PCM Removal Procedure C5 Corvette
If you are removing the PCM to send to ECS for a Mail order tune, this
procedure should provide you the necessary info to remove the module. Use
care when re m o ving PC M, a n d BE SURE TO REMOVE NEGATI VE BATTERY CABLE
When you remove or replace the PCM, remove any debris from the PCM
connector surfaces before servicing the PCM module connector gaskets.
Ensure that the gaskets are installed correctly. The gaskets prevent intrusion of
dirt and water into the PCM.
Step 1
On the front passenger side
fender well, r em ove the
eight (8)7mm fender well
access screws from the
passenger front fender well.
There is also one (1) push
pin. Pull out the fender well
cover and the PCM be
directly under this cover.
The PCM is the silver box.
Step 2
Remove the TAC Module (Throttle
Actuator Control) from the front of
the PCM by pulling out the three (3)
7mm bolts. Two on the right and one
on the left side. If you take the
quarter panel screw off to the rear
the actual fender can be move out
from the bottom. The screw is on the
bottom of the front quarter panel
and towards the rocker panel.

Step 3
Disconnect the PCM electrical harness connectors. There is one 7mm bolt on
each one. This bolt does not come all the way out. Loosen but do not remove
the PCM rear retaining fastener. Use the rear retaining fastener as an anchor
for the outer bracket. Remove the front retaining fastener from the PCM.
Reposition the PCM outer bracket and remove the PCM from the bracket and
from the vehicle.
Step 4
Reverse instructions to reinstall PCM.