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www.earthworksaudio.com or call 1-603-654-2433.

Thank you for purchasing the
Earthworks ICON USB Streaming Microphone!
1 ICON USB Microphone with Custom Triad-Orbit Stand
1 USB Cable
Before setting up the microphone, pull back all existing settings and EQ. By doing this, you will have a
baseline understanding of how our microphones sound, and will then be able to adjust accordingly.
Begin by removing all included components from the packaging. Make sure to mute any incoming
signal to speakers or headphones to avoid any loud “pops” when connecting.
Connect the microphone to a desktop or laptop computer with a USB port. Conrm in your
computer's settings that the ICON is recognized as an input device. For Mac users, this should happen
automatically. For Windows users, you will need a driver specically for audio before your computer
can recognize the ICON. We recommend the ASIO4All driver, which is available for free online.
When using your ICON, be sure to take advantage of its features, such as:
• Gain Knob: This can be found on the back of the microphone, as shown above. The center position
is the default setting, and is best for speech at a medium-loud volume from 3 inches away. The knob
can be adjusted depending on your distance from the microphone. Turn it farther right or left to
adjust your gain level accordingly. (When turning, you will also feel a click when the knob is at the
center position. Use this as an indicator of its position when you're not looking at the back.)
• Haptic Analog Mute Switch: This can be activated by pushing in on the gain knob on the back
of the microphone. Think of this as the microphone's E-Brake; when engaged, no sound will pass
through. We've included it as an additional safety level beyond the digital mute on your computer.
When pressing the knob, you will also hear an audible click sound to indicate you've been muted.
(The click sound will not occur when unmuting the microphone.)
• LED Indicators: Found under the microphone, where the body meets the ball joint, the LED
indicator will light up depending on these criteria:
• Blue: the microphone is plugged in and powered on.
• Green: the computer is actively streaming audio from the microphone.
• Red: the analog circuitry in the microphone is clipping.
• Low Handling Noise: We've paid special attention to making sure the ICON does not make noise
when you move it. As such, feel free to touch/move/adjust the microphone while it is powered on and know that you will experience very little noise while doing so.
• Integrated M2-R Ball Adapter: The ICON can be unscrewed from its included Triad-Orbit stand and
mounted on any microphone stand or boom mount.