East West Sounds QUANTUM LEAP STORMDRUM 2 User Guide

Quantum Leap Stormdrum 2
Virtual Instrument
Users’ Manual
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not rep­resent a commitment on the part of East West Sounds, Inc. The software and sounds described in this document are subject to License Agreements and may not be copied to other media. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or otherwise transmitted or recorded, for any purpose, without prior written permission by East West Sounds, Inc. All product and company names are ™ or ® trademarks of their respective owners.
© East West Sounds, Inc., 2007. All rights reserved.
East West Sounds, Inc. 6000 Sunset Blvd. Hollywood, CA 90028 USA
1-323-957-6969 voice
1-323-957-6966 fax
For questions about licensing of products: licensing@eastwestsounds.com
For more general information about products: info@eastwestsounds.com

1. Welcome

2 About EastWest 3 Producer: Nick Phoenix 4 Credits 5 How to Use This and the Other Manuals 6 Online Documentation and Other Resources
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About EastWest

EastWest (www.soundsonline.com) has been dedicated to perpetual innovation and un­compromising quality, setting the industry standard as the most critically acclaimed producer of Sample CDs and Virtual (software) Instruments.
Founder and producer Doug Rogers has over 30 years experience in the audio industry and is the recipient of many recording industry awards including “Recording Engineer of the Year.” In 2005, “The Art of Digital Music” named him one of “56 Visionary Artists & Insiders” in the book of the same name. In 1988, he founded EastWest, the most criti­cally acclaimed sound developer in the world, and recipient of over 50 industry awards, more than any other sound developer. His uncompromising approach to quality, and in­novative ideas have enabled EastWest to lead the sound-ware business for 20 years.
In 1997 Rogers partnered with producer/composer Nick Phoenix and set up Quantum Leap, a wholly owned division of EastWest, to produce high-quality, no-compromise sam­ple libraries and virtual instruments. Quantum Leap virtual instruments are mostly pro­duced by Nick Phoenix. Some of the larger productions, such as Symphonic Orchestra, Symphonic Choirs and Quantum Leap Pianos are co-produced by Doug Rogers and Nick Phoenix. As a composer, Phoenix began scoring film trailers and television commercials in 1994. To date, he has either scored or licensed music for the ad campaigns of over 1000 major motion pictures including Tomb Raider 2, Terminator 3, Lord of the Rings Return of the King, Harry Potter 2, Star Wars Episode 2, Spiderman 3, Pirates of the Caribbean 3, Blood Diamond, Night at the Museum, and The Da Vinci Code. Quantum Leap has now firmly established itself as one of the world’s top producers of high-end sample libraries and virtual instruments.
In 2006, EastWest purchased the legendary Cello Studios (formerly United Western Re­corders) on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood, re-naming it EastWest Studios. The 21,000 sq. ft. facility, since remodelled by master designer Philippe Starck, houses five record­ing studios and is the world headquarters for EastWest.
2Chapter 1: Welcome

Producer: Nick Phoenix

Nick began scoring film trailers and television commercials in 1994. To date, he has either scored or licensed music for the ad campaigns of over 1000 major motion pic­tures. “Rendition,” “Spider-Man 3,” “Golden Compass.” “The Assassination of Jesse
James,” “Pirates of the Caribbean 3,” “Babel,” “Hitman,” “I Am Legend,” “300,” “No
Country For Old Men,” “Harry Potter 5,” “The Brave One,” “Wall-E,” “Blood Diamond,”
“Speed Racer,” and “Night at the Museum” are a few recent examples. Nick and Thomas
Ber gersen founded the ultimate trailer music company “Two Steps From Hell” in 2006. www.twostepsfromhell.com.
Nick has also scored numerous TV shows for NBC, CBS, Showtime, and Fox. “In Pot We
Trust,” a Showtime original film, is playing in the fall of 2007.
The journey as a composer has also inspired Nick to record and program his own sounds
and samples. Nick founded Quantum Leap Productions in 1997 and Quantum Leap has since grown to be the world’s top producer of high-end virtual instruments. A 10-year partnership with Doug Rogers and East West has yielded countless award winning soft­ware titles such as Stormdrum, Symphonic Orchestra, Symphonic Choirs, RA, Voices of Passion, Ministry of Rock, Gypsy, QL Pianos, VOTA, QL Brass, QL Guitar and Bass, Hardcore Bass, Goliath, and Colossus.
Nick’s studio is located in Venice, California, and is 100% solar powered.
3Chapter 1: Welcome


