Eaton mMINT Documentation For Installation And Use

Instructional Leaet IL66A7508H09
Effective October 2016 Supersedes July 2009
Description Page
List of figures ............................2
List of tables .............................2
Section 1: General description ...............2
Section 2: Features ........................3
Section 3: Installation ......................3
Module mounting ........................3
Simplified wiring rules ....................3
Section 4: mMINT module connections ........3
Power connections .......................3
INCOM connections .....................4
Modbus connections .....................4
Section 5: Switches and indicator LEDs ........4
Modbus RS-485 network Rx LED (green) .....4
Modbus RS-485 network Tx LED (green) .....4
INCOM network Rx LED (green) ............4
INCOM network Tx LED (green) ............4
Status LED (green) .......................4
INCOM 100 ohms termination DIP
switch (SW1) ...........................4
Modbus RS-485 baud rate DIP switch (SW2) ..4
Unique mMINT address (SW2) .............5
Modbus 121 ohm termination DIP
switch (SW3) ...........................5
Section 6: Network communication protocols ...5
Overview ..............................5
Function codes ..........................5
Block of registers ........................5
Register access configurations .............5
INCOM routing address configurations .......6
Command/data pass-through ...............6
Control of INCOM product .................6
Energy format ..........................7
Supported diagnostic sub-functions ..........8
Exception codes .........................8
Section 7: Troubleshooting ..................9
Appendix A ..............................9
Instructional Leaet IL66A7508H09
Effective October 2016
mMINT—Modbus translator module—
installation and use
List of gures
Description Page
Figure 1. The mMINT module ..............................2
Figure 2. mMINT in a communications network ................2
Figure 3. Connections ....................................3
Figure 4. Indicators ......................................4
Figure 5. Switches .......................................4
Figure 6. Pass-through to INCOM product query data format .....6
Figure 7. Pass-through to INCOM product response data format ...7
Figure 8. Control to INCOM product data format ...............7
Figure 9. 4-register energy data format ......................8
List of tables
Description Page
Table 1. Power connector pin outs ..........................3
Table 2. INCOM connector pin outs .........................4
Table 3. Modbus RS-485 connector pin outs ..................4
Table 4. RS-485 baud rate switches (normal) ..................5
Table 5. RS-485 baud rate switches (diagnostics) ..............5
Table 6. Diagnostic sub-function numbers ....................8
Table 7. Troubleshooting guide .............................9
Table 8. Modbus register map (in register number order) .......10
Table 9. Modbus register map (in functional order) ............14
Table 10. Primary status code definitions ....................17
Table 11. Secondar y status code definitions .................. 17
Table 12. Cause-of-status code definitions ...................17
Table 13. Control ‘Slave Action Number’ definitions ...........18
Table 14. mMINT configuration registers ....................19
Section 1: General description
The mMINT (ModbusT Master INCOM network translator) module, as seen in Figure 1, is an Eaton accessory product that will provide communication between a Modbus RTU network and an INCOME (INdustrial COMmunications) network (see Figure 2). This module is transparent to the Modbus network. It communicates to a master on the Modbus network using the Modbus RTU (remote terminal unit) protocol. It communicates to slave devices on the INCOM network using the PowerNet protocol. The catalog number of this product is MMINT.
Figure 1. The mMINT module
Modbus RTU serial network
INCOM network
Figure 2. mMINT in a communications network
Modbus master
INCOM slaves
mMINT—Modbus translator module— installation and use
Section 2: Features
The mMINT module is a slave device on the Modbus network and as such requires a master that will exchange register objects with the mMINT module.
Handles generic pass-through commands (Modbus/INCOM/Modbus)
Capable of passing Modbus register objects from Eaton’s existing products and newer Plug-n-Play products to a Modbus RTU master
Data in IEEET Floating Point format and fixed point.
Modbus RTU communications data transfer rates of 1200, 9600, or 19200 baud with one start bit, eight data bits, no parity, and either one or two stop bits
Up to 32 products connected to INCOM network port (246 unique addresses maximum)
Flashing Status LED to indicate an active module
LED indicators for INCOM transmit and receive communications exchanges
LED indicators for Modbus RS-485 transmit and receive communications exchanges
Input power for the module from either 120 Vac or 24 to 125 Vdc
DIN rail mount package
0 °C to 60 °C ambient operation
Section 3: Installation
The mMINT module is designed to be installed, operated, and maintained by adequately trained personnel. These instructions do not cover all of the details or variations of the equipment for its storage, delivery, installation, checkout, safe operation, or maintenance.
