Eaton AMPGARD Installation, Operation And Maintenance Instructions

Effective September 2012
Instructions for installation, operation, and maintenance of the AMPGARD 15 kV, 300A vacuum starter
Description Page
Introduction ..............................2
Identification .............................2
Description ..............................2
Controller ..............................2
Ratings ................................3
Low voltage components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Isolation switch .........................4
Power fuses ............................5
Vacuum contactor .......................6
Safety interlocks .........................6
Low voltage control ......................7
Current transformers .....................7
Main bus ..............................8
Installation. ..............................8
Handling ...............................8
Storage ................................8
Mounting ..............................8
Bus splicing ............................8
Power connections .......................8
Motor load cable termination ...............9
Control connections ......................9
Setting of adjustable protective devices .....10
Pre-startup checks. .......................10
Maintenance. ............................12
Insulation level .........................12
Fuses ................................12
Contactor .............................12
Isolation switch ........................13
Door interlock ..........................15
Instruction Booklet IB48050
Effective September 2012
Instructions for installation,
operation, and maintenance of the
AMPGARD 15 kV, 300A vacuum starter
m Danger
reaD anD unDerstanD this manual in its entirety before installing or operating controller. installation, aDjustment, repair anD maintenance of these controllers must be performeD by qualifieD personnel. a qualifieD person is one who is familiar with the construction anD operation of this equipment anD the hazarDs involveD.
This instruction book is intended to cover the handling, installation, operation, and maintenance of AMPGARDT 300A, 15 kV starters and associated equipment. The function of these controllers is to start, stop, and protect medium voltage motors, transformers, and other loads. Controllers may be of full voltage, reduced voltage reactor, reduced voltage autotransformer, or two-speed type. They may control induction or synchronous machines, and may be non-reversing or reversing.
While this instruction book is dedicated primarily to full-voltage starting, the other applications listed are an expansion of the principles identified in this book. This book does not purport to cover all possible contingencies, variations, and details that may arise during operation or maintenance of this equipment.
If further information is desired regarding this product, contact your local Eaton sales office.
A rating nameplate is located on the door of each controller. Contained on this nameplate are the controller type and ratings as required by industry standards. Also contained on this nameplate is the factory’s general order number. This number should be given to the Eaton sales office if a question should arise concerning the equipment or if renewal parts are required. Refer to Figure 2 for typical location of rating nameplates.
Figure 1. 15 kV Starter with Incoming Cable Section
Figure 2. Starter with Rating Nameplate
m Danger
exceeDing the nameplate ratings of an ampgarD controller may cause equipment Damage, severe injury, or Death.
Do not apply an AMPGARD controller beyond its nameplate ratings.
The AMPGARD 300A, 15 kV controller consists of a non-loadbreak isolation switch, medium voltage current limiting fuses, one or more Type SL 15 kV vacuum-break contactors, a set of current transformers, plus control and protection devices. The isolating switch has a limited make and break rating, suitable only for closing and opening limited transformer magnetizing currents. The controller is designed to start, stop, and protect a three-phase medium voltage motor within the ratings shown in Table 1 and Table 2. The controller may also be used to switch transformer windings as shown. For applications other than those indicated, consult the factory. Each AMPGARD controller occupies all or a portion of a steel structure that may also enclose a horizontal bus system to distribute power to two or more sections and a vertical bus system to connect individual starters to the horizontal bus. The controllers are configured for full-voltage or reduced voltage starting, reversing or non-reversing, in single-speed or two-speed applications.
Instructions for installation, operation, and maintenance of the
Instruction Booklet IB48050
Effective September 2012
AMPGARD 15 kV, 300A vacuum starter
Table 1. Starter Ratings
Utilization Voltage Rating
Interrupting rating E1 (unfused) 5 kA 5 kA
E2 (fused) 950 MVA at 11,000V 1190 MVA at 13,800V
E2 (fused) 63 kA 63 kA Continuous current 300A 300A Induction motor 6000 hp 7500 hp Synchronous motor (0.8 PF) 6000 hp 7500 hp Synchronous motor (1.0 PF) 6750 hp 8500 hp Transformer 5400 kVA at 11 kV 6800 kVA at 13.8 kV BIL 75 kV 95 kV (with arrestors)
Table 2. SL Contactor Ratings
Description Rating
Maximum voltage 15,000V Maximum interrupting current
(three operations) Rated current 300A enclosed/300A open IEC make-break capability
AC3—Make AC3—Break
Short time current
30 seconds 1 second
8.75 milliseconds Mechanical life 1 million operations Electrical life 100,000 operations Dielectric strength (60 Hz) 36 kV (1 minute) Closing time 80 milliseconds Opening time 130 to 330 milliseconds (selectable) Weight 95 lbs (43 kg) Arcing time 12 milliseconds (3/4 cycle) or less Pickup voltage 80% rated coil voltage
3200A 2560A
1920A 4800A 25 kA peak
10,000 to 11,000V 12,400 to 13,800V
Description Rating
Dropout voltage 60% rated coil voltage Control voltages
Control circuit burden (rated volt)
Closing Holding
Auxiliary contact ratings
Voltage (maximum) Continuous current Making capacity (AC) Making capacity (DC) Breaking capacity (AC) Breaking capacity (DC)
Latch (when specified)
Mechanical life Trip voltages (DC) Trip voltages (AC) Tripping voltage Tripping burden
24 Vdc 48 and 96 Vdc 110 and 220 Vac
110/120/220/240V (50/60 Hz) 125V
2600 VA 80 VA
600V 10A 7200 VA 200 VA 720 VA 200 VA
250,000 operations 24/48/96V 110/220V (50/60 Hz) 80% rated coil voltage
1200 VA 400 VA 500 VA
Ratings are based on full voltage starting of standard motors with locked rotor current equal to 6-times full load current and an acceleration time of 10 seconds. The starter may be supplied with a definite purpose rating of up to 300A depending on the type of starting (reduced voltage autotransformer for example), locked rotor current, and acceleration time. Consult the factory for more information.
