZSI Shorting
Power Supply
and Download
Figure 1. MTK2000 Test Kit
PACB Tester
with SD Card
MDS Trip
Unit Cable
Instructions for Testing Magnum DS
Digitrips with the MTK2000 Test Kit
Instruction Leaflet IL01906008E
Effective March 2011
2.2 Digitrip Long Time Function
Testing of the Trip Unit must be performed with the Trip Unit properly
installed in the breaker. The Long Time function has a memory circuit with a reset time of 36 times the Long Delay Time. The thermal
memory jumper may need to be relocated to disable the thermal
memory. This jumper is shipped from the factory in the “active”
position. (Reference Section 2.3, MTK2000 Breaker Cables) If a trip
function LED on the Trip Unit is lit prior to a test, press the Trip Reset
pushbutton on the Trip Unit. When bench testing a breaker wired for
zone interlock applications, MDS shorting plug 8779C02G06 should
be installed. (Reference Section 2.3. MTK2000 Breaker Cables)
2.3 MTK2000 Breaker Cables
The MTK2000 MDS Breaker Cable is used to connect the MTK2000
to the breaker’s trip unit. Before the MDS 14 pin MTK2000 plug is
inserted into the Digitrip verify the Long Time Memory (LTM) jumper
is in the inactive position, or it is removed. If it is in the active position, it must be removed or returned to the inactive position before
the adapter connector can be inserted. It is important to note that
all tests must be performed with the LTM jumper in the “inactive”
ote:NA physical jumper is used with 520 – 520MC Digitrips.
The 1150 is set differently than the 520 Digitrips; there is no LTM
jumper, the “Long Memory” function must be set to off.
2.4 Zone Interlock Shorting Plug
The Zone Interlock Shorting Plug for the Magnum breaker
(8779C02G06) is required when the breaker is removed from the
switchgear cell for testing. The Shorting Plug must be installed on
the breaker secondary contacts to defeat zone-interlock wiring.
Figure 3. ZSI Shorting Plug
Figure 2. Magnum Test Port
Instruction Leaflet IL01906008E
Effective March 2011
Instructions for Testing Magnum DS
Digitrips with the MTK2000 Test Kit
Review the picture below for the installation of the Magnum
Shorting plug.
Figure 4. Magnum Shorting Plug
ote:NIf the ZSI shorting plug is not in the circuit the ground fault time test
will go instantaneously. The short delay time test will go instantaneously.
2.5 Circuit Breaker Information
2.5.1 MTK2000 Tolerance Bands
The Long Delay Pickup point is normally set in the Digitrip at 110%
of the Long Delay Setting. The tolerance is ±5% of 110%. Long
Delay Times of the Trip Unit are top of band. The tolerance is
+0% /-30% of the Long Delay Time Setting. Short Delay Pickup,
Instantaneous, and Ground Fault Pickup values are mid-band, which
have ±10% tolerance. Short Delay Time and Ground Time require
curve for band tolerance.
2.5.2 Digitrip Test Guidelines
Testing of the Trip Unit must be performed with the Trip Unit properly
installed in the breaker. The Long Time function has a memory circuit with a reset time of 36 times the Long Delay Time. The thermal
memory jumper may need to be relocated to disable the thermal
memory. This jumper is shipped from the factory in the “active”
position. (Reference Section 2.3, MTK2000 Breaker Cables) If a trip
function LED on the Trip Unit is lit prior to a test, press the Trip Reset
pushbutton on the Trip Unit. When bench testing a breaker wired for
zone interlock applications, MDS shorting plug 8779C02G06 should
be installed (Reference Section 2.3, MTK2000 Breaker Cables).
Instructions for Testing Magnum DS
Digitrips with the MTK2000 Test Kit
Instruction Leaflet IL01906008E
Effective March 2011
Section 3: MTK2000 Setup
3.1 General Information
Place the MTK2000 on a stable surface prior to testing. The handle
can be rotated for ease of viewing and operation by pressing the
buttons on the sides of the handle and rotating the handle to the
desired angle (see Flowchart at back of document). When powering on, the MTK2000 will run a self diagnosis before displaying the
Home Screen (see Flowchart at back of document).