Instructional Leaet IL66A7508H09
Effective October 2016
Make sure that there is twisted-pair wire that is recommended for PowerNet network use. Use shielded twisted-pair wire to connect each slave to the INCOM network, daisy-chain style. The polarity
of the twisted pair is not important.
Modbus RS-485 network
The following simplified rules apply to a given system consisting of a cable link between master and slave devices (see Figure 2). For more complex configurations, please refer to standard Modbus RTU wiring specification rules for the RS-485 network.
The recommended Modbus cable has twisted-pair wires (24 AWG stranded 7x32 conductors with PVC insulation) having an aluminum/mylar foil shield with drain wire
The maximum system capacity is 4000 feet of communications cable and 247 devices on the Modbus RTU network
Make sure that there is twisted-pair wire that is recommended for Modbus RTU network use. Use shielded twisted-pair wire to connect each slave to the Modbus RTU network, daisy-chain style. The polarity of the twisted pair is critically important.
Section 4: mMINT module connections
Refer to Figure 3 and the following three pin out tables for installation specifics.
Power connections
Power connector: Module power uses a 5-pin input connector (see Figure 3). Power requirements are 120 Vac, 60 Hz or 24–125 Vdc. Refer to Table 1.
Table 1. Power connector pin outs
Pin number Input power
1 Chassis ground 2 and 3 Vac neutral/Vdc common 4 and 5 Vac line/24 –125 Vdc+
If you have any questions or need further information or instructions, please contact your local Eaton representative or the Customer Support Center at 877-ETN-CARE (877-386-2273).
Module mounting
When mounting the mMINT, verify that an 11H x 28W mm DIN rail is used and that it is within an enclosed space.
Simplified wiring rules
INCOM network
The following simplified rules apply to a given system consisting of a single daisy-chained main cable link between master and slave devices (see Figure 2). For more complex considerations, including star configurations, please refer to the wiring specification T.D. 17513.
Recommended INCOM cable styles are Belden 9463 or C-H style 2A957805G01
The maximum system capacity is 10,000 feet of communications cable and 32 slave devices on the INCOM network under the mMINT
Non-terminated taps, up to 200 feet in length, off the main link are permitted, but add to the total cable length
Figure 3. Connections
24–125 Vdc
120 Vac
Shield INCOM
Instructional Leaet IL66A7508H09
Effective October 2016
mMINT—Modbus translator module—
installation and use
INCOM connections
INCOM connector: This 3-pin connector provides the interface to the INCOM network. Refer to Table 2.
Table 2. INCOM connector pin outs
Pin number Input/output signal
1 INCOM carrier network 2 INCOM carrier network 3 Shield
Connect shield wire to ground at master device end only. Interconnect shielding where devices are daisy chained.
Modbus connections
Modbus RS-485 Connector: This 4-pin connector provides the
interface to the Modbus RTU network. The polarity is “critically” important. Refer to Table 3.
Table 3. Modbus RS-485 connector pin outs
Pin number Input/output signal
1 RS-485 Network-A (non-inverting) 2 RS-4 85 Net work-B (inverting) 3 Common 4 Shield
RS-485 Network-A is the non-inverting differential connection for the Modbus RTU network. RS-485 Network-B is the inverting differential connection for the Modbus RTU network.
Section 5: Switches and indicator LEDs
Refer to Figure 4 to locate the Status LED for the mMINT module. Figure 5 shows the location of the configuration switches.
Figure 5. Switches
Modbus RS-485 network Rx LED (green)
The LED will be lighted whenever the module is receiving from the Modbus RTU network.
Modbus RS-485 network Tx LED (green)
The LED will be lighted whenever the module is transmitting on the Modbus RTU network.
INCOM network Rx LED (green)
The LED will be lighted whenever the module is receiving from the INCOM network.
Figure 4. Indicators
INCOM network Tx LED (green)
The LED will be lighted whenever the module is transmitting on the INCOM network.
Status LED (green)
This indicator will be flashing whenever the module is powered up and the microcontroller is executing instructions. The flashing rate is approximately 1 second ON / 1 second OFF. However, detection of a communications error on either the Modbus or INCOM network will result in an increased flashing rate approximately 1/2 second ON / 1/2 second OFF. The rate will return to normal when the network’s diagnostic reset subfunction (clear UART or slave counters, respectively) is processed by the mMINT. See Section 6 and Table 6.
INCOM 100 ohms termination DIP switch (SW1)
This switch should be moved to the ON position only when it is the last unit in a chain of units or if it is a single unit.
