Earthworks SR40V Datasheet

The Worlds First High Definition Vocal Microphone™
• High Denition Vocal Microphone™
• 30Hz to 40kHz Frequency Response
Polar Response
• Hear Detail That Other Microphones Miss
• Uniform Frequency Response at 0°, 45°& 90°
• Hypercardioid
•145dB SPL Max Acoustic Input
• More Gain Before Feedback
• Exceptional Rejection of Sounds From the Rear of the Microphone
A Major Technological Achievement
Earthworks’ advanced microphone technolo­gies have made it possible to create cardioid type microphones with a 40kHz high frequency response. This provides microphones with the exceptional ability to capture minute details pre­viously not possible with conventional cardioid type microphones. The SR40V also has excep­tional impulse response which allows it to capture fast transients quickly and accurately. Its very short diaphragm settling time allows you to hear subtle details that conventional microphones miss. The SR40V vocal microphone has a body that is well balanced and easy to hold in addition to an attractive wire-mesh windscreen. You will appreciate the additional gain-before-feedback and this mics ability to reject sounds at the rear of the microphone. The SR40Vs near-perfect polar response will provide you with the same pristine sound quality at both the front and sides of the microphone (i.e. no audible high frequency loss at the sides of this microphone). Three singers can
Architectural & Engineering
40kHz Hypercardioid Vocal Microphone
The microphone shall be a back-electret con­denser type with a wide-range uniform frequency response of 30 Hz to 40 kHz, ±2 dB @ 30cm. The microphone shall have an output level of 10 mV/ Pa. The microphone shall be of a single capsule, single membrane design. The microphone shall have an impulse response with the rise time no longer than 25 microseconds, and total settling time, including the rise time, no longer than 120 microseconds. The microphone shall have polar characteristics uniform in all planes to form a hy­percardioid of revolution. The microphone shall ac­cept sound pressure levels up to 145 dB producing no more than 3% THD. The microphone shall have a wire-mesh windscreen. Dimensions shall be 7.25 in. (184mm) long with a tapered body of 1.95 in. (55.3mm) max diameter and 0.97 in (27.5mm) min diameter. The microphone shall be terminated with a male XLR-3 connector. The microphone shall require 48V phantom power at 10mA. The micro-
phone shall be made of metal with a black nish. The Earthworks SR40V is specied.
sing on one SR40V and all enjoy the same ex-
ceptional sound quality. The SR40V will redene
vocal microphones.
About High Denition Microphones™
During the last decade it has become common­place for sound recording and broadcast equip­ment to accommodate extended frequency re­sponses up to 100kHz. With few exceptions, even the very best of conventional professional microphones do not offer frequency responses
above 20kHz. However, making a High Denition
Microphone involves far more than extending the frequency response. Impulse response, diaphragm settling time and pristine electronics are also key el­ements. Earthworks’ founder David Blackmer fore­saw the need for higher quality microphones, and Earthworks has been offering High Denition micro­phones, with extended frequency response beyond 40kHz, since 1996. The Earthworks family of High
Denition Microphones™ have an extremely clean,
natural on-axis pickup, and smooth, uncolored off­axis response with high front-to-back rejection that makes them superb for a wide range of applications
Preliminary Information
Earthworks, Inc. • 37 Wilton Rd. • Milford, NH 03055 • (603) 654-6427, ext 14 • email: •
including sound reinforcement, broadcast, in addi­tion to recording voice and musical instruments. You will hear exceptional sound quality that is ex­tremely accurate, detailed, open and crystal clear even on analog or digital sound systems that are limited to a 15kHz or 20kHz bandwidth. You will notice a remarkable improvement in sound quality on nearly all audio systems when using Earthworks
High Denition Microphones™.
Polar Patterns
David Blackmer also invented a totally new polar technology that provides microphones with near­perfect polar response. When you look at a polar pattern of an Earthworks microphone, the mid frequencies, high frequencies and low frequen­cies all look very much like a “textbook perfect” polar pattern. In practice this means the polar re­sponse of an Earthworks microphone is extremely uniform over its operating frequency range; the frequency response at 90 degrees off-axis is very close to its on-axis response. Such uniform po­lar response results in less phase problems on the sides of the microphone and there are fewer phase cancellations when using multiple mics placed close together. This new polar technol­ogy also provides greater rejection of unwanted sounds from the rear of the microphone in addi­tion to more gain-before-feedback in live sound applications.
Frequency Response:
Polar Pattern:
Power requirements:
Max Acoustic Input:
Output Impedance:
Min Output Load:
Dimensions L x D:
Impulse Response
30Hz to 40kHz ±2dB @ 30cm Cardioid 10mV/Pa (-40dBV/Pa) 48V Phantom, 10mA 145dB SPL
Male XLR-3 (PIN 2+)
100Ω, balanced (50Ω ea. pin 2 & 3) 600 ohms between pins 2 & 3
22dB SPL equivalent (A weighted)
7.25 in. (184 mm) 1.95 in (55.3mm)
max dia. & 0.97 in (27.5mm) min dia.
0.5 lbs. (225g)