3.2 Hardware Connections
Insert the power supply into a standard 120V outlet and plug the
opposite end into the MTK2000. Plug the breaker cable into the
MTK2000 and insert the grooved end into the breaker trip unit.
Check the long time memory jumper position before plugging connector into test port.
3.3 Storing Test Results
The MTK2000 is capable of storing data obtained from multiple
tests on the included SD Card. These results can be downloaded
to a computer via the communication cable included in the kit or
by importing the data directly from the SD Card. This data is saved
automatically to the MTK2000 as each test is performed. Once the
memory is full, the MTK2000 automatically begins to write over the
first test in memory. Because calibration data is also stored on the
card, it is crucial to the operation of the MTK2000 that the information on the SD Card is never removed.
It is important to press the Cancel button twice after performing all
tests on one trip unit before proceeding to the next trip unit so that
a new breaker name can be entered.
3.4 Powering Up the MTK2000
Press Power on the MTK2000. Once the kit powers on, the selfdiagnosis has been completed and the kit is ready to test the trip
unit. Upon power up and following self-diagnosis, the MTK2000 will
display the Home Screen. Press Test Select.
3.5 Setting the Date & Time
Reference Flow Chart for this section in order to understand how to modify the System Setting for the MTK2000, press the Down
Arrow immediately after the MTK2000 displays the Home Screen.
The Home Screen will read “System Settings –> Date & Time”.
Press Start to modify the date. Use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow to modify values in each selection and press Test Select to
proceed. Once completed press Cancel to return to the Systems
Configuration menu. Pressing Cancel once more will return the
MTK2000 to the Home Screen.
3.6 Communication Settings
Reference Flow Chart for this section in order to understand how to modify the System Setting for the MTK2000, press the Down
Arrow immediately after the MTK2000 displays the Home Screen.
Once “System Settings –> Date & Time” is displayed, press the
Down Arrow to verify “Communications” is displayed.
Press Start to modify these settings. Use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow to modify values in each selection and press Test Select to
proceed. Once completed press Cancel to return to the Systems
Configuration menu. Pressing Cancel once more will return the
MTK2000 to the Home Screen.
Section 4: Testing the MDS 520 Digitrip
4.1 Legend for MTK2000 testing with 520 Digitrips
g= entered ground value setting
GF= Ground Setting
i(A)= the entered instantaneous value setting
l(A)= the output current value for the MTK2000
INST= Instantaneous
LDS= Long Delay Setting
LDT= Long Delay Time@6xlr
mm= limit for Maintenance mode reduction levels
mult= multiplying factor
MMODE= Maintenance Mode
n= Rating Plug Value
r= entered Long Delay Setting
R= the actual time the Digitrip tripped during the test
s= entered “Short Delay Setting” value setting
SDS= Short Delay Setting
SD= Short Delay Setting
SDT= Short Delay Time
T= entered time value for the MTK2000
4.2 Entering Breaker Name
The MTK2000 is capable of storing test results as each test is performed. For this reason, it is important to label the breakers subject
to test in the MTK2000 memory. When prompted for breaker name
on the display screen press Start then use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow to change the character and Start button to advance to the
next character. The Cancel button can be pressed to move to the
previous field. The Phase Select button, when pressed, performs
the delete function. Once the entry is complete, press the Test Select button to proceed.
x g
(A)= ln x i
(A)= lr x m
(A)= lr x mult
= rated plug value (must match sensor rating, I
= (A) ln x r
(A)= lr x s
= entered time value for the “Ground Time”
= entered time value for the “Long Delay Time @6xlr”
= entered time value for the “Short Delay Time”
Instruction Leaflet IL01906008E
Effective March 2011
Instructions for Testing Magnum DS
Digitrips with the MTK2000 Test Kit
It is important to press the Cancel button twice to return to the
Home Screen after performing all tests on one breaker before proceeding to the next breaker so that a new breaker name can be
4.3 Setting the Rating Plug
Press Start to set the rating plug value on the MTK2000 by using
the scroll up and down button. Press Test Select button when com-
4.4 Setting the Frequency
Press Start to set the frequency value on the MTK2000 by using
the scroll Up and Down Arrow. Press Test Select button when
4.5 ZSI Shorting Plug
The MTK2000 will ask if the ZSI Shorting Plug is installed, please
validate if it is installed (Reference Section 2.4 Zone Interlock
Shorting Plug), if the correct answer is not shown, press Start then
scroll the up and down arrows to find the correct answer. Once
the correct answer is shown press Test Select.