Starters are supplied with bolt-in main fuses. Contactors have stab-in connections to the starter cell.
The flow of current through a starter with bolted fuses and a stab-in contactor can be described as follows: The line finger assembly mounted at the back of the enclosure serves to connect the isolation switch moving stabs to the controller line terminals when the switch is closed. Power flows from the switch moving stabs through two flexible shunts to the upper fuse mountings.
The fuses are connected to the lower fuse mountings that contain the line-side stab connections to the line finger assemblies for the main contactor. With the main contactor energized, power flows through the contactor’s vacuum interrupters to the contactor load fingers, which are engaged on to the controller load-side stabs. Medium voltage cables connect the load-side stabs to the motor load connections. The contactor is held in place by a set of rails mounted in the lower part of the cell. For full-voltage starters, the motor load connections are mounted to the left of the main fuses in the rear of the compartment, facing forward. For reduced voltage starters, the motor load connections are mounted in the left rear of the reduced voltage structure. Current transformers are typically mounted just below the motor load connections.
Instruction Booklet IB48050
Effective September 2012
Instructions for installation,
operation, and maintenance of the
AMPGARD 15 kV, 300A vacuum starter
Isolation Switch
Main Fuses
Isolation Switch Operating Handle
Main Contactor
Figure 4. Low Voltage Compartment
CPT/PT Primary Fuses
Figure 3. Medium Voltage Compartment
m caution
main fuses weigh 44 pounDs for the 400a-15bhcls-400.
Low voltage components
The low voltage components consisting of a protective relay, interposing relay, test power circuit, terminal blocks, and optional equipment are mounted in the low voltage control compartment located on the front of the controller medium voltage door. The low voltage compartment is fabricated from steel sheets to provide isolation from the medium voltage components mounted behind the low voltage compartment. A window is provided in the low voltage compartment to allow the user to view the position of the isolation switch before entering the medium voltage compartment. See section on Isolation Switch for further details.
Isolation switch
The controller isolation switch is a non-loadbreak device. Mechanical and electrical interlocks are provided to ensure that the main contactor is de-energized before the switch can be operated. In the open position, the switch isolates medium voltage from the main controller compartment, allowing access to the controller for inspection and maintenance. For standard applications, the isolation switch includes ground fingers that ground the line side of the power fuses when the switch is in the open position.
m Danger
ampgarD controllers are sometimes energizeD by a back-feD conDition that allows the meDium voltage compartment to be energizeD with the isolation switch in the open position. stuDy the plant single-line Diagrams to make certain that no back-feeD situation exists before entering the meDium voltage compartment.
all power sources must be isolateD anD lockeD out before servicing the equipment.
for applications where the controller is back feD, the grounDing fingers shoulD be removeD from the isolation switch.
The switch consists of a fixed rear portion and a removable front portion. Refer to Figure 6 and Figure 7. The fixed portion includes the controller line fingers and a moveable shutter that isolates the line fingers when the switch is in the open position. The removable portion is operated by a handle mechanism that extends through the controller medium voltage door. With the handle in the up position, the switch is closed, and medium voltage is available for connection to the controller load. With the handle in the down position, the switch is open, and medium voltage is isolated from the controller and the controller load.
Instructions for installation, operation, and maintenance of the AMPGARD 15 kV, 300A vacuum starter
An isolation switch viewing window is provided in the upper rear corner of the low voltage control compartment. After opening the isolation switch and before opening the medium voltage door, the switch should be visually examined through the viewing window to verify that it is in the open position. Three green and white “barber poles” will be visible when the switch is in the open position and the shutter assembly is in the isolating position. See Figure 5 for location of barber poles. The use of a flashlight will help in verifying the position of the “barber poles”.
Instruction Booklet IB48050
Effective September 2012
Figure 7. Removable Portion—Isolation Switch
Power fuses
AMPGARD controllers are supplied with Eaton Type BHCLS current limiting power fuses. Fuses are of the bolt-in type. All fuses include an indicator that pops up when the fuse has blown.
Grounding Fingers (3)
Figure 5. Shutter Closed
Barber Poles Indicating Shutter Closed
m Danger
Do not enter the meDium voltage starter compartment without visually verifying that the isolation switch is open anD the isolating shutter is in place. entering a compartment without the isolating shutter in place may result in severe injury or Death.
Figure 8. Blown Fuse Indicator
Figure 6. Fixed Portion—Isolation Switch
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