Modbus RS-485 baud rate DIP switch (SW2)
To configure the data transfer rate for the Modbus RTU network, three switches in DIP switch SW2 should be moved to either the CLOSE or the OPEN position based on the rate required. Refer to Table 4. SW2-1 is for mMINT diagnostics.
mMINT—Modbus translator module— installation and use
Instructional Leaet IL66A7508H09
Effective October 2016
Table 4. RS-485 baud rate switches (normal)
Baud SW 2-1 SW2-2 SW2-3
Unique mMINT address (SW2)
The mMINT can be assigned address 247 and 248. For the mMINT to respond to a diagnostic query related to address 247 or 248 on the Modbus network, move DIP switch SW2-1 to the OPEN position. Refer to Table 5. Normally, this switch is in the CLOSE position.
Table 5. RS-485 baud rate switches (diagnostics)
Baud SW 2-1 SW2-2 SW2-3
Addr. 247 or 248 OPEN X X Normal CLOSE X X
Modbus 121 ohm termination DIP switch (SW3)
This switch should be moved to the ON position only when it is the last unit in a chain of units or if it is a single unit.
Section 6: Network communication protocols
The lower INCOM communication network for the mMINT is based on a master-slave protocol. The mMINT is a master on the INCOM network.
In order to satisfy the mMINT communications needs, please see Reference Materials:
IL17384—Part A: INCOM Communications Standard, Eaton. Specific product profiles are located in the other Part sections., then search on 17384.
“Modicon Modbus Protocol”
The contents of Modbus registers are INCOM product objects
—phase A current). The mMINT ensures that unique objects
(e.g., I
reside in identical registers independent of INCOM product. Consequently, for all INCOM products there is a single register map of objects. See Table 8 or Table 9.
INCOM objects occupy two registers except for certain energy— real and reactive—objects. These energy objects occupy four registers. The mMINT can support a maximum of 122 registers within a single Modbus transaction.
The mMINT is transparent to the Modbus master and responds to every address of INCOM products attached to it. In its default configured state, INCOM product addresses are Modbus network addresses. The mMINT can be configured to route the Modbus address to a different INCOM product address or an INCOM sub-network product address. See Section 6.
An upgrade has been incorporated to allow the mMINT to communicate with Modbus masters that can only access to register 9999. Registers previously assigned above 9999 have been assigned dual access, both at the original register (to provide compatibility) and at a new register assignment below 9999. The format is given as low/high register numbers followed by
/high16 Modbus register addresses), for example:
4xxxx/4yyyyy (XXXX+1
Only the RTU communications mode is recognized by the mMINT.
/YYYY+116). See Table 14.
Function codes
The mMINT responds to a limited number of Modbus function codes. These are function codes 03, 04, 08, and 16 (10
Block of registers
A block of registers (from the register column of Table 8 or Table 9) can be established for each INCOM product attached to a mMINT.
Function code 16 (10 the block of registers. The block assignments are stored beginning at register 41001/420481 (03E8 address is assigned within the block of registers. For example, although object I
), only register address (120216) is loaded into the block
of assignment registers. Verification of this block of assignment
) is used to load the object assignments for
/500016).Only the first object register
occupies registers 404611 (120216) and 404612
registers can be read from the mMINT by a read function code 03 or 04 from these 41001/420481 (03E8
/500016) registers.
Data pertaining to the objects configured in the block of assignment registers is mapped into registers starting at 41201/420737
/510016) and continuing in successive order for each object
assigned. The number of objects and their placement order in this data block of registers is dependent on the configuration of the block of assignment registers. The total number of data block of registers is limited to 100.
ote:N An object can occupy one, two, or four registers.
The data can be obtained from the data block of registers by a read function code 03 or 04. The address of the starting object must be aligned with a starting address of an object within the data block of registers. The number of registers to obtain must align with an ending address of an object within the data block of registers.
Register access configurations
Non-volatile register 42001/425345 (07D016/630016) is used to configure the mMINT to respond to a group of data objects, of which some objects are invalid within that group. When non-zero (factory default value), any attempt to access a group of data objects that contain an invalid object will result in an illegal data object exception code 02. See Section 6.
When register 42001/425345 (07D0 the mMINT will respond to a group of objects with data contained in
/630016) is set to zero, however,
the valid objects of the group along with an illegal value, if available else 0000
Non-volatile register 42002/425346 (07D1 configure 32-bit IEEE floating point word order. When non-zero
, data contained in the invalid objects.
/630116) is used to
(factory default), the floating point low order word is first in the Modbus register space.
When register 42002/425346 (07D1 the floating point high order word is first in the Modbus register
/630116) is set to zero, however,
Non-volatile register 42002/425347 (07D1 configure 32-bit fixed point and 64-bit energy word order. When
/630216) is used to
non-zero (factory default), the fixed point and energy low order word is first in the Modbus register space.