ote:NIf the shorting plug is present the short delay time and ground fault
time can be calculated by the MTK 2000.
If the shorting plug is not present and the answer to this query is
“Yes”; both the Short Delay Time and Ground Time test will “Fail”
on the MTK2000.
If the shorting plug is not present and the answer to this query is
“No”; both the Short Delay Time and Ground Time test will be a
“Pass” on the MTK2000.
4.6 Self Calibrate
This should be done for every MAGNUM breaker
Press Start
Once the calibration is complete the MTK2000 will say “Calibration
Complete” press Test Select to Return.
4.7 Long Delay Setting
4.7.1 MDS 520 Digitrip Models
If any of the red LEDs are blinking press “Reset” on Digitrip.
Set the desired test value for the “Long Delay Setting” dial.
Set values for the “Short Delay Setting” dial to the maximum
Set values for the “Ground Setting” Dial to the maximum value.
Set for the “Instantaneous” dial to “OFF”.
While performing MTK2000 testing, please validate the LTM jumper
is in the “inactive” position. Reference Section 2.3 MTK2000
Breaker Cables.
4.7.2 MTK2000
“LONG DELAY TEST” should be shown on the screen if not press
Test Select until “LONG DELAY TEST” is on screen. Press Start.
The MTK2000 display is specifying that values need to be set, these
values were set in the Digitrip Instructions. Press Start.
Set “r” value on the MTK2000 display to match the Digitrip’s “Long
Delay Setting” dial by scrolling the up and down arrows.
Once value is set press Start on MTK2000, the test kit begins
to generate current. Begin to press the Up Arrow until the “Unit
Status” LED on the Digitrip begins to flash quickly. This should
occur at the Long Delay pickup current level. Once the pickup current value is found press the Start button. A message of “TEST
appear on the MTK2000 display. The current level is the Long Delay
Pickup Value, this is the value where the trip unit will Start timing
for Long Delay (overload protection).
ote:NIf the Start button is not pressed, the test times out after 40 seconds.
ote:NThe rate of the Status LED flashing will slow to normal when the cur-
rent is lowered below the pickup setting.
4.8 Long Delay Time
4.8.1 MDS 520 Digitrip Models
If any of the red LED’s are blinking press “Reset” on Digitrip.
Do not change the “Long Delay Setting” dial.
Set the desired test value for the “Long Delay Time @6xIr” dial.
4.8.2 MTK2000
After the “LONG DELAY TEST” pick up current is found press Test
Select on the MTK2000.
ote:NIf Test Select is hit more than once, the MTK will skip the next test
sequence. The only way to return to the time test is to redo the Long Delay
pick up current test.
The next value that needs to be set on the MTK2000 display is
“mult” the multiplier setting for the “Long Delay Time @6xIr”. (The
standard multiplier is 6 hence the statement “@6xIr”. If the multiplier
is changed lower than 6 the LD Time value goes up, if you raise the
multiplier higher the LD Time value goes down. When you leave the
multiplier as 6, the TR value and the LDT value stay the same.)
Press Test Select on MTK2000.
Set “Tr” value on the MTK2000 display to match the Digitrip’s “Long
Delay Time @6xIr” dial by scrolling the up and down arrows.
Once value is set press Start on MTK2000.
will appear on the MTK2000 display.
4.9 Short Delay Settings
4.9.1 MDS 520 Digitrip Models
If any of the red LEDs are blinking press “Reset” on Digitrip.
Do not change the “Long Delay Setting” dial.