Nick Phoenix
Executive Producer
Doug Rogers
Nick Phoenix, Rhys Moody
Editing and Programming
Justin Harris, Mike Dimatteo, Pierre Martin, Nick Phoenix, Troels Follman
Additional Recordings
Troels Follman
Art Direction
Steven Gilmore, Thomas Merkle, Doug Rogers, Nick Phoenix
Klaus Voltmer, Patrick Stinson, Stefan Kersten, Klaus Lebkücher,
Thomas Merkle, Sam Fischmann, David Miller, Stefan Podell, David Kendall,
Doug Rogers, Nick Phoenix, Nick Cardinal, Stefan Leiste, Rhys Moody,
Jonathan Kranz, Jason Coffman
MIDI Performances
Nick Phoenix
Additional MIDI Performances
Troels Follman
4Chapter 1: Welcome
John Philpit

How to Use This and the Other Manuals

All documentation for the EastWest PLAY Advanced Sample System and its libraries is
provided as a collection of Adobe Acrobat files, also called PDFs. They can be viewed on the computer screen or printed to paper.
Each time you install one of the PLAY System libraries, two manuals are copied to the file system on your computer:
The manual that describes the whole PLAY System. The largest of the manuals, it •
addresses how to install and use all aspects of the software that are common to all libraries.
The library-specific manual, such as the one you are currently reading. This smaller •
document describes aspects that differ from one library to the next, such as the list of included instruments and articulations.
Using the Adobe Acrobat Features
By opening the Bookmarks pane along the left edge of the Adobe Acrobat Reader, the user can jump directly to a topic from the section names. Note that some older versions of Acrobat Reader might not support all these features. The latest Acrobat Reader can be downloaded and installed at no cost from the Adobe web site. (As an example of a hyperlink, you can click on the last word of the previous sentence to be taken directly to the Adobe site.)
When reading this and other manuals on the computer screen, you can zoom in to see more detail in the images or zoom out to see more of the page at once. If an included picture of the user interface, or a diagram, seems fuzzy or illegible, then zoom in using one of several means provided in the Acrobat Reader software.
The Master Navigation Document
Because the EastWest PLAY System is a collection of components, each with its own User’s Manual, a Master Navigation Document (MND) is provided to allow users to jump quickly between these PDFs when being read on the computer screen. This MND is a one-page file with hyperlinks to the PLAY System documentation and to all the library manuals. Hyperlinks to this Master Navigation Document are found on the title page of each chapter in each document. From there, you can open any other document in the collection.
For example, if you’re reading something in this documentation for the Quantum Leap Stormdrum 2 library, and need to open the manual for the PLAY System as well, go to any chapter title page and click on the link that says, “Click on this text to open the Master Navigation Document.” It will open in a new window on the screen. In that document, click on the icon for the PLAY System and its manual will open in the same window (hid­ing the MND). You now have both the SD2 library manual and the PLAY System manual open in separate windows so you can refer to them both.
5Chapter 1: Welcome

Online Documentation and Other Resources

For the most up to date information, visit the support pages at EastWest’s web site.
There you can find:
information made available after these manuals were written• FAQ pages that may already list answers to questions you have• suggestions from EastWest and other users of the EastWest PLAY System• news about upcoming releases•
The address is:
You can also visit the EastWest online forums. There you can read comments and ques-
tions from others who use EastWest products and post your own. The many forum par­ticipants are a good source of helpful information about both the technical and musical aspects of this software.
The address of the forums is:
6Chapter 1: Welcome

2. Quantum Leap Stormdrum 2, An Overview

8 The Design Concept for the Stormdrum 2 Virtual Instrument 9 What’s Included 9 Notes from the Producer 11 Hardware Requirements
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+ 21 hidden pages