Optical Wireless Mouse
Application Manual
Item Number: DS-2038 Wireless & Optical Mouse
This product is adopting the very advanced RF and Optical technology. It lets you enjoy the freedom
of wireless and enjoyment of speed. This product is developed with the IC from Agilent ADNS-2030,
which is low-voltage, and low power deplete with optical-orientation. It has the highest resolution at
800DPI that allow you to have a fascinating speed and accuracy. No readjustment is necessary, thus. It
prolongs the working life.
This product uses 2 units of AA batteries and the current is below 30 mA (white desktop).
The IC has an environment adjustment function in the circuit integration; It can automatically adjust
different kind of desktop surface or color. (The power-usage will be double while desktop is black)
Can be compatible with IBM PC and all kinds of branded notebook.
Can be used under DOS, Win95/98/2000/Me/XP and Windows NT(except for USB).
Features of Emitter:
27MHz RF Emitting.
+3VDC (2 pcs of AA batteries)
Uni-Channel 256 ID Code, setting instruction: please refer to the No.3 of Assembly Instructions.
Power Saving:
The circuit is embedded with an automatic sleeping power-saving function. If the mouse is not moved
or touched for 4 minutes, the brightness from LED will be lowered and after another 30 seconds, all other
current except for waking-up feature will be off automatically. After 8 minutes more, it will enter into fullsleeping state and the power-usage is almost near zero.
When the current voltage is decreased to a minimum level, the mouse will be powered off
automatically and the new batteries must be replaced.

Wake-up Feeler: two ways.
1. touch mode: Grasp the mouse
2. press mode: Click any key
Features of receiver:
Frequency: 27MHz
Interface: PS/2, USB & Combo available
Current: +5V DC
Assembly Instructions:
1. Connect the receiver:
Connect the receiver with interface of computer: please note that PS/2 Interface must be connected
before turning on the computer, USB connector can be used whenever it is plugged.
2. Battery Installation
Open the battery cover on the bottom of the mouse, insert two brand new batteries, (please note that
“+”and “-” should be putting at the right side or it will cause short circuit)(As per Picture)
Different kinds of batteries (e.g. Alkaline and Rechargeable batteries) mixed using may cause
explosive damage.
3. Adjusting code
Before using it, please be sure that the adjusting code are not interfered, for example, when several
mice are used at a close distances, the ID codes can be set through the buttons on the bottom of the mouse,
Thus, it start working within 4 seconds either of them can be pressed first (As per Picture).
4. Usage
The receiver (box) can be placed any distance within 1.5M to 2M. Mouse can be used on any desktop
surface. (We recommend to use it on any white or lighter color surface of desktop, thus, the power can be
Simple maintenance and technique support
If you are not going to use it for a long time, please take the batteries out to avoid any damages on the
circuit or if replacement time for batteries is too long, the adjusting code needs to be reset. In case it cannot
be used, do not open up the mouse yourself. You should contact the service center that near by your place.