Set value on the “Long Delay Time @6xIr” dial to the maximum
Set the desired test value for the “Short Delay Setting” dial.
Set value on the “Short Delay Time” dial to “.1” sec.
Set value on the “Instantaneous” dial to “OFF”.
Instructions for Testing Magnum DS
Digitrips with the MTK2000 Test Kit
Instruction Leaflet IL01906008E
Effective March 2011
4.9.2 MTK2000
Press Test Select until “SHORT DELAY TEST” name comes up.
Press Start.
The MTK2000 display is specifying that values need to be set, these
values were set in the Digitrip Instructions. Press Start.
Set the “s” value on the MTK2000 display to match the Digitrip’s
“Short Delay Setting” dial by scrolling the up and down arrows.
Once value is set press Start on MTK2000.
CURRENT FOUND –> FAILED” will appear on the MTK2000 display.
4.10 Short Delay Time Settings
4.10.1 MDS 520 Digitrip Models
If red light is blinking press “Reset” on Digitrip.
Set the desired test value for the “Short Delay Time” dial.
ote:NSince this MTK2000 does not support the I2t curves the maximum no
values are supported by the MTK2000 past .5.
4.10.2 MTK2000
After the “SHORT DELAY TEST” current is found press Test Select
until “SHORT DELAY (at 1.5xs)” comes up on the MTK2000 display.
ote:NIf Test Select is hit more than once, the MTK will skip the next test
sequence. The only way to return to the time test is to redo the Is Short
Delay pick-up current test.
Set the “Ts” value on the MTK2000 display to match the Digitrip’s
“Short Delay Time” dial by scrolling the up and down arrows.
Once value is set press Start on MTK2000.
FAILED” will appear on the MTK2000 display.
ote:NIf test is failing please reference Section 2.3 MTK2000 Breaker Cables
4.11 Ground Settings
4.11.1 MDS 520 Digitrip Models
If any of the red LEDs are blinking press “Reset” on Digitrip.
Set values for the “Short Delay Setting” dial to the maximum
Set the desired test value for the “Ground Setting” dial.
4.11.2 MTK2000
Press Test Select until “GROUND FAULT TEST” comes up on the
MTK2000. Press Start.
Set the “g” value on the MTK2000 display to match the Digitrip’s
“Ground Setting” dial by scrolling the up and down arrows.
Once value is set press Start on MTK2000.
ote:NThe “g” value must not go above 1200Amps, please keep this in mind
when rating plugs are above 1200Amps.
CURRENT FOUND –> FAILED” will appear on the MTK2000 display.
4.12 Ground Time Settings
4.12.1 MDS 520 Digitrip Models
If any of the red LEDs are blinking press “Reset” on Digitrip.
Set the desired test value for the “Ground Time” dial.
4.12.2 MTK2000
After the “GROUND FAULT TEST” current is found press Test Select
until “GF Delay” comes up on the MTK2000 display.
ote:NIf Test Select is hit more than once, the MTK will skip the next test
sequence. The only way to return to the time test is to redo the Ig Ground
current Pick-up test.
Set the “Tg” value on the MTK2000 display to match the Digitrip’s
“Ground Time” dial by scrolling the up and down arrows.
Once value is set press Start on MTK2000.
FAILED” will appear on the MTK2000 display.
ote:NIf test is failing please reference Section 2.3 MTK2000 Breaker Cables
4.13 Instantaneous Settings (If Applicable)
4.13.1 MDS 520 Digitrip Models
If red light is blinking press “Reset” on Digitrip.
Set value on the Long Delay dial to maximum.
Set value on the Long Delay Time dial to maximum.
Set value on the Short Delay Setting dial to M1.
Set value on the Short Delay Time dial to maximum.
Set the desired test value for the Instantaneous dial.
4.13.2 MTK2000
Press Test Select until “INSTANTANEOUS TEST” comes up on the
MTK2000. Press Start.
The MTK2000 display is specifying that values need to be set, these
values were set in the Digitrip Instructions. Press Start.
Set the “i” value on the MTK2000 display to match the Digitrip’s
“Instantaneous” settings by scrolling the up and down arrows.