When register 42003/425347 (07D2 the fixed point and energy high order word is first in the Modbus
/630216) is set to zero, however,
register space.
Registers not containing a 32-bit or 64-bit format, such as Status and Product ID objects, pass through registers, INCOM control registers, and INCOM routing address configuration registers, are not effected by the word order configuration registers.
Configuring any or all registers 42001/425345 through 42003/425347
/630016 through 07D216/630216) is accomplished using a write
function code 16 (10
ote:N mMINT SW2-1 must be properly set. See Section 5 and Table 5.
) to mMINT diagnostic address 247 or 248.
Instructional Leaet IL66A7508H09
Effective October 2016
INCOM routing address configurations
Non-volatile registers 42101 (083416) through 42592 (0A1F16) are used to configure the 246 Modbus-to-INCOM Routing Address registers. Two consecutive INCOM routing registers correspond to each Modbus address. The first register provides routing to an INCOM main network address while the second (first+1) register provides routing to an INCOM sub-network address. Registers 42101 and 42102 correspond to Modbus address 1, registers 42103 and 42104 correspond to Modbus address 2, etc.
Valid INCOM addresses range from 0001 INCOM addresses are 0000 invalid (default) setting in the INCOM main network address register
or Yxxx16, where Y is non-zero. Any
will cause the mMINT to access the INCOM product with the Modbus network address. A valid INCOM main network address register with an invalid INCOM sub-network address register will route the Modbus network address to the INCOM product at the configured main network address. Both a valid INCOM main network address register and INCOM sub-network address register will route the Modbus network address to an INCOM product at the configured sub-network address accessed through a sub-network master addressed at the INCOM main network address.
All INCOM Routing Address Configuration registers can be reset to their default state using the Diagnostics function code 08, sub-function 30 (1E
). See Section 6 and Table 6.
Command/data pass-through
A feature of the mMINT is its capability to pass INCOM commands/ data directly through to any of 32 attached INCOM products. Thus, with access to IL 17384, Parts A through F, every INCOM product object and capability is available to the Modbus master.
When passing a command or data through to an INCOM product, the mMINT acts as a dumb slave. Without modification, it passes the command or data through to the INCOM product.
In the event the product responds, the mMINT saves the response until the Modbus master queries for that response. The response data remains in the mMINT until another pass-through command is issued to an attached product or a mMINT power cycle occurs. The mMINT makes no modification to or interpretation of the product response data.
The Modbus master writes the INCOM product command/data using function code 16 (10
) beginning at register 42601/424577
The data format for passing information through the mMINT to an INCOM product is given in Figure 8.
The Modbus master reads the INCOM product response to a pass-through query using either function code 03 or 04 beginning at register 42701/424833 (0A8C
The number of points (registers) of the read query is 2*nn— where nn is the number of INCOM messages in the response.
The format of the data acquired by the mMINT from the pass­through INCOM product query’s response is given in Figure 7.
ote:N Each INCOM response message contains a status byte that indicates
its validity.
through 0FFF16. Invalid
mMINT—Modbus translator module—
installation and use
Register 42601/424577 (0A2816/600016)
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
nn = Number of Response Msgs from INCOM Product
0 = Reserved
0 = Data Msg/1 = Control Msg
INCOM Msg Control Byte
INCOM Msg Byte 0
Register 42602/424578 (0A29
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
INCOM Msg Byte 2
Figure 6. Pass-through to INCOM product query data format
Control of INCOM product
Since a control error could result in unwanted actions initiated by an INCOM device, the mMINT requires a specific protocol by the Modbus master in order to perform control related functions within the INCOM product.
A set of registers is reserved for the control protocol. They begin at register 42901/425089 (0B54 42903/425091 (0B56 with a ‘slave action number’ and its 1’s complement using function code 16 (10 product dependent, are listed in Table 13. The format of the data
). The current ‘slave action numbers’, their support being
/620216). These three registers are written
is shown in Figure 8. These three registers, and only these three registers, must be written in one Modbus transaction.
If the ‘slave action number’ and its 1’s complement are valid, the mMINT issues the ‘slave action’ control command onto the INCOM network. If the slave action request is successfully acknowledged by the INCOM product, the mMINT returns a normal function code
) response to the Modbus master. The Modbus master may
16 (10
further determine if the INCOM product completed the slave action function successfully by interrogating the product, for example, by reading its status.
If the INCOM product does not acknowledge the slave action request, the mMINT returns an exception code 04. If the ‘slave action number’ and its 1’s complement are invalid, the mMINT responds to the Modbus master with a data value illegal exception code 03. See Section 6.
INCOM Msg Byte 1
/620016) and extend through
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