Once value is set press Start on MTK2000.
CURRENT FOUND –> FAILED” will appear on the MTK2000 display.
4.14 Instantaneous Time Settings
4.14.1 MDS 520 Digitrip Models
If any of the red LEDs are blinking on Digitrip press Reset.
4.14.2 MTK2000
After the “INSTANTANEOUS TEST” current is found press Test
Select until “INSTANT MAX TIME” comes up on the MTK2000 dis-
ote:NIf Test Select is hit more than once, the MTK will skip the next test
sequence. The only way to return to the time test is to redo the Ii current
Press Start and the MTK2000 will return the Instantaneous trip
FAILED” will appear on the MTK2000 display.
ote:NIf test is failing please reference Section 2.3 MTK2000 Breaker Cables.
Instruction Leaflet IL01906008E
Effective March 2011
Instructions for Testing Magnum DS
Digitrips with the MTK2000 Test Kit
4.15 Maintenance Mode Setting
4.15.1 MDS520 Digitrip Models
If any of the red LEDs are blinking press “Reset” on Digitrip.
Set Maintenance Mode dial “On”
Set R value on the dial below the Maintenance Mode “On” Dial.
Set value on the Long Delay dial to maximum.
Set value on the Long Delay Time dial to maximum.
Set value on the Short Delay Setting dial to maximum.
4.15.2 MTK2000
Press Test Select until “MAINTENANCE MODE TEST” comes up on
the MTK2000. Press Start.
The MTK2000 display is specifying that values need to be set, these
values were set in the Digitrip Instructions. Press Start.
Set the “R” value on the MTK2000 display to match the Digitrip’s
Maintenance Mode R values by scrolling the up and down arrows.
ote:NIf you are not sure which R value is needed the next menu will allow
the multiplier value to be set.
Press Test Select for “MMODE TRIP SET” menu, the “mm” value
can be adjusted up or down to give you the R value desired for testing.
Once value is set press Start on MTK2000.
CURRENT FOUND –> FAILED” will appear on the MTK2000 display.
4.16 Maintenance Mode Time Settings
4.16.1 MDS 520 Digitrip Models
If any of the red LEDs are blinking on Digitrip press Reset.
4.16.2 MTK2000
After the “MAINTENANCE MODE” current is found press Test
Select until “MMODE MAX TIME” comes up on the MTK2000 dis-
ote:NIf Test Select is hit more than twice, the MTK will skip the next test
sequence. The only way to return to the time test is to redo the Im current
Press Start and the MTK2000 will return the Maintenance Mode trip
FAILED” will appear on the MTK2000 display.
If test is failing please reference Section 2.3 MTK2000 Breaker
Section 5: Testing the 1150 Digitrip Models
5.1 Legend for MTK2000 testing with 1150 Digitrips
g= entered ground value setting
i(A)= the entered instantaneous value setting
l(A)= the output current value for the MTK2000 tested
mm= limit for Maintenance mode reduction levels
mult= multiplying factor
MMODE= Maintenance Mode
n= Rating Plug Value
r= Long PU
R= the actual time the Digitrip tripped during the test
T= is the entered time value the MTK2000 started a time test at
5.2 Entering Breaker Name
The MTK2000 is capable of storing test results as each test is performed. For this reason, it is important to label the breakers subject
to test in the MTK2000 memory. When prompted for breaker name
on the display screen press Start then use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow to change the character and Start button to advance to the
next character. The Cancel button can be pressed to move to the
previous field. The Phase Select button, when pressed, performs
the delete function. Once the entry is complete, press the Test Select button to proceed.
It is important to press the Cancel button twice to return to the
Home Screen after performing all tests on one breaker before proceeding to the next breaker so that a new breaker name can be
x g
(A)= ln x i
(A)= lr x m
(A)= lr x mult
= rated plug value (must match sensor rating, I
= (A) ln x r
(A)= lr x s
= entered time value for the “GROUND TIME”
= entered time value for the “LongTIME”
= entered time value for the “SHORT TIME”
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